Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Ponderosa pine: Eastern Oregon (northeast Oregon) & the ranch (Wisdom Creek Ranch) ... * * * Hi @EwanBirney @CecLindgren #GeneticsCoders re #EvergreenTrees vs #DeciduousTrees - what are #GCell & #GMolecular Mechanisms for conifers''#ExtremeLongevity' greenness vs broadleaf trees' #LeafDeath (re #LongevityGenetics) & how to code in #RealisticVirtualEarth differentially? * * * * #CoAuthor 2nd #NakedHarbinEthnography book w #PeterNorvig -inventing the book anew -in #GStreetView w #TimeSlider -publishing to 1) paper & 2) create new Hardware formats @WUaSPress in 7k languages w #WUaSAIandML re "What to Know about Data Science and Machine Learning in 2022 Peter Norvig"& #ToolifyAIWUaS

Previous: Asian elephant: Hi @EwanBirney @CecLindgren @GeoChurch #GeneCoders, on digital side of #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #BirthAndGestation re #WoolyMammoth #Deextinction https://colossal.com/mammoth/ & https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/09/world/woolly-mammoth-elephant-stem-cells-scn/index.html & humans w #AvatarAgentElectronicRecords, how to code #PostPartumBleeding genes genes? * * * Shared this as feedback to Gate.com, partly based in Bulgaria, I think, and which hosts my and WUaS's websites: Wondering how #MITOCW- centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch can plan for #AIandML & data sources & with the #WUaSwebsite (& for all 200 countries eg #BulgariaWUaS) * * * Paris Olympics live updates ... To https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool. org/wiki/Athletics,_Physical_Education_and_Recreation ? ... and where @WorldUnivAndSch seeks #OlympicStudents fr 200 #WUaScountries ~

Hi @EwanBirney @CecLindgren #GeneticsCoders re #EvergreenTrees vs #DeciduousTrees - what are #GCell & #GMolecular Mechanisms for conifers''#ExtremeLongevity' greenness vs broadleaf trees' #LeafDeath (re #LongevityGenetics) & how to code in #RealisticVirtualEarth differentially?

Hi @EwanBirney @CecLindgren #GeneticsCoders re #EvergreenTrees vs #DeciduousTrees - what are #GCell & #GMolecular Mechanisms for conifers''#ExtremeLongevity' greenness vs broadleaf trees' #LeafDeath (re #LongevityGenetics) & how to code in #RealisticVirtualEarth differentially?




All languages ever at WUaS (7164 currently)

Retweeting - 

Amazing collaboration  
 #DBDScohort #MoBAcohort identified genetics involved in postpartum bleeding- the condition accountable for most maternal deaths globally 🌍


* * 
Thnx #EwanBirney re #EvergreenTrees  vs #DeciduousTrees - what are #GCellular & #GMolecular Mechanisms for conifers' (300M yrs BP) '#ExtremeLongevity' greenness vs #angiosperm (145M yrs BP), broadleaf trees' #LeafDeath & how to code both in #RealisticVirtualEarth differentially?


A reminder ( it’s an evergreen topic) - humans are a genetically undiverse species - we exploded out Africa in a heartbeat of evolutionary time and we predominantly adapted to the multitude of environments by our behaviour, passing that knowledge down culturally in groups 

slightly different - 

Thnx #EwanBirney re #EvergreenTrees  vs #DeciduousTrees - what are #GCellular & #GMolecular Mechanisms for conifers (300M yrs BP) '#ExtremeLongevity' greenness vs #angiosperm (145M yrs BP), broadleaf trees' #LeafDeath & how to code both in #RealisticVirtualEarth differentially ?


* * * 

Eastern Oregon & the ranch (Wisdom Creek Ranch, the incredible sustainable tree farm my Uncle Ted and Aunt Mary Brown made, an amazing realization of a vision) ...

Hi Annie, All, 

Are you doing alright with no fires around the ranch?

This just popped up in Google News - but looks like the fire is around the town Huntington well south of Baker City are far from you.

Lightning strikes, strong winds rattle Eastern Oregon as Durkee Fire grows, becoming largest in nation
By OPB staff (OPB)
July 25, 2024 10:25 a.m 

"Durkee Fire, which started last week in Baker County

Some evacuation levels near the town of Huntington were actually lowered ..."



