Abolition #WUaSabolition #WUaSLawSchools @WorldUnivAndSch In asylum from #SFBayArea on eastern seaboard ...
Abolition Movement grows: Abolish wrongful buying & selling of people in #IllegalSexDrugsViolenceEtcIndustry / #IllegalSexIndustry etc & in @WorldUnivAndSch ~200 #WUaScountries #AbolishModernSlavery #WUaSabolition #QSilentMeeting #NewQuakerAboltionism #QuakerAbolitionMovement ~
Languages all
No pic of abolition sign
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Abolition Movement grows: Abolish wrongful buying & selling of people in #IllegalSexDrugsViolencreEtcIndustry in #IllegalSexIndustry etc & in @WorldUnivAndSch ~200 countries #AbolishModernSlavery #WUaSabolition #QSilentMeeting #NewQuakerAboltionism #QuakerAbolitionMovement ~
And as retweets -
Retweeting scottmacleod
Retweeting Q_YogaMacFlower
Retweeting scottmacleod
Retweeting sgkmacleod Languages
Abolition Movement grows: Abolish the wrongful buying & selling of people in the #IllegalSexDrugsViolencreEtcIndustry in #IllegalSexIndustry etc & in ~200 countries #AbolishModernSlavery #WUaSabolition #NewQuakerAboltionism w NEW #QuakerAbolitionMovement ~
#PghPA #QuakerMeeting for #QSilentMeeting outside in my car as I & @WorldUnivAndSch continue to grow an #AbolitionMovement to #AbolishModernSlavery in #IllegalSexIndustry
etc & in ~200 countries re
#WUaSabolition #NewQuakerAboltionism w NEW #QuakerAbolitionMovement ~
May head to #PghPA #QuakerMeeting for #QSilentMeeting outside in my car as I & @WorldUnivAndSch continue to grow an #AbolitionMovement to #AbolishModernSlavery in #IllegalSexIndustry etc & in ~200 countries re
#WUaSabolition #NewQuakerAboltionism w NEW #QuakerAbolitionMovement ~
Retweeting -
French Guyana celebrates #Abolition Day on 10 June, marking the end of #slavery in 1848.
Retweeting -
French Guyana celebrates #Abolition Day on 10 June, marking the end of #slavery in 1848.
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How to PLAN to #AbolishModernSlavery in #IllegalSexIndustry etc & in ~200 countries re
#WUaSabolition #NewQuakerAboltionism w NEW #QuakerAbolitionMovement @FriendsJournal @EdCenQuakers #SFQuakerMeeting #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords @scottmacleod #EndPoverty w #UBIexperiments?
French Guyana celebrates #Abolition Day on 10 June, marking the end of #slavery in 1848.
French Guyana celebrates #Abolition Day on 10 June, marking the end of #slavery in 1848.
How to PLAN to #AbolishModernSlavery in #IllegalSexIndustry & drug industries & their #LatentNetworksOfViolence, for ex., in ~200 countries
#WUaSabolition #WUaSLaw
#NewQuakerAboltionism #QuakerAbolitionMovement
@ Friends Journal @EdCenQuakers #SFQuakerMeeting
How to PLAN to #AbolishModernSlavery in #IllegalSexIndustry & drug industries & their #LatentNetworksOfViolence, for ex., in ~200 countries & in langs #WUaSabolition #WUaSLaw from #SlaveryAbolitionAct (1833) in Britain & #EmancipationProclamation of 1865 in USA to protect people?
French Guyana celebrates #Abolition Day on 10 June, marking the end of #slavery in 1848.
#Abolition #WUaSabolition #WUaSLawSchools @WorldUnivAndSch In asylum from #SFBayArea on eastern seaboard of USA since 8/22, how to PLAN to #AbolishModernSlavery in #IllegalSexIndustry for ex, in ~200 countries & in languages: BENEFITS FOR ASYLUM SEEKERS
Red line human dignity
Cutting benefits for asylum seekers is difficult – a look at the case law shows this.
- & in @WorldUnivAndSch seeking to code for 7.9 billion People on the planet, each a #WikidataPIN #?
