Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Tulipa (KG - National flower of Kyrgyzstan): [Special Collections] Fwd: Brown University's Hay and Pembroke libraries - 58 Thayer Street Providence RI Oct 12 2023 - was this a hippy commune in the 1960s and 1970s * * * updates from north central PA (in Lewisburg PA near Bucknell University - where the Grateful Dead played in 1971) heading to Canyon 94516 on around 11/1/23

Previous: Arfaj (KW - National flower of Kuwait): Thnx @brownlibrary! Re development of a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory for publishing eg FROM #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider, with #TextInTheSidebar -Excited to add 1960s'&'70s' #BrownUnivStudents' #HippyCommunes Media as #AIData AND #HarbinHotSprings @HarbinBook as #HippyCommune too! * Regarding publishing such photos, and videos, and textual documentation etc., and the emergence of a realistic virtual earth for history for publishing - and think, brainstorming-wise, publishing FROM Google Street View with time slider, with text in the sidebar - to A) paper and B) to a new digital device or format including to 1) digital masks, 2) multimedia rooms with MIT Media Lab projection light bulbs and projection cameras on all 4 sides of a room, 3) brainwave headsets, all beyond the 2 dimensional screen of desktop computers, laptops, and smartphones, how best to plan for potentially adding all such Hippy Communes around Brown University in the 1960s and '70s toward iterating real virtual reality * In a sense Harbin Hot Springs in northern California is a hippy commune - and especially regarding my Brown University Library Archives' Hippy Communes around Brown in the '60s and '70s queries - and how to create the information technology infrastructure to turn all these communes into research 'field sites' virtually - and in a realistic virtual earth for history?

Greetings @brownlibrary: Here are most of our communications so far: Publish FROM #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory >#DigitalGlasses & #Holograms #WUaSHolograms #WUaSVR even? 

Greetings @brownlibrary: Here are most of our communications so far:
Publish FROM #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory >#DigitalGlasses & #Holograms #WUaSHolograms #WUaSVR even?

Retweeting -
blue holograms in egg carton 

Cortana 1: There is an imposter among us! #amongus #HaloCortana #Cortana #DarthMaul #holograms #RTKProps

no pic 

Greetings @brownlibrary! Here are most of our communications so far:
Publish FROM #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory >#DigitalGlasses & #Holograms #WUaSHolograms #WUaSVR even?

* * 
Thnx @brownlibrary! Re dev of #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory for publishing eg FROM #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider, with #TextInTheSidebar -Excited to add 1960s'& '70s' #BrownUnivStudents' #HippyCommunes Media as #AIData
AND #HarbinHotSprings @HarbinBook as #HippyCommune too! 

[Special Collections] Fwd: Brown University's Hay and Pembroke libraries - 58 Thayer Street Providence RI Oct 12 2023 - was this a hippy commune in the 1960s and 1970s ?

Dear Jennifer Betts and Raymond Butti and Brown University Special Libraries' Archivists, Peter Norvig (a head of Google AI), All,

Good morning. As a follow up to our email exchange, and in seeking to create a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory and everything, with Brown University Archives, and also where individuals can wiki add photos and resources to Google Street View with time slider - 

Here attached are 5 pictures of 

58 Thayer Street Providence RI Oct 12 2023 - 

was this a hippy commune in the 1960s and 1970s - and was this in 1968 but not in 1977 for example?

I've tried to add the pics below with these names to Street View just now but can't seem to on Laptop or from Android Smartphone retroactively - 

58 Thayer Street Providence RI 1 Oct 12 2023 Scott MacLeod in picture Was this a hippy commune in the 1960s PXL_20231012_201803913.jpg

58 Thayer Street Providence RI 2 Oct 12 2023 picture by Scott MacLeod Was this a hippy commune in the 1960s PXL_20231012_201715902.jpg

58 Thayer Street Providence RI 3 Oct 12 2023 picture by Scott MacLeod Was this a hippy commune in the 1960s PXL_20231012_201606655.jpg

58 Thayer Street Providence RI 4 Oct 12 2023 picture by Scott MacLeod Was this a hippy commune in the 1960s PXL_20231012_201654029.jpg

