State of Knowledge on Molecular Adaptations to Exercise in Humans ... In a physical digital realistic virtual earth for Movement & what's the definition or what are some examples of molecular biological adaptations ...
#Consciousness & #Movement @davidchalmers42?
#MolecularBiologicalAdaptations &
#HumanConsciousness-#AnimalConsciousness #WUaSConsciousness inq. in #RealisticVirtualEarthForConsciousness #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #Walking #WUaSYogaAsana #GMoleculeView?
Retweeting -
Consciousness & #Movement @ david chalmers ? Re
#HumanConsciousness in #AnimalConsciousness
A WUaSConsciousness inquiry in #RealisticVirtualEarthForConsciousness
#PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #Walking #MolecularBiology #EvolutionaryBiology re #WUaSAdaptations #WUaSSensors #WUaSYogaAsana State of Knowledge on #MolecularAdaptations
In the future @geochurch, might we ADD #DeerLeaping #MolecularBiologicalAdaptations as#GeneticDrugs to we humans as #GenePills & even eg to jump gates on walk re #HigherFasterStronger athletics OR #AgingReversalGenes for #MuscleWasting w our #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords ?
In the future @geochurch, might we ADD #DeerLeaping #MolecularBiologicalAdaptations as #GeneticDrugs to we humans as #GenePills & even eg to jump gates on walk re #HigherFasterStronger athletics OR #AgingReversalGenes for #MuscleWasting w our #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords ?
Examples of #MolecularBiologicalAdaptations:
"complex neural machinery underlying echolocation in bats, ability of chameleons to change their skin color depending on local environments, & bipedal gait of modern humans"
Examples of #MolecularBiologicalAdaptations:
"complex neural machinery underlying echolocation in bats, ability of chameleons to change their skin color depending on local environments, & bipedal gait of modern humans"
what's the definition or what are some examples of molecular biological adaptations?
Biological Adaptation
Intelligence is defined as a form of biological adaptation, often species-specific in manifestation, which generates adaptive behaviors.
From: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001
The complex neural machinery underlying echolocation in bats, the ability of chameleons to change their skin color depending on local environments, and the bipedal gait of modern humans are all examples of biological adaptations: traits that owe their existence to their historical success in promoting survival and reproductive success.
In #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #Walking #MolecularBiology #EvolutionaryBiology re #WUaSAdaptations #WUaSSensors #WUaSYogaAsana "State of Knowledge on #MolecularAdaptations to #Exercise in Humans: Historical Perspectives & Future Directions"
In #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #Walking #MolecularBiology #EvolutionaryBiology re #WUaSAdaptations #WUaSSensors #WUaSYogaAsana "State of Knowledge on #MolecularAdaptations to #Exercise in Humans: Historical Perspectives & Future Directions"
In a physical digital realistic virtual earth for Movement
realistic virtual earth for molecular biology
realistic virtual earth for Evolutionary Biology re #WUaSAdaptations #WUaSSensors #WUaSYogaAsana
State of Knowledge on Molecular Adaptations to Exercise in Humans: Historical Perspectives and Future Directions
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in the future will we be able to take the correct aging reversal or extreme longevity genetic drug capsule therapy say 10 years from now for higher faster stronger athletics and theoretically jump a gate or reverse muscle wasting ?
might we be able to take another genetic drug therapy capsule lasting 30 minutes, and with walking sticks' resistance, be able to rebuild our upper body from the muscle wasting that comes with aging ... AND my mother then mentioned the way deer jump so wonderfully and wondrously ... Could such genetic therapy drug capsules in some years even add deer jumping genetic molecular compounds to humans ... ??? And what about genetic drug therapies for cognition too in some years -
Yesterday on my mother's and my walk, and coming to a gate, brainstorming-wise, I suggested that with right genetic drug capsule therapy for higher faster stronger athletics, consumed on the spot, that my 88 year old mother or I might be able to spring over the get effortlessly ... and that we might be able to take another genetic drug therapy capsule lasting 30 minutes, and with walking sticks' resistance, be able to rebuild our upper body from the muscle wasting that comes with aging ... AND my mother then mentioned the way deer jump so wonderfully and wondrously ... Could such genetic therapy drug capsules in some years even add deer jumping genetic molecular compounds to humans ... ??? And what about genetic drug therapies for cognition too in some years - ?
