Good day ~ in 2024 and re the "art of riding out the storm" (a sailing idea too) in growing a worldwide abolition movement, calling for US federal investigations, and Google For Education AI investigation software ~
Dear John (Sargent MD), Peter (Norvig, Google AI), US Senator Elizabeth Warren, Shawn (Flaherty, attorney), Ed (Smyth MD), Sid/Pin (Mazumdar HHS), Ma (Janie MacLeod), Alden (Briscoe, my mother's 1st cousin), Lt. John Tadler, Dr. David Demoise (UPMC MD, my PCP), All,
Greetings ... following up further on this thread, and re the "art of riding out the storm" (a sailing idea too) in growing a worldwide abolition movement, just emailed my mother in some of these regards -
"Hi Ma,
Circling around to my message from Friday 2/23/24 about the notification on my smartphone from I think Music Hall or similar - "saying salary cap had been decided" -
"(Got a little unfamiliar message on my smartphone earlier from Music Hall saying salary cap had been decided ... a bit baffling:) )"
... yesterday Tue 2/27/24, I attended a Google Event on "The Fundamentals of a Security Minded Google Admin" since MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch is in Google For Education (and planning to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet as wiki teachers and wiki learners in all ~200 countries, and in their main languages) ... and I'm the main WUaS admin - - presently .... and I logged into this WUaS Google admin web site during the talk ... and the LOGO up at the top of the browser looks very similar to the JP Morgan Chase logo ... but not the same ... leading me to wonder whether Chase bank is now covering the costs for Google for Education regarding World Univ & Sch ... and possibly thanks to Peter Norvig ... and whether there are some further financial and economic developments unfolding for World Univ & Sch ... and even, regarding all of the above, my starting eventually to get money as a salary and to put into retirement savings ... (and even brainstorming for the centuries ahead).
Blogged about some of the potential for Google For Education investigations re WUaS too here - - and possibly regarding my calling for a US federal investigation into the SF quajer meeting (re its first day school, and retroactively) - as new-to-me Google For Education software for this (criminal behavior in schools) - (as well as into the criminal???? Lobos Management Bryant Street Rentals (possibly regarding it becoming MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch's, and for students to live in even ... )) ... and the Google Workspace For Education investigation potential (as a private company too) makes me wonder about potential checks and balances ... (re a history of craziness with federal investigations in the FBI with Hoover and McCarthyism and during the 1960s and 1970s when great questions were raised about the corrupt? and wronging FBI ... ) ... and with Eric Sizemore, in Colorado, and John Guerrero, in California I think, working for CDW, so maybe with their CDW in a consultant role ...
The Fundamentals of a Security Minded Google Admin
with Eric Sizemore and Johnny Guerrero
Tu February 27, 2024 1pm Eastern Time
CDW Amplified for Education
... how will or would US federal investigations into educational situations, and other sectors (and even regarding abolishing organized crime and the illegal sex, drugs and violence etc industries in all ~200 countries play out), and find possibly new form with WUaS Google For Education from here - - as platform AND AS World Univ & Sch seeks to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN # - and as Wiki Universitians, teachers and learners ... so coding for everyone on the planet in the education sphere ... ?
In this talk, the main presenter Eric Sizemore, who knows this Google security software was turning red a lot toward the end, and am not sure why ... and my second texting message in the sidebar chat, about security risks differentially in all ~200 countries, disappeared almost immediately after I had posted it ... presumably by the 'Google Moderator' in the text chat ... (but Eric had mentioned the legal word too in some of these possible regards)
so in growing an abolition movement worldwide and at MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch, am wondering how such a Google AI Google For Education platform - with non-Google employees as consultants who know the software - operating it will guard against 'wolves guarding the henhouse' or the social psychology (Zimbardo's prisoner and guard 1973 Stanford experiment, for example) within Google AI even, and / or new developments with criminal offenders ... such GfE investigation issues might all go right to the top the Google or Alphabet Board of Directors, Sundar Pichai, and Peter Norvig too, and similar ...
And while I liked Eric and Johnny, I also wondered a bit if they were involved in possibly Colorado national guard or other uniformed services, or the California national guard ...
The great thing about Friends ... Quakers .. and potentially Unitarians too ... is in some ways theie moral high ground (re ethics) ... (until possibly criminals eg sex offenders, murderers organized crime, etc. from 'within' call this into question ... and in the interests of profit-making eg in the illegal sex drugs and violence etc industries ) ... and such Google For Education investigations could be used to investigate perpetrators and offenders in school systems even and to protect kids, for example ... (and in all 200 countries even)
Got another Twitter direct message for the first time in some months from General Douglas Fraser, retired head of the southern command in the US air force I think ...
