Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Great Bear Rainforest, BC: for aging reversal and extreme longevity - A #WUaSunivs' #AgingReversalMachine in prototype #WUaSHospitalRooms AND WUaS management developments ? * * * Greetings, Ed (Smyth MD, Kaiser Permanente NorCal) in summer 2024 ~ Thanks for your encouragement to move forward the MIT OCW-centric WUaS Academic Medical Center with WUaS Longevity Genetics Institute into a newly safe Canyon 94516, and re - https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html - and in growing too a WUaS abolition movement worldwide * US Federal Secret Service / International Guard ... and that whole 'LOGIC' (which is better done well than not as I think about this ... Lost Dr MLK jr, & RFK jr etc for example in the 1960s tragically ... and how things are getting better than historically for Black people in the US as they move up in their careers ... AND re thinking thru the possible 'LOGIC' of my Toyota's car tire light coming on re not using car for about 5 days * * Greetings, Ed (Smyth MD) in summer 2024 (US federal and states' laws working effectively together in new ways?)



for aging reversal and extreme longevity - A #WUaSunivs' #AgingReversalMachine in prototype #WUaSHospitalRooms 

AND WUaS management developments ? 

A #WUaSunivs' #AgingReversalMachine in prototype #WUaSHospitalRooms beginning w #RealisticVirtualEarth further -https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306& w #AlphaFold3server -https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-deepmind-isomorphic-alphafold-3-ai-model/ (eg in #GStreetView w #TimeSlider #GCellView -https://youtu.be/q9FBhEAXRY4) w #KaiserPermanenteNorCal?


* * 
As an @WorldUnivAndSch initial 'subsidiary'-sim of #Google - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alphabet_Inc.#Senior_leadership? How best to develop great management for ~200 #MITOCW-centric wiki #WUaSUnivs & w #GoogleForEducation + potentially w former #StanfordPres #JohnHennessy #AlphabetChair  https://abc.xyz/investor/news/2019/1203/ ?


How best to develop great approaches to management for MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch in #GoogleForEducation + potentially in partnership with Google Alphabet 
"John Hennessy, Chairman of Alphabet’s Board of Directors, said: “It’s impossible to overstate Larry and Sergey’s contributions over the past 21 years. I’m grateful that they will continue their involvement on the Board.” "

* * 

Further, and for aging reversal and extreme longevity - 

A WUaS #AgingReversalMachine in prototype #WUaSHospitalRooms beginning with realistic virtual earth further - https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 - and Alpha Fold 3 server - https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-deepmind-isomorphic-alphafold-3-ai-model/ - (eg in #GStreetView w TimeSlider #GCellView eg https://youtu.be/q9FBhEAXRY4) and with prospective MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch matriculating students doing PhDs and other degrees, from all ~200 countries ... & in collaboration with Kaiser Permanente NorCal? 

And regarding potentially beginning to hire people at World Univ & Sch - 
How best to develop great approaches to management for MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch in #GoogleForEducation + potentially in partnership with Google Alphabet 
"John Hennessy, Chairman of Alphabet’s Board of Directors, said: “It’s impossible to overstate Larry and Sergey’s contributions over the past 21 years. I’m grateful that they will continue their involvement on the Board.” "


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

* * * 

Greetings, Ed (Smyth MD, Kaiser Permanente NorCal) in summer 2024

Hi Ed, (John, Sid, Peter),

How are you? How are you doing? How are your family growing?  

Thanks for your encouragement to move forward the MIT OCW-centric WUaS Academic Medical Center with WUaS Longevity Genetics Institute into a newly safe Canyon 94516, and re - https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html - and in growing too a WUaS abolition movement worldwide. 

Am continuing to seek to stay alive by doing seeking to move forward there in autumn 2024 ... and with concerns about my mother and my father's GKM MD's 1st subdural hematoma for example on 12/30/04 - with a tire pressure light coming on curiously recently, and a related Toyota appointment today -  http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/06/granite-chief-wilderness-ca.html.

How best to communicate about this planning soonish & in communication with US Senator Elizabeth Warren as well ?       


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

Jun 5, 2024, 8:35 AM (1 day ago)
to EdwardJohnSidPeter
Hi Ed, John, Pin, Peter, 

Good morning, and as a followup, these lines from the Desiderata come to mind: 

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence ...

