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Dudh Koshi river, Nepal: May 2024 WUaS MSCHE Accreditation ("Green Light" developments) * "Middle States Commission on Higher Education," with offices in the greater Philadelphia area

Next: Blue oak (Quercus douglasii): Developments in Canyon 94516 * * * Africa - On Nigeria Digest: May 2024 - MacArthur Foundation - WUaS and MacArthur collaborations or Networking ... re MacArthur offices in Nigeria, and India, Mexico + ? * * * Will YOU be able to enroll at accrediting @WorldUnivAndSch this autumn for free #WUaSdegrees? Glad to have gotten the further "Green Light" from #MiddleStatesCommissionOnHigherEducation with offices in the greater Philadelphia area for #WUaSaccredition * * * Sundar Pichai retweet - This new #Umoja internet connectivity betw #WUaSAfrica w #WUaSAustralia & #WUaSAsiaPacific will help @WorldUnivAndSch offer free #MITOCW-centric wiki #WUaSunivs' #WUaSdegrees in these countries in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM re #GStreetView w #TimeSlider as #WUaSclassrooms ~ * * * #ForClinicalTrials How best to develop #WUaSclinicalTrials IN A #RealisticVirtualEarthForClinicalTrials w #RealisticVirtualEarthForPharmaceuticals - #RealisticVirtualEarthFor w #PacketsThroughTheMail & #TestDrugsViaTheWeb too ? * * AlphaFold 3 predicts the structure and interactions of all of life’s molecules ... ... A #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #AgingReversalMachine too? Thnx #PeterNorvig for #ToolifyAI WOW! article: "#RevolutionizingEducation w #MachineLearning & AI" : @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSunivs * * * Regarding #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch creating ~200 major online #WUaSunivs' research libraries in ~200 countries & langs for enrolled students: how to find & read as test title Jane Goodall's "The Chimpanzees of Gombe" https://openlibrary.org, https://dp.la/? * * * Toyota Sienna hybrid usa camper shower - #WUaSFacultyHomes #WUaSStudentHomes? ... Will I be able to tow with a Toyota Sienna 2025 a Scamp 13 ft deluxe trailer layout 2 with a shower across the USA/ country? * * * Could I hike the whole #PacificCrestTrail, ~2600 miles, w #AllTrailsApp (#WUaSbatteries, downloading all maps when I had internet picking up food boxes)? * * * This orchid, Ma thank you, blooms perfectly for months on end! What is this genetics? -& even re #ExtremeLongevity #GeneticTherapies * * * INCREDIBLE & THNX #PeterNorvig for #ToolifyAIWUaS : #MITOCW #WUaSLanguageDiversity AND "The Study of Bliss and Enjoyment in Learning" https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 re #FlowExperiences, #LovingBliss too http://scottmacleod.com/LovingBlissPractices.htm & in #VirtualHarbinHotSprings in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth ~


MSCHE Accreditation (May 2024 "Green Light" developments) * "Middle States Commission on Higher Education," with offices in the greater Philadelphia area ~




Dear Connie Clifton (at MSCHE), Diana Bonner (at MSCHE), All, 

Greetings, and how are you? In the webinar by MSCHE;s Idna Corbett <icorbett@msche.org> and panel,

 "The Complexity of Leadership: Enhancing and Empowering Governing Boards and Presidents" and re - 

 I learned that I as the president of WUaS would NOT be the person to write the MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch accreditation documents with MSCHE, and in response to a question I asked (below).

Connie (Clifton, at MSCHE), and Idna (Corbett <icorbett@msche.org>), WUaS is looking forward to fulfilling the 7 initial MSCHE requirements you mention below in this thread, potentially in collaboration with Shady Side Academy high school, but who would you suggest writing the WUaS accreditation documents with MSCHE?  I've reached out to Trixie Sabundayo (Head of the Senior School at Shady Side Academy), and Bart Griffith (President Shady Side Academy), some time ago, about this, but haven't heard back, and possibly because, having learned from "The Complexity of Leadership: Enhancing and Empowering Governing Boards and Presidents" that I would not be the person who writes these WUaS MSCHE documents, it's not clear who would write the WUaS Accreditation documents with MSCHE. 

With WUaS accreditation further underway, CC-4 licensed https://ocw.mit.edu/-centric World Univ & Sch will seek from all 50 US states' departments of education, and indeed from some of (the rich) ~200 countries' departments of education, about $63,000 per year per student (and see below), re the CC-4 licensing (1 share, 2 adapt, but 3 non-commercially), and as WUaS develops further with Google For Education especially. 

