Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Indian paintbrush (Castilleja affinis): upcoming book (Sat 3/9/24) Society, Information Tech, & the Global University August 2008 blog posts * * * Realistic Virtual Universe for Space Travel and a single main cryptocurrency like Stanford Mine Pi coins AI ? ... In what ways could #ChaseBank w #Siemens code, in #RealisticVirtualUniverse, ...? * * * Realistic Virtual Universe for Space Travel and a single main cryptocurrency like Stanford Mine Pi coins AI ? ... In what ways could #ChaseBank w #Siemens code, in #RealisticVirtualUniverse, ...? * * * Harvard Professor Heng Li ~ Prof #HengLi @lh3lh3 #ClinicalTrials' #PacketsInTheMail AND code & print synthetic #AgingReversalDrugs from home from 1s & 0s FOR Clinical Trials at WUaS (for all languages) & for 7.9 billion people at You at WUaS ? * * * might our #AvatarBots as #DigitalTwins, with us, be able to time slide back in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory to #Beethoven's decades?

Next: Redwood sorrel (Oxalis oregana): Dear Omelette heads ... Growing an abolition movement further but not with protesters at protest sites with placards next week for example or not ... Like going to Peace Marches (re Peace movement and Protest marches) in DC from in front of the Pittsburgh Friends Meeting in the 1970s with fellow Quaker protesters ... And to protest the wrongful buying and selling of people, ... but this time with WUaS seeking to facilitate Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency worldwide to end poverty and for Pi coins' AI and machine learning and even Avatar Agent Electronic Health Records to work with law enforcement, US federal and state and international laws * * * Two enormous (WUaS?) worldwide machine learning coding projects and to help people - to end poverty, and to extend life ...
Previous: Sticky monkey flower (Diplacus aurantiacus): Open a new "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" account for WUaS - and then a first Chase bank loan? - and to begin the WUaS Bookstore, & then with initial Chase loan??? * * * A first panel presentation that WUaS has attended with the green light from Middle States Commission on Higher Education (with offices in the greater Philadelphia area) to accredit presentation on Th Mar 8, 2024 at 1pm ET (and while in asylum in Pennsylvania as a whistle blower from the SF Bay Area) * * new dynamics in aging w #AgingReversal & #ExtremeLongevity #GeneTherapies & re enrollment OPPORTUNITIES for Pennsylvanians 18-64 yo re @mscheorg #WUaSaccreditation & pot. aged 65-150+ @ #MITOCW-centric @WorldUnivAndSch for free online Bach, PhD, Law, MD, AA/AS, & MA/MS's degrees? * * * getting back into 8am Yoga explorations, ~9am wrote a bit further of "Soc, Info Tech, & Global Univ", 10 am played a pretty Piobaireachd ("I got a kiss ..." ), 11am learned further Blues Keyboard from Castro video, then noodled around playing with "Dark Star" from the Grateful Dead, 12 noon to read 'Read fascinating and thinking generating books' probably "Naked Harbin Ethnography" book further, ... and later at 1pm German with Gemini AI and often about Lego robotics, and at 2 Lego Robotics and at 3 developing the World Univ & Sch wiki ...

upcoming book (Sat 3/9/24) Society, Information Technology, & the Global University August 2008 blog posts

upcoming book (Sat 3/9/24) Society, Information Tech, & the Global University August 2008 blog posts 



Youtube text - 

upcoming book (Sat 3/9/24) Society, Information Tech, & the Global University August 2008 blog posts



August 2008 blog posts

starting with - Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Baobab: Anthropological Fieldwork, Science, Dr. Andy Weil's Integrative Medicine Website, & Global University, in Africa


WUaS field sites re Harbin as field site

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Butterfly: Wine Culture, Field Sites around the World, the Hippie Trail Today and Virtual Worlds https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2008/08/butterfly-wine-culture-field-sites.html?m=0

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Canopy: World University: The Global, Virtual/Digital, Open, Free, Degree-Granting, Multilingual University & School


Friday, August 29, 2008

Cosmos: Harbin Art, Unreally-Realness and Words https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2008/08/cosmos-harbin-art-unreally-realness-and.html?m=0

Un-really Real

Harbin is very un-really real - a kind of 'magical realism' has arisen here – and in Northern California. There are a lot of long-haired folks here, all living quite fully, especially when they get here. And if Harbin didn’t exist, someone would have to invent it. And Harbin kind of lives itself. No one is in charge, in a sense, and it's very self-regulating, in a Taoist sense. Some dramas unfold here between the residents and visitors, among residents and among guests. And lots is said and thought – some negative - about how Harbin is changing, and what goes on here. But people just keep coming through the gate, each on their own trip, and all varied, which kind of balances out and puts into perspective some of the dramas here, as well as life.

