Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Poinciana (MG - National flower of Madagascar): Recording of M 11/06/23 open @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSNewsAndQA w@YaleMed? #ChinaMedicalSchoolAtWUaS * M 11/06/23 open World Univ & Sch - WUaS News and Q&A, with Zoom URL begins at 1 pm ET

Previous: Common Opium Poppy (MK - National flower of North Macedonia): new beginning to a #RealisticVirtualHarbin Hot Springs in Google Earth, Google Street View with time Slider * * Search: #RealisticVirtualEarth #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider?: * '#BooleanOperators #GoogleEarthVR #RealisticVirtualEarth #StreetView' Both Retweeting George Church https://www.entigenlogic.com/ https://twitter.com/geochurch/status/1718561359363793101 * * * 'Hi' thread (continuing in a sense "updates from north central PA heading to Canyon 94516 on around 11/1/23" * Tweets - "When will #FDAapproved #AgingReversal #ExtremeLongevity #GeneticDrugs be on shelves of WM or #WUaSEducationalServicesStore: "25 years' old Eyes' #GeneticDrug capsules" or "150 years' old + multivitamin genetic capsules" from #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/11/rose-lu-national-flower-of-luxembourg.html?m=0?" * * Two recent Evacuation planning emails, Canyon 94516 related, recently - one from Google and one just now from Next Door social media "Your Canyon neighbors" * * * India #SemesterAtSea2005 #IndianFestival INTO a #RealisticVirtualEarthForEverything ~ #WhereIsThisML? * * * reforesting Scotland best tree species

Recording of M 11/06/23 open @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSNewsAndQA w@YaleMed? #ChinaMedicalSchoolAtWUaS 






the next open #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA begins at 1 pm ET M 11/6/23, 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US/Can), 18:00 Western European Time, 10:30 PM India w Zoom URL here: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/11/poinciana-mg-national-flower-of.html  https://www.youtube.com/@ScottMacLeodWorldUniversity/videos >free online #WUaSUnivDegrees ~







Dear Universitians, friends, the next open #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA begins at 1 pm ET M 11/6/23, 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US/Can), 18:00 Western European Time, 10:30 PM India w Zoom URL here: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/11/poinciana-mg-national-flower-of.html >free #WUaSUnivDegrees ~





Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2023, forthcoming)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 



Dear Universitians, friends, 

the next open #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA begins at 1 pm ET M 11/6/23, 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US/Can), 18:00 Western European Time, 10:30 PM India w Zoom URL here:  https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/11/poinciana-mg-national-flower-of.html  https://www.youtube.com/@ScottMacLeodWorldUniversity/videos >free online #WUaSUnivDegrees ~


Topic: M 11/06/23 World Univ & Sch - WUaS News and Q&A
Time: Nov 6, 2023 10:00 AM Pacific Time, 1:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada), 18:00 Western European Time, 10:30 PM India Time, and 2:00 AM Tokyo Japan Time (but please check your time zone with a time converter using 1 pm ET as a reference)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 786 4429 1420
Passcode: f4dzG1

Possible Agenda (depending on who may join this open Q&A with your questions and answers)

Agenda item 1 

New China Medical School at WUaS planned online in Traditional Chinese (language) - 

#MITTechReview: China Medical School at WUaS New beginning #MITOCW-centric wiki China_Medical_School_at_WUaS ...
Added MIT OCW-centric WUaS Genetics' and Genomics' wiki schools / subjects (in English only so far) to - 

#MITTechReview: New beginning #MITOCW-centric wiki China_Medical_School_at_WUaS https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/China_Medical_School_at_WUaS @WorldUnivAndSch @ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/China #WUaSUniv @YaleMed planned online for all 1.4 billion Chinese in all languages in China incl. https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Mandarin_language_(Chinese) with #WUaSAI~






From the archives. Opening of a medical school in Shanghai early 20c, showing my great grandfather, Edward Hume. At right, a 2018 reunion of the descendants of people in the photo, including me & Michael Chou, of Harvard University (Church Lab).  photo c/o Michael Chou.



Creating the [[China Medical School at WUaS]], as a second of ~200 planned WUaSunivs' nation states' medical schools, - and potentially to collaborate with MIT Tech Review Biotech Editor Antonio Regalado - https://x.com/antonioregalado/status/1718666949591199847?s=20

1 a
Hi Ma,

How are you? Instead of making headway (in asylum) on my next book "Society, Information Technology and the Global University" I created a new China Medical School at WUaS just now - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/China_Medical_School_at_WUaS - and am hoping to collaborate further with Antonio Regalado, MIT Tech Review BioTech editor (and Yale Alum) ... and see the emerging Tweets on this new Med Sch page to come and also


https://twitter.com/antonioregalado/status/1718666949591199847 ...