Thanks, abolitionally, Scott 


Notes from 
 "The Complexity of Leadership: Enhancing and Empowering Governing Boards and Presidents" 

Mike and Jon, As presidents are you the authors of the self-study report 

self-study process and other accreditation activities
(https://www.msche.org/event/applying-assessing-and-documenting-board-governance-fee-based/) or do you delegate this? 

Asked this question - 

Thanks for this MSCHE presentation. Regarding Enrollment challenges for Pennsylvanians aged 25-64, in what ways might MSCHE begin to plan for emerging Extreme Longevity and Aging Reversal genetic drug therapies, and people potentially living far longer than before ever (>122 years of age even?) and for growing potential student bodies from new dynamics in aging? Thanks, Scott GK MacLeod (CC4 licensed free-to-students’ MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School - would prefer to get my #FDAapproved #AgingReversal #ExtremeLongevity #GeneDrugs from the #PhysicalDigital #WUaSEducationalServicesStores (or #WMart) in future - for long #LifelongLearning @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #wuAsVR - re https://www.aftenposten.no/sprek/i/Knwp27/biokjemiker-hanne-s-finstad-tok-ti-grep-for-aa-reversere-og-stoppe-aldring-resultatet-ett-aar-senere-sjokkerte-henne -https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Aging_Reversal_Genetics ~

https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1756006578606440921 ~ 

Also - 

Fascinating journalism for #AgingReversal #ExtremeLongevity #GeneDrugs #preFDAapproval "Biochemist Hanne S. Finstad took ten measures to reverse & stop aging. The result one year later shocked her.
Three of the moves are extra.."

WUaS MSCHE accreditation 2024 + Twitter

MSCHE is an institutional accreditor for institutions offering college degree programs at the associate's level or higher. In order to submit a pre-application for accreditation, you must meet the 7 minimum standards of eligibility 


Connie, and all, with an email just now from CS First, following the MSCHE webinar on AI today, I also just shared the following with Google's CS First and regarding too WUaS offering their amazing, standards' focused CC-4 licensed "CS First with Google at World Univ & Sch" course - https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home - 

Help make CS First better

I shared, as president and professor at CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch the following - 

Dear "CS First with Google at WUaS" 

Seeking to make CC-4 licensed "CS First with Google at World Univ & Sch" helpful and inspiring with #WUaSLegoRobotics at many levels as WUaS accredits and licenses, and as MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch develops major online Universities and High Schools in all 200 countries - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States - and for learning and teaching in their main languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages - and for students studying from home.

You'll find here the experience of Mwende Evande in Cameroon Africa studying at  MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS and to matriculate into WUaS and  WITH CC-4 "CS First at Google at WUaS" at CC-4 licensed https://ocw.mit.edu/ -centric WUaS - World Univ and Sch 

Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Scadoxus multiflorus: Award of 'WUaS Certificate of Completion' to Mwende Evande in Cameroon, Africa * * * "Seeing much potential for learning #ReinforcementLearning w #WUaSLegoRobotics & for #WUaSHomeRobotics in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics & #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics @WUaSPress but not for a proposed "Python Language w Lego Spike Prime Robotics' kits' #WUaScourse ~"

Glad CS First with Google has Educational standards coded into it 
- and potentially for accreditation and with state licensure - 

Just attended, while living in Pennsylvania currently and in WUaS seeking to return to California in 2024 a "Middle States Commission on Higher Education" presentation, with offices in the greater Philadelphia area, on Artificial Intelligence, and had created a Tweet about this - 

Thanks! Looking forward to 5/14 as @WorldUnivAndSch grows major online #WUaSUnivs in all ~200 countries & in languages - https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 - #ConnieClifton #IdnaCorbett @ #MSCHE & w #WUaSaccreditation seek reimbursement from 50 US states'& all ~200 countries' Depts. of Ed.

 Departments of Education (re $63000 / yr from rich countries and per - https://sfs.mit.edu/undergraduate-students/the-cost-of-attendance/annual-student-budget/).

Unfortunately this presentation was a bit of a negative vortex; they don't seem to be getting the revolutionary potential for AI regarding and see Peter Norvig's article re MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - 

"Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI" : #WUaSunivs at https://ocw.mit.edu/ -centric WUaS - World Univ and Sch from Peter Norvig and AI 

WUaS is so 

And so also CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric Wiki World Univ & Sch will circle around to look again at the state of CA's BPPE for licensing and WASC senior for accreditation

esp since BPPE is beginning to post on Twitter again after a hiatus -

AND with 

(and which WUaS was in talks about with WASC senior and BPPE in around the year 2013)

and as WUaS continues to wait for way to open in a Friendly Quaker sense especially for WUaS accreditation and licensure 

... and while seeking also to move forward the WUaS Academic Medical Center with WUaS Longevity Genetics Institute into a newly safe open 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516 in 2024.