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, ...

Keep interested in your own career ...


Further, and for aging reversal and extreme longevity - 

A WUaS #AgingReversalMachine in prototype #WUaSHospitalRooms beginning with realistic virtual earth further - https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 - and Alpha Fold 3 server - https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-deepmind-isomorphic-alphafold-3-ai-model/ - (eg in #GStreetView w TimeSlider #GCellView eg https://youtu.be/q9FBhEAXRY4) and with prospective MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch matriculating students doing PhDs and other degrees, from all ~200 countries ... & in collaboration with Kaiser Permanente NorCal? 

And regarding potentially beginning to hire people at World Univ & Sch - 
How best to develop great approaches to management for MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch in #GoogleForEducation + potentially in partnership with Google Alphabet 
"John Hennessy, Chairman of Alphabet’s Board of Directors, said: “It’s impossible to overstate Larry and Sergey’s contributions over the past 21 years. I’m grateful that they will continue their involvement on the Board.” "

Thoughts, questions, suggestions - in language? It would be fascinating Ed, John, and Peter to develop a (conscious?) Gemini conversational generative AI to come into conversation with some of the above, and helpfully, again re the - https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html - above and in other ways. 

Abolition-ally, best regards, thanks, in asylum in PA from CA, and seeking to move forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in 2024, possibly moving west in a Toyota Sienna 2022 even - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/06/granite-chief-wilderness-ca.html - Friendly greetings, Yogically, thanks,

On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 4:25 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Hi Ed, (John, Sid, Peter),

How are you? How are you doing? How are your family growing?  

Thanks for your encouragement to move forward the MIT OCW-centric WUaS Academic Medical Center with WUaS Longevity Genetics Institute into a newly safe Canyon 94516, and re - https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html - and in growing too a WUaS abolition movement worldwide. 

Am continuing to seek to stay alive by seeking to move forward there in autumn 2024 ... and with concerns about my mother and my father's GKM MD's 1st subdural hematoma for example on 12/30/04 - with a tire pressure light coming on curiously recently, and a related Toyota appointment today -  http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/06/granite-chief-wilderness-ca.html.

How best to communicate about this planning soonish & in communication with US Senator Elizabeth Warren as well ?       



Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

Hi Ed, John, Ma Pin, Peter,  

How are you? 

If we live a very long time see the PS - 

And if WUaS can begin to grow, see PPS - 

Just returned from a Toyota vehicle 'technology center' in Pgh - and having paid with a Wells Fargo check $38.79 ... and in seeking to suss out the logic of why the tire pressure light went on ... and having sought US federal protection for my mother, myself and brother Sandy in Maine ... and having sent 3 emails today to first Charles, then Alan (Spitzer), re some of my questions - and in staying alive (re my father's 1st subdural hematoma on Belize on 12/30/04 ... and possible Pittsburgh businesses, such as UPitt and Chase bank etc., & LmBs rentals ... and possibly Toyota service centers too??? and re US federal law ) - including regarding Toyota-WUaS collaborations re Robotics' courses and for possibly Charles (and newly Toyota's Brandon ?... and see below) ... and regarding previous email questions of possibly former housemate / co-denizen (an US International Guard / similar / US secret service) Stephon Owens, possibly developing law enforcement networking even with Toyota's Charles re seeking US federal protection re Toyota-US government working together ...

1 Regarding the 79 number in the bill ... 
I met ... .......... in around 1979 (but I had emailed Spitzer Toyota about knowing ... from 1979 too ... re possible hike in MD or WV on Saturday ) ... so may have been good to have emailed Toyota about him, our hike, and the light ...

