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Hi Scott, tell me about conflagration at Harbin or with Quakers. Dirk, xoox
Hi Ma! Nice to get your phone message, and before that to hear that you were with friends ... and that you may be at a concert just now in the Center ... sounds good for the years ahead ... Your call came as I was walking from the Beechwood side of Mellon Park to the Pgh Friends Meeting and then on the way back ... Not long after talking, I got an email out of the blue from Dirk in Berkeley, with his genetic@igc.org email address - and whom I know from Quaker Meetings in the Bay Area ... He's quite blind, legally blind I think, and walks with a white cane ... and yet does ok ... and has a good heart ... He wrote in the subject line "Hi Scott, tell me about conflagration at Harbin or with Quakers. Dirk, xoox" and below was a long column of, I think, my friends - the nearly 500 people I email about MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch weekly ...
"Hi Dirk,
Nice to hear from you. How are you? Greetings from an asylum place on the eastern seaboard of the USA - Penn's Woods western PA.
After 5 Harbin inspired books, I haven',t been to Harbin since around 2016 around the time of the Valley fire that razed it when my first "Naked Harbin Ethnography" book was published by the academic press at MIT OCW- centric wiki Word Univ and Sch. Planning a second book in this vein to be published from Google Street View with a time slider and for research and soaking from home.
(I've asked for a US federal inquiry into the SF Quaker Meeting ... and in WUaS calling for abolishing the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex, drugs, and violence industries internationally, and their latent networks of violence).
Friendly greetings in Berkeley, abolition-ally, thanks for your email,
Scott "
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Confirmation for Curated Coaching for Entrepreneurs Session on 1/18/24 2:00 PM (America/New_York) & re Jenny Ling, (Curated Coaching, Stanford LBAN, in a Chase bank collaboration) on F December 8th, 2023
Dear Samantha G, & Jenny Ling, All, (Shawn, Steve, Shauna, Shona, Sid, Nick, Peter),
It was really great to talk with you, Jenny Ling, (Curated Coaching, Stanford LBAN, in a Chase bank collaboration) on F December 8th, 2023. Looking forward to talking next Thursday, January 18 in this NEW Google Meet URL -
meet.google.com/pgn-bamf-bda - which I just received yesterday (and see PS below).
As we discussed at the meeting, and brainstorming-wise further, if you were Chief Operating Officer, Jenny Ling, and thinking-wise, one thing MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch needs to develop is the next steps for accreditation with MIddle States Commission on Higher Education, with offices in the greater Philadelphia area, (along with state of PA department of Education licensure, for which WUaS has already received authorization in around January of 2023 - but for which WUaS doesn't have the $5000, or the MSCHE fees) ... and MSCHE ($1500 Pre-Application Fee, and $5000 Application Fee, I think) requires WUaS to have BUSINESS PLAN for further steps in accreditation. How would this work and regarding our 1/18/24 meeting on "Understanding Options for Business Funding" - and brainstorming-wise with you as COO, Jenny Ling? And could someone in this circle or network take on this WUaS accreditation/licensure process please as well - and in communication with MSCHE's Connie Clifton - Shawn, someone in your law office near Walnut Street in Shadyside, possibly even please?
I just applied for a Stanford Law CodeX Fellowship position, and my application gives one a clear direction of the broad directions MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch is heading in -
"Next steps ahead for #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress #WUaSCorp & re #WUaSArtificialIntelligence #LegalTech & #LLMs in a 'Stanford Law CodeX Stanford Fellowship Application - @sgkmacleod' 1/8/24
- and when I potentially leave Pittsburgh to head to Stanford University, as well as to the SF Bay Area's East Bay to Canyon 94516 in the next months too - regarding potentially the 2 "flagship" WUaS Educational Services' stores in Pittsburgh which I hope we might talk about on Th 1/18, one medium sized physical store on Walnut Street in Shadyside, and one large sized physical WUaS Educational Services' Store in the fairly recently closed Walmart store in the Waterworks Mall near Fox Chapel in Pgh ... and even with Toyota Humanoid Robots and similar running these physical-digital stores, brainstorming-wise, and with Toyota Vans (partly Camping? - as WUaS Faculty and STudent homes too), as a second AI autonomous system, doing deliveries with Toyota THR3s - Humanoid Robots - too.
Lastly, since the WUaS Corp is an authorized reseller of 3 Lego Robotics' kits (2 now retired), in the USA only presently -
http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - how best please to develop the Physical-Digital WUaS Educational Services' Stores relationship with Lego Education (and planning for each of all ~200 countries and in their official languages), and I've just signed up for another Lego Education presentation on 1/25 in some of these regards here -
with Lego email address -
(and see the PPPS for the question I asked in signing up for this just now)
where the Digital part of the WUaS Educational Services' Stores may be in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics (and see Twitter #Hashtag) and in something like Google Street View with time slider, GTranslate etc. - but also for Computer Science Robotics for WUaS Home Robotics' developments ...
Thanks so much, best wishes, see you on 1/18/24 at 2pm,
Scott GK MacLeod
Thank you so much for registering for the Curated Coaching for Entrepreneurs program. We look forward to working with you on your upcoming session on January 18th at 2pm EST.
We have experienced a technical error in the scheduling app for your session so subsequently there has been an error in the meeting link that was sent out. Please note that the correct meeting link for this meeting is as follows:
Curated Coaching
Next steps ahead for #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress #WUaSCorp & re #WUaSArtificialIntelligence #LegalTech & #LLMs in a 'Stanford Law CodeX Stanford Fellowship Application - @sgkmacleod' 1/8/24
GDocs pic
Further steps ahead for #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress #WUaSCorp & re #WUaSArtificialIntelligence #LegalTech & #LLMs in a 'Stanford Law CodeX Stanford Fellow Application - @sgkmacleod' M 1/8/24
Logo -
Stanford quad arches CodeX pic -
How please, thinking-wise, can MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch develop #WUaSHomeRobotics, and potentially dovetailing with free CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric WUaS degrees - Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD, IB high school or similar, AA/AS, and Master's degrees - from home too, and in all ~200 countries as #WUaSUnivs and in their main languages, and even in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics (and see Twitter #Hashtag) and in something like Google Street View with time slider, GTranslate etc. - but also for Computer Science Robotics for WUaS Home Robotics' developments ... ?