Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations![rainbow line]() ***
i ... Yoga is the inner releasing action, meditation {relaxation response}, of the bodymind/brain for we language-using human primates
ii ... ~ Practice Restorative Hippy Anjali Yoga Notations' bodymind explorations
including YogaPoses' inner movements playfully, {which seek to move online with interactive yoga avatarbots, beyond interactive Yoga via video conferencing} ~
~ Play and learn from these inner releasing actions & listen inside to what comes up
~ Care with compassion, ~ and enjoyably travel to hot springs for meditation in warm pools ... {I'm thinking here of meditating in the warm pool of Harbin Hot Springs} ... or meditate at home in your bath tub {in a virtual Harbin eventually}, and open your awareness/find benefit in daily travel like walking
~ There's much wellness in, and scientific evidence for the health benefits of, in general, a low-fat, natural foods' diet (e.g. 10-15 servings of fruits, grains, vegetables and legumes per day), an egg for protein, as well as 30 minutes of daily movement, some aerobic like dancing; do Yoga, it's healing
1. Helpful guidelines for care / love in living? Be ethical (per the 'nons' eg celebrating non-harming, etc.:).In the information age re Hippy-Yoga, am appreciative too of Google's "Don't be evil" philosophy, Creative Commons, and Stanford Law thinking re law in each of all ~200 nation states 2. Positive observances ~ unwind with daily Yoga meditation as inner releasing actions (eliciting relaxation response neurophysiology)
3. Yoga bodymind explorations including inner movement ~ play
4. Breathing ~ Mmmmm feels so good {easing & visionary Pranayama-wise} ~ explore
5. Come home inside into your bodymind at times to regenerate yourself
6. Focus in releasing ways to connect in a kind of oneness in neurophysiology (and re Csikszentmihalyi's "Flow" experience & see: http://www.scottmacleod.com/EudaimoniaFlow.htm)
7. Connectedness and "it's just happening"
8. Bring it on home ~ Oneness ~ Cosmic Consciousness
~ Non-harming (yummy vegetarian food ~ yams :) ~ with an egg and multi-vitamin, for vitamin B12 and iron too, which are lacking in an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet, per day are a boon)
~ Truthfulness, Integrity, Honesty~ Non-stealingYou can get free money daily here ~ https://minepi.com/sgkmac ~ (Stanford Mine Pi coin cryptocurrency) . . . for Universal Basic Income EXPERIMENTS too to all 7.9 billion people on the planet ~ Non-possessiveness ~ Give things to charity
~ Learning from other species, hippy human primate yogis as potentially free Bonobo chimpanzees can revel in sexuality/intimacy/touch, but explore restraint in these regards, where non-harming and care can be and are significant balances for sexuality that damages; some alternative hippy Yogi human primates will freely choose to restrain from sexuality/lust {brahmacharya} of course; Opening to, and nourishing, wondrous love and sexuality as far-reaching metaphorical "information technologies" together as duet between partners - in fidelity - & in a marriage too, is the best {here are possible approaches ~ http://scottmacleod.com/GuidelinesPracticingLovingBlissvavMusicalInstrument.htm}; have kids if you like, and raise good families; hippy Yogini earth mother says have lots of babies and raise them well & with much love
~ Adhibit (Engage), troop bond and pair bond with grace and ecological balance with others (re John Money's "Concepts of Determinism" ~ http://scottmacleod.com/anthropology/determinism.htm)
~ Attune yourself through daily exploration of an inner releasing action {relaxation response} as a kind of inner bodymind house cleansing ~ Contentment neurophysiology brain-wise can be facilitated with the harmonizing effect of omega-3 fatty acids (flax seed oil capsules, 7-10 per day?) ...
~ Simplicity in Friendly Gatherings / unprogrammed distributed Quaker Meeting / non-theistic F/friendly/NtF / atheistic Quaker senses is great {and all the SPICES ~ simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality and stewardship ~ too; conscientious objection, as well}
~ Cultivate learning consciousness of your own neurophysiology (much more STEM research needed, and at subatomic / quantum physics' levels too) and actions, and conversation in these regards with a counselor~psychotherapist {e.g. self awareness therapy} if this would be helpful ... Explore Jacques Lacan MD and hippy psychoanalysis/psychiatry {'Jacques Lacan Parle' ~ https://youtu.be/-HBnLAK4_Cc -~ and use language~speak~write (and seek Lacanian MD psychoanalysis, or similar MD psychiatry, in the event of being abused or similar). ... and ... https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/09/bottlenose-dolphin-jacques-lacan-md-and.html} ... Opening to freedom (as in the student and hippy freedom-seeking movements of the 1960s and '70s, for example, which further opened America to Yoga), be aware of the religious Yogic MEMES (i.e. replicating cultural units) in your bodyminds, - for example, chanting, that may take away your freedom as an individual, even while beneficially focusing the mind and creating "flow" experiences,
{think e.g. hippy-yogi critical thinking and reasoning}~ Bond well with your community, tribe, your partner(s), in a contented marriage, your group, your wildness too; lie on your back for the relaxation response daily, and if this emerges as a kind of inner attuning devotion {LOVE, here}, great
* *Yoga genetics-wise too, scientifically ...