the tire pressure light WAS NOT OFF after I paid $38.79 ... what to do? ... (I went back in asked another African American representative who had taken care of my car before, standing next to Charles on the phone ... and he said it should be alright ) ... and then I went in and spoke a second time, off the phone, with my new representative "Elvis" with long hair and purple shoes ... and he said it should go off after driving it about 20 miles ... NEW INFORMATION TO ME, and a little concerned re the worry for the past 5 days especially ... I asked if they could put it off ... AND WAS THIS ALL due to  CHARLES' new management role ... And so 'Elvis' went into the garage area ... and Brandon came out in car mechanics' clothes ... and reset something in a box under the dash board ... and he thought the tire light should go off ... but it didn't ... he said he'd drive it over to the near the garage entrance again ... AND as i think about it ... POSSIBLY MIGHT BRANDON WHO SEEMED NICE ... AND could he become ANOTHER POSSIBLE TOYOTA ROBOTICS' WUaS STUDENT FOR FREE AA DEGREES IN AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, AND with LEGO ROBOTICS INTO TOYOTA THR3s' Humanoid Robotics ... in a partnership between WUaS and Toyota?  ... and due to Charles' management ... and my emails in the  
... Toyota Monroeville & Toyota Robotics, THR3s, Toyota Sienna Vans, both as AI autonomous systems ?' thread 
... and in seeking to get WUaS Robotics' courses with Lego and Toyota Robotics going at MIT CCW WUaS?

Car here - as I type near Mellon Park where my father's "In Loving Memory from the MacLeod family" bench is - seems fine ... and could the tires have been rotated? 

Wondering how US federal law with state of PA (And CA) law processes are developing re protection questions ... (and at 5816 Callowhill street #7 Pgh 15206 .) ... and ahead at Canyon 94516 ... Thinking Toyota service center processes with US federal law are intact ... 

Thoughts, questions, suggestions? Gemini conversational generative AI language speaking opportunities  - with a person ideas? Growing MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch ... and hope that possibly Alan Spitzer for example can play a role in possibly WUaS bookstore even getting Chase bank loans .. 

Regards, abolitionally, thanks, 
Recalling the IBM THINK little desk wooden triangular item with this 'think' word on it which my father gave me when I was a kid 

and is The Desiderata  "Speak your truth clearly and quietly ... " an expression of 'thinking too and with language? I think so .. .https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html

for aging reversal and extreme longevity - A #WUaSunivs' #AgingReversalMachine in prototype #WUaSHospitalRooms AND WUaS management developments ?

A #WUaSunivs' #AgingReversalMachine in prototype #WUaSHospitalRooms beginning w #RealisticVirtualEarth further -https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 & w #AlphaFold3server -https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-deepmind-isomorphic-alphafold-3-ai-model/ (eg in #GStreetView w #TimeSlider #GCellView -https://youtu.be/q9FBhEAXRY4) w #KaiserPermanenteNorCal?



How best to develop great approaches to management for MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch in #GoogleForEducation + potentially in partnership with Google Alphabet 
"John Hennessy, Chairman of Alphabet’s Board of Directors, said: “It’s impossible to overstate Larry and Sergey’s contributions over the past 21 years. I’m grateful that they will continue their involvement on the Board.” "

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

Jun 5, 2024, 5:52 PM (15 hours ago)
to warrenNickShawnJohnDickAldenHughSandyEdwardJohnSidPeterJanie
Hi, Ed, John, Pin, Ma, Peter, All,

Greetings and as a further followup: 
After talking briefly and helpfully with my mother after seeking to understand what happened with the Toyota tire pressure light coming on on Thursday - and even wondering whether it could have something to do with US International / National Guard activity somehow (in possibly even 'cleaning up' Pittsburgh from some grips of international organized crime ... in companies ... strong language?) ... and possibly Stephon Owens' and in communication with a possible Toyota company's franchise new manager Charles ... (since Toyota manager  Patrick Reardon's office was empty ... ) ... and possibly even with the WUaS abolition movement language expanding and growing (since both are partly African Americans for example) ... 

"Happy music making, Ma - and thanks for talking!!! AND for saying 'understood' maybe re emails too ... and maybe re my meeting with Tim for a hike on short notice + (for saying or referring to "all those annoying things" at the close of our conversation ...) ... Saw an African American in an open convertible on my way back from a brief stop in front of the Pgh Quaker Meeting, and past the 1st UU Church of Pgh ... along Center near Highland and he followed me briefly... (and he reminded me a little somehow of Stephon Owens ... and Stephon's possible 'career' re Desiderata in even the US Federal Secret Service / International Guard ... and that whole 'LOGIC' (which is better done well than not as I think about this ... Lost Dr MLK jr, & RFK jr etc for example in the 1960s tragically ... and how things are getting better than historically for Black people in the US as they move up in their careers ... AND re thinking thru the possible 'LOGIC' of my Toyota's car tire light coming on re not using car for about 5 days ) ...  Love, Scott (talking has a harmonizing effect in going solo growing WUaS ... and as I seek a life partner + friends + ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/harmonizing%20effect?m=0)"

But it's impossible to know what the US federal government with the state of PA may be doing  law enforcement-wise in the background in some of these regards ... and regarding companies and criminals ... and ethically, and effectively ... and addressing all the problems of law enforcement in the past ... and as possibly for example Stephon Owens works with Toyota's Charles Carter ... 