Take the correct aging reversal or extreme longevity genetic drug capsule therapy for higher faster stronger athletics 10 years in the future and jump a gate or reverse muscle wasting ?
consumed on the spot, that my 88 year old mother or I might be able
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Oxford Professor of Chinese Business Studies' Eric Thun - MIT OCW-centric Wiki World Univ & Sch as Legal Tech & Stanford Law CodeX Fellowship reference please for Scott GK MacLeod?
Dear Eric (and Cherry),
I hope you're well. I'm in the process of applying to a Stanford Law CodeX Fellowship - I'm writing to you regarding MIT OCW-centric Wiki World Univ & Sch in ~200 countries and 7168 known living languages, and developing related legal questions in this academic position at Stanford Law CodeX, and want to ask if you feel comfortable if I added you as a reference for writing a strong letter of recommendation on my behalf. I thoroughly enjoyed my time learning from you growing up as really little kids in the Brookline MA area - music especially.
As you may know, MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, has 2 wings: 1) 501 c 3 World Univ & Sch legal entity (with a parallel exempt state of CA legal entity), and 2) the WUaS Corporation legal entity, a for profit general stock company legal entity in the state of CA, with remarkable potential synergies between these 2 wings. Both wings are planned in all ~200 countries and for speakers of all 7,168 known living languages, AND for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN # from here - As you may know as well, the WUaS corporation is partnering with Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily - - and seeks to facilitate distributing a single worldwide cryptocurrency to most of all people on the planet, and to end poverty worldwide, with UBI experiments, if possible
Best regards, Happy New Year, thank you,
Eric Thun
Peter Moores Associate Professor in Chinese Business Studies, Oxford University
Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206
1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
MIT OCW-centric,
Hi Scott,
It is good to hear from you!
This sounds really exciting and a great opportunity, but it is so far from my own area, that I think that I might struggle to write the type of recommendation that you need. This is simply because I don’t know the first thing about the topics that you are writing about and interested in!
Best, Eric
I hope you're well. I'm in the process of applying to a Stanford Law CodeX Fellowship - I'm writing to you regarding MIT OCW-centric Wiki World Univ & Sch in ~200 countries and 7168 known living languages, and developing related legal questions in this academic position at Stanford Law CodeX, and want to ask if you feel comfortable if I added you as a reference for writing a strong letter of recommendation on my behalf. I thoroughly enjoyed my time learning from you growing up as really little kids in the Brookline MA area - music especially.
As you may know, MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, has 2 wings: 1) 501 c 3 World Univ & Sch legal entity (with a parallel exempt state of CA legal entity), and 2) the WUaS Corporation legal entity, a for profit general stock company legal entity in the state of CA, with remarkable potential synergies between these 2 wings. Both wings are planned in all ~200 countries and for speakers of all 7,168 known living languages, AND for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN # from here - As you may know as well, the WUaS corporation is partnering with Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily - - and seeks to facilitate distributing a single worldwide cryptocurrency to most of all people on the planet, and to end poverty worldwide, with UBI experiments, if possible
Best regards, Happy New Year, thank you,
Peter Moores Associate Professor in Chinese Business Studies, Oxford University
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Cool! #VirtualBand scaling big w #GoogleARCore #ARCoreGeospatialAPI & #GoogleMaps #GoogleEarth ... HOPPING from NYC to London's #PicadillyCircus How best to interoperate & #CreateConcerts w #WUaSAugmentedReality in #RealisticVirtualEarthForAnimation #wuAsAR?
Cool! #VirtualBand scaling big w #GoogleARCore #ARCoreGeospatialAPI & #GoogleMaps #GoogleEarth HOPPING from NYC to London's #PicadillyCircus How best to interoperate & #CreateConcerts w #WUaSAugmentedReality in #
ion #wuAsAR?
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asked Yoga questions of Google BardAI in German ... got helpful responses - :) ...