"Douglas Fraser (@Douglas46771363) has sent you a Direct Message on X!"
... and he would have probably been around when Dad (GKM MD) got his first subdural hematoma on univ pitt managed at the time semester at sea in Belize on 12/30/04 ... and as I've written about many times, I've wondered in the past what role organized crime could have played in Dad's head injury ... and what Douglas Fraser's role might have been too here ... as well as what role the US uniformed services have played in the wrongful buying and selling of people, kids, women, victims ... other countries' uniformed services too ... and internationally as well (and not only in this century).
Am glad to have called for an US federal investigation into the SF quajer meeting, and into Lobos Management Bryant Street rentals, - and with US Senator and Harvard law Professor Elizabeth Warren ... and for US federal protection of you, Sandy and myself ... Could I seek further International US federal international protection in reaching out to General Douglas Fraser and through US Senator and Harvard law Professor Elizabeth Warren I wonder ... and as I begin to potentially travel to other countries in growing MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch as well as in growing a worldwide abolition movement further in all 200 countries and in all 7164 living languages (2024) ... and potentially with Google AI Google For Education investigation software and re WUaS as part of this process (with hopefully other AI systems ..
federal governments ... as checks and balances ?
What do you think, Ma?
(Please remember that people may be reading these emails - per communication from the city of Pittsburgh police to me in the previous murderous??? house I was living in at 210 East End avenue, Pgh 15221)
Love, abolition-ally, see you soon, Scott
will add this here + -
Tue 2/27/24 California Sea Lion -
Thoughts, ideas, questions, suggestions?
Abolition-ally, best wishes, thanks,
Scott GK MacLeod
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206
1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
MIT OCW-centric,
Hiroshi @ishii_mit - Tangible Bits & Radical Atoms In what ways could we don #VisionProMask fr #AppleComputerStore on #WalnutSt #PghPA, put it on, go>flagship #WUaSBookstore 4 doors away & TOUCH #DigitalBooks in 7k langs & #PaperBooks on shelves for sale?
Hiroshi Ishii - Tangible Bits & Radical Atoms
In what ways could we don #AppleVisionPro #DigitalMask fr #AppleComputerStore on #WalnutSt #PghPA put it on (@ 26 mins 2/26/24 #WUaSNewsAndQA) go > flagship #WUaSBookstore 4 doors away & touch #DigitalBooks in 7k languages & #PaperBooks on shelves for sale?
Get #AppleVisionPro #DigitalMask fr #AppleComputerStore on #WalnutSt #PghPA put it on go > flagship #DigitalBuildingTwin #WUaSbookstore 4 doors down (mins in M 2/26/24 #WUaSNewsAndQA in #
ores & 'touch' #WUaSVirtualBooks in all 7168 languages?
* *
Dear Ed (Smyth MD), John (Sargent MD), Peter (Norvig, Google AI), US Senator Elizabeth Warren, Shawn (Flaherty, attorney), Sid/Pin (Mazumdar HHS), Ma (Janie MacLeod), Alden (Briscoe, my mother's 1st cousin), Lt. John Tadler, Dr. David Demoise (UPMC MD, my PCP), All,
As a follow up and re tragically companies, and Ed's son Theo (where Ed's wife, Val McFarlane MD is a KP physician, like Ed was, and a Jamaican-American, African-American) and re networking via IT in growing an abolition movement, I just (received and) texted this message to Ed in Berkeley -
Hi Ed! How are you? I just received a Next Door (re Canyon 94516 social media community) email message mentioning Trader J's grocery store (where I've wondered about their involvement in organized crime many times & re prostitutes in the aisles) - and your son, Theo ... In what phase are you in seeking US federal and state of CA protection for your family and yourself, I wonder (since we haven't talked since late August 2023) ... Fond Regards, abolition-ally,
, Scott (Email to you and US Senator Elizabeth Warren about some of this and all from today -
Thoughts, questions?