Ways to flee a fire if necessary ?- 

2025 #ToyotaSienna #WoodlandEdition?
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Tows 3500 lbs
A Scamp 13 ft deluxe trailer layout 2 w shower 1800 lbs
20 ft Bayliner VR5 Cuddy 3,131 lbs

2025 Toyota Sienna Woodland Edition ?
#WUaSFacultyHomes #WUaSStudentHomes
Tows 3500 lbs

a Scamp 13 ft deluxe trailer layout 2 with a shower 1800 lbs

30 small-campers-with-bathrooms & weight
Top 8 Most Affordable Cuddy Cabin Boats
20 ft Bayliner VR5 Cuddy  
weighing only 3,131 pounds


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

So far, we are ok, but it has been an extremely stressful interlude.  Weather break now-
Keating area where Mom taught had been put on level one evacuation notice... but weather has finally given us a break...cooler, some moisture, and the blasted wind on pause
I go to the raspberry patch to calm my nerves, but we have a little more prep each day.  I am living in my nomex and gear is in the car... Tim and pet/s to head to evacuation shelter if/when so advised.  Computer and cell phone most useful for updates(you never thought you'd hear me praise either, ha

From: "Scott MacLeod"<sgkmacleod@gmail.com>
To: "Annie Brown"<annieb@gorge.net>, "Janie Kirkbride Brown MacLeod"<jkbmacleod@icloud.com>, "Cathy & Steve Muller"<catherinemuller57@gmail.com>, "Timmothy & A Brown"<timmothybrownbrown@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2024 12:09:03 PM
Subject: Eastern Oregon & the ranch ...

Annie, Ma, Cathy, Tim, Alden, All, 

Thanks so much for your update, Annie! Fire danger on the ranch sounds very worrisome to say the least - but fortunately you have some 60 years of no fire mishaps there, (I think).  Not easy this early in the season ... And with the volunteer fire department near Medical springs, ~ 5 miles away, which you may be on, there to respond to potentially 3 lightning fires in the area at once I'd think - 

So far, we are ok, but it has been an extremely stressful interlude.  Weather break now-
Keating area where Mom taught had been put on level one evacuation notice... but weather has finally given us a break...cooler, some moisture, and the blasted wind on pause
I go to the raspberry patch to calm my nerves, but we have a little more prep each day.  I am living in my nomex and gear is in the car... Tim and pet/s to head to evacuation shelter if/when so advised.  Computer and cell phone most useful for updates(you never thought you'd hear me praise either, ha

A nomex I gather is a fire retardant fire fighters' garment (https://www.ogracing.com/blogs/news/how-to-wash-a-nomex-racing-suit).

Wishing Toyota THR3 humanoid robot fire fighters were a reality already ... But maybe not for years ...

Glad for information technologies for you and their new Organizing benefits !

Thinking of you, Fond regards, Scott 

Extreme Longevity genetic drug therapies for the kong run may ve emerging FDA approved 

Wishing you the best in these stressful summer  fire season times!

World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'unsubscribe' in the body of the email, leaving the subject line intact. Thank you. 

I start every morning with pulling flammables back and away from buildings, then go to raspberry patch to relax and socialize with other pickers.  I'm getting a big stash for my sis to trade for tomatoes later.
You are right that there is still the bulk of fire season to come  -  but maybe everything will be black by then and no worries  ha ha.  Hope you get to meet your niecie... I loved that interval when Emily and Alex were little.  Now I think they are strained by this stupid political climate - Alex has fallen perhaps under the spell of his absurdly authoritative father-in-law

From: "Scott MacLeod"<sgkmacleod@gmail.com>
To: "Annie Brown"<annieb@gorge.net>, "Janie Kirkbride Brown MacLeod"<jkbmacleod@icloud.com>, "Cathy & Steve Muller"<catherinemuller57@gmail.com>, "Timmothy & A Brown"<timmothybrownbrown@gmail.com>, "Alden F Briscoe"<ABriscoe@brakeleybriscoe.com>
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2024 1:50:29 PM
Subject: Re: Eastern Oregon & the ranch ...

Thanks for your email again, Annie ! 

Seems like the ranch's treeless fields /pastures between your buildings and your non-clear cutted trees / forests are so large that your fire risk is relatively low ... So even if some lightning has struck a tree or 2 since 1959 in a forest stand ... fire couldn't easily spread to burn your house down ... but I've never seen up close to an inferno of a tremendous forest fire  ... as you may have ... 

And I never think of your garden's raspberry patch as being social ... but are you referring to ...? 

... fresh for Cathy today ... Or a frozen stash re quantity for her ? ... You both are amazing gardeners and sharers of gardens' bounty esp!

Does the risk of serious fire damage to the ranch increase significantly if we live 200 or 3000 + years longer, with extreme longevity  genetic drug therapies Potentially emerging ? ... re a smoldering razed black and burnt out Wisdom Creek ranch, & the AMAZING house and vision that Ted and Mary and you all built ?