Harbin's virtualness emerges in peoples' minds, through a kind of shared experience, shared vision (culture?), and perhaps shared neurophysiology. This informs a lot of different experiences.

To “Harbinize” – after soaking in the pools, - coming in touch with a kind of harmony, happiness and relaxed space, that is in sync with the fabric of Harbin. This stems directly from the oneness - the unique relaxation response (my language) - that the pools give rise to.


* * * 

Realistic Virtual Universe for Space Travel and a single main cryptocurrency like Stanford Mine Pi coins AI ? ... In what ways could #ChaseBank w #Siemens code, in #RealisticVirtualUniverse, ...? 

In what ways could #ChaseBank w #Siemens code, in #RealisticVirtualUniverse, ...?

In what ways could #ChaseBank w #Siemens code, in #RealisticVirtualUniverse, for the #WUaSCorporation @WUaSPress (@WorldUnivAndSch) with Stanford #MinePi #PiCryptocurrency ON the Silicon Valley #LongTermStockExchange @LTSE & #BerlinStockExchange to list #WUaSCorp in CA & Germany?

Retweeting - 

Today, we’re celebrating our 125th year on the stock exchange 📈
On March 8, 1899, Siemens shares were traded for the first time on the floor of the Berlin Stock Exchange.
We’re one of the oldest continuously listed companies in Germany’s stock-exchange history! #SiemensHistory 


* * 

Chase bank 

Dear Chase's Shauna McNally, Shona Demus, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan Chase Pgh Managing Director MIchael Foster (and please forward this email to both), US Senator & Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, Jenny Ling, (at Chase bank and Curated Coaching), Shawn Flaherty attorney , Lt John Tadler, All,

Thanks again for the 888 Chase call yesterday in the late afternoon, regarding these MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS Corp questions rising up to be addressed potentially by Chase bank executives in leadership and decision-making roles.   

With this new possible WUaS Chase business account - "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" - is Chase bank planning for WUaS Stanford Mine Pi Cryptocurrency - https://minepi.com/sgkmac - and even for 7.9 billion people on the planet - from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University (in 200 nation states - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States - and in 7164 living languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages) - and for speakers of all 7,164 known living languages? And could the possible flagship WUaS Bookstore (designed by Siemens with a Digital Building Twin???) on Walnut Street in Pgh PA accept Pi coins for purchases for example - and through this Chase business account? 

And who would be the programming leads for this project at Chase bank ... (hopefully separate from coders from trader j-hooks ... as the possible US federal investigation unfolds into Chase bank Wilkinsburg Pgh PA ... and jenifer weber??? and george nicolai?? and Chase lawyers?? and programmers? ... and even related violence networks?) ... and re the egregious misconduct miss-conduct of closing my 3 Chase accounts ... and regarding the potentially fatal implications of the 3rd paper letter to stay off Chase property? 

Regarding Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency (with which WUaS Corp has a partnering email from the Pi network organization) - https://minepi.com/sgkmac (and they are building out a robust Pi cryptocurrency system  https://twitter.com/PiCoreTeam/status/1766240053830062488) - and WUaS coding for all 7.9 billion people, Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis, a Pi co founder and key programming lead with a Stanford PhD is probably a great contact for Chase - https://twitter.com/PiCoreTeam/status/1756008790959464894 - and possibly in communication via Peter Norvig above.

You'll find here again my initial questions (again) regarding this "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/03/sticky-monkey-flower-diplacus.html . How best to ask these questions further, and e.g. re getting bookshelves for the WUaS bookstore on Walnut street, after it might be designed by Siemens even?

Looking forward to potentially having my 3 Chase accounts reinstated soon if possible please, including my credit card (e.g. so I get my mother a birthday gift for example).