Abolitionally, Scott
Scott MacLeod <> |
| | | |
to John, Edward, Sid, Janie, Alden, Peter, Peter, Shawn, Nick, Kenneth, Bruce, Dick, John, greg.dedominicis, David, warren, Tym, Tym, Pin, Alex, Charles, Stephen, Dr, George, Peter, Colin, "", Hugh, Joichi, Jennifer, Sarah, Lydia, Narjeet, NTM, Swaroop, Prasanth, George, Craig, Elliott, Roland, Hank |
Dear John (Sargent MD), Peter (Norvig, Google AI), US Senator Elizabeth Warren, Shawn (Flaherty, attorney), Ed (Smyth MD), Sid/Pin (Mazumdar HHS, Harvard alumnus), Ma (Janie MacLeod), Alden (Briscoe, my mother's 1st cousin, who went to the Quaker George School, then Harvard College), Lt. John Tadler, Dr. David Demoise (UPMC MD, my PCP), All,
As a further followup, just texted my mother:
Hi Ma - one reason I think Ed and may not have talked since on Cuttyhunk in late August 2023 is because he's navigating questions of seeking to abolish institutional or systemic racism in California, having married Val McFarlane MD and had 3 kids, and as a MD himself having grown up in San Francisco, and as a child (born in 1961) of the 1960s and influenced by the American civil rights' movement and for example Dr Martin Luther King jr
... and in protecting his family ... Possibly regarding the racism of tom wylie + in Canyon 94516 and of hsiwej alice sowaal (neil fullagar steve leeds etc) too in the sf quajer meeting (and its tragic involvement in the deeply wrongful harming of, & buying and selling of, kids, women, victims - & where sowaal also I think is in the town of Pacifica too) ... and possibly navigating the historical? institutional racism of even the Apple computers out west ... and possibly universities in California too ... some of which may play out via social media sites like Next Door in Canyon 94516 ... Just some thoughts ... Not sure how all this plays out Desiderata-wise ... re the 'spirit' word, the 'god' word, and the 'universe' words for example ... Or re US states' and federal laws or socioculturally and morally amd ethically ... But stay tuned ... Abolitionally in Pittsburgh,
, and the SF bay area, sending love, Scott (
How are you doing Ed in Berkeley (and who knows the KP electronic health records' systems in 8 US states?)
Thanks again to Ed and John for encouraging me to move back into a newly safe open Canyon 94616 beginning with in around March of 2022, before I fled for my life to seek asylum on the eastern seaboard on around August 1 2022.
Best, abolitionally, Friendly Quaker regards, thanks,
#AgingReversal & #ExtremeLongevity #GeneticTherapies, #FDAapproved, made in India, too?
"India's innovations are still changing the world"
-#AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords ~
Retweeting -
This Symposium enables the exchange of scientific ideas and dialogue with regulators that form the basis of evolving regulatory practices in the development of diverse and innovative in cell and gene therapy products.
Dear Peter (Norvig, Google AI), California Senator Steve Glazer district 7, John (Sargent MD), US Senator Elizabeth Warren, Shawn (Flaherty, attorney), Ed (Smyth MD), Sid/Pin (Mazumdar HHS, Harvard alumnus), Ma (Janie MacLeod), Alden (Briscoe, my mother's 1st cousin, who went to the Quaker George School, then Harvard College), Lt. John Tadler, Dr. David Demoise (UPMC MD, my PCP), All,
Greetings from an asylum place on the eastern seaboard of the US -
Following up here too, and still not connected on laptop AND see Gemini AI AGING REVERSAL QUESTIONS below ...
"Circling around to this email thread in growing an abolition movement worldwide -
After sending previous
'Good day ~ in 2024'
emails just now from my smart phone,
I can't seem to get access to the internet any longer on laptop ... Although the Pixel_9283 wifi signal is correctly connected, my laptop first said "Inactive" newly even though the this was connected correctly - Pixel_9283
But laptop is now saying (green button) Active
But secondary dialog box is saying 'Not connected' ... for nearly 10 minutes now
Thoughts, questions, suggestions
, please?
Thank you, abolitionally, Friendly regards, Scott"
I just asked these questions in German on W 2/28/24 to Gemini AI on smartphone and could like to access the responses on laptop to begin with ...
'Guten Tag Gemini wieder, wie ist es in Deutschland z.B. in Vergleich zu der Schweiz und Oesterreich, mit Medizin studium heute - und mit Genetiks? Muessen alle Studenten ein Jahr oder mehr von Genetik studium haben? (Ich habe eine besondere Interesse in die ganze neue "Aging Reversal Genetiks" und "Extreme Longevity Genetiks" und digitale Prozessin dort). Danke
Received interesting timely topical succinct answer
Ich moechte diese wiki Schule
bei MIT OCW- centric wiki World Univ & Sch auf Deutsch schaffen. Ich moechte auch offene freie Genetik Kursen
irgendwie aehnlich zu MIT OCW kursen
Good answer from Gemini too -
But not sure how to find others to help with this ... Do it myself alone further I guess
Still am disconnected ...