In calling for #WUaSabolition of #IllegalSexIndustry & #LatentNetworksOfViolence & in #AcademicPhilosophy to protect people & in @WorldUnivAndSch seeking to code for 7.9 bill. Peops on planet, each a #WikidataPIN # saw #CustomBlinds or #CultureBlinds sign leaving #PghPA today ~
Retweeting -
French Guyana celebrates #Abolition Day on 10 June, marking the end of #slavery in 1848.
Thanks, Scott
No pic
In calling for #WUaSabolition of #IllegalSexIndustry & #LatentNetworksOfViolence & in #AcademicPhilosophy to protect people & in @WorldUnivAndSch seeking to code for 7.9 bill. Peops on the planet, each a #WikidataPIN # saw #CustomBlinds or #CultureBlinds sign leaving #PghPA today:)
* * *
Ambassador Cynthia Kierscht - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/07/grewia-tenax.html - in a new Mauritania World Univ & Sch beginning online UNIVERSITY, not yet in Arabic +
Great to get your text message - and so early in the morning! Welcome back from the Middle East - and your good work there! Could that be a path to becoming Secretary of State in Jan 2025, if Biden is inaugurated then? May head to the Pittsburgh Quaker Meeting this morning to sit in silence outside in my car as I and WUaS continue to grow an abolition movement. International organized crime seems to be on the wane in Pittsburgh ... in these somewhat stressful nearly 2 years in asylum, still alive. I may bring an abolition sign and take a pic in front of the Quaker Meeting House even. Great to visit you in NH - and perhaps we can do another work party on your boathouse sometime! Glad you're having a visit with your daughters! Is D.... L... MD ahead in the SF Bay Area, and family-wise, and re my connecting with Reedies and her about a proposed Reedie Book Group in late 2024 or 2025, potluck beforehand, 1st possible get-together a possible house-warming at 670 Ridgecrest road, Canyon 94516 where you so greatly visited me in 2012 (and re our Harbin visit then too!) ... A home possibly!
Glad you are traveling ... I'm taking a cyst-reversal strategy to avoid the 'chemical cocktail' toxicities in the Pgh environment (eg avoid Pgh water, animal plumping hormones in foods, so am becoming a vegan with regard too to Harvard and MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church's thinking, eating only peel-able fruits, veggies + ) ... but some cyst-like activity is still there (never occurred in California pre-asylum time) ... so a hike would be GREAT with my great hiking boots too re cyst, not too too long, but looking forward to VISITING (and glad US federal law and states' laws are working effectively together in new ways, having sought US federal protection for my mother, my brother, Sandy, his new baby, Isla, and myself) ... and as WUaS grows an abolition movement worldwide, Fond regards, Scott (Here's Ambassador Cynthia Kierscht -
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/07/grewia-tenax.html - in a new Mauritania World Univ & Sch beginning online UNIVERSITY, not yet in Arabic ... Do you know Cynthia? Am wondering about WUaS Educational Services' Stores informed by Walmart information technology in all 180 countries out of ~200 WM isn't in - AND IN THE ~25/200 ARABIC language countries, including Yemen, Saudi Arabia, & Mauritania ... beginning in 2025? ... great pic of you here -
https://x.com/StateDept_NEA/status/1809320654380101876 ... More later! ... AND "
New (#NWAfrica) Mauritania @WorldUnivAndSch -
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Mauritania (planned in #ArabicWUaS) (from
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States) & See the #ArabicLanguage wiki subject
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Arabic_language (planned in #WUaSArabic too) & w #WUaSEducationalServicesStores
How are you? How is Yemen?
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"The Lament for the Children" Piobaireachd Classical Bagpipe Music and learning with machine learning?
Hi Stuart,
How are you? Greetings on a Sunday!
Am enjoying greatly your playing of "The Lament for the Children" here -
Stuart Liddell
Thank you!
(having learned too a bit from
John D Burgess's great playing of it here -
- but find this performance even a little if not painful, then sad, due possibly also to the narratives too informing the writing of "The Lament for the Children" about which there's very little evidence, beyond oral traditions, n'est-ce pas?)
