Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Comet Orchid (SC - National flower of Seychelles): Glad for recent CS Bachelor graduate student inquiry >#WUaSecology Master's degree How to bring Ecology & Computer Science together in #GEarth, #StreetView w #TimeSlider #GMaps ? * * Why couldn't the prospective #WUaSecology free #WUaSMastersDegree student I talked w on 12/25 be matriculating today 1/2/24 @ #WUaSaccredited @WorldUnivAndSch #Now #WUaSNow eg w https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/1-018j-ecology-i-the-earth-system-fall-2009/ & https://oyc.yale.edu/ecology-and-evolutionary-biology https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Ecology #wuAsVR ? #HappyNewYear2024~? * * * Went to the free Archive of the free library today, found #GratefulDead Live at #TheMatrix on 1968-12-16 ... happening jam starts out slow eg https://archive.org/browse.php?collection=GratefulDead&field=year > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Grateful_Dead https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Library_Resources @WorldUnivAndSch #RealisticVirtualHarbin ~ * * * Thank you for the nice Xmas gifts, Chris(tine Michaels), via my mother - on Sat., 12/30/23! * * * When will EYE aging reversal genetic therapies be FDA approved and available for the public - Harvard ophthalmologist Richard Robb MD? * * * "Lego Spike Prime robotics kit, Google Street View, Android tablet" I don't see yet that the Lego Spike Prime robotics kit works newly with Google Street View with a time slider ... Dear Lego Customer Service, General Manager: Jesper Andersen, Chairman: Carsten Rasmussen., Charlie at Lego Customer support, Peter (Norvig, Lego Robotics II), All * a Language-To-Rewards For Robotic Skill Synthesis LLM


Glad for recent CS Bachelor graduate student inquiry >#WUaSecology Master's degree How to bring Ecology & Computer Science together in #GEarth, #StreetView w #TimeSlider #GMaps ?

Glad for recent CS Bachelor graduate student inquiry >#WUaSecology Master's degree
How to bring Ecology & Computer Science together in #GEarth, #StreetView w #TimeSlider #GMaps ?
#RealisticVirtualEarthForEcology  #WUaSaccreditation 2024 #WUaSmatriculation?

* * 

Why couldn't the prospective #WUaSecology free #WUaSMastersDegree student I talked w on 12/25 be matriculating today 1/2/24 @ #WUaSaccredited @WorldUnivAndSch #Now #WUaSNow eg w https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/1-018j-ecology-i-the-earth-system-fall-2009/ & https://oyc.yale.edu/ecology-and-evolutionary-biology https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Ecology #wuAsVR ? #HappyNewYear2024~?

Why couldn't the prospective #WUaSecology free #WUaSMastersDegree student I talked w on 12/25 be matriculating today 1/2/24 @ #WUaSaccredited @WorldUnivAndSch #Now #WUaSNow eg w https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/1-018j-ecology-i-the-earth-system-fall-2009/ & https://oyc.yale.edu/ecology-and-evolutionary-biology https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Ecology #wuAsVR ? #HappyNewYear2024~



Earth pic


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

* * * 

Went to the free Archive of the free library today, found  #GratefulDead Live at #TheMatrix on 1968-12-16 ... happening jam starts out slow eg https://archive.org/browse.php?collection=GratefulDead&field=year > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Grateful_Dead https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Library_Resources @WorldUnivAndSch #RealisticVirtualHarbin ~ 
Went to the free Archive, the free library today, found  #GratefulDead Live at #TheMatrix on 1968-12-16 https://archive.org/details/gd68-12-16.sbd.hartbeats.4529.sbeok.shnf/gd1968-12-16.4529.txt happening jam starts out slow eg https://archive.org/browse.php?collection=GratefulDead&field=year> https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Grateful_Deadhttps://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Library_Resources @WorldUnivAndSch #RealisticVirtualHarbin ~ 

* * *  

Thank you for the nice Xmas gifts, Chris(tine Michaels), via my mother - on Sat., 12/30/23!

Dear Chris(tine Michaels), all, 

Thank you for the nice Xmas gifts Chris (and Fracka, potentially too) via my mother on our Xmas #2 on Saturday 12/30/23 - the induction headlamp, the capsule box (with aging reversal and extreme longevity genetics' drug therapies emerging!), and Swiss Miss hot chocolate, the biscuit cookie and more! 