Seeking to grow MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch without for example being attacked somehow by Lobos management Bryant street rentals' employees ... or re the closure of my 3 Chase accounts on W 2/28/24 which I first learned about from trader js ... and by an egregious attack 'mis-conduct' from Chase bank Wilkinsburg ... AND AS I ALSO DROVE ALONG Walnut Street before getting to the UU Church and the Quaker Meeting ... and before talking with you, Ma ... passing the Leased sign on the old Williams Sonoma store and the Apple Computer Store too, out of the front of the Chase bank Shadyside, when I approached the corner of S Aiken street and Walnut CAME Chase banker Shona Demus AND possibly another male banker I've met ... a minute apart ... Speculatively could the Chase banker male in a blue suit 1 minute later have been somehow pursuing or following Chase' s Shona (an African American woman) whom I've talked at some length with in the bank and could they have been going on a date even - OR PLAY ACTING THIS (intuition ) ... OR NAVIGATING DATING within Chase bank legally and ethically? .. and could VP Shauna McNally very speculatively have sent them out ... as bankers Shauna McNally  with manager Kacey Costolo NAVIGATE the 'murder' word Shauna McNally mentioned outside her at the close of our conversation months ago ... and even regarding Chase bank Wilkinsburg employees jenifer weber and george nicolai (could they have murdered some people ... and was I possibly next on their list ... even possibly recorded in the Chase bank Wilkinsburg in these regards??? ?)  ... AND AFTER I HAD this TIRE LIGHT turned off at the Toyota place ... and all mediated by information technologies - communication and mapping wise??? 

Peace, abolitionally, in asylum and seeking to move forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 (with a Chase bank Home card recently coming in the mail), staying alive, Fond regards, Scott

On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 2:51 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Hi Ed, John, Ma Pin, Peter,  

How are you? 

If we live a very long time see the PS - 

And if WUaS can begin to grow, see PPS - 

* * 

Greetings, Ed (Smyth MD) in summer 2024 (US federal and states' laws working effectively together in new ways?)


Scott MacLeod

2:45 PM (0 minutes ago)
to KennethJohnGerryJohnBruceEdwardJohnSidPeterJaniewarrenNickShawnJohnDickAldenHughSandy
Dear Ed (Smyth MD), John (Sargent MD), Ma / Janie (MacLeod), Pin (Mazumdar HHS), Peter (Norvig Google AI), attorneys' Shawn Flaherty and Nick Thompson, Lt. John Tadler, US Senator Elizabeth Warren, All, 

More with emails in this email thread here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/06/great-bear-rainforest-bc.html - in yesterday's blog post W 6/5/24, all together now, and readable ... 

Happy to take you to the Pgh airport Ma (next week perhaps) and so you can fly to Maine and see your first grandchild! :) (Thinking-wise, after Thanksgiving 2023 and your coming back from Portland, ME I was most concerned about your coming back safely ... and regarding Pittsburgh and Portland being in the grips of illegal international organized crime - ie the sometimes profitable wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex, drugs and violence industries internationally, and their latent networks of violence - SO GLAD YOU MADE IT BACK FROM PORTLAND Maine THEN ... and that I picked up my mother ALIVE ... I think or speculate that the US federal government working with states' laws have lessened these international organized criminal activities some - and as MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch continues to grow a worldwide abolition movement too, and in seeking to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet from here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University ... ) 

More with Toyota-WUaS robotics'& autonomous systems' possible collaborations, and for courses - i.e. with - 

A little #QuakerMeeting in Lego on #CentralEdinburghQuakerMeeting #EdinburghScotland's home page
https://quakerscotland.org/sites/quakerscotland.org/files/styles/720-wide/public/lego-mfw2.jpg -
https://quakerscotland.org/central-edinburgh -
 seeks to make #WUaSLegoRobotics central to
#FreeToStudents #MITOCW-centric #WUaSdegrees in 200 countries & langs