Abolitionaly, staying alive, thanks, 


wonder if #StanfordMinePi #PiCryptocurrency #WUaSPi is part of solution to growing #WorldWideAbolition movement since it might not be considered MONEY

Ma, I wonder if #StanfordMinePi #PiCryptocurrency #WUaSPi is part of solution to growing #WorldWideAbolition movement since it might not be considered MONEY legally, rather PI w completely new implications re legal definitions &

On Fri, Mar 8, 2024 at 3:54 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear Chase's Shauna McNally, Shona Demus, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan Chase Pgh Managing Director MIchael Foster (and please forward this email to both), US Senator & Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, Jenny Ling, (at Chase bank and Curated Coaching), Shawn Flaherty attorney , Lt John Tadler, All, 

Greetings, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan Chase Pgh Managing Director MIchael Foster, all - Just received another call from Chase bank, having asked - for security reasons and numerous times both Chase bank manager Shadyside, Kacey Costolo, and criminal??? Chase banker??? jenifer weber in Chase bank in Wilkinsburg Pittsburgh PA to please not to call me from Chase (due to the communications and security fiascoes there for one) ... and in seeking to stay alive, regarding the 3 curious paper letters I received from Chase, and regarding potentially Chase banker jenifer weber's egregious misconduct (re 2 letters), and with the potentially fatal implications of the 'do not come on Chase property' letter (as the third letter) ... and in MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch growing an abolition movement worldwide to protect people. Thanks for this 888 Chase call possibly suggesting that you CEO Jamie Dimon may be involved now. 

In seeking an ongoing unfolding US federal investigation into the Chase Wilkinsburg branch, and in growing a WUaS abolition movement to protect people worldwide, as WUaS seeks to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - with Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency and possibly with Chase banks worldwide (out of 200 countries), please again reply in this email thread, and or please reinstate my 3 Chase accounts as soon as possible. 

In MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch growing an abolition movement worldwide to protect people, WUAS is seeking in an ongoing way for US federal and states' laws to work effectively together in new ways.

Thank you, abolitionally, best, in asylum on the east coast from the SF Bay Area, staying alive, 
Scott GK MacLeod

200 Nation States each a major online university with 200 online international law schools -  

7164 known living languages as wiki schools at World Univ & Sch too for open people to people teaching and learning, too - 

The WUaS Corporation too is planning to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet from here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University ~

On Fri, Mar 8, 2024 at 9:15 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear Chase's Shauna McNally, Shona Demus, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan Chase Pgh Managing Director Michael Foster (and please forward this email to both), US Senator & Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, Jenny Ling, (at Chase bank and Curated Coaching), Shawn Flaherty attorney , Lt John Tadler, All, 

Greetings! I'm going to hold off from using the Chase bank information technologies, such as "Schedule a meeting," or set up an "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" online account - due to the possible fatal implications of the curious Chase bank letter on paper not to go on any Chase property (and see PS below, which I sent in another thread early this morning to friends and contacts).

In growing a MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch abolition movement worldwide to protect people, and as the US federal investigation may be proceeding into Chase bank Wilkinsburg ... 

And again given the potential fatal possibility of the curious Chase bank letter on paper not to go on any Chase property, and regarding the criminal ? misconduct (Chase bank Wikinsburg jenifer weber and george nicolai - and how and where are former manager  Johnny X Stephens and Matthew Hillenbrand, assistant manager, there ) et al. ... I don't think it makes sense to come in yet to the Chase bank Shadyside yet to inquire about this possible, 

"Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" account

AND I DON'T THINK IT MAKES SENSE TO SCHEDULE  A MEETING OR DO THIS ONLINE BECAUSE OF THESE POSSIBLE FATAL 3 LETTERS (with 2 contradictory "you're 3 Chase accounts are closed" and the one do not come on Chase propetery)  ... and in seeking to stay alive, - and in caling for US federal protection of my mother, myself and my brother, as well as in WUaS calling for this US federal investigation into  Chase bank Wilkinsburg, for example. 

So how best to proceed in potentially opening this "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" for example I wonder? 

A contact has suggested heading into the Chase Bank Shadyside with someone, which is a good idea but with whom? ... And until these 3 Chase letters' contradictions and potential fatal aspects are also resolved, - possibly with further paper letters to me that my 3 Chase accounts are reinstated, and with an invitation to come into the Chase Bank Shadyside in person to open a  "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" WITH MY QUESTIONS on LENDING POSSIBILITIES - and thanks to possibly a US federal investigation, and with Lt John Tadler of the Allegheny County Police and Shawn Flaherty attorney (Shady Side Academy alumni, like Michael Foster above, Steve Cambor, Sid Mazumdar and myself) in these communications, I'll continue to communicate in writing, and in seeking for "way to open" via a kind of Friendly Quaker discernment too.  

Chase VP Shauna McNally, banker Shona Demus - may I possibly please schedule a phone meeting with you Shona Demus (as a business banker or otherwise) to talk about some of my questions re opening  "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" - and regarding growing the WUaS Bookstore on Walnut Street, in Shadyside Pgh PA ?

