In @WorldUnivAndSch beginning ~200 online law schools
in ~200 languages & 50 in US states+ as LLMs, excited to have participated in @CodeXStanford presentations for <10 years & to apply for #CodeXFellowship re eg Legal Tech & #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM ~
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Great "Guidelines for practicing a musical instrument"
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Gene pathways or vaccine pathways - #GeneticDrugTherapies #GenePathways or #VaccinePathways? How to target pts of #bodymind w #AgingReversal #AddGenes ...
#GeneticDrugTherapies #GenePathways or #VaccinePathways? How to target pts of #bodymind w #AgingReversal #AddGenes w #PhysicalDigital #
cs @ 53:50 mins '#Pathways' 55 mins @geochurch '#BloodBornFactors' #AImap '#YogaAsanaBody'?
#GeneticDrugTherapies #GenePathways or #VaccinePathways? How to target parts of the body with #AgingReversal #ExtremeLongevity #GeneTherapies w physical-digital #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics
@ ~53:50 '#Pathways' minute marker 55 mins
@ #BloodBornFactors
#CaloricRestriction #Avatar Agent Electronic Health Records
#AImap '#YogaAsanaBody'
for #GeneticDrugTherapies
Yoga Asana Body modeling
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How best to #AImap '#YogaAsanaBody' for #GeneticDrugTherapies e.g. for #FreedomToDo #AllAsanas in #LightOnYoga & for #AgingReversal #ExtremeLongevity targeting muscles eyes ears genitals skin #YogaGeneticDrugs & for #HigherFasterStronger athletics too How?
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Yoga #GeneticDrugTherapies for #YogaAgingReversal #YogaExtremeLongevity #AgingReversal #ExtremeLongevity? For #FreedomToDo #AllAsanas in #LightOnYoga in #PerfectRepose?
How best to #AImap '#YogaAsanaBody' for #GeneticDrugTherapies e.g. for #FreedomToDo #AllAsanas in #LightOnYoga & for #AgingReversal #ExtremeLongevity targeting muscles eyes ears genitals skin #YogaGeneticDrugs & for #HigherFasterStronger athletics too How?
Retweeting -
#lightonyoga artık Türkçe dilinde, nefis bir kitap olmuş. Kullanımı rahat, sayfalar yumuşak, içerik şahane! Teşekkürler Omega yayınevi. Alın, hediye edin. #yoga eğitmenleri ve eğitenleri ve tüm öğrenciler için bulunmaz bir eser.
Yoga #GeneticDrugTherapies for #YogaAgingReversal #YogaExtremeLongevity #AgingReversal #ExtremeLongevity? For #FreedomToDo #AllAsanas in #LightOnYoga in #PerfectRepose?
Yoga #GeneticDrugTherapies for #YogaAgingReversal #YogaExtremeLongevity #AgingReversal #ExtremeLongevity? For #FreedomToDo #AllAsanas in #LightOnYoga in #PerfectRepose or w #innerBodyEasing releasing & easing explorations w #YogaGeneticDrugs & for #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For #HigherFasterStronger athletics" Higher Faster Stronger athletics too How?
"For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS?"
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how would adding aging reversal genes target different parts of the body eyes ears genitals etc
How would vaccines move aging reversal genetic drug therapies through the bodymind even?
Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206
1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
MIT OCW-centric,
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A primatological 'template' for students & you to build Realistic Virtual Earth for Primatology with "Love the Orangutan" book ...
A primatological 'template' for students & you to build #RealisticVirtualEarthForPrimatology w "#LoveTheOrangutan" book #IkeaPublishing 2018 #IkeaBookstore & re @WUaSPress #WUaSbookstore & paralleling building out
#RealisticVirtualHarbin (think in #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider)
Retweeting -
@ShawheadFamily Voting will close tomorrow at 2pm and our Orangutans name will be revealed shortly after! There's still time for children to vote if they haven't already done so. #childrensvoice #welisten #excitement #wonder #lovetheorangutan
A primatological 'template' for students to build Realistic Virtual Earth for Primatology with "Love the Orangutan" book
with Love The Orangutan book
IkeaPublishing 2018
paralleling building out
#RealisticVirtualHarbin !
"#LoveTheOrangutan" - happened on book on Sun 12/31/23 on my birthday in #IkeaBookstore (amg furniture) Interest in higher primates since Reed in '79
Retweeting -
@ShawheadFamily Voting will close tomorrow at 2pm and our Orangutans name will be revealed shortly after! There's still time for children to vote if they haven't already done so. #childrensvoice #welisten #excitement #wonder #lovetheorangutan
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In what ways could abolition - have to do with these 4 #GreatUniversities seeking presidents?
