Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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red Alpine catchfly: Fettes College - Drinks and Canapés' get-together, in Washington DC? * Scotland World University and School online for Scottish students from home + https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scotland - for free-to-students' WUaS degrees - and to meet and network with Fettes College's Michael Stitt - - and other old Fettesians * * @SenWarren: Let's get free #MITOCW-centric @WorldUnivAndSch University & high school degrees -Bach, PhD, Law, MD, IB /sim, AA, MS - in #WUaSFrench & #WUaSHaitianCreole to Haiti NOW & via Haiti newspapers+ https://www.lenouvelliste.com/ -https://balistrad.com/ -https://www.haitiprogres.com/ ~ * * * What Profs @markduggan_econ @johnrgrigsby would #PiCryptocurrency https://minepi.com/sgkmac for poorest of all 7.9 billion people as #UBIexperiments to end poverty in ~200 https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States w @WUaSPress, w free university education, do to inflation https://siepr.stanford.edu/publications/policy-brief/who-most-affected-inflation-consider-source?

Next: Pygmy rabbits: Methinks free #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch is informed by #UnitarianTranscendentalism -https://www.uua.org/re/tapestry/adults/river/workshop13/178793.shtml & #QuakerSilentMeeting as #QuakerExpectantWaiting both as #WUaSpsychology -https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychology & is a bit 1965-1979 #GratefulDeadInspired: #WUaSWikiSchool ~ * * * Thanks for Peter Norvig's Toolify AI WUaS article and for mentioning WUaS expanding MIT OCW into languages ... the article is further credibility ... Appreciating new comment here https://youtu.be/mkZPAq8f_6Y Replied w INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS article fr #PeterNorvig & re #WUaSunivs expanding #MITOCW into many #WUaSLanguages ToolifyAI. 2024. https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 Revolutionizing Education with ML & AI: WUaS - @WorldUnivAndSch~ * * * For a #PHYSICALDIGITAL #RealsiticVirtualEarthForAgingReversal build out from "#eRapid: #MultiplexedElectrochemicalSensors for Fast, Accurate, Portable Diagnostics: A fouling-resistant... https://wyss.harvard.edu/technology/erapid-multiplexed-electrochemical-sensors-for-fast-accurate-portable-diagnostics/ WITH SENSOR Digitized FIRST in #GSV in https://youtu.be/q9FBhEAXRY4 ~ * * A #WUaSMultimediaHosptialRoom [sic] for #AgingReversalMachine w view #GStreetViewRoom - & #eRapid - for all ~200 countries' hospitals & online #WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter in online #WUaSHospitals too & w @geochurch https://youtu.be/bnCEIPQFNnk ~ * * * genetics ~ (continuing) . . . Happy Easter, Ma, Ed, Pin, All


Fettes College - Drinks and Canapés' get-together, in Washington DC? * Scotland World University and School online for Scottish students from home + https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scotland - for free-to-students' WUaS degrees - and to meet and network with Fettes College's Michael Stitt? - and other old Fettesians, (in the same kilt I was wearing at Fettes in 1977-78)? 

Dear T! 

Greetings! How are you? Am wearing a Reed College 'Comrades of the Quest' T-shirt presently (but not from around 1980 when we met there as students), having fled for my life from the SF Bay Area August 1, 2022, to the eastern seaboard, now in Penn's Woods, western side, and after a murderous run through attempt of me about a year ago by a craven psychopath? Swiss or Lebanese soldier? frederic khayat, getting Social Security Administration money, and working for the illegal sex drugs and violence industries internationally?, in my previous address in Pittsburgh, am glad to be continuing to grow a MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch abolition movement to protect people worldwide, in WUaS seeking to code for all 7.9 billion people in the world each a Wikidata PIN #  https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University. Appreciating too the Desiderata's thinking regarding "Speak your truth clearly and quietly ..."  - https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html
and in many other ways too re the above. How are you doing navigating the waters ...?

Thank you again for your hospitality ... in DC some years ago, 2017 or 2018? - and re my whistle blowing about the SF quaker meeting and the possible illegal sex drugs and violence industries internationally there, and tragically with kids too. And thank you too for your wonderful hospitality at your summer place in New Hampshire in 2022, and our great hikes in Maryland, WV + then too.

There's a Fettes College, Edinburgh Scotland (my high school in 1977-78, before my last year graduating from Shady Side Academy in Pgh PA), get-together on W April 10 in DC which I'm exploring going to, and regarding even starting Scotland World University and School online for Scottish students from home + https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scotland - for free-to-students' WUaS degrees - and to meet and network with Fettes College's Michael Stitt - https://www.fettes.com/news-events/default-news-page/~board/fettes-college/post/new-director-of-development - and other old Fettesians. Will you be in DC by any chance ? If so, might I possibly please stay with you?

Fettes College - Drinks and Canapés
(in Washington DC and New York)

Drinks and canapés in Washington DC

Free to attend. 

