Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Poinciana (KN - National flower of Saint Kitts and Nevis): M 1/15/23 open World Univ & Sch - WUaS News and Q&A at 10 AM ET, with Zoom URL

Previous: Water Lily (LK - National flower of Sri Lanka): Life Extension compounds' pill bottles * Aging reversal genetic drug therapies now for muscle wasting, vision, hearing, energy ? (Also Life Extension pill ads, first seen in Times of India ads) * * * How could #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch's planned #WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter & #WUaSLongevityGeneticsInstitute in #Canyon94516 create #AgingReversalGeneticTherapies from a #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForPharmacology & #forGenomics too at the #GoogleStreetView with time slider, #GCellView & #GMolecularView levels? * * * Hi from #BarnesAndNobleBookstore in the Waterworks' Mall near Fox Chapel in #PghPA, where high achieving #ShadySideAcademy high school is located🙂 Will this nearby closed Walmart become 1st large #WUaSflagship #WUaSEducationalServicesStore @WUaSPress run by #WUaSLegoRobots 🙂?


Dear Universitians, friends, All, 

In about 11 1/2 hours from now, the next CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch will meet on M January 15, 2024, at 10 am ET, 7 am PT 7:30 pm India Time (but please check your time converter) 

Topic: M 1/15/24 open MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - WUaS News and Q&A at 10 AM ET
Time: Jan 15, 2024 07:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 793 3551 2543
Passcode: Hib2Nv

Possible agenda depending on who joins the WUaS video call - 

Agenda item 0
Next steps ahead for #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress #WUaSCorp & re #WUaSArtificialIntelligence #LegalTech & #LLMs in a 'Stanford Law CodeX Stanford Fellowship Application - @sgkmacleod' 1/8/24


GDocs pic

Further steps ahead for #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress #WUaSCorp & re #WUaSArtificialIntelligence #LegalTech & #LLMs in a 'Stanford Law CodeX Stanford Fellow Application - @sgkmacleod' M 1/8/24

Logo -  

Stanford Arches CodeX pic - 

Agenda item 1
Next Curated Coaching meeting on Thursday, January 18, 20224 (first invited via Stanford LBAN, in a Chase bank collaboration, on F December 8th, 2023)

Dear Samantha G, & Jenny Ling, All, (Shawn, Steve, Shauna, Shona, Sid, Nick, Peter), 

It was really great to talk with you, Jenny Ling, (Curated Coaching, Stanford LBAN, in a Chase bank collaboration) on F December 8th, 2023. Looking forward to talking next Thursday, January 18 in this NEW Google Meet URL - meet.google.com/pgn-bamf-bda - which I just received yesterday (and see PS below). 

1 i
As we discussed at the meeting, and brainstorming-wise further, if you were Chief Operating Officer, Jenny Ling, and thinking-wise, one thing MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch needs to develop is the next steps for accreditation with MIddle States Commission on Higher Education, with offices in the greater Philadelphia area, (along with state of PA department of Education licensure, for which WUaS has already received authorization in around January of 2023 - but for which WUaS doesn't have the $5000, or the MSCHE fees) ... and MSCHE ($1500 Pre-Application Fee, and $5000 Application Fee, I think) requires WUaS to have BUSINESS PLAN for further steps in accreditation. How would this work and regarding our 1/18/24 meeting on "Understanding Options for Business Funding" - and brainstorming-wise with you as COO, Jenny Ling? And could someone in this circle or network take on this WUaS accreditation/licensure process please as well - and in communication with MSCHE's Connie Clifton - Shawn, someone in your law office near Walnut Street in Shadyside, possibly even please? 

1 ii 
I just applied for a Stanford Law CodeX Fellowship position, and my application gives one a clear direction of the broad directions MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch is heading in - 

"Next steps ahead for #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress #WUaSCorp & re #WUaSArtificialIntelligence #LegalTech & #LLMs in a 'Stanford Law CodeX Stanford Fellowship Application - @sgkmacleod' 1/8/24

- and when I potentially leave Pittsburgh to head to Stanford University, as well as to the SF Bay Area's East Bay to Canyon 94516 in the next months too - regarding potentially the 2 "flagship" WUaS Educational Services' stores in Pittsburgh which I hope we might talk about on Th 1/18, one medium sized physical store on Walnut Street in Shadyside, and one large sized physical WUaS Educational Services' Store in the fairly recently closed Walmart store in the Waterworks Mall near Fox Chapel in Pgh ... and even with Toyota Humanoid Robots and similar running these physical-digital stores, brainstorming-wise, and with Toyota Vans (partly Camping? - as WUaS Faculty and STudent homes too), as a second AI autonomous system, doing deliveries with Toyota THR3s - Humanoid Robots - too. 