What are you up to this week?

Love, abolition-ally, hoping you're doing well,

Agenda item 2

New Urdu language & Pakistan World Univ & Sch schools online, developing in the Urdu language - 

Lotus (MO - National flower of Macau): New Bucknell University Urdu language speaking friends originally from Pakistan, in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering * added my daily blog post with an Urdu language focus to this Urdu language wiki school, and to the Pakistan World Univ & Sch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Pakistan - using this citation practice, Last Name, Date/Year, [URL if there is one, title] etc... :    "MacLeod, Scott GK. 2023. [https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/11/lotus-mo-national-flower-of-macau-new.html Lotus (MO - National flower of Macau): New Bucknell University Urdu language speaking friends ... November 4. Montoursville, PA: scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/11/lotus-mo-national-flower-of-macau-new.html" * *   Bucknell Robotics? - Michael McLain - & Qs about Realistic Virtual Earth for History, and regarding... Lego Spike Prime Robotics' kits from the WUaS Educational Services' Stores for the Bucknell Library? 

Agenda item 3 

GREAT new developments with a Realistic virtual Harbin in Google Earth VR and which we can all build together ! ~ 

Common Opium Poppy (MK - National flower of North Macedonia): new beginning to a #RealisticVirtualHarbin Hot Springs in Google Earth, Google Street View with time Slider * * Search: #RealisticVirtualEarth #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider?: * '#BooleanOperators #GoogleEarthVR #RealisticVirtualEarth #StreetView' Both Retweeting George Church https://www.entigenlogic.com/ https://twitter.com/geochurch/status/1718561359363793101


Agenda item 4 

WUaS Press Forward from many many places in all 200 countries . . . in a realistic virtual earth for journalism too (https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForJournalism?src=hashtag_click)

Thnx @macfound Pres @jpalfrey re #PressForward: The #AcademicPressAtWUaS (http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html) @WUaSPress planned in 7168 living /Languages & in 200 /Nation_States
to create #WUaSNewspapers #LLMs
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/The_%22Universitian%22_Newspaper_at_WUaS w #WUaSstudent writers from home

“Today, six places have stepped up to create Press Forward Locals. This network can grow into a movement.” Our President  announces the next phase of #PressForward at the #DemocracyForum’s panel on the role of local news in democracy. Now streaming ⬇️:

Obama Foundation Democracy Forum 

WUaS logo 

Agenda item 5 

WUaS Aging Reversal & Extreme Longevity questions ?

When will #FDAapproved #AgingReversal #ExtremeLongevity #GeneticDrugs be on shelves of WM or #WUaSEducationalServicesStore: "25 years' old Eyes' #GeneticDrug capsules" or "150 years' old + multivitamin genetic capsules" from #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/11/rose-lu-national-flower-of-luxembourg.html?m=0?

Retweeting -

Made by Syntegon: All dosing disks for your GKF capsule filling machines are manufactured and quality controlled in our own production facilities. Watch the video and see for yourself.

#Syntegon #Service #GKF #Dosing #Capsules

Agenda item 6 

planning to develop  #AIProfessors in all ~42 #MITOCW 'majors' LLMs #LargeLanguageModels #GenerativeConversationalAI

In planning to develop #LargeLanguageModels #GenerativeConversationalAI in each of 7168 known living languages fr https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages, @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress seeks to develop #AIProfessors in all ~42 #MITOCW 'majors' http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ using all 7168 #LLMs as bases

Agenda item 7

MIT Tech Review outreach email: "Accelerating innovation in global finance" - Please unsubscribe me from all MIT Tech Review emails - Thank you : 

Dear MIT Tech Review, Publicis Sapients, Dave Murphy, Clive Kornitzer, Sovan Shatpathy, Laurel Ruma, Neha Narula (MIT Digital Currency Initiative), Peter Norvig (a head of Google AI), All, 

Please unsubscribe me from all of your MIT Tech Review and Publicis Sapients' mailing lists.

In growing an abolishing of the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex drugs and violence etc industries and their latent networks of violence - to protect people, women, kids, victims, etc - and in growing CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School in 200 countries (per recent Olympics) and for speakers of all 7,168 known living languages, and in planning to code for all 7.9 billion people on the Planet each a Wikidata PIN number from here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - and potentially to end poverty too via distributing a single main cryptocurrency like Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency (https://minepi.com/sgkmac), with which the WUaS Corporation is partnering, I and World Univ & Sch no longer want to receive these emails.