58 Thayer Street Providence RI 5 Oct 12 2023 picture by Scott MacLeod Was this a hippy commune in the 1960s PXL_20231012_201528024.jpg

 to Google Street View here - 
58 Thayer Street Providence RI - 

with 6 time slider dates from Nov 2022 to Oct 2007 presently. I'd like to 'time slide' back to the 1960s and 1970s.  And then if it was a hippy commune, and if there were pictures of inside this house, I'd like to be able to enter the virtual house in an emerging realistic virtual earth for history - and look around, and talk with hippies there, if possible pictures of hippies here from the 1960s and 1970s with AI could become conversational and interactive (and even possibly with my avatar go out to a Grateful Dead concert in Providence RI with them and via - 

Grateful Dead Live at Providence Civic Center on 1974-06-26


Grateful Dead -- Jam ~ China ~ Rider -- 1974/06/26 -- Providence RI
- for example)

I'd like to share my 5 photos with Google Street View with a Creative Commons' license, and also to donate these pictures to the Brown University Special Collections' archive, and also to have this be part of CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch's emerging ~200 online major university research libraries from Wikidata first via - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Library_Resources and https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hippies and https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Rock_and_Roll and https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Counterculture from -

Are there any archival resources from this 58 Thayer Street, Providence RI house from June 6, 1974 by any chance? 


Have added thus far our communications here - 

Arfaj (KW - National flower of Kuwait): Thnx @brownlibrary! Re development of a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory for publishing eg FROM #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider, with #TextInTheSidebar -Excited to add 1960s'& '70s' #BrownUnivStudents' #HippyCommunes Media as #AIData AND #HarbinHotSprings @HarbinBook as #HippyCommune too! * Regarding publishing such photos, and videos, and textual documentation etc., and the emergence of a realistic virtual earth for history for publishing - and think, brainstorming-wise, publishing FROM Google Street View with time slider, with text in the sidebar - to A) paper and B) to a new digital device or format including to 1) digital masks, 2) multimedia rooms with MIT Media Lab projection light bulbs and projection cameras on all 4 sides of a room, 3) brainwave headsets, all beyond the 2 dimensional screen of desktop computers, laptops, and smartphones, how best to plan for potentially adding all such Hippy Communes around Brown University in the 1960s and '70s toward iterating real virtual reality * In a sense Harbin Hot Springs in northern California is a hippy commune - and especially regarding my Brown University Library Archives' Hippy Communes around Brown in the '60s and '70s queries - and how to create the information technology infrastructure to turn all these communes into research 'field sites' virtually - and in a realistic virtual earth for history?

 Dear John Hay Library Librarians at Brown University, Jennifer Betts, Ray Butti, John Hay Libraries' Special Collections, and Peter Norvig (Brown Alum, and a head of Google AI), 

Greetings, and here are most of our communications thus far - 

As a followup to the email I just sent in this new thread - 

"[Special Collections] Fwd: Brown University's Hay and Pembroke libraries - 58 Thayer Street Providence RI Oct 12 2023 - was this a hippy commune in the 1960s and 1970s - " ?

How to retrieve the 5 photos I just shared with you and which I am seeking to upload to Google Street View with a time slider - FROM a possibly related Google Street View ARCHIVE if Google Street View CHANGES and per the PS below (where some Harbin Hot Springs pictures I uploaded some years ago in the links no longer seem accessible)  - is an interesting related archival question ... Peter? 

Also regarding the 1960s and 1970s in and around Providence RI and hippy communes and protests too - 

searched on 
Brown University Libraries' Special Collections Hippy communes in the 1960s and 1970s

Nothing came up at Brown

Searched on

Brown University Libraries' Special Collections Vietnam war protests


And I couldn't even access this one in 3 browsers FROM THE public library internet wifi I was using in Lewisburg PA near Bucknell University (where the Dead played in 1971), but I COULD access this later via my android smartphones' hotspot wifi with T-Mobile -

And also found - 
Student protests are a part of the multi-dimensional fabric of Brown University. 