No worries if you didn't live through such an inferno ... But maybe humanoid robot pilots woud have poured water not chemical flame retardant from airplanes to save your ranch :) 

Looking forward to seeing baby Isla, my mother's first grandchild on around Sat Aug 24 or Sunday Aug 25 on Cuttyhunk potentially ... Am wondering genetics' wise too - and do you and I share ~12.5 % of our genes, and I and Isla share about 25% of our genes ? - and all of us with Brown :) ancestors out of Africa not that long ago (and see brilliant geneticist and with possible Quaker roots in Northern England Ewan Birney's at EMBL European Molecular Biology Lab, in PS)? 

Could D.... L...  (whom I haven't met but have emailed) -

even come out to Cuttyhunk this summer ... and I stay with her afterward in a Harvard Univ hall ...if she were attending a medical conference or meeting with her possible mentor Harvard & MIT prof of genetics' George Church ?

Pendleton eastern Oregon political climate long after radical or hippy environmentalist Oregon in the 1960s and '70s ? 🙂 ...

"Now I think they are strained by this stupid political climate - Alex has fallen perhaps under the spell of his absurdly authoritative father-in-law"

Eastern Oregon 'patriarchy' re freedoms of living on a ranch or farm? 

Thanks for the genetics' news re your great nephew Dunham and niece's parents  :)


 A reminder ( it’s an evergreen topic) - humans are a genetically undiverse species - we exploded out Africa in a heartbeat of evolutionary time and we predominantly adapted to the multitude of environments by our behaviour, passing that knowledge down culturally in groups

Thnx #EwanBirney re #EvergreenTrees  vs #DeciduousTrees - what are #GCellular & #GMolecular Mechanisms for conifers' (300M yrs BP) '#ExtremeLongevity' greenness vs #angiosperm (145M yrs BP), broadleaf trees' #LeafDeath & how to code both in #RealisticVirtualEarth differentially?


A reminder ( it’s an evergreen topic) - humans are a genetically undiverse species - we exploded out Africa in a heartbeat of evolutionary time and we predominantly adapted to the multitude of environments by our behaviour, passing that knowledge down culturally in groups 

Hi @EwanBirney @ceclindgren #GeneticsCoders re #EvergreenTrees vs #DeciduousTrees - what are #GCell & #GMolecular Mechanisms for conifers''#ExtremeLongevity' greenness vs broadleaf trees' #LeafDeath (re #LongevityGenetics) & how to code in #RealisticVirtualEarth differentially?

All languages ever at WUaS (7164 currently)

Retweeting - 

Amazing collaboration  
 #DBDScohort #MoBAcohort identified genetics involved in postpartum bleeding- the condition accountable for most maternal deaths globally 🌍

slightly different - 
Thnx #EwanBirney re #EvergreenTrees  vs #DeciduousTrees - what are #GCellular & #GMolecular Mechanisms for conifers (300M yrs BP) '#ExtremeLongevity' greenness vs #angiosperm (145M yrs BP), broadleaf trees' #LeafDeath & how to code both in #RealisticVirtualEarth differentially ?

Annie, Ma, Cathy, Steve, Tim, Alden, All, 

Annie's 2nd email (in the A item below) got me thinking about how many genes percentage-wise we all shared with each other - with whom I think I shae about 12.5 % of genetic material.

I think I share about 50% of my genes with my mother, Janie, (having gotten the other 50% from my father GKM MD) (and where "For example, men may inherit slightly more DNA from their mothers than their fathers, around 51% and 49% respectively" says AI ...)

And I think I also share 50% of my genes with my brother, Sandy (Full siblings share around 50% of their DNA on average, but the exact percentage can vary from 38–61%)

And I think I share with Isla, my first niece, Sandy's first child, and my mother's 1st grandchild, about 25% of genetic material.

And again with you, Annie, I think I share about 12/5 %

And with you Alden about 8 % ... (maybe more)


Looking forward to seeing for the 1st time ever my little niece Isla on Cuttyhunk potentially on August 24 / 25 ... (and also having sought US federal protection for my mother, my brother, Isla and myself beginning some months ago) ... and regarding for example, some scary "We want your babies" ; language on Cuttyhunk 3-4 summers ago ... and for quite a few other reasons as well ... as MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch seeks to grow a worldwide abolition movement to protect people, and newly with AI and ML as WUaS seeks to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN # from - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - and evern with 7.9 avatar agent electronic health records ... and in a realistic virtual earth for aging reversal and #ForLongevity. 