Thanks, Scott GK MacLeod 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html


Connie, All - 

Looking forward to hearing further from you, Connie Clifton at MSCHE, and about the above. 

WUaS would like to begin the WUaS accreditation process with MSCHE with offices in the greater Philadelphia area, if WUaS can learn who would write the WUaS accreditation documents (and pay the fees too, for example).

Thank you!, Scott GK MacLeod

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206


[Message clipped]  View entire message

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

May 21, 2024, 2:10 PM (2 days ago)
to CharlesCraigHilaryJoichiPeterConnieBartTrixiepresidentJennyshauna.mcnallyshona.demusKaceyStephenAldenBarbaraHenryDennisEdwardIdnaKarenBruceDrElliottShawnEmilyNTMDianaPeterNickAnnHughJohnLydiaRolandDickSidedsmythmdMarcHankJoanScottScottGeorgestuartRobinSriCalebBarbaraDavidDavidHeatherRohitJohnPeterNarjeetJohnLillianAlexAbbasBruceGerdEricaSarahJaniePinScottVOLCANODennyErinnJohnfrackaTerriIulianJenniferAndrewnarjeetNidahasNonopaMarisolXimeiUrsPrasannaMokScott
Dear Connie Clifton (at MSCHE), Idna Corbett (at MSCHE), Diana Bonner (at MSCHE), All,

Thanks for this further MSCHE webinar today Tu 5/21/25, Connie Clifton, Heather Perfetti, Idna Corbett, Diana Bonner (all at MSCHE), Trixie Sabundayo and President Bart Grifith (heads at Shady Side Academy) - "A Conversation with the American Council on Education (ACE)" with Jonathan Fansmith, of ACE (which MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch learned about on Twitter - 

I'm writing to follow up further on how best for MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch to take the next steps in accreditation with MSCHE, having received the green light for this, and having been authorized by the state of Pennsylvania's department of education, in around January of 2023, but not having sent in any documents, or paid any fees, and similar yet.

Thanks also for "Harnessing the Power of AI in Higher Education" (5/14/24) (and see PS).

And thanks too, Idna Corbett especially, for -  
"The Complexity of Leadership: Enhancing and Empowering Governing Boards and Presidents" (3/7/24) (and see PPS below for recording too).

Again (from March 7, 2024), 

"Connie (Clifton, at MSCHE), and Idna (Corbett <icorbett@msche.org>), WUaS is looking forward to fulfilling the 7 initial MSCHE requirements you mention below in this thread, potentially in collaboration with Shady Side Academy high school, but who would you suggest write the WUaS accreditation documents with MSCHE ...  I learned that I as the president of WUaS would NOT be the person to write the MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch accreditation documents with MSCHE, and in response to a question I asked (below in the PPPS)?  

... I've reached out to Trixie Sabundayo (Head of the Senior School at Shady Side Academy), and Bart Griffith (President Shady Side Academy), some time ago, about this, but haven't heard back, and possibly because, having learned from "The Complexity of Leadership: Enhancing and Empowering Governing Boards and Presidents" panel that I would not be the person who writes these WUaS MSCHE documents, it's not clear who would write the WUaS Accreditation documents with MSCHE. 

With WUaS accreditation further underway, CC-4 licensed https://ocw.mit.edu/-centric World Univ & Sch will seek from all 50 US states' departments of education, and indeed from some of (the rich) ~200 countries' departments of education, about $63,000 per year per student (and see below), re the CC-4 licensing (1 share, 2 adapt, but 3 non-commercially), and as WUaS develops further with Google For Education especially."

With all this new MSCHE webinars' information, especially from Idna Corbett's "The Complexity of Leadership: Enhancing and Empowering Governing Boards and Presidents" (3/7/24), how best please for CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch to take the next steps in accreditation with MSCHE?

Trixie and Bart, especially, how best to communicate further about potentially you at Shady Side Academy helping to write these free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS degrees' documents - and as I potentially head west to move forward the WUaS Academic Medical Center with WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute into a newly safe open Canyon 94516 where WUaS is based (in California, at MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS PO Box 442 Canyon CA 94516) in 2024? (Thanks also especially to Peter Norvig, a Google AI director, and Stanford Education Fellow for this INCREDIBLE - https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 - Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI: WUaS - World University and School article, updated March 2, 2024 in many of the above regards).