Donald MacLeod tutorial
Kilberry Book of Ceol Mor #49
I couldn't access Vimeo videos on a slow connection until recently ... but I seem to have come into faster wifi than before through my Google Pixel 6a smartphone's wifi hotspot to my MacBook Air laptop ... So thanks to you and all for posting to the alternative-to-Youtube (of which I'm appreciative too) Vimeo video streaming.
Am continuing to learn favorite (what I think of as most beautiful or prettiest) Piobaireachd classical bagpipe pieces, numbering about 10, much by playing with the "metronome" of greatest video recordings of Piobaireachd, - and 2 greatest performances of a Piobaireachd are 2 greatest teachers in a sense too (due I think to the 'funky' mensurality rather than non-mensurality of Piobaireachd ... emerging from this medieval music, and those times, I postulate) ... on the Scottish Small Pipes, for which (SSP) I'm greatly appreciative of having too (regarding playing inside, and around people quietly, and in the key of B flat or A, or D, depending on the chanter) ...
Regarding thinking through developing learning Scottish bagpiping music even with machine learning and artificial intelligence (am thinking Youtube / Vimeo and eventually Gemini AI eventually for feedback possibly), I'm wondering how further, first to learn ""The Lament for the Children"" further by memory, eg your playing of it, and John Burgess's playing of it ... and so I can also hear my own playing of it, beyond the metronome and the interpretation too of your great performance, and without using sheet music to kind of free up my own playing of it (after learning from your great performance, and Burgess's too).
... and as I continue to think about creating and writing Piobaireachd Rock Blues Laments somehow riffing with The Allman Bros in 1973 ...
Sharing some thinking with you - as my great most recent piping teacher, Stuart.
Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions ... beyond what you may find your way to somehow posting to internet video channels? :)
Thank you, best regards, As aye,
Honey Piobaireachd (Ceol Mor)
Honey in the Bag (Ceol Beag)
Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206
1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
MIT OCW-centric,
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#GeneticsOfPlay #PlayfulBehavior
BDNF, IGF1, Mecp2, OXYR, Opa1, Drd2
In #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics ? Think #GStreetView with #TimeSlider #GGeneView ~
TandF image
WUaS logo
TandF Images
#GeneticsOfPlay #PlayfulBehavior
Play behaviour is a vital activity for healthy development and long-term functioning. However, the genetic and epigenetic regulation of play behaviour is relatively unexplored and there is currently a gap in the literature regarding the exact mechanisms that regulate play behaviour and the social brain in general.
although limited, we will examine current research regarding epigenetic roles of specific genes (i.e. BDNF, IGF1, Mecp2, OXYR, Opa1, Drd2) in play and social behaviour.
"BDNF, IGF1, Mecp2, OXYR, Opa1, Drd2"
In a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics ? Think #GStreetView with #TimeSlider #GGeneView ~
genetics of play playful behavior
Play behaviour is a vital activity for healthy development and long-term functioning. However, the genetic and epigenetic regulation of play behaviour is relatively unexplored and there is currently a gap in the literature regarding the exact mechanisms that regulate play behaviour and the social brain in general.
Play behaviour is a vital activity for healthy development and long-term functioning. However, the genetic and epigenetic regulation of play behaviour is relatively unexplored and there is currently a gap in the literature regarding the exact mechanisms that regulate play behaviour and the social brain in general. Therefore, this review will explore the current literature on play behaviour with respect to its importance from an evolutionary perspective and the regions of the brain that govern this complex behavioural output. We will then explore the epigenetic mechanisms that are involved in social behaviour and play, including the environmental and lifestyle factors that can induce epigenetic changes, which often lead to sex dimorphism of play behaviour. Furthermore, although limited, we will examine current research regarding epigenetic roles of specific genes (i.e. BDNF, IGF1, Mecp2, OXYR, Opa1, Drd2) in play and social behaviour. Finally, we will explore how play behaviour influences epigenetic changes.