Yoga GENETICS and Yoga Ethics too even re Yoga Athletics, and possibly with the Olympics and vaccines for performance ... see below). ...
With a Harvard undergrad degree and a Stanford PhD, she is {Holly K Tabor} very skilled language and thinking-wise. Here are 4 foundations of ethics, and for her too -
~ beneficence, nonmaleficence (non-wrongdoing), autonomy, and justice ~
which I appreciate a lot (and Regarding also newly exploring Yoga GENETICS and Yoga Ethics too even re, again, Yoga Athletics, and possibly with the Olympics and vaccines for performance ... see below). ... and regarding calling for abolition, (of the wrongful buying and selling of people), and possibly seeking asylum soon on the east coast or in Europe ...
the first exploration of Yoga genetics, which I first added here - scottmacleod.com - a few weeks' ago in ~February 2022, in significantly updating my home page
For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? What? How? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 years' old?, -more supple bodies, how #YogaEthics work?
*Exploring Yoga big S (Self) small s (self) ... re self learning Hoping my brother is doing alright, and beginning potentially to see a psychiatrist, and possibly regarding the big S in Yoga (Self or Soul even) re the small s in Yoga (re low, or small or wrongful, harming behavior), Ma and All! Friday, March 25, 2022 Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> 8:35 AM (3 hours ago) to Claudia, Barbara, Alden, Peter, Marc, edsmythmd, Nancy, Roland, David, David, Janie, Larry, Edward, Henry, Sandy, Susan, Hugh, lillianbthomas, John, Sid 🙏 Thanks for your email, David, All! Appreciate the Jacques Lacan MD focus on talking ( parole = speech act, since the 'unconscious is structured like a language,' in his writing), and YogaPoses' integrity with Yoga bringing together big S (Self) and small s (self) thinking (newly exploring this here - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html) ... Appreciate too Lacanian psychiatrist psychoanalyst family friend Lacanian psychiatrist psychoanalyst George Alexander MD's standing by the Desiderata - https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html - one of last times my mother and I visited him at the Quaker place near Philadelphia. Tuft's University psychiatrist Dr. John Sargent MD ISN'T a Lacanian psychoanalytic psychiatrist MD, but could be of help. Thanks 🙏👍. Talk to you later, love, Scott ... all regarding self-learning :)
An asylum approach to psychiatric care & talk psychotherapy? Quaker Friends Hospital (Phil.) https://friendshospital.com/about-us/our-timeline/ (1813) @WorldUnivAndSch from Home beyond KP's Sleep, Stress, & Sex approach in #RealisticVirtualHarbin (@HarbinBook) re Harbin as retreat > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School ~ https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1515042155080798208?s=20&t=8m48uMEdxEbE9jAgbPHMUAhttps://twitter.com/WUaSPress/status/1515042382953082881?s=20&t=90LaiseeevvFulwc9EiK6vF3U03VIZ18rMfOKcr5Ib0https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1515041078641975298?s=20&t=gLBbaHyvCVpqU3iLQQQdjQhttps://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1515042780753510404?s=20&t=b7kiK5D4YwczF6i2psS0BgLanguages - World Univ - https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/status/1515043417612447748?s=20&t=pRBJsonH0_9bjILA0jp3mAhttps://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/1515044066362216449?s=20&t=s6c9lX6KdfCOrmeY7cz3egMIT Hack Medicine - Grand Hack https://twitter.com/freddytn/status/1514567225738510342?s=20&t=gLBbaHyvCVpqU3iLQQQdjQ 3. Inner releasing action bodymind pose explorations ...