Thanks, best, abolitionally, 
Scott Gordon K MacLeod 

ADDING THIS EMAIL FROM 1:23 AM this morning - 

Good morning US Senator Elizabeth Warren,
Peter (Norvig), Shawn Flaherty attorney, Lt John Tadler, Ed, Pin, Ma (Janie), Alden, all,


The 3 paper letters from Chase may be further examples of Chase employee 'misconduct,' a word in two of the letters - and in my & WUaS calling for worldwide abolition and in seeking an ongoing US federal investigation (which aren't misconduct) too into the Chase bank in Wilkinsburg (re jenifer weber? and george nicolai? too ... and Chase lawyers and programmer in their networks too) - after the closing of my Chase credit card account at Trader J on around W 2/28/24 at 8:11 pm ... and one Chase paper letter saying not to come onto any Chase properties being a very serious risk to me from possible Chase bank employee criminals eg in my seeking to move west to a newly safe open Canyon 94516 on 2024 and regarding the Chase bank in Moraga 4 miles away, for example. How could and is JP Morgan Chase bank security itself controlling for this - as a possible investigation into Chase bank Wilkinsburg murders???? too may be unfolding, with Chase bank Shadyside VP Shauna McNally PLAYING an investigator's role in such investigations ... since Shauna McNally mentioned the murder word to me (per my email inquiries and documentation of Friendly Quaker queries) in her office a few days ago when we were talking there about my wrongly closed accounts. 

Re possibly opening 2 or 3 new Chase accounts per these curious Chase misconduct ? closures, I think it would make possibly most sense to reinstate these my 3 accounts, which I've requested numerous timed - since TWO of the recent Chase paper letters contradict each other saying Dated 2/28/24 that all 3 of my accounts are CLOSED - but they aren't since I was able to pay off my ~$355 last month's credit card bill today after this "closure" AND another letter Dated 2/28/24 too saying my 3 accounts WILL BE CLOSED on 3/28/24 ...

So with Chase criminal bankers' jenifer weber, george nicolai, Chase lawyers and coders and other Chase employees possibly sending out these spurious contradictory Chase letters ... Is VP Shauna McNally the correct Chase representative to talk with further and in the Chase Bank branch in Shadyside (or Jenny Ling)  ... or Chase CEO Jamie Dimon? I will certainly seek to stay off all parts of the Chase bank Wilkinsburg property  per the paper letter.

Time to reinstate these three Chase accounts reversing jenifer weber's egregious misconduct (and making Chase bank /credit card safe and secure in the process and re their system - in all of Chase's ~100 out of 200 countries in world, including in California too) 

- and get a Chase Business Account  "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" +

and then seek to get a WUaS Bookstore loan per their email offer?

Abolitionally, thanks, Best, in asylum on the eastern seaboard from the SF Bay Area, growing a WUaS abolition movment.

On Thu, Mar 7, 2024 at 11:43 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear Shauna McNally, Shona Demus, Jenny Ling, (at Chase bank and Curated Coaching), Shawn Flaherty attorney , Lt John Tadler, Senator Elizabeth Warren, All, 

Greetings from MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch. Here are some initial 

QUESTIONS about this "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" account based on the Chase offer below
- re possible WUaS Bookstore on Walnut Street Shadyside Pgh PA ? 

Nancy O’Sullivan

10:18 AM (6 hours ago)
to me
Hi,  Scott, 
I hope you are well. Please take me off this mailing list. 
Sent from my iPhone

[Message clipped]  View entire message

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

10:34 AM (6 hours ago)
to Nancy
Nice to hear from you, Nancy,


Thanks, Scott

About ~200 
- amazing development in modernity and 'internetity' since ancient Greece :)

Dear Chase's Shauna McNally, Shona Demus, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan Chase Pgh Managing Director MIchael Foster (and please forward this email to both), US Senator & Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, Jenny Ling, (at Chase bank and Curated Coaching), Shawn Flaherty attorney, Lt John Tadler, All 

Further, and for a cryptocurrency in space (eg for buying and selling minerals of a tell-robotically mined asteroid), here's a set of Tweets inquiring (in a Friendly Quaker way) how Chase bank and Siemens could code for a main single cryptocurrency for all 7.9 billion people and to end poverty, but especially in a realistic virtual universe / (think realistic virtual earth) and for space ...

In what ways could #ChaseBank w #Siemens code, in #RealisticVirtualUniverse, for the #WUaSCorporation @WUaSPress (@WorldUnivAndSch) with Stanford #MinePi #PiCryptocurrency ON the Silicon Valley #LongTermStockExchange @LTSE & #BerlinStockExchange to list #WUaSCorp in CA & Germany?