Thanks, abolitionally, best regards, 
Scott GK MacLeod

Recording of Sat 5/18/24 open #MITOCW -centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSMonthlyBusinessMeeting #wuAsVR & as Minutes

Seeking to make CC-4 licensed CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS degrees helpful and inspiring with #WUaSLegoRobotics too at many levels as WUaS accredits and licenses, and as MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch develops major online Universities and High Schools in all 200 countries - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States - and for learning and teaching in their main languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages - and for students studying from home.

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

Thanks @mscheorg for
Harnessing the Power of AI in Higher Education (5/14/24)
Video: https://youtu.be/yis8R1psA4s How best #MSCHE's #ConnieClifton

The Complexity of Leadership: Enhancing and Empowering Governing Boards and Presidents (3/7/24)

47 Mins


[Message clipped]  View entire message

Connie Clifton

AttachmentsMay 21, 2024, 3:45 PM (2 days ago)
to meDiana
Mr. MacLeod,

Thank you for your interest in the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) is recognized by the United States Department of Education to accredit degree-granting institutions offering one or more postsecondary educational programs of at least one academic year in length at the Associate’s or higher level, including those offered via distance education, without regard for geographic boundaries. Institutions that offer only postsecondary certificates, diplomas, or licenses are not eligible for accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. MSCHE accreditation applies to an institution as a whole rather than the specific programs within an institution. MSCHE does not approve or accredit individual programs.

Attached, you will find specific information about the MSCHE application for candidate for accreditation status process. Please review the MSCHE website for additional information (www.msche.org/accreditation/application-and-candidacy/). I want to draw your attention to the MSCHE Dues and Fees policy and procedures for information regarding the associated fees.

Please note that the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) is not affiliated with the Middle States Association – Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools in any way.. Middle States Association – Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (www.msa-cess.org) accredits PreK-12 institutions and those offering vocational and technical educational programs.  

We would be happy to arrange a call or meeting to further discuss the MSCHE Application and Candidate for Accreditation status process. Please see the attached for additional information. 


Warm regards,


Connie Clifton, D.E.L.

Director for Membership and Interim Vice President, Institutional Field Relations

Middle States Commission on Higher Education
P: (267) 284-5086
Follow us: @mscheorg


