Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Padauk (MM - National flower of Myanmar (Burma)): * * * A #RealisticVirtualEarthForConsciousness in 1 iterating #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarth ?


Thanksgiving dinner on Friday at 'Burgh Thai in Verona around 8? 

Good morning, Thanksgiving friends and family, Janie (Ma), Marti and Pat, (Prasanth and Pin, All), Peter and Sue, Susan, Paul, Nick, Ken, Shawn, Dennis, Linda, Stephen, John T, Jessie, John Z, Andrew, and your families, (Sandy and ED), All, 

Virtual Thanksgiving on Friday too ... and from 'Burgh Thai for those who come to this place to celebrate Thanksgiving together in person? 

Good morning, Thanksgiving friends and family, Janie (Ma), Peter and Sue, Susan, Paul, Nick, Ken, Shawn, Dennis, Linda, Stephen, John T, Jessie, John Z, Andrew, and your families, (Sandy and ED), All,

Happy Thanksgiving!
In talking with some of you yesterday evening, in some great Thanksgiving talks (!with Susan re Scottish Country Dancing in the 2nd half of the 1970s, - and re eliciting bliss as the music begins, and people start moving and dancing, even as an on-off switch, - will be with family from out of town, !with Nick re "wife's family" :), and !with Dennis who, with family, is heading south to New Orleans to be with Linda's family, & wonderful to talk with you Dennis, and All) .. .We'll be 'going Dutch' at 'Burgh Thai (re paying for our own meals) for those who join this Thanksgiving there. Again, my mother,  who is arriving back from Maine to the Pittsburgh International Airport at 7pm, and I, will get to Burgh Thai around 8 pm. I've invited about 15 people.  

If you'd like to let me or my mother know if you're going to join this Thanksgiving or not, please feel free to do so in email.

For friends and family who want to celebrate virtually, and who may also be out of town, put some yummy spicy Thai food in the microwave or in a wok, and for feasting around 8:15 pm ET, and join this Thanksgiving celebration possibly even by opening a video call (with me at 'Burgh Thai :).

All the best, Happy Thanksgiving, see some of you soon,
Scott GK MacLeod

Remembering and giving thanks for the great Shady Side Academy English teacher, Mr. Tadler, :), re son (mirthful:) John Tadler's father, here, and in Pittsburgh, too -

Dear John (Tadler, and your wife, and family, if interested), and All,

Greetings on a cold rainy Pittsburgh morning! How are you? ... It's been a long time since Shady Side Academy in the second half of the 1970s, but good to be in communication via email!

I'm writing to invite you to a Thanksgiving dinner on Friday at 'Burgh Thai in Verona around 8, when my mother returns from Maine. She's due in at 7pm, and she and I are planning to get to Burgh Thai at around 8 (and this nice Verona Thai restaurant stops serving meals at 9). Would you both, or one of you, like to join us? Their food is really good, and the address is 321 South Ave, Verona, PA 15147. (I'm going to invite other friends and family - Scots, Celts, Academics, and SSA high school years' friends too:)

Happy Thanksgiving! - Scott

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Friends :)



AND out of talking with Dennis :) ... came this set of Tweets: 

Would the #USFederalGovt somehow be selling #StanfordMinePi #PiCryptocurrency - https://minepi.com/sgkmac @WUaSPress to all ~200 countries' central banks re @WorldUnivAndSch seeking to end poverty w Pi for 7.9 billion people & w #WUaSwiki #FreeUniversalEducation in all 7k langs?

ALSO re aging reversal and extreme longevity potentials, and Semester at Sea, and moving forward into a newly safe open 670 Ridgecrest Rd, Canyon 94516 in 2024, this set of Tweets: 

Nice light: #Cuttyhunk #SemesterAtSea2005 (& what about sailing again in 3005 on #SemesterAtSea3005 with #AgingReversal & #ExtremeLongevity #GeneticDrugs ?:) #Canyon94516 + 
https://photos.app.goo.gl/NXjqszrf2sukJa657 #WhereIsThatML? > A #RealisticVirtualEarthForTraveling in #RealisticVirtualEarth!

