[codex_group_meetings] APPLY NOW! Stanford CodeX fellowship 24/25 - application sent in email on Sat 1/6/24
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Stanford Law CodeX Stanford Fellow Application - Scott GK MacLeod
I'm writing to apply for CodeX’s The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics' Resident Fellowship for the 2024-25 academic year. Having participated in Stanford Law CodeX weekly meetings since the early-mid 2010s, I continue to be interested in improving the quality, efficiency, and accessibility of the legal system, and potentially via ~200 planned online MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School Law Schools in all ~200 countries and in their main languages - (and see resume for the beginnings of these law schools, and related wiki schools) - worldwide. I would also seek to integrate the legal technologies of CodeX speakers I’ve heard. As 501 c 3 CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki WUaS's president, founder, a professor at, and its presiding clerk (loosely in the manner of unprogrammed Quakers, and regarding communal discernment and academic research, and WUaS Monthly Business Meeting), and as the CEO of the WUaS Corporation, a for profit general stock company legal entity in California, which WUaS incorporated in a CodeX presentation in 2017 with an AI ChatBot, I'm interested particularly as the originator of ~200 planned WUaS Law Schools in ~200 countries and in their main languages, and 50 US law schools in 50 US states online, I propose to conduct research into WUaS legal technologies and law school as large language models, like Google BardAI, and especially regarding some of the legal tech areas regarding legal document management, legal infrastructure, computational law, and the CodeX Blockchain group, about which I've emailed Executive Director Roland Vogl and CodeX presenters over the years, after many presentations, - and in hiring WUaS law faculty and researchers too potentially out of CodeX networks and projects. One CodeX WUaS Fellowship project will include developing Iowa supreme court cases, with machine learning and for predicting future outcomes, with large language models, and potentially teaching about this here -
Since "code is law," and building on the collaboration between Stanford Law and Stanford Engineering, the legal technology research questions I propose are very broad. I would like to examine how World University and School's ~200 planned law schools in 200 countries and their main languages, as well as WUaS's ~42 majors - - emerging from CC-4 MIT OCW - (in its 4 languages) - could interoperate and emerge with/into, co-inform Stanford’s ~80 departments - - via Stanford Engineering coding, and conceptually, in a #RealisticVirtualEarth /ForEverything, - and in 1 iterating #Realistic Virtual Earth / Universe as operating system (and think Google Street View, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI, Translate, etc., with little Pegman becoming, for example, digital twins, as well as #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords - and see Twitter #hashtags too).
This would include legal technology questions and developing with law:
WUaS partnering with Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency in 200 countries, and space, too as legal technologies, and with Pi cryptocurrency usable in the physical-digital WUaS Educational Services’ Stores in 200 countries and in main languages - (and Academic Press in 7168 known living languages with machine translation) - but also, for example, to buy and sell molecules/molecular compounds, and for modeling and regulating atmospheric gasses, brainstorming-wise;
reimbursement to World Univ & Sch via Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency, or in US dollars, or similar, from 200 countries' departments of education for their students studying for free-to-students' CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric online law degrees, as well as Bachelor, PhD, MD, IB high school or similar, AA/AS, and Master's degrees, and potentially with a law or pre law focus too;
~200 nation states buying Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency from the WUaS Corp in partnership with Pi Network, and with listing the WUaS Corp on the Silicon Valley Long term stock exchange - and as 1) the WUaS Corp, 2) Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency, and 3) the Silicon Valley Long-Term Stock exchange itself each develop their individual legal technology relationships with the state of California's Franchise Tax Board (FTB), and especially legal tech questions concerning WUaS seeking to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN# -;
Pi cryptocurrency, eg in a realistic virtual earth for genetics, including for emerging aging reversal and extreme longevity genetic drugs, and with a very long term horizon, over the centuries & millennia;
humanoid and other robotics in a physical-digital realistic virtual earth for robotics, including with Lego robotics of which WUaS is an authorized reseller of 3 kits in the USA, including potentially Toyota camping vans with Toyota humanoid robotics, as 2 autonomous AI / ML systems, in 200 countries, and in their main languages; and as WUaS faculty homes; and iterating multimedia spaces too, and with THR3 Humanoid Robots becoming MD Professors, for example, and for telerobotic mobile surgery; and with robots also to run the WUaS Educational Services' Stores, and drive the AI/ML delivery vans (Waymo?), as WUaS seeks at the same to explore the legal implications of employing 2.5 million people in all 7168 living languages over for example the next 50-75 years, etc;
World University & School music school, and for quasi- or real real time music making, and online symphony orchestras in 200 countries, and for all musical instruments in all languages ever, each a wiki school or subject;
and "launching" WUaS from the Stanford campus, & financially too.