Warmest regards, abolitionally, fondly,


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 


Greetings, and as a follow up: 

Will seek to call you tomorrow, to see if you're going to be in DC around W 4/10//24 ... And if so, might you even like to come possibly to the Fettes College - Drinks and Canapés get-together (in Washington DC)? (I might even wear my kilt to it, the same kilt I was wearing at Fettes in 1977-1978:).

It would be fascinating to network with Fettes about prospective Fettes undergraduate 4 year Bachelor degree MIT OCW-centric WUaS students in Scotland for MIT OCW-centric free WUaS degrees ... and see if this could dovetail with WUaS seeking matriculating Shady Side Academy recent graduates for free online WUaS Bachelor Degrees from home ... as WUaS seeks further, with such potential students, to accredit with Middle States Commission for Higher Education with offices in the greater Philadelphia area, and license with the state of PA's department of education. (Perhaps Haitian students could also matriculate this autumn 2024 and per this retweet of US Senator and Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren in the PS below).

Here's the Reed "Quest" school newspaper's website - https://reedquest.org/ - today. 

It would be so great to see you if you're going to be in DC.

Best regards, abolition-ally, cheers, 

Here are the MSCHE initial requirements for accreditation, and about which I've inquired with Shady Side Academy President Bart Griffith, and Head of the Senior School, Trixie Sabundayo, if they could help write these  - 

As a reminder, to be eligible to apply for MSCHE accreditation, an institution must be able to demonstrate that it meets the following Pre-Applicant Minimum Requirements:

1.      The institution must be legally authorized or licensed, from an appropriate governmental organization or agency to operate as a postsecondary educational institution and must award postsecondary degrees or hold proper legal exemption in accordance with Requirement of Affiliation No.1 and federal regulation 34 CFR §602.28(a).

2.      The institution must be in good standing with no current non-compliance, adverse or the equivalent type of action with the state or other accreditors in accordance with federal regulation 34 CFR §602.28(b).

3.      The institution must be operational, with students actively enrolled in its degree programs.

4.      The institution must have a mission statement and related goals that define its purposes within the context of higher education.

5.      The institution must have a governance and administration structure that allows it to have education as its primary purpose and operate as an academic institution with appropriate autonomy.

6.      The institution must have documented financial resources, funding base, and plans for financial development, including those from any related entities (including without limitation systems, religious sponsorship, and corporate ownership) adequate to support its educational purposes and programs and to ensure financial stability.

7.      The institution must review the Certifications and Disclosures Statement and certify that the information provided throughout the application process is accurate, honest, and truthful.

If, following a review by the Commission staff and peer evaluators, the institution is determined by the Commission to satisfactorily meet the Pre-Applicant Minimum Requirements, it will be allowed to submit an application for Candidate for Accreditation Status.

Moving forward, please direct all of your communications regarding obtaining accreditation to me. Ms. Bonner and I are the only MSCHE staff who work with applicant institutions. Copying other staff members can be confusing and counterproductive. We will be happy to answer any questions you have and assist you with our process.

Kind regards,

Connie Clifton

Connie Clifton, D.E.L.
Director for Membership

Middle States Commission on Higher Education
P: (267) 284-5086
Follow us: @mscheorg


Perhaps Haitian students could matriculate as well this autumn 2024 and per this retweet of US Senator and Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren - 

@SenWarren: Let's get free #MITOCW-centric @WorldUnivAndSch University & high school degrees -Bach, PhD, Law, MD, IB /sim, AA, MS - in #WUaSFrench & #WUaSHaitianCreole to Haiti NOW & via Haiti newspapers+ https://www.lenouvelliste.com/ -https://balistrad.com/ -https://www.haitiprogres.com/ ~



The chaos in Haiti is gut-wrenching. The Haitian people deserve free and fair elections, and safety from violence. I’m monitoring this crisis that is deeply personal for the Haitian community in Massachusetts. Parole has been a lifeline, and we must ensure protections for asylum.


And saw -

Steve Carlson
Why don't you personally go to Haiti to help out?


And also noticed -

Will Harter
Didn't Hillary Clinton loot Haiti while her staff was trafficking children into the Dominican Republic?




* * 

And re - 

I remain deeply concerned about the ongoing violence unfolding in Haiti. This week I led a group of lawmakers in urging 

@SecBlinken to quickly expedite the visa process for Haitians fleeing the extreme unrest. We must help protect families.


* * * 

What Profs @markduggan_econ @johnrgrigsby would #PiCryptocurrency https://minepi.com/sgkmac for poorest of all 7.9 billion people as #UBIexperiments to end poverty in ~200 https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States w @WUaSPress, w free university education, do to inflation https://siepr.stanford.edu/publications/policy-brief/who-most-affected-inflation-consider-source?

Pi logo

Who & how would most people be affected by inflation by #StanfordMinePiCryptocurrency for most of 7.9 billion people on earth? @johnrgrigsby 
@markduggan_econ re





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