Fondly, abolitionally, warm regards, in asylum in PA from CA and seeking to move forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in 2024, Friendly Quaker greetings, 


annieb at gorge.net

1:04 PM (2 hours ago)
to me
I start every morning with pulling flammables back and away from buildings, then go to raspberry patch to relax and socialize with other pickers.  I'm getting a big stash for my sis to trade for tomatoes later.
You are right that there is still the bulk of fire season to come  -  but maybe everything will be black by then and no worries  ha ha.  Hope you get to meet your niecie... I loved that interval when Emily and Alex were little.  Now I think they are strained by this stupid political climate - Alex has fallen perhaps under the spell of his absurdly authoritative father-in-law

From: "Scott MacLeod"<sgkmacleod@gmail.com>
To: "Annie Brown"<annieb@gorge.net>, "Janie Kirkbride Brown MacLeod"<jkbmacleod@icloud.com>, "Cathy & Steve Muller"<catherinemuller57@gmail.com>, "Timmothy & A Brown"<timmothybrownbrown@gmail.com>, "Alden F Briscoe"<ABriscoe@brakeleybriscoe.com>
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2024 1:50:29 PM
Subject: Re: Eastern Oregon & the ranch ...

Thanks for your email again, Annie ! 

Seems like the ranch's treeless fields /pastures between your buildings and your non-clear cutted trees / forests are so large that your fire risk is relatively low ... So even if some lightning has struck a tree or 2 since 1959 in a forest stand ... fire couldn't easily spread to burn your house down ... but I've never seen up close to an inferno of a tremendous forest fire  ... as you may have ... 

And I never think of your garden's raspberry patch as being social ... but are you referring to ...? 

... fresh for Cathy today ... Or a frozen stash regarding quantity for her ? ... You both are amazing gardeners and sharers of gardens' bounty esp!


On Fri, Jul 26, 2024, 4:50 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com> wrote:
Annie, Ma, Cathy, Tim, Alden, All, 

Thanks so much for your update, Annie! Fire danger on the ranch sounds very worrisome to say the least - but fortunately you have some 60 years of no fire mishaps there, (I think).  Not easy this early in the season ... And with the volunteer fire department near Medical springs, ~ 5 miles away, which you may be on, there to respond to potentially 3 lightning fires in the area at once I'd think - 

So far, we are ok, but it has been an extremely stressful interlude.  Weather break now-
Keating area where Mom taught had been put on level one evacuation notice... but weather has finally given us a break...cooler, some moisture, and the blasted wind on pause
I go to the raspberry patch to calm my nerves, but we have a little more prep each day.  I am living in my nomex and gear is in the car... Tim and pet/s to head to evacuation shelter if/when so advised.  Computer and cell phone most useful for updates(you never thought you'd hear me praise either, ha

A nomex I gather is a fire retardant fire fighters' garment (https://www.ogracing.com/blogs/news/how-to-wash-a-nomex-racing-suit).

Wishing Toyota THR3 humanoid robot fire fighters were a reality already ... But maybe not for years ...and possibly flying fire fighting helicopters or planes 

Glad for information technologies for you and their new Organizing benefits !

Thinking of you, Fond regards, Scott 

Extreme Longevity genetic drug therapies for the long run may be emerging FDA approved 

* * * * 

In growing #WUaSAbolitionMovement @WorldUnivAndSch & in @WUaSPress coding for all 7.9 billion people, each a #WikidataPIN # w #AIandML +#LawWithPolicing in 200 countries, searched '#PeterNorvig #AbolitionMovement #GrowWithGoogle' -https://youtu.be/KPDX47vf2pc glad to #AlignWithGoogle~

For a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForEverything? #PeterNorvig: "We probably need another adv. in computing power to be able to take advantage of all the video in...world" 11 mins A @HarbinBook w #ToolifyAIWUaS ~https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 -https://youtu.be/KPDX47vf2pc #CSFoundationOfEthics !






#CoAuthor 2nd #NakedHarbinEthnography book w #PeterNorvig -inventing the book anew -in #GStreetView w #TimeSlider -publishing to 1) paper & 2) create new Hardware formats @WUaSPress in 7k languages w #WUaSAIandML re

#CoAuthor 2nd #NakedHarbinEthnography book with #PeterNorvig - inventing the book anew - in #GStreetView w #TimeSlider - publishing to 1) paper 2) create new Hardware format @WUaSPress in 7k languages w #WUaSAIandML re 
"What to Know about Data Science and Machine Learning in 2022 Peter Norvig"
#ToolifyAIWUaS -https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 ~

& wi 2nd #HarbinHotSpringsEthnography Book Project 

* *  
Again - 

time travelers with longevity & #AgingReversal #GeneticDrugTherapies in a #RealisticVirtualEarth :

time travelers with longevity & #AgingReversal #GeneticDrugTherapies in a #RealisticVirtualEarth : Regarding a brand new invention of the book even & for 2nd #ActualVirtual #HarbinHotSpringsEthnography in https://goo.gl/maps/7gSsSTweRCBo9gf87 ~ #TextInTheSidebar see: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/07/alta-toquima-wilderness-nevada.html ~









"What to Know about Data Science and Machine Learning in 2022 Peter Norvig"

The 100,000-student classroom 


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