What is a "hippy commune" ? Here might be a contemporary example, as a possible model and reference even, and on the web (although the SF Well and very early listservs may have be places where hippy communes sought housemates for example ... and in the 1970s .. not sure if the SF Well and similar were that happening in Providence RI in the 1970s ... Does anyone know? Did they list Hippy Communes seeking housemates even?) -

Here's a possible contemporary example of a Hippy Commune, if you will, in SF -
intentional community house, the Embassy, in SF, 

This Twitter post was on Allison Duetmann's Twitter (president of the Foresight Institute in the SF Bay Area) not long ago - 

We have a few more long-term spots open at The Embassy Network in SF; one of the most beautiful homes and communities I know. Photos, docs, app: 

Will the WUaS Press be able to publish from a Realistic Virtual Earth for History to holograms too, and search on the 'hologram' word here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/10/arfaj-kw-national-flower-of-kuwait.html  :)

Regards, thanks, best wishes, Scott

https://goo.gl/maps/7gSsSTweRCBo9gf87 ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~

Scott MacLeod's
Naked Harbin Ethnography:                  
Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality & Virtual Harbin

Also - 
Some 'hippy communities' blog labels, in daily blog - 

I first asked some of these questions to Andrea at the front desk in the John Hay library, and is this she? -

Library Staff A – Z

Cutler, Andrea
Senior Library Specialist, Special Collections, Technical Services
Scholarly Resources
John Hay Library, Box A


Special Collections Staff



Thnx @brownlibrary! Re dev of #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory for publishing eg FROM #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider, with #TextInTheSidebar -Excited to add 1960s'& '70s' #BrownUnivStudents' #HippyCommunes Media as #AIData
AND #HarbinHotSprings @HarbinBook as #HippyCommune too! 

* * * 

updates from north central PA heading to Canyon 94516 on around 11/1/23 

Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>
7:35 AM (5 hours ago)
to Roland, Hank, Robin, Hilary, Dick, Dennis, Henry, Joichi, Larry, Tym, Patti, Sioux, Elliott, Heather, Byron, Scott, Susan, Barbara, Scott, Iulian, Peter, Dorota, Chris, Nick, Shawn, mark.briscoe, Mark, Jillian, Scott, Scott, Sandy, Joan, John, Janie, Edward, John, Sid, Alden

Ma (Janie MacLeod), Ed (Smyth MD), Peter (Norvig, Google AI), Sid/Pin (Mazumdar HHS), John (Sargent MD), All, 

Good morning. Greetings from north central Pennsylvania in asylum still on the eastern seaboard of the USA from California. Ed's outgoing telephone message says "I will call you back ..." - to a newly safe California ... could this mean also? 

Just texted this to my friend Ed in Berkeley - 

"Hi Ed, how are you? Thanks for your calls on Cuttyhunk on 8/25/23 and in March of 2022 ... As a possible physician MD having come out of retirement -https://health.usnews.com/doctors/edward-smyth-39053 - are you possibly navigating all kinds of possible entangled developments post ~2.5 years of corona virus 'lockdown' in the SF Bay Area and even nationally? How please best to move the WUaS Academic Medical Center / the Physical-Digital WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute forward into 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon CA 94516 on around 11/1/23 and potentially with signing ownership papers for this property ... and in my having sought US federal protection, and in seeking for US federal and states' laws to work effectively together? How might we talk about this? Fondly, abolitionally, best regards, Scott (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Canyon?m=0) ... 

PS Heading to the Lewisburg PA public library to get back into writing "Society, Information Technology, and the Global University" after a pause regarding my current living situations ... Heard back affirmatively from 2 Brown University archivists yesterday regarding developing a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory for Everything (aging reversal genetics too?) focusing on Hippy Communes around Brown in Providence RI in the 1960s and 1970s ! - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/10/arfaj-kw-national-flower-of-kuwait.html?m=0 ... It could be interesting to explore these AI library data questions regarding your alma maters' UC Santa Cruz and UCSF then too ... and even all of the 10 University of California's and their libraries ! Warm regards, Scott  (What's a virtual hippy commune in emerging real virtual reality - re a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs from home too :)?

Ed, Sid, all, having heard back from the mover /shipper Shamoun Powell in Richmond VA affirmatively on Monday that he is available a second time to move my things from Pittsburgh 15221 to a newly safe open 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon CA 94516, could I begin today to schedule this move departing Pittsburgh on tu Oct 31 2023 (not in Halloween costumes:) and arriving in Canyon 94516 a few days later ? 

Fond regards, abolitionally, best wishes, thanks, Scott 












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