MIT OCW Lego Robotics - 

Greetings, with some further (Friendly Quaker) concerns ! In seeking to stay alive, and in growing a MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch abolition movement worldwide & re Chase bank Wilkinsburg potential egregious misconduct on 2/28/24 ... & re the 'murder' word too for example in Chase bank Shadyside many weeks ago (and was that a prostitute coming down from above this bank from the Univ Pitt Med Ctr offices or nearby/similar upstairs that very same time - or around that time, in the Walnut street side entry to the Chase ATM machine, rather than the Chase bank corner front door entry on S Aiken ?) ... 

And after 5 somewhat stressful days of no vehicle and wondering about the LOGIC of the tire puncture light ON MY VERY RELIABLE 2016 Toyota Prius c  (i.e. and did organized crime play a role

 ... re the woman in Chador - lanky unwell sophie criminal or prostitute from Lobos Management Bryant st rentals ? - when I went out to use the car late Saturday afternoon ? (and I saw the same black Lexus car race by the following day or two ... as I went out to my stationary vehicle ... but signaling what?) ...

 ... and if so, how far up a possible Pgh 'chain of command' of Pgh organized crime ?

... or could even the US federal government law enforcement have played a role in turning on my 2016 Toyota Prius c tire puncture light ... with US Secret Service possibly? 

 ... and / or in collaboration with Toyota Monroeville even ?

... and regarding my possible hike rendezvous with Tim Lenderking in MD or WV, half way between DC and Pgh, on very short notice ?

...  which short notice could be safe re ... ..........'s invitation on short notice in planning a get together in MD for a hike and with no interference from organized crime for example, inside the US federal government, or on the periphery ... and in intermingling networks ... e.g. from organized crime somehow  ?) 

...and going to the Toyota Monroeville place and paying $38.79 for what, a patch I was told, but am skeptical  ... and after getting 2 new tires there last time 2-3 months ago, and I think 3 new tires 3 or 4 times or visits ago to this place in around June of 2023 ... as I continue to be a Friendly conscientious objector and peace activist protester and grow and abolition movement ...

 ... am wondering how too, on the other hand, to GROW "Toyota Monroeville & Toyota Robotics, THR3s, Toyota Sienna Vans, both as AI autonomous systems ?" - and business-wise and work-wise too especially - in collaboration with MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch ... In such a way that Toyota Spitzer Monroeville does well  ... about which "Toyota Monroeville & Toyota Robotics, THR3s, Toyota Sienna Vans, both as AI autonomous systems" I inquired last year too but didn't hear back ... and inquired about again this year ... with no word back yet ...

And what role could some sort of Pittsburgh-based US federal law enforcement be playing here too, both regarding former co-denizen / housemate at 210 East End avenue, Pgh 15221 murderous house???? Stephon Owens who may have been going the International Guard National Guard  as a CMU Masters' degree I think trumpet player too ... wearing army green fatigues some of the last times I saw him outside at a distance again near my first asylum house at 210 East End avenue ... and regarding your, Lt John Tadler, relationship with the FBI, having attended a FBI WORKSHOP IN AROUND 2013 ... and possibly (speculatively) re Stephon Owens working newly with possible new Toyota manager Charles Carter  ... (and could Alan Spitzer be a key owner and far far away and out of this Toyota business franchise or remote otherwise somehow too)?

And in some of these possible US federal law enforcement involvements, 

What has happened to the craven psychopath? Swiss or Lebanese soldier? frederic khayat? (AND TO THE dwarf Jackson Shannon, with a possible faux obituary shared with me from Stephon Owens' email from frederic khayat's education in Switzerland possibly) ... AND WHAT happened to Harold Tyler there at 210 East End avenue too - both murdered possibly? 

...and what has happened to the 8-10 time arsonist here at 5816 Callowhill st, Pgh PA 15206, possibly in a green vest with ladder keith ? in mid Nov 2023?

and ... other criminals - sophie, a Lobos management Bryant street lawyer???? ... since things seem quiet around here now. 