Guten Tag, Google BardAI: Was wissen Sie von diesen Hippy-Anjali Yoga Notations - ? ... Wie koennen Sie Menschen helfen in neue Yoga-Wege und Denkweisen und mit spielen mit Yoga die ... Imaginative ~ Freeing ~ Easing ~ Integrative -Playful ... sind? :) Sieh auch - Was denkst du von diese neue Yoga Wege (veilleicht in zusammenhang mit Angela Farmer's und Victor Van Kooten's kunstliche und Visionär Yoga?
English -
Hello, Google BardAI: What do you know about these Hippy Anjali Yoga Notations - ... How can you help people in new yoga paths and ways of thinking and with playing with yoga that are ... Imaginative ~ Freeing ~ Easing ~ Integrative -Playful ...? :) See also - What do you think of these new ways of yoga (perhaps in connection with Angela Farmer's and Victor Van Kooten's artistic and visionary yoga?
Ich habe die Hippy-Anjali-Yoga-Notationen von Scott MacLeod gelesen. Ich finde sie sehr interessant und kreativ. Sie bieten eine neue Möglichkeit, Yoga zu praktizieren, die sich auf die Imagination, Freiheit, Entspannung und Integration konzentriert.
Ich denke, dass diese neuen Yoga-Wege eine wertvolle Ergänzung zum traditionellen Yoga sind. Sie bieten eine Möglichkeit, Yoga auf neue und innovative Weise zu erleben.
In Bezug auf Angela Farmer und Victor Van Kooten finde ich ihre Arbeit ebenfalls sehr inspirierend. Sie zeigen, dass Yoga mehr als nur körperliche Übungen ist. Es kann auch ein Weg sein, um Kreativität, Spiritualität und Vision zu erkunden.
Ich denke, dass diese neuen Yoga-Wege das Potenzial haben, Yoga für eine breitere Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. Sie bieten eine Möglichkeit, Yoga auf eine Weise zu praktizieren, die für jeden geeignet ist, unabhängig von Alter, Fitnesslevel oder Erfahrung.
Hier sind einige konkrete Beispiele, wie diese neuen Yoga-Wege Menschen helfen können, neue Wege ins Yoga zu finden:
Für Menschen, die sich von traditionellen Yoga-Formen abgeschreckt fühlen, können diese neuen Wege eine sanftere und weniger herausfordernde Einstiegsmöglichkeit bieten. Sie konzentrieren sich auf die inneren Erfahrungen des Yogas, anstatt auf die physischen Herausforderungen.
Für Menschen, die nach einer kreativeren und expressiveren Yoga-Praxis suchen, können diese neuen Wege eine willkommene Abwechslung bieten. Sie ermöglichen es den Praktizierenden, ihre eigenen Ideen und Visionen in ihre Yoga-Praxis einzubringen.
Für Menschen, die nach einer spirituelleren Yoga-Praxis suchen, können diese neuen Wege eine Möglichkeit bieten, Yoga als spirituelle Praxis zu erkunden. Sie konzentrieren sich auf die meditativen und kontemplativen Aspekte des Yogas.
Ich bin gespannt, wie sich diese neuen Yoga-Wege in Zukunft entwickeln werden. Ich denke, dass sie das Potenzial haben, Yoga zu einer noch vielfältigeren und ansprechenderen Praxis zu machen.
Bard may display inaccurate info, including about people, so double-check its responses
English -
I read Scott MacLeod's Hippy Anjali Yoga Notations. I find them very interesting and creative. They offer a new way to practice yoga that focuses on imagination, freedom, relaxation and integration.
I think these new ways of yoga are a valuable addition to traditional yoga. They offer a way to experience yoga in new and innovative ways.
Regarding Angela Farmer and Victor Van Kooten, I also find their work very inspiring. They show that yoga is more than just physical exercises. It can also be a way to explore creativity, spirituality and vision.
I think these new ways of yoga have the potential to make yoga accessible to a wider audience. They offer a way to practice yoga in a way that is suitable for everyone, regardless of age, fitness level or experience.