From: Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 2:10 PM
To: Connie Clifton <CClifton@msche.org>; Griffith, Bart <bgriffith@shadysideacademy.org>; Trixie <tsabundayo@shadysideacademy.org>; president@shadysideacademy.org <president@shadysideacademy.org>; Ling, Jenny <jennyl@theaccelerationproject.org>; shauna.mcnally@chase.com <shauna.mcnally@chase.com>; shona.demus@chase.com <shona.demus@chase.com>; Kacey Costolo <kacey.costolo@chase.com>; Stephen Cambor <steve.cambor@gmail.com>; Alden Briscoe <abriscoe@brakeleybriscoe.com>; Barbara van Schewick <schewick@stanford.edu>; Henry Cutter <vfhc@nyc.rr.com>; Dennis Epple <epple@andrew.cmu.edu>; Edward Smyth <esmythmd@gmail.com>; Idna Corbett <icorbett@msche.org>; Brennan, Karen <karen_brennan@gse.harvard.edu>; Bruce MacLeod <macleod@usm.maine.edu>; Dr Vishal Varia <drvaria.gegindia@gmail.com>; Elliott Thurston <esthurston@hotmail.com>; Shawn Flaherty <stf@pghfirm.com>; Emily from LEGO® Education <success@lego.com>; Officer In-charge, NTM <projectdirector.ntm@gmail.com>
Cc: Diana Bonner <dbonner@msche.org>; Peter Norvig <pnorvig@google.com>; Nick Thompson <npt134@gmail.com>; Ann Brown <annieb@gorge.net>; Hugh M. Thomas <h.thomas@miami.edu>; John Kidder <jkidder@vtc.edu>; Lydia Pintscher <lydia.pintscher@wikimedia.de>; Roland Vogl <rvogl@law.stanford.edu>; Dick Robb <rrobbmd@verizon.net>; Sid Mazumdar <sid.mazumdar@gmail.com>; edsmythmd@gmail.com <edsmythmd@gmail.com>; Marc Dupuis <marco.dupuis@gmail.com>; Hank Greely <hgreely@stanford.edu>; Joan Kidder <kidderjoan@gmail.com>; Scott McLeod (worldunivandsch@scottmacleod.com) <worldunivandsch@scottmacleod.com>; Scott MacLeod <scott@scottmacleod.com>; George Preston <em4gdcp@btinternet.com>; stuart@stuartliddell.com <stuart@stuartliddell.com>; Robin Appleberry <robinappleberry@yahoo.com>; Sri Lanka WUaS <SriLanka@worlduniversityandschool.org>; Caleb & Martha Johnson Alexander <galexan9@jhmi.edu>; Barbara Salisbury <BARBSALISBURY@gmail.com>; Demoise, David C <demoisedc@upmc.edu>; David R Ross <dross@brynmawr.edu>; Heather Jane MacKay <hmackay@sbcglobal.net>; Rohit Sharma <india@worlduniversityandschool.org>; John Sargent MD <jsargent@tuftsmedicalcenter.org>; Peter & Sue Koehler <koehler+@pitt.edu>; Dr. Narjeet Kaur <dr.narjeetkaur@gmail.com>; John Tadler <olfroth@gmail.com>; Lillian & Ruben Thomas <lillianbthomas57@gmail.com>; Alex Welsh <alexwelsh555@gmail.com>; Abbas Milani <amilani@stanford.edu>; Bruce Herbold <bherbold@gmail.com>; Gerd Moe-Behrens <leukipposinstitute@googlemail.com>; Erica Robb Thaler <erica.thaler@uphs.upenn.edu>; Sarah Kidder LaBombard <sarah.k.labombard@dartmouth.edu>; Janie MacLeod <jkbmacleod@icloud.com>; Pin - Siddartha Mazumdar <smazumdar@cms.hhs.gov>; Scott MacLeod <worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com>; VOLCANO <aurelienmwende@gmail.com>; Denny Vrandečić <vrandecic@gmail.com>; Erinn Andrews <erinn.andrews@gmail.com>; John Engelen <johnengelen@alumni.stanford.edu>; fracka@gmail.com <fracka@gmail.com>; Terri Griffith <t@terrigriffith.com>; Iulian Dumitraşcu <get.julian@gmail.com>; Styran, Jennifer <styranj@carnegielibrary.org>; Andrew Lownie <lownie@globalnet.co.uk>; narjeet kaur <drnarjeetkaur.gegindia@gmail.com>; Nidahas Vidyalaya - Freedom College <info@nidahasvidyalaya.edu.lk>; Nonopa Vanda <nonopa28@gmail.com>; Marisol Necochea <mnecochea4@gmail.com>; Ximei Peng <ximeipeng@hotmail.com>; Urs Gasser <Ugasser@gmail.com>; C. Prasanna Venkatesan <pcmouli@gmail.com>; Mok Yuen Lok <yuenlok.mok@crowe.org>; Scott MacLeod <yogamacflower@gmail.com>; Charles Nesson <nesson@gmail.com>; Craig Thom <alancraigthom@gmail.com>; Hilary B Brown <hilary.brownbaldwinapple@cox.net>; Joichi Ito <Joiito@gmail.com>; Koehler, Peter F <koehler@pitt.edu>
Subject: Re: MSCHE Accreditation

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

AttachmentsMay 22, 2024, 1:42 PM (1 day ago)
to BartTrixiepresidentJennyshauna.mcnallyshona.demusKaceyStephenAldenBarbaraHenryDennisEdwardIdnaKarenBruceDrElliottShawnEmilyNTMPeterNickAnnHughJohnLydiaRolandDickSidedsmythmdMarcHankJoanScottScottGeorgestuartRobinSriCalebBarbaraDavidDavidHeatherRohitJohnPeterNarjeetJohnLillianAlexAbbasBruceGerdEricaSarahJaniePinScottVOLCANODennyErinnJohnfrackaTerriIulianJenniferAndrewnarjeetNidahasNonopaMarisolXimeiUrsPrasannaMokScottCharlesCraigHilaryJoichiPeterHeatherLindaColinAjitSteveCharlesCateGeorgeGerryIranianMichaelPrasanthDougConnieDiana
Dear Connie Clifton (at MSCHE), Diana Bonner (at MSCHE), All,

Wonderful News, I think, hearing back from you at the Middle States Commission on Higher Education in the greater Philadelphia area - with a Further Green Light for online MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School to ACCREDIT as an institution and regarding WUaS "offering one or more postsecondary educational programs of at least one academic year in length at the Associate’s or higher level" - 

Connie Clifton

AttachmentsTue, May 21, 3:45 PM (21 hours ago)
to meDiana
Mr. MacLeod,

Thank you for your interest in the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) is recognized by the United States Department of Education to accredit degree-granting institutions offering one or more postsecondary educational programs of at least one academic year in length at the Associate’s or higher level, including those offered via distance education, without regard for geographic boundaries. Institutions that offer only postsecondary certificates, diplomas, or licenses are not eligible for accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. MSCHE accreditation applies to an institution as a whole rather than the specific programs within an institution. MSCHE does not approve or accredit individual programs.