As I look at my MacBook Air laptop computer, and my Google Pixel 6a smartphone with Android, and my iPad too, I see only Thunderbolt ports (and no USB ports in this technological evolution development) - and so how to charge the great induction headlamp with its Thunderbolt port, and with its USB to Thunderbolt cable, I was asking myself just now ... and I just got this new great (Ozark) hand warmer foot warmer recently that can act as a battery charger too and with a USB port ... Voila, I think! 

Thank you again. Chris, Fracka, I was laying low over Xmas on M 12/25/23 itself re our planned Xmas there with the 3 of us, Janie, Chris(tine) and Scott - regarding concerns about Longwood itself and some 'goons' that came at us, in a quasi-aggressive and dramatic way, (possibly acting out someone's sick fantasy for the Longwood surveillance cameras even?) (& to pick up our trays) - in the Longwood Dining room on my mother's birthday 4/2/23 this spring (and re other untoward events at Longwood in the recent past year or two) ... and in my and MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch calling for abolition and regarding abolishing the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex, drugs, and violence industries and their latent networks of violence - and at Longwood even, sadly - so sorry, Chris, I missed spending Xmas with you at Longwood on 12/25/23 at 1pm in my mother's beautiful home there, and partly in the longwood dining room too ... am staying alive in my whistleblowing and even re Longwood and in growing a WUaS abolition movement). 

Thank you, Merry Xmas, abolition-ally, Happy New Year,


Thursday, December 21, 2023

A set of related Tweets: 
Happy New Year 2023 Seasons Greetings Holiday Salutations Merry Xmas ~ Recalling how lovely #WarmWaterReleasingMeditation in #HarbinWarmPool is re encompassing  'body suit' of soaking in warm pool +
https://photos.app.goo.gl/iZ2hkFu6iPdBPeyQ9 planning fr home #wuAsVR for bathtub #SoakingMeditation ~


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

* * * 

When will EYE aging reversal genetic therapies be FDA approved and available for the public - Harvard ophthalmologist Richard Robb MD?

Reversing Blindness with New FDA Approved Retinal Gene Therapy

Story of discovery: NEI-funded research paves way for new dry AMD drugs

FDA approves first drugs to treat the dry form of age-related macular degeneration
December 12, 2023

when will EYE aging reversal genetic therapies be FDA approved and available for the public?


Reversing aging in the eye

December 18, 2020

Scientists develop a gene therapy to reverse age-related vision loss and glaucoma damage in mice

Microscopy image of neuron axons.Axons regenerated after nerve injury in aged mice given the gene therapy. Credit: Yuancheng Lu.


Vision Revision
Scientists reverse age-related vision loss, glaucoma damage in mice
By RYAN JASLOW | Mass. Eye and Ear December 2, 2020 Research

* *

when will aging reversal genetic therapies be FDA approved and available for the public?

Accelerated and Real-Time Aging Services

Shelf-life validation of sterile barrier systems

ISO 11607 requires sterile

Humans Can Start Living Longer—Once the FDA Does This
The reversal of aging could hinge on one huge decision.

Is reverse aging already possible? Drugs that could treat aging might already be on the pharmacy shelves
Metformin is just one of many medications being explored to slow, stop, or even reverse aging.
February 23, 2023

The groundbreaking promise of 'cellular housekeeping'
Feb 28, 2023 — That is the promise of this treatment, which, if it works, could be available after FDA approval sometime around 2026. Add in senolytic 

* * * 

"Lego Spike Prime robotics kit, Google Street View, Android tablet"

I don't see yet that the Lego Spike Prime robotics kit works newly with Google Street View with a time slider ... 

Dear Lego Customer Service,  General Manager: Jesper Andersen, Chairman: Carsten Rasmussen., Charlie at Lego Customer support, Peter (Norvig, Lego Robotics II), All, 

Happy New Year! As a further follow up, Charlie, Tyler, Berna, Razza, at Lego Customer Service !