'beneficial Yoga restorative pose: Lie on your back on rug, put your legs on a chair, & support your head & neck with pillow ~ https://gohighbrow.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/restorative_yoga10.jpg Release, Meditate ~ http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2008/09/arc-steps-to-elicit-relaxation-response.html (moving toward rolling open your shoulders and chest of hunched back for #GentleYoga)' https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1480589344276566017?s=20{... Learning Yoga in partner poses can also be wonderful ...}
Also, regarding Restorative Yoga asana learning online, on Twitter and with props ~ beneficial Yoga restorative poses: Lie on your back on rug, put your legs on a chair, & support your head & neck with pillow ~ https://gohighbrow.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/restorative_yoga10.jpg Meditate ~ http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2008/09/arc-steps-to-elicit-relaxation-response.html (moving toward rolling open your shoulders and chest of hunched back for #RestorativeYoga) https://twitter.com/adelineyoga/status/747599065714569218https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1480610764314476544?s=20And Legs-On-The-Chair Pose Episode #3 of the course Restorative yoga for restful sleep by Elaine Oyang https://gohighbrow.com/legs-on-the-chair-pose/(with some good ideas) Restorative Yoga For Restful Sleep https://gohighbrow.com/portfolio/restorative-yoga-for-restful-sleep/And there's a whole series of videos I think from Elaine ( https://gohighbrow.com/portfolio/restorative-yoga-for-restful-sleep/) - course plan Lesson 1. What Is Restorative Yoga and How Is It Useful for Sleep? Lesson 2. Belly (Diaphragm) Breath Lesson 3. Legs-on-the-Chair Pose Lesson 4. Legs-up-the-Wall Pose Lesson 5. Supported Reclining Pose Lesson 6. Supported Reclining Bound Angle Pose Lesson 7. Supported Child’s Pose Lesson 8. Supported Belly Twist Pose Lesson 9. Supported Lower Back Release Pose Lesson 10. Brahmari (Bumble Bee Breath) and Next Steps 4. inner Yoga inner bodymind breathing explorations ...
Lying on your back, can you release your nostril skin around you breath to create more space and ease and openness as you inhale and exhale? Can you explore this in easy pose sitting, or in half lotus?
5. Come home inside into your bodymind at times to bring light there ~ Lighting Up the Hidden Corners of Our Inner House.' (And drop out - re withdrawl of senses' idea - of unethical Yoga teachers' classes, if inclined, & regarding conscientious objection too, regarding coming inside in Friends' friendly Quaker Meetings regarding a Friendly Quaker 'leading' you might have ~ and in protest, or boycott). Tune in inside to your own inner bodymind's releasing action instead, since this inner-turning-releasing happens in meditation anyway; enjoy withdrawing inwardly your neurophysiology while meditating:).
6. Focus to connect in a kind of oneness (re Csikszentmihalyi's "Flow" experience) ~ where you can do this by releasing and exploring especially
iii ... Into the Inner Body
7. Connectedness and "it's just happening" "turn on, tune in, drop out"
Peace, Love and Happiness
8. Bring it on home ~ oneness ~ ~ India is eternally fascinating ~
~ warm bath, warm pool, Harbin Hot Springs ~
holy smoke! ~ holiness ~ serendipity ~ syncrhonicity
~ flow ~ in the zone ~
~ hippie Yogis to the hot springs for yoga and meditation ~entheogenically even ~ cosmic consciousness ~
* Non-theistically friendly Yoga is good ... appreciating friendliness here ...
Care with compassion, ~ and enjoyably travel to hot springs for meditation in the warm pools, and especially for positive, serene nakedness and eroticism, such as at Harbin Hot Springs (both on-the-ground and online in virtual realism eventually) ...
Cultivate kindness, oneness, connectedness, community, communitas, freedom, care, love, peace, harmonizing, Tantra and flourishing ... goodness and knowledge ... as well as music and art in beautiful nature ... Liberté, égalité, sororité et Liberté, égalité, fraternité *Friends' Dalton Letter (about love in some its best senses)*
Berry-head-Sun-Sun, Yoga human-warmth Philosophy?
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras begin with what is often translated as "Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind," which is also often chanted. At least my wee Hippy-Yoga-Notations-Meditations don't leave the reader-yogi dead from the outset of the Sutras :) (in my interpretation here, and with concerns about such language, translated from a beautiful old Sanskrit language, and en-culturated over some 2000 years ... hopping some oceans in between) ...