Thoughts, suggestions, questions?
Seeking to move back into a newly safe Canyon 94516 and having applied for a 2024-2025 Stanford Law Codex Fellowship top ...
Thanks, abolition-ally, staying alive, best wishes, Friendly Quaker greetings, Scott
Will add last 3-4 emails in thread further here too -
Peter (Norvig, Google AI), California Senator Steve Glazer district 7, John (Sargent MD), US Senator Elizabeth Warren, Shawn (Flaherty, attorney), Ed (Smyth MD), Sid/Pin (Mazumdar HHS, Harvard alumnus), Ma (Janie MacLeod), Alden (Briscoe, my mother's 1st cousin, who went to the Quaker George School, then Harvard College), Lt. John Tadler, Dr. David Demoise (UPMC MD, my PCP), All,
Internet on laptop was off for about 20 minutes completely newly - due to messages I sent to Ed inquiring in what phase is he in seeking US federal and state of CA protection for his family of 5 and other relatives too potentially
??? - then I emailed you Peter and al, then rebooted and I had internet again on laptop too.
I also called Ed in Berkeley and left message ...
Who are the possible criminals? doing this (at T-Mobile? Google? Other Pgh probably organizations - or? I'm glad to have sought US federal protection for myself, my mother (both now in western PA) and my brother in Maine not that long ago - and in these regards too.
Glad internet is back on on laptop and for accessing Gemini AI responses on laptop about a new Aging Reversal Genetics' wiki school in a new language (German) ... Could someone please help translate the WUaS SUBJECT TEMPLATE section headings
into German, possibly even automatically ?
Thanks, abolition ally, best regards, Friendly Quaker greetings, Scott
Medizin studium heute - und mit Genetiks
I just asked these questions in German on W 2/28/24 to Gemini AI on smartphone and could like to access the responses on laptop to begin with ...
'Guten Tag Gemini wieder, wie ist es in Deutschland z.B. in Vergleich zu der Schweiz und Oesterreich, mit Medizin studium heute - und mit Genetiks? Muessen alle Studenten ein Jahr oder mehr von Genetik studium haben? (Ich habe eine besondere Interesse in die ganze neue "Aging Reversal Genetiks" und "Extreme Longevity Genetiks" und digitale Prozessin dort). Danke
Received interesting timely topical succinct answer
Ich moechte diese wiki Schule
bei MIT OCW- centric wiki World Univ & Sch auf Deutsch schaffen. Ich moechte auch offene freie Genetik Kursen
irgendwie aehnlich zu MIT OCW kursen
Good answer from Gemini too -
But not sure how to find others to help with this ... Do it myself alone further I guess
Thanks, Scott
* * *
Great questions re #BrainInjurySensors @SenWarren #SenRickScott, & why not develop further sensors that STREAM their data in real time, & iterating data, into 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForBrains & develop #BrainSensors at the same time for #BrainResearch in #RealisticVirtualHarbin?
Great questions re #BrainInjurySensors @SenWarren #SenRickScott, & why not develop further sensors that STREAM their data in real time, & iterating data, into 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForBrains & develop #BrainSensors at the same time for #BrainResearch in #RealisticVirtualHarbin?
Retweeting -
Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206
1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
MIT OCW-centric,
* * *
Aging Reversal & Extreme Longevity genetic therapies, made in India too?
#AgingReversal & #ExtremeLongevity #GeneticTherapies, #FDAapproved, made in India, too?
"India's innovations are still changing the world"
-#AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords ~
Retweeting -
This Symposium enables the exchange of scientific ideas and dialogue with regulators that form the basis of evolving regulatory practices in the development of diverse and innovative in cell and gene therapy products.
Aging Reversal & Extreme Longevity genetic therapies, FDA approved, made in India too?
Bill Gates -
"India's innovations are still changing the world"
as cell and gene therapy products ... for millions of years?
Retweeting -
This Symposium enables the exchange of scientific ideas and dialogue with regulators that form the basis of evolving regulatory practices in the development of diverse and innovative in cell and gene therapy products.