Retweeting - 

Today, we’re celebrating our 125th year on the stock exchange 📈
On March 8, 1899, Siemens shares were traded for the first time on the floor of the Berlin Stock Exchange.
We’re one of the oldest continuously listed companies in Germany’s stock-exchange history! #SiemensHistory 

Viewable in the WUaSMultimediaRoom of the flagship Wuas Bookstore on Walnut street? Think Google Street View with a time slider projected from four sides at the ceiling level into the flagship WUaS bookstore, and where book purchasers could see even more possible books in this physical store (with books in 7164 known living languages) WEARING an Apple Pro Vision mask combined with the WUaS Multimedia Room.

Thoughts, ideas, questions, suggestions?



On Sat, Mar 9, 2024 at 10:01 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear Chase's Shauna McNally, Shona Demus, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan Chase Pgh Managing Director MIchael Foster (and please forward this email to both), US Senator & Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, Jenny Ling, (at Chase bank and Curated Coaching), Shawn Flaherty attorney , Lt John Tadler, All,

Thanks again for the 888 Chase call yesterday in the late afternoon, regarding these MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS Corp questions rising up to be addressed potentially by Chase bank executives in leadership and decision-making roles.   

With this new possible WUaS Chase business account - "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" - is Chase bank planning for WUaS Stanford Mine Pi Cryptocurrency - https://minepi.com/sgkmac - and even for 7.9 billion people on the planet - from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University (in 200 nation states - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States - and in 7164 living languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages) - and for speakers of all 7,164 known living languages? And could the possible flagship WUaS Bookstore (designed by Siemens with a Digital Building Twin???) on Walnut Street in Pgh PA accept Pi coins for purchases for example - and through this Chase business account? 

And who would be the programming leads for this project at Chase bank ... (hopefully separate from coders from trader j-hooks ... as the possible US federal investigation unfolds into Chase bank Wilkinsburg Pgh PA ... and jenifer weber??? and george nicolai?? and Chase lawyers?? and programmers? ... and even related violence networks?) ... and re the egregious misconduct miss-conduct of closing my 3 Chase accounts ... and regarding the potentially fatal implications of the 3rd paper letter to stay off Chase property? 

Regarding Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency (with which WUaS Corp has a partnering email from the Pi network organization) - https://minepi.com/sgkmac (and they are building out a robust Pi cryptocurrency system  https://twitter.com/PiCoreTeam/status/1766240053830062488) - and WUaS coding for all 7.9 billion people, Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis, a Pi co founder and key programming lead with a Stanford PhD is probably a great contact for Chase - https://twitter.com/PiCoreTeam/status/1756008790959464894 - and possibly in communication via Peter Norvig above.

You'll find here again my initial questions (again) regarding this "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/03/sticky-monkey-flower-diplacus.html . How best to ask these questions further, and e.g. re getting bookshelves for the WUaS bookstore on Walnut street, after it might be designed by Siemens even?

Looking forward to potentially having my 3 Chase accounts reinstated soon if possible please, including my credit card (e.g. so I get my mother a birthday gift for example).

Abolitionaly, staying alive, thanks, 


wonder if #StanfordMinePi #PiCryptocurrency #WUaSPi is part of solution to growing #WorldWideAbolition movement since it might not be considered MONEY

Ma, I wonder if #StanfordMinePi #PiCryptocurrency #WUaSPi is part of solution to growing #WorldWideAbolition movement since it might not be considered MONEY legally, rather PI w completely new implications re legal definitions &

On Fri, Mar 8, 2024 at 3:54 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear Chase's Shauna McNally, Shona Demus, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan Chase Pgh Managing Director MIchael Foster (and please forward this email to both), US Senator & Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, Jenny Ling, (at Chase bank and Curated Coaching), Shawn Flaherty attorney , Lt John Tadler, All, 

Greetings, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan Chase Pgh Managing Director MIchael Foster, all - Just received another call from Chase bank, having asked - for security reasons and numerous times both Chase bank manager Shadyside, Kacey Costolo, and criminal??? Chase banker??? jenifer weber in Chase bank in Wilkinsburg Pittsburgh PA to please not to call me from Chase (due to the communications and security fiascoes there for one) ... and in seeking to stay alive, regarding the 3 curious paper letters I received from Chase, and regarding potentially Chase banker jenifer weber's egregious misconduct (re 2 letters), and with the potentially fatal implications of the 'do not come on Chase property' letter (as the third letter) ... and in MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch growing an abolition movement worldwide to protect people. Thanks for this 888 Chase call possibly suggesting that you CEO Jamie Dimon may be involved now. 