Not sure why my veggie-ness (being an ovo-lacto-vegetarian, which I was also when I lived the first year in Scotland in 1976-1977, - being a child of the '60s that I am, and a bit of a peachy-peace-head rebel) seems to have a beneficial ecology .. (in my life) ... seeking a natural concept for a kind of karma idea here, an internet-ecology-communications-web, with inclusiveness for biology/neurophysiology/symbols-internet/evolutionary biology's 3-100 million species's as significant related ideas ... and re the fish oil / flax oil harmonizing and brightening effect bennies (benefits) of omega 3s (for me, at one time especially when doing anthropological field work at Harbin over about 10 years) ... & how would this internet-ecology work and re Harbin too? ... with learning-from-Bonobo in these Yoga-Notations too ... LA hippies ... Jim Morrison ... Esalen ... wondering if Ishvara (current Founder of Harbin since 1972) knew The Doors? ... Warm~watery Taoism ...
* Are MD (Medical Doctor) scrubs modern day gender-neutral hospital-caring saris/dhotis? ~ pajama party! :)
*Envisioning? Yogi in a cave in the Himalayas - go wilderness backpacking, Yogis ~ in US National Parks & Wilderness Areas in the west! ... (and explore, - as a kind of oneness with nature that allows you to cultivate freedom and ease and retreat from the possible crazinesses of sociality living in your local community / society and information technology, within your own bodymind) and practice the relaxation response / meditate ...
Hobbit in the Shire contentment ~ when adventuring in the British Isles even!
Alternative Yoga Sutras? Alternative The Yoga-Sutra of Patañjali as technologies of freedom? Alternative 8-Limb Yoga? Alternative Yamas and Niyamas?You/we have agency {intentional action, and loosely, free will https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/agency} to write, for example, further alternative Yoga Notations, to travel to the hot springs for meditation in the warm water, ~ to enjoy and explore Yoga consciousness for {loving} bliss neurophysiology generation ... MMmmm ... and also vis-a-vis the Desiderata ~ http://mwkworks.com/desiderata.html But also, Desiderata-wise, and regarding your 'action':"Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.Keep interested in your own career, however humble;it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.Exercise caution in your business affairs; . . . ":)
*If Yoga devotion is love is bonding is joining is uniting , and regarding too, John Money's . . . Pairbondage'Pairbondage Pairbondage means being bonded together in pairs, as in the parent-child pairbond, or the pairbond of those who are lovers or breeding partners. In everyday usage, bondage implies servitude or enforced submission. Although pairbondage is defined so as not to exclude this restrictive connotation, it has a larger meaning that encompasses also mutual dependency and cooperation, and affectional attachment. Pairbondage has a twofold phyletic origin in mammals. One is mutual attachment between a nursing mother and her feeding baby, without which the young fail to survive. The other is mutual attraction between males and females, and their accommodation to one another in mating, without which a diecious species fails to reproduce itself. Male - female pairbonding is species specific and individually variable with respect to its duration and the proximity of the pair. In human beings, the two extremes are represented by anonymous donor fertilization versus lifelong allegiance and copulatory fidelity.' Troopbondage . . . Abidance . . . Ycleptance . . . Foredoomance . . . {Concepts of Determinism from John Money, PhD ~ http://scottmacleod.com/anthropology/determinism.htm} * . . . Some Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations' further musings, and since ...
'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', and
"Yoga" means 'to join' or 'to yoke' or 'to unite, and
"Bond" means to join, or a relationship between people or groups based on shared feelings, interests, or experiences, and
"Love" means
strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties maternal love · attraction based on sexual desire : affection, or
or an intense feeling of deep affection, and
"Devotion" means great love, affection, or admiration for someone
could pair bonding - and genetically or evolutionary biology-wise - mean loving partner, and could troop bonding mean loving family or group (since we all come from pairbonds back to the beginning of our primate lives, millions of years ago?
* Opening to warmth and caring in my envisioning ... is different from opening to the warmth, connecting and meditating in the warm pool ...:)
Warm regards, Scott *
Cultivate specific kinds of beneficial inner bodymind neurophysiology as if by practicing a musical instrument ~
*Explore how this inner body releasing Yoga feels to connect further, and for self-learning.
* We may have to compose the music with which to sing something like this. :)
*Cultivate Regenerative Yoga where
Yoga is meditation ~ the inner releasing action {relaxation response} of the bodymind/brain ~ for we creative language-using human primates
***Hippy~anjali Yoga Notations![rainbow line]() Imaginative ~ Freeing ~ Easing ~ IntegratingHippy-anjali Yoga Notations (as an alternative to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali)![rainbow line]()
Eudaimonia (personal flourishing) is ‘Flow’ & Bliss Eudaimonia is Flow & Bliss |