Best wishes, abolitionally, (in asylum on the eastern seaboard of the USA still, and from the SF Bay Area in part), Happy Thanksgiving!, 


Blogged about this today - 

Andrew (Carlisle, PM of the Carnegie CMU Pipe Band,  and Professor at CMU) - 

I have 2 nice Prince Charles Pipe Band (SF Bay Area) collared shirts for you, practically new, and which are slightly misfitting ... will seek to get them to you some CME pipe band practice evening in December if this works out ... :)

Prettiest Piobaireachd classical Scottish bagpiping tunes / pieces - https://scottmacleodpiobaireachdscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com/ ? :)

* * 

Tuesday - 

Hi, Ma - What's too much for you and for what night? Another night for Thanksgiving do you mean, rather than Friday? When you suggested inviting friends for Friday night at Burgh Thai ... upon arriving back from Maine to the Pittsburgh International Airport, I invited about 15 people and haven't heard back from anyone. I can clarify that we would all 'Go Dutch" in terms of who would pay for the Thanksgiving meals together. Love, ABOLITION-ALLY, your son, Scott (It would be good to connect with Friends in this wigged out Pittsburgh in these 1.2 asylum years here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Friends - please clarify. Love, Scott")

Ma, again here after our texts - 

Hi Ma - Thanks so much for your text messages, re Thanksgiving supper on Friday. How about if we meet for a Thanksgiving dinner at Burgh Thai on Friday, and with some of the people I invited, and have supper another night together, after your travel ... and especially for safety reasons re 'Burgh Thai ... and possibly the illegal sex drugs and violence industries, and their latent networks of violence (and re Larry and Kim Viehland's Thai connections - since we ate at Smiling Banana Leaf Thai restaurant on Bryant street nearby once, and re tanya sullivan (former student of mine, with a house in Pgh, and a place in Florida, and an stewardess), who may be larry viehland's prostitute, - and regarding the SF Quaker Meeting too where tanya sullivan bergamot etc showed up once in the SF Quaker Meeting, and her son is married to a Thai person, and there are other Thai wives in the SF Quaker Meeting, eg of Mainer originally chad stephenson, or stephensen - and all tragically re the illegal sex industry - and re Byron and Cindy Hann MDs' Thai connections too ) ... Love, ABOLITION-ALLY, your son who is seeking to stay alive, sending care, Scott (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethics)

* * 

Good morning, Ma! Happy Thanksgiving! See you tomorrow evening at the airport to celebrate Thanksgiving then - and possibly with friends and family too. Love, abolitionally in Maine, ❤️, see you soon, Scott (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/law%20enforcement?m=0 and http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Unitarian%20Universalist?m=0 and http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Pennsylvania?m=0 and http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/global%20university?m=0)

Is Sandy doing alright? Might he find a new younger partner with whom to begin a family even, at some point by becoming single again (+ a little like you became single again after Dad's deadly 1st subdural hematoma on 12/30/04 on univ pitt managed at the time semester at sea?) I'd love to become an uncle to his kids for example (and his curent partner may be a prostitute and an international criminal tragically :( ) ... Love, abolitionally, ❤️, see you soon, happy Thanksgiving!, Scott (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethics?m=0 ... Just received these 2 philosophy papers PhilPapers in my inbox - " Doing Less Than Best

Emma J. Curran (unfollow)

Dissertation, University of Cambridge. 2023.

Added on November 17, 2023

No Peace for the Wicked? Immorality Is Thought to Disrupt Intrapersonal Harmony, Impeding Positive Psychological States and Happiness " ... Which made me think too of Taoism and "Doing less is best" non action 'wu wei' ... AN IDEA EXPRESSED IN LAST STANZA OF Desiderata TOO  https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html - see too "Taoism" label and here too http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/society%20and%20Taoism?m=0 ... Love, ❤️, Scott 

"Doing Less Than Best"

Emma J. Curran (unfollow)

Dissertation, University of Cambridge. 2023.