Attached, you will find specific information about the MSCHE application for candidate for accreditation status process. Please review the MSCHE website for additional information (www.msche.org/accreditation/application-and-candidacy/). I want to draw your attention to the MSCHE Dues and Fees policy and procedures for information regarding the associated fees.

Please note that the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) is not affiliated with the Middle States Association – Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools in any way.. Middle States Association – Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (www.msa-cess.org) accredits PreK-12 institutions and those offering vocational and technical educational programs.  

We would be happy to arrange a call or meeting to further discuss the MSCHE Application and Candidate for Accreditation status process. Please see the attached for additional information. 


Warm regards,


Connie Clifton, D.E.L.

Director for Membership and Interim Vice President, Institutional Field Relations

Middle States Commission on Higher Education
P: (267) 284-5086
Follow us: @mscheorg


Having learned from "The Complexity of Leadership" webinar in March 2024 (moderated by MSCHE's Idna Corbett) that I as President (Presiding Clerk too) of WUaS wouldn't be the person writing these WUaS MSCHE accreditation applications, let me reach out further to Shady Side Academy's President Bart Griffith (SSA '93), Head of the SSA Senior School Trixie Sabundayo, and Shawn Flaherty (SSA alumnus like myself) and others, about potentially sending in a WUaS Pre-Application aiming for July 1, 2024 per the MSCHE cycle of Pre-Applications. (Perhaps we four could even possibly meet in the Fox Chapel public library to confer about this further - Bart, Trixie, Shawn, others? - and so about half way between Shady Side Academy and Fox Chapel High School for further possible matriculating WUaS students, for free-to-students WUaS degree programs, and degrees).

If CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School can get this Pre-Application in to MSCHE on July 1, I am also a little confused about the fee schedule, since WUaS hasn't done an Annual Institution Update (AIU) - file:///Users/sgkmac/Downloads/due-and-fees-procedures%202023-24%20v.2023-08-22.pdf - yet, for example. How much would WUaS pay in fees to MSCHE in regards to our first Annual Institution Update (AIU) for the Pre-Application, and then the MSCHE Application? And while I think MSCHE and WUaS have communicated about the required MSCHE site visit questions for online distance university institutions before, and that you'd visit me at WUaS potentially in my home - since WUaS seeks to be online exclusively for our campus (and even in an emerging #RealisticVirtualEarth as innovative classrooms - https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306) - is this still the site visit situation?  

Thanks, abolitionally, warm regards, 

President Scott GK MacLeod

- Scott GK MacLeod 

Founder, President, CEO, Presiding Clerk & Professor 


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Connie Clifton

May 22, 2024, 4:18 PM (23 hours ago)
to meBartTrixiepresident@shadysideacademy.orgJennyshauna.mcnally@chase.comshona.demus@chase.comKaceyStephenAldenBarbaraHenryDennisEdwardIdnaKarenBruceDrElliottShawnEmilyNTMDianaPeterNickAnnHughJohnLydiaRolandDickSidedsmythmd@gmail.comMarcHankJoanScottScottGeorgestuart@stuartliddell.comRobinSriCalebBarbaraDavidDavidHeatherRohitJohnPeterNarjeetJohnLillianAlexAbbasBruceGerdEricaSarahJaniePinScottVOLCANODennyErinnJohnfracka@gmail.comTerriIulianJenniferAndrewnarjeetNidahasNonopaMarisolXimeiUrsPrasannaMokScottCharlesCraigHilaryJoichiPeterHeatherLindaColinAjitSteveCharlesCateGeorgeGerryIranianMichaelPrasanthDoug

Mr. MacLeod,

Please understand that my previous provides details regarding the accreditation application process for all institutions and should not be misconstrued as any type of evaluation of WUaS’s ability to be successful in the application process or meet the minimum eligibility requirements. MSCHE accepts applications for accreditation from any institution that submits the appropriate materials after which the multi-level review process starts. I encourage you to review the minimum eligibility requirements and the associated fees. Let me know if you have any questions.