In seeking an ongoing unfolding US federal investigation into the Chase Wilkinsburg branch, and in growing a WUaS abolition movement to protect people worldwide, as WUaS seeks to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - with Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency and possibly with Chase banks worldwide (out of 200 countries), please again reply in this email thread, and or please reinstate my 3 Chase accounts as soon as possible. 

In MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch growing an abolition movement worldwide to protect people, WUAS is seeking in an ongoing way for US federal and states' laws to work effectively together in new ways.

Thank you, abolitionally, best, in asylum on the east coast from the SF Bay Area, staying alive, 
Scott GK MacLeod

200 Nation States each a major online university with 200 online international law schools -  

7164 known living languages as wiki schools at World Univ & Sch too for open people to people teaching and learning, too - 

The WUaS Corporation too is planning to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet from here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University ~

On Fri, Mar 8, 2024 at 9:15 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear Chase's Shauna McNally, Shona Demus, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan Chase Pgh Managing Director MIchael Foster (and please forward this email to both), US Senator & Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, Jenny Ling, (at Chase bank and Curated Coaching), Shawn Flaherty attorney , Lt John Tadler, All, 

Greetings! I'm going to hold off from using the Chase bank information technologies, such as "Schedule a meeting," or set up an "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" online account - due to the possible fatal implications of the curious Chase bank letter on paper not to go on any Chase property (and see PS below, which I sent in another thread early this morning to friends and contacts).

In growing a MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch abolition movement worldwide to protect people, and as the US federal investigation may be proceeding into Chase bank Wilkinsburg ... 

And again given the potential fatal possibility of the curious Chase bank letter on paper not to go on any Chase property, and regarding the criminal ? misconduct (Chase bank Wikinsburg jenifer weber and george nicolai - and how and where are former manager  Johnny X Stephens and Matthew Hillenbrand, assistant manager, there ) et al. ... I don't think it makes sense to come in yet to the Chase bank Shadyside yet to inquire about this possible, 

"Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" account

AND I DON'T THINK IT MAKES SENSE TO SCHEDULE  A MEETING OR DO THIS ONLINE BECAUSE OF THESE POSSIBLE FATAL 3 LETTERS (with 2 contradictory "you're 3 Chase accounts are closed" and the one do not come on Chase propetery)  ... and in seeking to stay alive, - and in caling for US federal protection of my mother, myself and my brother, as well as in WUaS calling for this US federal investigation into  Chase bank Wilkinsburg, for example. 

So how best to proceed in potentially opening this "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" for example I wonder? 

A contact has suggested heading into the Chase Bank Shadyside with someone, which is a good idea but with whom? ... And until these 3 Chase letters' contradictions and potential fatal aspects are also resolved, - possibly with further paper letters to me that my 3 Chase accounts are reinstated, and with an invitation to come into the Chase Bank Shadyside in person to open a  "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" WITH MY QUESTIONS on LENDING POSSIBILITIES - and thanks to possibly a US federal investigation, and with Lt John Tadler of the Allegheny County Police and Shawn Flaherty attorney (Shady Side Academy alumni, like Michael Foster above, Steve Cambor, Sid Mazumdar and myself) in these communications, I'll continue to communicate in writing, and in seeking for "way to open" via a kind of Friendly Quaker discernment too.  

Chase VP Shauna McNally, banker Shona Demus - may I possibly please schedule a phone meeting with you Shona Demus (as a business banker or otherwise) to talk about some of my questions re opening  "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" - and regarding growing the WUaS Bookstore on Walnut Street, in Shadyside Pgh PA ?

Thanks, best, abolitionally, 
Scott Gordon K MacLeod 

ADDING THIS EMAIL FROM 1:23 AM this morning - 

Good morning US Senator Elizabeth Warren,
Peter (Norvig), Shawn Flaherty attorney, Lt John Tadler, Ed, Pin, Ma (Janie), Alden, all,


The 3 paper letters from Chase may be further examples of Chase employee 'misconduct,' a word in two of the letters - and in my & WUaS calling for worldwide abolition and in seeking an ongoing US federal investigation (which aren't misconduct) too into the Chase bank in Wilkinsburg (re jenifer weber? and george nicolai? too ... and Chase lawyers and programmer in their networks too) - after the closing of my Chase credit card account at Trader J on around W 2/28/24 at 8:11 pm ... and one Chase paper letter saying not to come onto any Chase properties being a very serious risk to me from possible Chase bank employee criminals eg in my seeking to move west to a newly safe open Canyon 94516 on 2024 and regarding the Chase bank in Moraga 4 miles away, for example. How could and is JP Morgan Chase bank security itself controlling for this - as a possible investigation into Chase bank Wilkinsburg murders???? too may be unfolding, with Chase bank Shadyside VP Shauna McNally PLAYING an investigator's role in such investigations ... since Shauna McNally mentioned the murder word to me (per my email inquiries and documentation of Friendly Quaker queries) in her office a few days ago when we were talking there about my wrongly closed accounts. 