"No Peace for the Wicked? Immorality Is Thought to Disrupt Intrapersonal Harmony, Impeding Positive Psychological States and Happiness"


* *

Happy Thanksgiving


Jane MacLeod

9:36 AM (13 minutes ago)

to me

 Hi Scott,  Happy Thanksgiving.  See you at the airport  I’ll call when I land.

Sent from my iPhone.  Hope the weather is nice for you today.  It rained all day yesterday but the sun is shining today.  All is well. Love, Ma

. . .  

Happy Thanksgiving


Jane MacLeod

9:36 AM (13 minutes ago)
to me

 Hi Scott,  Happy Thanksgiving.  See you at the airport  I’ll call when I land.
Sent from my iPhone.  Hope the weather is nice for you today.  It rained all day yesterday but the sun is shining today.  All is well. Love, Ma

Hi Ma, 

Happy Thanksgiving! See you soon at the airport !

Weather is cold here today ... I am heading I think for Marienville PA ranger station near where some regional Rainbow Gatherings have been held as recently as 2021 ... on the lookout for (unlikely) Rainbow connections ... but mostly to explore ... I couldn't find a vegetarian turkey yesterday to put in the oven today :) 

Found those two PhilPapers' titles I shared with you in messaging helpful and re Unitarian (re ethics and morality even), Taoist, and 'place' thinking, and philosophy, too (did they come from David Chalmers in the PhilPapers' email, and in response to my sets of Tweets yesterday evening about a #Realistic Virtual Earth For Consciousness? ... were timely and topical :)  ... and have blogged about this here too - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/11/padauk-mm-national-flower-of-myanmar.html

Love, abolitionally, see you soon!


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2023, forthcoming)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'unsubscribe' in the body of the email, leaving the subject line intact. Thank you. 

* * * 

A #RealisticVirtualEarthForConsciousness in 1 iterating #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarth ?

A #GoogleNeuronView iterating #RealisticVirtualEarthForConsciousness eg #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider Maps Earth #Translate #TensorFlowAI w Pegman becoming #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords as #DigitalTwin w #FilmTo3DApps' #SubjectiveExperienceData for #AGI fr #LLMs #wuAsVR ~

A growing #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForConsciousness eg #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider Maps Earth #Translate #TensorFlowAI w Pegman becoming #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords as #DigitalTwin w #FilmTo3DApps #SubjectiveExperienceData for #AGI fr #LLMs - https://www.crowdcast.io/e/learningsalon/58 ?

In reply to David Chalmers from Harbin book 


A growing #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForConsciousness eg #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider Maps Earth #Translate #TensorFlowAI w Pegman becoming #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords as #DigitalTwin w #FilmTo3DApps #SubjectiveExperienceData for #AGI fr #LLMs - https://www.crowdcast.io/e/learningsalon/58 !


A #RealisticVirtualEarthForConsciousness in 1 iterating #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarth - think #GoogleStreetView #GoogleNeuronView #GoogleCellView #GoogleMoleculeView
w #TimeSlider Maps Earth #Translate #TensorFlowAI w Pegman becoming #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords as #DigitalTwin w #FilmTo3DApps for #SubjectiveExperienceData - for #ArtificialGeneralIntelligence #AGI from LLMs https://www.crowdcast.io/e/learningsalon/58 !

Retweeting -

who endorses the AGI scaling hypothesis: roughly, that scaling current systems and methods will lead to human-level AGI?

See too

David Chalmers' Learning Salon from F Jan 20 2023 
"Can a large language model be conscious? Can a #LLM think?"
And I join this around 2:50 

See too -
Neuron Q&A: David J. Chalmers

or, philosophy meets neuroscience







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