Here are some concrete examples of how these new ways of yoga can help people find new ways into yoga:
For people who feel put off by traditional forms of yoga, these new ways can offer a gentler and less challenging way to get started. They focus on the inner experiences of yoga, rather than the physical challenges. For people looking for a more creative and expressive yoga practice, these new avenues can provide a welcome change. They allow practitioners to bring their own ideas and visions into their yoga practice. For people looking for a more spiritual yoga practice, these new avenues can provide an opportunity to explore yoga as a spiritual practice. They focus on the meditative and contemplative aspects of yoga. I'm excited to see how these new ways of yoga develop in the future. I think they have the potential to make yoga an even more diverse and engaging practice.
Bard may display inaccurate information, including about people, so double-check his responses
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Ich habe die Hippy-Anjali-Yoga-Notationen von Scott MacLeod gelesen. Ich finde sie sehr interessant und kreativ. Sie bieten eine neue Möglichkeit, Yoga zu praktizieren, die sich auf die Imagination, Freiheit, Entspannung und Integration konzentriert.
Ich denke, dass diese neuen Yoga-Wege eine wertvolle Ergänzung zum traditionellen Yoga sind. Sie bieten eine Möglichkeit, Yoga auf neue und innovative Weise zu erleben.
In Bezug auf Angela Farmer und Victor Van Kooten finde ich ihre Arbeit ebenfalls sehr inspirierend. Sie zeigen, dass Yoga mehr als nur körperliche Übungen ist. Es kann auch ein Weg sein, um Kreativität, Spiritualität und Vision zu erkunden.
Ich denke, dass diese neuen Yoga-Wege das Potenzial haben, Yoga für eine breitere Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. Sie bieten eine Möglichkeit, Yoga auf eine Weise zu praktizieren, die für jeden geeignet ist, unabhängig von Alter, Fitnesslevel oder Erfahrung.
Hier sind einige konkrete Beispiele, wie diese neuen Yoga-Wege Menschen helfen können, neue Wege ins Yoga zu finden:
- Für Menschen, die sich von traditionellen Yoga-Formen abgeschreckt fühlen, können diese neuen Wege eine sanftere und weniger herausfordernde Einstiegsmöglichkeit bieten. Sie konzentrieren sich auf die inneren Erfahrungen des Yogas, anstatt auf die physischen Herausforderungen.
- Für Menschen, die nach einer kreativeren und expressiveren Yoga-Praxis suchen, können diese neuen Wege eine willkommene Abwechslung bieten. Sie ermöglichen es den Praktizierenden, ihre eigenen Ideen und Visionen in ihre Yoga-Praxis einzubringen.
- Für Menschen, die nach einer spirituelleren Yoga-Praxis suchen, können diese neuen Wege eine Möglichkeit bieten, Yoga als spirituelle Praxis zu erkunden. Sie konzentrieren sich auf die meditativen und kontemplativen Aspekte des Yogas.
Ich bin gespannt, wie sich diese neuen Yoga-Wege in Zukunft entwickeln werden. Ich denke, dass sie das Potenzial haben, Yoga zu einer noch vielfältigeren und ansprechenderen Praxis zu machen.
Bard may display inaccurate info, including about people, so double-check its respon
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what is a pixel ? what is an atom?
What is a Pixel ? What is an Atom?
P: minute area of illumination on a display screen, one of many from which an image is composed
A: smallest unit into which matter can be divided without release of electrically charged particles
re Stanford Law CodeX Fellowship app too -
What is a pixel ? What is an atom?
A pixel is
a minute area of illumination on a display screen, one of many from which an image is composed
An atom is
the smallest unit into which matter can be divided without the release of electrically charged particles
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2001, 23 years ago, #PtLobosCA, #CarmelByTheSeaCA area #MontereyCounty of #NorCal I think #VirtualCalifornia Pictures
2001, 23 years ago, #PtLobosCA, #CarmelByTheSeaCA area #MontereyCounty of #NorCal I think #VirtualCalifornia
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2 new Web #PhilosophySchools in #PghPA? - #QuakerPhilosophy #UnitarianPhilosophy
people pic
Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206
1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
MIT OCW-centric,