Thank you, abolitionally, Friendly greetings, 

Scott GK MacLeod 
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 

MIT Technology Review
An exclusive webcast on core modernization
Hi Scott GK,

As a Global Insights Panel member, MIT Technology Review wants to make sure you will be watching our latest webcast, Accelerating innovation in global finance. Learn from the experts as they discuss modernizing legacy banking systems with new approaches to complex technical and organizational challenges, explore alternative migration tactics designed to help financial institutions adapt more efficiently to the digital era, and unleash innovation with a resilient strategy to escape the limitations of legacy infrastructure.

Featured speakers include:
  • Dave Murphy, Head of Financial Services, EMEA and APAC, Publicis Sapient
  • Clive Kornitzer, Group Chief Operating Officer, OSB Group
  • Sovan Shatpathy, SVP and Chief Technology Officer, Navy Federal Credit Union
Register now and watch on demand as experts examine the realities faced by executives working to modernize banking systems around the world, highlighting strategies that are accelerating the path to core modernization. 
Our best regards,
MIT Technology Review Insights

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

Mon, Nov 6, 4:17 AM (1 day ago)
to MITPeternarulanarulaNickSteveAldenRobinByronBartSusanHenryDennisEdwardShawnHankHughRohitJanieJoanJohnSarahLarrySidCharlesJohnLydiaEricaDickMIT
Sunday, Nov 4, 2023

Dear MIT Tech Review, Publicis Sapients, Dave Murphy, Clive Kornitzer, Sovan Shatpathy, Laurel Ruma, Neha Narula (MIT Digital Currency Initiative), Peter Norvig (a head of Google AI), All, 

Please unsubscribe me from all of your MIT Tech Review and Publicis Sapients' mailing lists.

In growing an abolishing of the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex drugs and violence etc industries and their latent networks of violence - to protect people, women, kids, victims, etc - and in growing CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School in 200 countries (per recent Olympics) and for speakers of all 7,168 known living languages, and in planning to code for all 7.9 billion people on the Planet each a Wikidata PIN number from here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - and potentially to end poverty too via distributing a single main cryptocurrency like Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency (https://minepi.com/sgkmac), with which the WUaS Corporation is partnering, I and World Univ & Sch no longer want to receive these emails.

Thank you, abolitionally, Friendly greetings, 

Scott GK MacLeod 
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

MIT OCW-centric major online universities in 200 countries in their main languages - 

Wiki Schools for people to people open teaching and learning in 7168 known living languages as Large Language Models conversational generative AI - 

Open Wiki Subjects / Schools, both creative and academic, planned in 200 countries' main languages and in all 7168 known living languages - 
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects - and check out the iterating MIT OCW which will eventually be for credit for free to students' online from home Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD, IB high school or similar, AA/AS, and Master's degrees.

Speakers in this MIT Tech Review panel video recording - 

Dave Murphy, Head of Financial Services, EMEA and APAC, Publicis Sapient 

Clive Kornitzer, Group Chief Operating Officer, OSB Group 

Sovan Shatpathy, SVP and Chief Technology Officer, Navy Federal Credit Union 

Laurel Ruma 


#EndPoverty worldwide, here: "I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new #DigitalCurrency developed by Stanford PhDs, w 47 million members. To claim your Pi:  https://minepi.com/sgkmac and use my username (sgkmac) as your invitation" - for all 7.9 billion people> https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University ~


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2023, forthcoming)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

Agenda item 8

The next Open M 11/13/23 World Univ & Sch - WUaS News and Q&A meeting is in 7 days - 

Topic: M 11/13/23 World Univ & Sch - WUaS News and Q&A
Time: Nov 13, 2023 10:00 AM Pacific Time 1:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 759 3193 4075
Passcode: ZKsUt7

All the best, abolitionally, see you soon, 


the next open #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA begins at 1 pm ET M 11/6/23, 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US/Can), 18:00 Western European Time, 10:30 PM India w Zoom URL here: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/11/poinciana-mg-national-flower-of.html  https://www.youtube.com/@ScottMacLeodWorldUniversity/videos >free online #WUaSUnivDegrees ~


Dear Universitians, friends, the next open #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA begins at 1 pm ET M 11/6/23, 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US/Can), 18:00 Western European Time, 10:30 PM India w Zoom URL here: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/11/poinciana-mg-national-flower-of.html >free #WUaSUnivDegrees ~



Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2023, forthcoming)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 






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