And how was your music-making today, Ma? - which you mentioned on the phone after the Toyota place planning to head to 

... after the somewhat traumatic past 5 days since my Toyota Prius c's Tire pressure light turned on on Saturday June 1.  ... and ? And what might this even refer to? I continue to worry somehow re Oedipal or double Oedipal conflicts or complexes  in our family tragically ... and re consequences of Dad's GKM MD's first subdural hematoma in Belize on Semester at Sea on 12/30/04 ... leading to his death about 3 years later on 11/25/07... 

And again how was your music-making today, Ma -
... and could this language metaphorically possibly even have to do with the illegal sex industry for others - via prostitution? - at Longwood Senior Center (spurred on by unwell co-residents 'kathie logan' janis ramey and possibly Jean Thomas & company)? 

I'd also like to herald further and teach Yoga-wise - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html - about being truthful, and to teach integrity - and regarding Quaker SPICES ... Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship - with you sometimes, Ma, but realize you're deeply informed by Unitarianism, which has its own approach to seeking the truth - https://www.uua.org/beliefs/what-we-believe/principles/4th and https://www.uua.org/spiritual-theme/truth (which I share too)   ... but realize too the complexities of the realities of living in modernity or internetity and "the real" per Lacan MD (as one of 3 registers, the other two being the symbolic and the imaginary/mirror ) (for example, is friend since my near-birth Dick Robb MD, Harvard professor of ophthalmology, really deceased, which you told me he was on 12/24/23 ... - OR COULD THAT BE LANGUAGE That Would PROTECT HIM & IN HIS STROKE - and if he might also be under US federal protection in some sort of UN Federal Witness Protection Plan in Brookline MA ... and as even aging reversal genetic drugs come along ... especially if He might benefit from emerging therapies from Prof George Church also of the Harvard Medical School  ?) 

...  Or did you go to play recorder and other instruments with 2 or 3 Longwood residents when we got off the phone?  ... and again in my having sought both US federal protection for you, and Sandy and myself ... as well as a US federal investigation into Longwood Senior Center ...?

Fondly, abolitionally, warm regards, Scott


A #WUaSunivs' #AgingReversalMachine in prototype #WUaSHospitalRooms beginning w #RealisticVirtualEarth further -https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 & w #AlphaFold3server -https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-deepmind-isomorphic-alphafold-3-ai-model/ (eg in #GStreetView w #TimeSlider #GCellView -https://youtu.be/q9FBhEAXRY4) w #KaiserPermanenteNorCal?


How best to develop great approaches to management for MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch in #GoogleForEducation + potentially in partnership with Google Alphabet 
"John Hennessy, Chairman of Alphabet’s Board of Directors, said: “It’s impossible to overstate Larry and Sergey’s contributions over the past 21 years. I’m grateful that they will continue their involvement on the Board.” "


Further, and for aging reversal and extreme longevity - 

A WUaS #AgingReversalMachine in prototype #WUaSHospitalRooms beginning with realistic virtual earth further - https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 - and Alpha Fold 3 server - https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-deepmind-isomorphic-alphafold-3-ai-model/ - (eg in #GStreetView w TimeSlider #GCellView eg https://youtu.be/q9FBhEAXRY4) and with prospective MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch matriculating students doing PhDs and other degrees, from all ~200 countries ... & in collaboration with Kaiser Permanente NorCal? 

And regarding potentially beginning to hire people at World Univ & Sch - 
How best to develop great approaches to management for MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch in #GoogleForEducation + potentially in partnership with Google Alphabet 
"John Hennessy, Chairman of Alphabet’s Board of Directors, said: “It’s impossible to overstate Larry and Sergey’s contributions over the past 21 years. I’m grateful that they will continue their involvement on the Board.” "

On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 5:52 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Hi, Ed, John, Pin, Ma, Peter, All,

Greetings and as a further followup: 
After talking briefly and helpfully with my mother after seeking to understand what happened with the Toyota tire pressure light coming on on Saturday - and even wondering whether it could have something to do with US International / National Guard activity somehow (in possibly even 'cleaning up' Pittsburgh from some grips of international organized crime ... in companies ... strong language?) ... and possibly Stephon Owens' and in communication with a possible Toyota company's franchise new manager Charles ... (since Toyota manager  Patrick Reardon's office was empty ... ) ... and possibly even with the WUaS abolition movement language expanding and growing (since both are partly African Americans for example) ... 




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