#Allegory #GoodAndEvil Wrote #ReedCollege #JuniorQualifyingExam on #Theodicy (question of evil re John Hicks) @AimeTim @WorldUnivAndSch ~
Love it: And why do people love
Love it: And why do people love#JRRTolkien's writings & what is #TheHobbit's #MoralityWUaS? GREAT:
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) December 28, 2023
"Polarity of #Morality and the Lord of the Rings: What is Evil?"#Allegoryhttps://t.co/Bw9fHa7Qlt
Wrote #ReedCollege#JuniorQualifyingExam on #Theodicy@AimeTim@WorldUnivAndSch~
LANGUAGE? Why do people like#JRRTolkien's writings? https://t.co/mc6NBL4XVF? extinct ones like #GreenlandicNorse? https://t.co/oeg6wH6Xd7? @WorldUnivAndSch#WUaSinventedLanguages#WUaSLanguages All, Ever, incl. 7168 #WUaSKnownLivingLanguageshttps://t.co/vPfIrWRAlH as #LLMs +
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) December 28, 2023
LANGUAGE? Why do people like#JRRTolkien's writings? https://t.co/mc6NBL4XVF? https://t.co/oeg6wH6Xd7? @WorldUnivAndSch#WUaSinventedLanguages#WUaSLanguages All, Ever, incl. 7168 #WUaSKnownLivingLanguageshttps://t.co/vPfIrWRAlH& extinct ones like #GreenlandicNorse as #LLMs +
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) December 28, 2023
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#GratefulDead song 'Run Rudolph Run' from '71 works w Kevin Castro's #BluesKeyboard101 in some good ways as 12 bar blues in G - Great for its energy esp: "GD Live at Madison Square Garden" -https://wiki.
#GratefulDead song 'Run Rudolph Run' from '71 works w Kevin Castro's #BluesKeyboard101 in some good ways as 12 bar blues in G - Great for its energy esp: "GD Live at Madison Square Garden"
#GratefulDead song 'Run Rudolph Run' from '71 works w Kevin Castro's #BluesKeyboard101 in some good ways as 12 bar blues in G - Great for its energy esp: "GD Live at Madison Square Garden"https://t.co/2vtNQx7y9H -https://t.co/eEP8fhVvy7#BluesPiano101https://t.co/BbeERjyogX ~
— Languages-World Univ (@sgkmacleod) December 27, 2023
Castro, Kevin. 2023. [
Vancouver, BC: Pianote