1 iii
Lastly, since the WUaS Corp is an authorized reseller of 3 Lego Robotics' kits (2 now retired), in the USA only presently - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - how best please to develop the Physical-Digital WUaS Educational Services' Stores relationship with Lego Education (and planning for each of all ~200 countries and in their official languages), and I've just signed up for another Lego Education presentation on 1/25 in some of these regards here - 

1 iiia
with Lego email address -

1 iiib
(and see the PPPS for the question I asked in signing up for this just now)

where the Digital part of the WUaS Educational Services' Stores may be in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics (and see Twitter #Hashtag) and in something like Google Street View with time slider, GTranslate etc. - but also for Computer Science Robotics for WUaS Home Robotics' developments ...

(and even with planning for Stanford MIne Pi cryptocurrency - https://minepi.com/sgkmac - to become a main worldwide single cryptocurrency in all ~200 countries, and as WUaS seeks to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikdiata PIN # - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - and well beyond coding for speakers of all 7168 known living languages)? 

Thanks so much, best wishes, see you on 1/18/24 at 2pm ET, 

Scott GK MacLeod 

Agenda item 2
Aging reversal genetic drug therapies now - for muscle wasting, vision, hearing, energy & https://youtu.be/bnCEIPQFNnk ? 
Aging reversal genetic drug therapies for muscle wasting 

Aging reversal genetic drug therapies for vision

Aging reversal genetic drug therapies for

Aging reversal genetic drug therapies for these ~8 ... 


Aging reversal genetic drug therapies for 
'energy' (eg to walk long distances, or do many Yoga asanas ?)

How could MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School's planned Academic Medical Center & WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute in Canyon 94516 generate these from a physical-digital  realistic virtual earth for pharmacology & forGenomics too at the #GoogleStreetView with time slider, #GCellView & #GMolecularView levels? 

2 a 

Agenda item 3 
How could #MITOCW-centric @WorldUnivAndSch's planned #WUaSLongevityGeneticsInstitute in #Canyon94516 create #AgingReversalGeneticTherapies from a #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForPharmacology too at the #GoogleStreetView w time slider #GCellView & #GMolecularView levels?


Great: #CanyonCA94516 #670RidgecrestRd (formerly #86RidgecrestRd) on 1/13/09 ~8 miles SE of Berkeley soon after I moved in abt 11/08 
photos.app.goo.gl/zXU1sWtvmfoZA8… Home ahead to #WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter w #VirtualWarmWaterCure #RealisticVirtualHarbin  #WUaSLongevityGeneticsInstitute

Agenda item 4
Can AI decode the music you're listening to? | Field Notes #GoogleResearch 1 @TimoDenk #GoogleZurich 2 @Yu_Takaji #OsakaUniv
https://youtu.be/zLRljsl2tAE #MusicLM program reconstructed music someone was listening to from fMRI brain scans, then played this > #WUaSLovingBlissResearch? 

4 a

For #WUaSLovingBliss #WUaSNeurophysiology #WUaSDopamine #OnOffSwitch #WUaSResearch? >#MusicLM program reconstructed music someone was listening to from fMRI brain scans, then played it>"Can AI decode the music you're listening to? " @TimoDenk @Yu_Takagi https://youtu.be/zLRljsl2tAE ?

Retweeting - 

Agenda item 5 

Abolition Movement growth @WorldUnivAndSch 

World University and School 
in seeking to code for all 7.9 billion people on planet earth 
in 200 countries
& speakers of all 7168 living languages,  
to protect people & to end poverty 

5 a 
all the best, abolitionally, see you soon!, 
Scott GK MacLeod 

Here is the recording from last week's - 

M 1/8/23 open World Univ & Sch-WUaS News and Q&A: 2 wings A) research B) products' entrepreneurial 

Topic: M 1/15/24 open MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - WUaS News and Q&A at 10 AM ET
Time: Jan 15, 2024 07:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 793 3551 2543
Passcode: Hib2Nv

Saturday 1/20/24 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS Monthly Business Meeting 

9am PT, 12 noon ET 

Topic: Sat 1/20/24 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS Monthly Business Meeting
Time: Jan 20, 2024 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 795 6862 1123
Passcode: a4tv1R

M 1/22/24 open MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - WUaS News and Q&A at 10 AM ET

Topic: M 1/22/24 open MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - WUaS News and Q&A at 10 AM ET
Time: Jan 22, 2024 07:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 787 8019 5555
Passcode: cvfM6w


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 





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