Re possibly opening 2 or 3 new Chase accounts per these curious Chase misconduct ? closures, I think it would make possibly most sense to reinstate these my 3 accounts, which I've requested numerous timed - since TWO of the recent Chase paper letters contradict each other saying Dated 2/28/24 that all 3 of my accounts are CLOSED - but they aren't since I was able to pay off my ~$355 last month's credit card bill today after this "closure" AND another letter Dated 2/28/24 too saying my 3 accounts WILL BE CLOSED on 3/28/24 ...

So with Chase criminal bankers' jenifer weber, george nicolai, Chase lawyers and coders and other Chase employees possibly sending out these spurious contradictory Chase letters ... Is VP Shauna McNally the correct Chase representative to talk with further and in the Chase Bank branch in Shadyside (or Jenny Ling)  ... or Chase CEO Jamie Dimon? I will certainly seek to stay off all parts of the Chase bank Wilkinsburg property  per the paper letter.

Time to reinstate these three Chase accounts reversing jenifer weber's egregious misconduct (and making Chase bank /credit card safe and secure in the process and re their system - in all of Chase's ~100 out of 200 countries in world, including in California too) 

- and get a Chase Business Account  "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" +

and then seek to get a WUaS Bookstore loan per their email offer?

Abolitionally, thanks, Best, in asylum on the eastern seaboard from the SF Bay Area, growing a WUaS abolition movment.

On Thu, Mar 7, 2024 at 11:43 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear Shauna McNally, Shona Demus, Jenny Ling, (at Chase bank and Curated Coaching), Shawn Flaherty attorney , Lt John Tadler, Senator Elizabeth Warren, All, 

Greetings from MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch. Here are some initial 

QUESTIONS about this "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" account based on the Chase offer below
- re possible WUaS Bookstore on Walnut Street Shadyside Pgh PA ? 

(Hopefully the phrases in quotes are searchable and findable in the Chase offer)

"See what sets us apart" 

0 a 
"Full-service business banking
Convenient access to lending,... " 

What kind of LENDING here for the WUaS Bookstore might be possible, if WUaS opened such an account? 

0 b 
What are 
"Choice of payment types" etc? - 

Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency even EVENTUALLY ? 

0 d
Multiple ways to waive the $15 Monthly Service Fee2
What are they clarified with examples in this WUaS Bookstore instance?  

What does it mean?
Earn $300

Would the WUaS Bookstore get this deposited back into the new Business bank account if WUaS opened this account? 

What does deposit new money within 30 days mean?
"new money within 30 days of offer enrollment, and maintain that balance for 60 days from offer enrollment."

Could WUaS keep open current personal banking accounts if possible through March 28 - from which to deposit new money? 

What are examples of 
"Complete five qualifying transactions" ? 

regarding this possible WUaS Bookstore ?

WUaS  to pay money on lease for possible old Williams Sonoma store on Walnut St? 
other related costs re 
WUaS Business Plan for WUaS Bookstore - 
get bookshelves? 
get books?
get Lego Robotics' kits? 
get electricity? 

... What would likely be entailed otherwise - other new Chase accounts? - i.e. to get access to the money in this possible "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" ?  ... with what terms ? 

Will seek to schedule a meeting tomorrow morning per email ... and explore possibly coming into the Chase bank Shadyside with further questions ... REGARDING the invitation in this offer, and regarding the Chase bank Wilkinsburg employee "misconduct" referred to in two of the 3 Chase paper letters ... as MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch grows a worldwide abolition movement beginning in Pittsburgh, and regarding possibly this new "Chase Business Complete Checking®,2" account - and possibly with Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency (since it might not be considered money, rather Pi).

How would I add the WUaS Corporation to this account opening process please, since this isn't specified in the offer? 