I'm exploring the possibility of getting Lego Spike Prime robotics kit, and in a number of emails in this thread, you in replying to Google Bard AI too, have suggested that v. 1.10.167 for Lego WeDo 2.0 robotics kit, will work on an Android tablet with Google Street View - an exciting development.  But assuming that this could be the case for the Lego Spike Prime robotics kit, 
and I just now Google searched on 

"Lego Spike Prime robotics kit, Google Street View, Android tablet"

I don't see yet that the Lego Spike Prime robotics kit works newly with Google Street View with a time slider ... and with a new version of the Lego Spike Prime software, e.g. with an Android tablet. 

When might this new potential for the  Lego Spike Prime robotics kit be available? General Manager: Jesper Andersen Chairman: Carsten Rasmussen., would you have a specific date please?  

If I knew that the Lego Spike Prime robotics' kit might work with Google Street View with time slider on February 1, 2024 with an update on its software, I might plan to get Lego Spike Prime robotics' kit then, rather than being in limbo ... and still learning with Lego Robotics' WeDo 2.0 and possibly with its software v. 10.2.167 ... but I also don't see that  Lego Robotics' WeDo 2.0  will work with Street View when searching even though you have said that it would. 

When might the Lego Spike Prime robotics' kit work with Google Street View with a time slider - and with new Lego Spike Prime updated software? Again, do you have a specific possible date please? 

I would then also begin to plan for this for MIT OCW- centric wiki World Univ & Sch #WUaSHomeRoboitcs' courses - and with for example ... https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/es-293-lego-robotics-spring-2007/  and especially for such remarkable developments as this 'Language-To-Rewards For Robotic Skill Synthesis LLM'& eg in Google Street View, GMaps, GEarth with Time Slider - 

"@GoogleAI #FeiXia & #WenhaoYu #LegoRobotics - Introducing a new language-to-reward system for interfacing LLMs with robots ....
realistic virtual earth for lego robotics as simulator with Lego WeDo 2 robots?

a Language-To-Rewards For Robotic Skill Synthesis LLM

adding Lego WeDo 2 robots to a a Language-To-Rewards For Robotic Skill Synthesis LLM

Supplementary Video for Language to Rewards for Robotic Skill Synthesis 

@GoogleAI #FeiXia & #WenhaoYu how to dev #PhysicalDigital #LegoRobotics' #LegoWeDo2 #GorillaRobot w #ScratchProgramming as #DigitalTwin w
#LanguageToRewardsForRoboticSkillSynthesis #LLM for #ComputationalBehaviorism (think BF Skinner) pot. in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics?



Introducing a new language-to-reward system for interfacing LLMs with robots using reward functions. Learn how the system’s predictive control tool enables users to teach robots novel actions using natural language inputs → goo.gle/44kjHXx 

@GoogleAI #FeiXia &
#WenhaoYu how best to develop this #PhysicalDigital #DigitalPhysical
#LegoRobotics' #LegoWeDo2 #GorillaRobot with #ScratchProgramming even as #DigitalTwin w
#LanguageToRewardsForRoboticSkillSynthesis #LLM for #ComputationalBehaviorism (think BF Skinner) pot  in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics 
(& think #GoogleStreetView with #TimeSlider) ~

Excited for the development of this #PhysicalDigital #DigitalPhysical
#LegoRobotics' #PrimateRobot with #ScratchProgramming #DigitalTwin in a sense with
#LanguageToRewardsForRoboticSkillSynthesis #LLM for #ComputationalBehaviorism (think BF Skinner) potentially in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics 
(& think #GoogleStreetView with #TimeSlider) ~

How best #WenhaoYu & #FeiXia @GoogleAI to add this #GorillaRobot I'm making in #LegoWeDo2 #LegoRobotics Pt2/4 https://youtu.be/_8jm5OYa83M w #ScratchProgramming >
#LanguageToRewardsForRoboticSkillSynthesis #LLM in #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics in #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider?

Retweeting -

Introducing a new language-to-reward system for interfacing LLMs with robots using reward functions. Learn how the system’s predictive control tool enables users to teach robots novel actions using natural language inputs → goo.gle/44kjHXx 


Language to rewards for robotic skill synthesis
Posted by Wenhao Yu and Fei Xia, Research Scientists, Google

Wenhao Yu and Fei Xia Google AI

Thank you, 
Scott GK MacLeod 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html






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