To conclude: regarding CodeX legal tech questions and an iterating realistic virtual earth, even as an operating system at the Street View with time slider, #GCellView, #GMoleculeView, #GAtomView, etc, WUaS seeks to engage something like “Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability researchers gain early access to Google Earth Engine” (10/28/22) - - such that WUaS legal technologies' cross-disciplinary research, and regarding World Univ & Sch ~200 law schools, would seek to develop a realistic virtual earth for everything emerging from Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI etc; WUaS might thus create a new Stanford Law CodeX project - - complementing its Computational Law focus, e.g. on self-driving cars, and robots. World Univ & Sch is especially interested in the legal questions of a realistic virtual earth in a Physical-Digital conversation, regarding atoms and pixels’ correlations too, and with #FilmTo3D Apps, and conceptually in Google Street View with time slider (regarding 3D/ N-dimensional modeling, and digital twins for example too) and as emerging realistic virtual reality / augmented reality, and regarding these ~12 main subjects at WUaS, and their related Twitter #Hashtags too - What are key legal questions regarding ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, and STEAM-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, a new theory and method where we can all co-build, and for emergent online physical-digital STEM field sites? The legal questions in developing all of this, and concurrently in beginning these 200 WUaS online law schools, and 50 in US states, and similar in all 200 countries, and in developing the WUaS Wiki in Miraheze MediaWiki, with around 750 wiki pages presently, basically in English only so far, and interoperating it with Wikidata structured knowledge database for AI and machine learning too, in Wikidata’s (Wikipedia's) 300 languages, and in developing this #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM especially, with a potential focus on developing a high performance #RealisticVirtualEarth, with Stanford's remarkable talent and huge, excellent university, and with faculty, alumni and entrepreneurial networks, are numerous - regarding who owns this, regarding Creative Commons’ licensing too, and how to code for this for the very long term. As president and CEO of MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, the opportunity to do research in all of these regards with Stanford Law with Stanford Engineering could benefit Stanford University itself enormously, in amazing and innumerable new ways far into the future.
Thank you for your consideration of this application.
Best regards, Scott GK MacLeod
Scott GK MacLeod's Resume World University & School
These beginning law schools, and wiki subjects or schools too, planned in all ~200 countries and in their main languages, and such that people, Universitians, can create their own wiki subjects of schools, and add MIT OCW courses or teach to their web cameras, for example, about these legal subjects -
World University and School Links[edit]
Copyright: https://wiki.
Creative Commons Law: https://wiki.
Environmental Engineering: https://wiki.
Environmental Science: https://wiki.
Environmental Studies: https://wiki.
History: https://wiki.
Human Rights: https://wiki.
Intellectual Property - IP Law: https://wiki.
Law: https://wiki.
Maritime Law: https://wiki.
Network Neutrality: https://wiki.
Open Access Resources: https://wiki.
Patenting: https://wiki.
Political Science: https://wiki.
Science: https://wiki.
Social Science: https://wiki.
Sociology: https://wiki.
Space Law: https://wiki.
Law Schools at World University and School (planned in main languages in them)
Nation States
Afghanistan Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.
Brazil Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.
China Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.
Egypt Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.
India Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.
Jamaica Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.
Mexico Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.
World University Law School: https://wiki.
US States
Iowa Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.
References -
- A resume
- A brief letter (no more than 2 pages) describing the applicant's interest in issues related to applying technology to the law, the applicant's background, and the research that the applicant proposes to conduct
- A list of references