From: Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 1:42 PM
To: Connie Clifton <CClifton@msche.org>; Griffith, Bart <bgriffith@shadysideacademy.org>; Trixie <tsabundayo@shadysideacademy.org>; president@shadysideacademy.org <president@shadysideacademy.org>; Ling, Jenny <jennyl@theaccelerationproject.org>; shauna.mcnally@chase.com <shauna.mcnally@chase.com>; shona.demus@chase.com <shona.demus@chase.com>; Kacey Costolo <kacey.costolo@chase.com>; Stephen Cambor <steve.cambor@gmail.com>; Alden Briscoe <abriscoe@brakeleybriscoe.com>; Barbara van Schewick <schewick@stanford.edu>; Henry Cutter <vfhc@nyc.rr.com>; Dennis Epple <epple@andrew.cmu.edu>; Edward Smyth <esmythmd@gmail.com>; Idna Corbett <icorbett@msche.org>; Brennan, Karen <karen_brennan@gse.harvard.edu>; Bruce MacLeod <macleod@usm.maine.edu>; Dr Vishal Varia <drvaria.gegindia@gmail.com>; Elliott Thurston <esthurston@hotmail.com>; Shawn Flaherty <stf@pghfirm.com>; Emily from LEGO® Education <success@lego.com>; Officer In-charge, NTM <projectdirector.ntm@gmail.com>; Diana Bonner <dbonner@msche.org>; Peter Norvig <pnorvig@google.com>; Nick Thompson <npt134@gmail.com>; Ann Brown <annieb@gorge.net>; Hugh M. Thomas <h.thomas@miami.edu>; John Kidder <jkidder@vtc.edu>; Lydia Pintscher <lydia.pintscher@wikimedia.de>; Roland Vogl <rvogl@law.stanford.edu>; Dick Robb <rrobbmd@verizon.net>; Sid Mazumdar <sid.mazumdar@gmail.com>; edsmythmd@gmail.com <edsmythmd@gmail.com>; Marc Dupuis <marco.dupuis@gmail.com>; Hank Greely <hgreely@stanford.edu>; Joan Kidder <kidderjoan@gmail.com>; Scott McLeod (worldunivandsch@scottmacleod.com) <worldunivandsch@scottmacleod.com>; Scott MacLeod <scott@scottmacleod.com>; George Preston <em4gdcp@btinternet.com>; stuart@stuartliddell.com <stuart@stuartliddell.com>; Robin Appleberry <robinappleberry@yahoo.com>; Sri Lanka WUaS <SriLanka@worlduniversityandschool.org>; Caleb & Martha Johnson Alexander <galexan9@jhmi.edu>; Barbara Salisbury <BARBSALISBURY@gmail.com>; Demoise, David C <demoisedc@upmc.edu>; David R Ross <dross@brynmawr.edu>; Heather Jane MacKay <hmackay@sbcglobal.net>; Rohit Sharma <india@worlduniversityandschool.org>; John Sargent MD <jsargent@tuftsmedicalcenter.org>; Peter & Sue Koehler <koehler+@pitt.edu>; Dr. Narjeet Kaur <dr.narjeetkaur@gmail.com>; John Tadler <olfroth@gmail.com>; Lillian & Ruben Thomas <lillianbthomas57@gmail.com>; Alex Welsh <alexwelsh555@gmail.com>; Abbas Milani <amilani@stanford.edu>; Bruce Herbold <bherbold@gmail.com>; Gerd Moe-Behrens <leukipposinstitute@googlemail.com>; Erica Robb Thaler <erica.thaler@uphs.upenn.edu>; Sarah Kidder LaBombard <sarah.k.labombard@dartmouth.edu>; Janie MacLeod <jkbmacleod@icloud.com>; Pin - Siddartha Mazumdar <smazumdar@cms.hhs.gov>; Scott MacLeod <worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com>; VOLCANO <aurelienmwende@gmail.com>; Denny Vrandečić <vrandecic@gmail.com>; Erinn Andrews <erinn.andrews@gmail.com>; John Engelen <johnengelen@alumni.stanford.edu>; fracka@gmail.com <fracka@gmail.com>; Terri Griffith <t@terrigriffith.com>; Iulian Dumitraşcu <get.julian@gmail.com>; Styran, Jennifer <styranj@carnegielibrary.org>; Andrew Lownie <lownie@globalnet.co.uk>; narjeet kaur <drnarjeetkaur.gegindia@gmail.com>; Nidahas Vidyalaya - Freedom College <info@nidahasvidyalaya.edu.lk>; Nonopa Vanda <nonopa28@gmail.com>; Marisol Necochea <mnecochea4@gmail.com>; Ximei Peng <ximeipeng@hotmail.com>; Urs Gasser <Ugasser@gmail.com>; C. Prasanna Venkatesan <pcmouli@gmail.com>; Mok Yuen Lok <yuenlok.mok@crowe.org>; Scott MacLeod <yogamacflower@gmail.com>; Charles Nesson <nesson@gmail.com>; Craig Thom <alancraigthom@gmail.com>; Hilary B Brown <hilary.brownbaldwinapple@cox.net>; Joichi Ito <Joiito@gmail.com>; Koehler, Peter F <koehler@pitt.edu>; Heather Perfetti <hperfetti@msche.org>; Linda Argote <argote@andrew.cmu.edu>; Allen, Colin Frederick <colin.allen@pitt.edu>; Ajit Mishra <ajitmishra71@gmail.com>; Steve Carlson <amazigh93@gmail.com>; Charles B. Hulley <charles.hulley@gmail.com>; Cate Granger Zolkos <cgzolkos@amherst.edu>; George Riely Dobbin <riely921@yahoo.com>; Gerry & Mary Lou Kennedy <geraldkennedy1155@gmail.com>; Iranian Studies <iranianstudies@stanford.edu>; Michael O'Sullivan <mosullivan@mail.sdsu.edu>; Prasanth KP <prasanthkaruppasamy@gmail.com>; Doug & Zoe Billman <dbillman@rcn.com>
Subject: Re: MSCHE Accreditation

