Abolition Movement growth @WorldUnivAndSch World University and School in seeking to code for all 7.9 billion people on planet earth https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University in 200 countries https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States& speakers of all 7168 living languages, to protect people & to end poverty * with #StanfordMinePicryptocurrency - https://minepi.com/sgkmac ~
Abolition Movement growth @WorldUnivAndSch
Abolition Movement growth @WorldUnivAndSch
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) January 13, 2024
World University and School
in seeking to code for all 7.9 billion people on planet earth https://t.co/2VG2iczdQV
in 200 countrieshttps://t.co/tl6R7zlUi9
& speakers of all 7168 living languages,
to protect people & to end poverty
with #StanfordMinePicryptocurrency - https://t.co/ameDJTexUV ~
— Languages-World Univ (@sgkmacleod) January 13, 2024
Abolition Movement growth @WorldUnivAndSch
in seeking to code for all 7.9 billion people on planet earth
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool. org/wiki/You_at_World_University
to protect people & to end poverty
Abolition Movement growth @WorldUnivAndSch
World University and School
in seeking to code for all 7.9 billion people on planet earth
in 200 countries
& speakers of all 7168 living languages,
to protect people & to end poverty
w Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency - https://minepi.com/sgkmac
- #YogaMeditation - http://www.scottmacleod.com/
Abolition Movement growth @WorldUnivAndSch
World University and School
in seeking to code for all 7.9 billion people on planet earth
in 200 countries
& speakers of all 7.9 billion people,
to protect people & to end poverty
w Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency - https://minepi.com/sgkmac - #YogaMeditation - http://www.scottmacleod.com/
Abolition Movement growth @WorldUnivAndSch
World University and School
in seeking to code for all 7.9 billion people on planet earth
to protect people & to end poverty
Searched on
'abolitionist scott-macleod.blogspot.com quaker meetings san francisco'
Sunday, December 2, 2012
African lion: Reading the inspired, Quaker, Abolitionist John Woolman, and I was wondering how Quakers might create a Ken Burns-informed documentary of Woolman, or even a film, Woolman's and the Quaker concept of "tenderness" or "becoming tender," Someone on a Quaker list was searching for the book "The failure of the Quaker experiments (1900-1940) in corporate social responsibility"
Sunday, December 2, 2012
African lion: Reading the inspired, Quaker, Abolitionist John Woolman, and I was wondering how Quakers might create a Ken Burns-informed documentary of Woolman, or even a film, Woolman's and the Quaker concept of "tenderness" or "becoming tender," Someone on a Quaker list was searching for the book "The failure of the Quaker experiments (1900-1940) in corporate social responsibility"
litigating the lash: quaker emancipator robert pleasants, the law
Vanderbilt University
https://ir.vanderbilt.edu › handle › HardinWF
by WF Hardin · 2013 · Cited by 1 — MacLeod, Slavery, Race, and the American Revolution (Cambridge: Cambridge ... Quaker Meetings in Virginia were evincing an increasing hostility to slavery.
... )
Scott GK MacLeod's Blog
October 15, 2021
Egyptian goose: Singing in the Unitarian U choir of Kensington~Berkeley? * * WUaS is continuing to call for abolition, following Quakers and Unitarians' long history with this, and in planning to code for all 7..8 billion people on the planet (re machine l
WUaS is continuing to call for abolition, following Quakers and Unitarians' long history with this, and in planning t
quaker meeting on Isle of Skye where
Meeting place
No fixed meeting place ,
But Portree area?
Skye Quaker Meeting in Portree (Ross and Cromarty IV51 9BD)
Skye Quaker Meeting ... Active: Yes. Address: The A.R.M.S Centre, Lisigarry Place, Dunvegan Road. Postcode: IV51 9BD. Area: Blackpool. Year built: Unknown. Type: ...
North Scotland
Residential Quaker Meeting
Pluscarden, 25 - 27st August 2023
Hello! We look forward to welcoming you to this year's residential weekend for Friends of all ages, which will be held in the peaceful surroundings of Pluscarden Abbey, and the nearby Pluscarden Village Hall. The focus for the weekend is on building Quaker connections
Pluscarden Abbey near Elgin, Moray, Scotland
Welcome to the North Scotland Quaker Note Book!
* * *
Great: #CanyonCA94516#670RidgecrestRd (formerly #86RidgecrestRd) on 1/13/09 ~8 miles SE of Berkeley soon after I moved in abt 11/08 https://t.co/oiBH2dPGjH Home ahead to #WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter w #VirtualWarmWaterCure#RealisticVirtualHarbin#WUaSLongevityGeneticsInstitute?
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) January 13, 2024
* * *
Camping van pic
Dear #ToyotaMotors: Great- #ToyotaSienna Is Now a Sleek #CamperVan, Thanks to a Motorized Pop-Top: Nevada-based Unicamp aims to deliver a minivan #vanlife -https://t.co/Dh07Rayedl& https://t.co/z6BgopIAVh Plan for #ToyotaConfiguratorhttps://t.co/Zyzt3sqvaQ 16+ ft long w shower?
— HarbinBook (@HarbinBook) January 13, 2024
Toyota configurator logo
Dear #ToyotaMotors: Great- #ToyotaSienna Is Now a Sleek #CamperVan, Thanks to a Motorized Pop-Top: Nevada-based Unicamp aims to deliver a minivan #vanlife -https://t.co/syHdsWe0XP& https://t.co/n5Wv9NAEbQ Plan for #ToyotaConfiguratorhttps://t.co/LiW0kevhS0 16+ ft long w shower?
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) January 13, 2024
Dear #ToyotaMotors: Great -
First-Ever 2025 Toyota GR Sienna Could Be a Virtual MPV Slap in the Face of Crossover SUVs
31 Dec 2023
#ToyotaTownAce camping van 1994 in Oregon
16+ ft long with shower!
Plan for
Toyota configurator
w #THR3 #ToyotaHumanoidRobot as 2 autonomous systems @WorldUnivAndSch & as #WUaSFacultyHomes w #WUaSRobotics #WUaSProgramming #wuAsVR ?
Toyota logo
#ToyotaTownAce camping van 1994 in Oregonhttps://t.co/CFnWNZI3hu
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) January 1, 2024
16+ ft long with shower!
Plan for
Toyota configuratorhttps://t.co/LiW0kevhS0
w #THR3#ToyotaHumanoidRobot as 2 autonomous systems @WorldUnivAndSch& as #WUaSFacultyHomes w #WUaSRobotics#WUaSProgramming#wuAsVR ?
#ToyotaTownAce camping van 1994 in Oregonhttps://t.co/GkcPU9YATk
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) January 1, 2024
16+ ft long with shower!
Plan for
Toyota configuratorhttps://t.co/jUON3wjhLQ
w #THR3#ToyotaHumanoidRobot as 2 autonomous systems @WorldUnivAndSch& as #WUaSFacultyHomes w #WUaSRobotics#WUaSProgramming#wuAsVR ?