Thanks, abolitionally, best, 
Scott GK MacLeod 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

On Thu, Mar 7, 2024, 4:17 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear Chase VP Shauna McNally (at the Shadyside branch - who may not be getting these emails since she said they were being rerouted from her Chase inbox, I think), and Shona Demus (Chase banker in Shadyside), Jenny Ling (Curated Coaching via an invitation of Stanford LBAN working with JP Morgan Chase bank/credit card), US senator Elizabeth Warren, Chase bank Shadyside Pittsburgh bankers, Roland (Vogl, Stanford Law CodeX Executive Director, in which the WUaS Corporation incorporated in 2017), Peter (Norvig, Stanford Education Fellow too),  Ma (Janie MacLeod), Ed (Smyth MD), Sid/Pin (Mazumdar HHS), John (Sargent MD), All, 


* * * 

Harvard Professor Heng Li ~ 

Prof #HengLi @lh3lh3 #ClinicalTrials' #PacketsInTheMail AND code & print synthetic #AgingReversalDrugs from home from 1s & 0s FOR Clinical Trials at WUaS (for all languages) & for 7.9 billion people at You at WUaS ?

retweeting - 
FDA supports the administration’s Cancer Moonshot goal of addressing inequities in cancer care, helping to ensure that every community in America has access to cutting-edge cancer diagnostics, therapeutics, and clinical trials. #SOTU2024


retweeting - 

To date, @POTUS
’ Cancer Moonshot has announced roughly 50 new programs, policies, and resources. More than 100 private companies, non-profits, academic institutions, and patient groups have also stepped up with new actions and collaborations.

Prof Heng Li @lh3lh3

retweeting - 
FDA supports the administration’s Cancer Moonshot goal of addressing inequities in cancer care, helping to ensure that every community in America has access to cutting-edge cancer diagnostics, therapeutics, and clinical trials. #SOTU2024


retweeting - 

To date, @POTUS
’ Cancer Moonshot has announced roughly 50 new programs, policies, and resources. More than 100 private companies, non-profits, academic institutions, and patient groups have also stepped up with new actions and collaborations.

Clinical Trials' #PacketsInTheMail AND 
Heng Li

What high-performance language to learn in bioinformatics? I have been asked many times on the question, so I decided to write down my thought in a blog post. This is going to be controversial.


A long-acting prolactin to combat lactation insufficiency


for 7.9 billion people 

* * * 

might our #AvatarBots as #DigitalTwins, with us, be able to time slide back in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory to #Beethoven's decades?

Brainstorming might we not only be able to time slide back to age 25 yo in 150 yo bodies w #AgingReversal #GeneDrugs BUT ALSO might our #AvatarBots as #DigitalTwins, with us, be able to time slide back in #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory to eg #Beethoven's decades, attend music?

Retweeting -

 #OnThisDay, 1827, died #LudwigVanBeethoven...
26 March 

Brainstorming, might we not only be able to time slide back to age 25 yo in 150 yo bodies w #AgingReversal #GeneDrugs, BUT ALSO might our #AvatarBots as #DigitalTwins, with us, be able to time slide back in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory to #Beethoven's decades, attend first concerts, talk w #LudwigVanBeethoven himself?

* * * 


messaging conversations too

Scott MacLeod

4:40 PM (35 minutes ago)
to Jane

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at 1. 

Our conversations - as MIT OCW-CENTRIC wiki World Univ & Sch grows - sometimes remind me of the Quaker ship owners in Moby Dick (in New Bedford I think) ... and their citing "Where moth and rust" ... 

and as they outfit a ship, and decide what to pay people  -

"Well, Captain Bildad," interrupted Peleg, "what d'ye say, what lay shall we give this young man?"

 to go on a 3 1/2 year voyage as entrepreneurs ... 

and as I grow a MITOCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch worldwide abolition movement ... and I email Chase bank and contacts today and yesterday F 3/8/24 in this thread ...

Chase bank branch, Shadyside community in Pgh PA, M 12/11/23

AND  Harvard Professor and Programmer Prof. Heng Li (from China) - and his 'controversial' preferred computer language (and see set of Tweets' below) in his post ... 

See you soon:)

Love, Scott 

Prof #HengLi @lh3lh3 #ClinicalTrials' #PacketsInTheMail AND code & print synthetic #AgingReversalDrugs from home from 1s & 0s
for 7.9 billion people 

retweeting - 
FDA supports the administration’s Cancer Moonshot goal of addressing inequities in cancer care, helping to ensure that every community in America has access to cutting-edge cancer diagnostics, therapeutics, and clinical trials. #SOTU2024


retweeting - 

To date, @POTUS
’ Cancer Moonshot has announced roughly 50 new programs, policies, and resources. More than 100 private companies, non-profits, academic institutions, and patient groups have also stepped up with new actions and collaborations.


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 





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