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Scott MacLeod

4:01 PM (0 minutes ago)
to ConnieBartTrixiepresidentJennyshauna.mcnallyshona.demusKaceyStephenAldenBarbaraHenryDennisEdwardIdnaKarenBruceDrElliottShawnEmilyNTMDianaPeterNickAnnHughJohnLydiaRolandDickSidedsmythmdMarcHankJoanScottScottGeorgestuartRobinSriCalebBarbaraDavidDavidHeatherRohitJohnPeterNarjeetJohnLillianAlexAbbasBruceGerdEricaSarahJaniePinScottVOLCANODennyErinnJohnfrackaTerriIulianJenniferAndrewnarjeetNidahasNonopaMarisolXimeiUrsPrasannaMokScottCharlesCraigHilaryJoichiPeterHeatherLindaColinAjitSteveCharlesCateGeorgeGerryIranianMichaelPrasanthDoug
Dear Connie Clifton (at MSCHE), Diana Bonner (at MSCHE), All, 

Greetings! And thank you for this remarkable WUaS accreditation development!

And thanks so much for yet another confirmatory email from the MIddle States Commission on Higher Education, with offices in the greater Philadelphia area, that MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch can begin the accreditation process, and with sending in the WUaS MSCHE Pre-Application, with fees, - and after my learning on 3/7/24 from "The Complexity of Leadership" moderated by Idna Corbett that I wouldn't be the person sending in the initial documents. As president and presiding clerk (in an unprogrammed Quaker Meeting sense) of CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World University & School (WUaS), it's been a long journey since World Univ & Sch WUaS became a non-profit 501 c 3 tax exempt public charity regarding the US federal government, in 2010; and I'll 'minute' these awesome developments regarding your 2 most recent emails in the next WUaS Monthly Business Meeting (currently on 3rd Saturdays of the month) on June 15, 2024. 

I've just created 2 blog posts about this today, Th 5/23/24 too - 



And thank you so much also for emailing us all regarding WUaS MSCHE accreditation especially - which may help much with next steps in sending in the WUaS MSCHE Pre-Application, with fees.

About the MSCHE-WUaS call you invited WUaS and me to on Tu 5/21/24, let me see how best to communicate further potentially with Shady Side Academy President Bart Griffith, SSA's Head of the Senior School Trixie Sabundayo, possibly Shawn Flaherty, attorney, potentially Peter Norvig (re https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306) and others above, and beyond, about next possible WUaS steps, before we schedule a meeting. It would be great for free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch not only to matriculate possibly SSA recent graduates, and fairly recent alumni, this autumn, even, but also potentially communicate with Fox Chapel high school's principals - https://fcahs.fcasd.edu/about-us/principals - about similar. 

Thanks, all the best, abolitionally, and looking forward to communicating soon!


- Scott GK MacLeod 

Founder, President, CEO & Professor 

CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 

World University & School (WUaS) 

- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 

- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206 

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 

MIT OCW-centric, 

wiki https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects

 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org 


2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html


(o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@worlduniversiryandschool.org 

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 



https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod (all 7,164 known living languages at WUaS)




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