New #WUaSLawSchools in CT, CA, PA & MA to develop approaches to abolishing wrongful buying & selling of people -re Yale, Stanford, Penn, & Harvard seeking presidents- as #LLMs too, & w #USfederal, #USstates, #intl, #UniformedServices Law eg
Strange (I do think) coincidences: Presidential searches are under way, or about to be under way, at
Yale, Stanford, Penn, and Harvard. They may be competing for some of the same people— & presumably, in spite of all logic and experience, some people will still want those jobs!
In what ways could abolition - abolishing the wrongful buying & selling of people - have to do with these 4 #GreatUniversities seeking presidents? How could @WorldUnivAndSch ~200 countries' #MITOCW-centric #WUaSunivs further #QuakerAbolition in them & 200
Strange (I do think) coincidences: Presidential searches are under way, or about to be under way, at
Yale, Stanford, Penn, and Harvard. They may be competing for some of the same people— & presumably, in spite of all logic and experience, some people will still want those jobs!
In what ways could abolition - abolishing the wrongful buying & selling of people - have to do with these 4 #GreatUniversities seeking presidents? How could @WorldUnivAndSch ~200 countries' #MITOCW-centric #WUaSunivs further #QuakerAbolition in them & to protect 7.9 billion people?
In what ways
could abolition -
abolishing the wrongful buying and selling of people -
have anything to do with these 4 universities
Yale, Stanford, Penn, and Harvard seeking presidents ?
How could @ ~200 countries' MITOCW-centric #WUaSunivs further
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India Jan 2014 #BodhGaya (#UNESCOWorldHeritageSite) #BiharState #BuddhistPilgrimageSite
India Jan 2014 #BodhGaya (#UNESCOWorldHeritageSite) #BiharState #BuddhistPilgrimageSite
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Once again, can you please remove me from the email list St. Andrews Society Pittsburgh - in that I'm in asylum in Penn's Woods (with its Quaker history - and a history of Friendly Quaker social justice too, and in the law as well)?
MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch is also growing a worldwide abolition movement - to abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people (e.g. in the illegal sex, drugs, violence, etc., industries internatinally and regarding their latent networks of violence) - and to protect people, - and in Scottish circles as well (eg from forms of modern slavery even, and tragically - again in the illegal sex, drugs, violence, etc., industries).
And again in protest against the rapist robbie burns, in my reading, - and even regarding the illegal sex and violence industries in Scottish circles, for example - I don't want to be part of this robert burns' event.
Thanks, abolition-ally, best wishes,
... and with a main single cryptocurrency as well such as Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily and to end poverty potentially in Scotland too - (with an invitation to begin mining Pi daily every 24 hours and to get 3-4 Pi coins, taking less than 5 seconds to click on 2 buttons to mine Pi).
From January 2023 -
"Hi Lyn (Orr), thanks for your email. And thanks, all, for the opportunity to attend the Board Meeting for the St Andrew's Society, Pittsburgh. But the previous email, Lyn, in this thread is partly about Scottish Drumming, and regarding and to SASP's Dale McLeod, (and not gnipip, in reverse) ... and the previous one is not all that long either ... and is understandably quite understandable. (Sorry you lost your Pittsburgh son to smoking!). And will reach out to SASP directory folks with an inquiry per your thinking, Lyn. Thank you! Seeking also to inquire with the SASP about possible interest in many of the ~ 17 people last night's SASP board meeting if they could become interested in all becoming involved and or Board members of Scotland Work World Univ & Sch - - from treasurer (yours / OURs at SASP?) to president of the WUaS Board (Paul - might you be interested ... and regarding the WUaS Corp in Scotland and re Scottish Americans in Pgh and in the USA too?) to builders of courseware re Scottish Gaelic possibly and the Scots' language, (Liz?) ...and for free WUaS CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric degrees for Scottish Americans, and for Scots too (a number of people at the SASP meeting could explore focusing the development of this) ... and maybe Scottish genealogy at WUaS (Pat?) and Scottish history, and law (Ken?), and singing of Scottish cantaireachd (Scottish singing to transmit orally the word I dare not write with you reading ... gnipip, in reverse ... for John and Susie Park's grandchildren? ... and Pat's 5 4 generations of descendants? ... and many others' descendants there?) ... perhaps even engaging the Suzuki method for musical instruments in brand new ways for singing -
- and for kids with parental involvement esp. (per this interesting overview of the Suzuki method above), and creatively ... and for Scottish Country Dancing courseware (Paul and Sarah Jean?) ...
New #WUaSLawSchools in CT, CA, PA & MA to develop approaches to abolishing wrongful buying & selling of people -re Yale, Stanford, Penn, & Harvard seeking presidents- as #LLMs too, & w #USfederal, #USstates, #intl, #UniformedServices Law eg
Strange (I do think) coincidences: Presidential searches are under way, or about to be under way, at
Yale, Stanford, Penn, and Harvard. They may be competing for some of the same people— & presumably, in spite of all logic and experience, some people will still want those jobs!
Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206
1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
MIT OCW-centric,