Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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double-crested cormorant (Nannopterum auritum): #FedGovtsCONSCIOUSNESS & #ForBoneMuscleGrowth & getting into #FlowWritingExperiences * * seeking to grow a worldwide WUaS abolition movement and on Cuttyhunk especially too * * * AND ... as aging reversal genetic drug therapies may be emerging, FDA approved ... and as we might be able to add Pluripotent / Stem cells at the molecular or cell levels or similar to our muscles and bones to reset them to their 35 year old state for height and vigor + ... (Sometimes I imagine you being able to say Pin in your senior role in the US federal government in HHS "I was there in 1805..." with the US federal government's long long role in American society since 1776 forward ... and even with its looking back in history at its mistakes and learning from them too ... and in the US federal government's CONSCIOUSNESS somehow of its role as a very old institution sociologically in American society ... where you and some of your colleagues ... might even joke about this "I the US federal government was there in 1895 and 1832 too" e.g. when Britain abolished slavery there with the Anti-Slavery Act ...)

Next: Warsangli linnet: seed clouds with artificial ice ions with drones to produce rain- & to #ReverseGlobalWarming in #RealisticVirtualEarth ? "seed clouds with #ArtificialIceIons with drones to produce rain? Yes! Since rain cools the earth, how to plan globally to #ReverseGlobalWarming in #RealisticVirtualEarth - https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 #ToolifyAIWUaS How #cloudSeeding makes it #RainArtificially * * * Tweet set 2 - Lego Production Facility Groundbreaking in Virginia & GrowWithGooglePgh & WUaS Lego Robotics' kits? How best could @WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSEducationalServicesStores #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics collaborate w #GrowWithGooglePgh #GrowWithGoogle re 2023 #LegoFactory #LegoGroundbreaking in #ChesterfieldVirginia -https://www.lego.com/ja-jp/aboutus/news/2023/april/virginia-groundbreaking-release -https://www.legocareersvirginia.com/? * * * Chase bank branch, Shadyside community in Pgh PA, M 12/11/23 (continuing - Dear Grow with Google Pittsburgh Small Business Meetup re #GrowWithGooglePGH Tue 7/30/24) Dear 1) Jenny Ling Curated Coaching TAP sessions in partnership with Chase bank loans potentially to the physical-digital WUaS Bookstore / Robotics' stores in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics and as #PhysicalDigital WUaS classrooms too (eg for ai and machine learning) on the for profit general stock company legal entity in the state of CA WUaS wing AND 2) Erinn Andrews a lead or former head of Guidestar.org per nonprofit 501 c 3 World Univ & Sch - https://www.guidestar.org/profile/27-3105368 - and lead/head I think at the affiliated learning.candid.com (in which nonprofit 501 c 3 MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch just registered for 3 webinars in September and October 2024 newly for the first time ever) AND ... Grow with Google Pittsburgh Small Business Meetup * Just registered anew for this upcoming Chase Bank Curated Coaching TAP session on Tue 9/3/24 with this new WUaS email address - president@worlduniversityandschool.org - and since I seem to have register with Curated Coaching TAP sessions with a new email address each time ... As admin at admin.google.com I can create potentially a lot of such WUaS email addresses ... and perhaps to share them with some of you in the future even.

#FedGovtsCONSCIOUSNESS & #ForBoneMuscleGrowth & getting into #FlowWritingExperiences

Fed Govts' CONSCIOUSNESS ... & For Bone & Muscle Growth ... & getting into #Flow Writing Experiences

Q: #PinMazumdar: in your senior role in #USFedGovtHHS, have you ever said "I was there in 1832 or"& re #FedGovtsCONSCIOUSNESS e.g. of Britain's #AntiSlaveryAct1832 & w #USFedGovt's role in #AmericanSociety since 1776 fwd & looking at mistakes & learning 

Retweeting -

Cormorant trying to dry off this afternoon. #cormorant #budleighsalterton #otterestuarynaturereserve


As #AgingReversal #GeneDrugTherapies emerge, #FDAappr, might we be able to add pluripotent / stem cells @ #GMolecule #GCell levels to reprogram them to eg a 35 year old state #ForBoneMuscleGrowth & in a #WUaSdeextinction #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics

Retweeting -

Cormorant trying to dry off this afternoon. #cormorant #budleighsalterton #otterestuarynaturereserve


getting into #FlowWritingExperiences for my upcoming "Society, Information Technology and the Global University" #SocietyInfoTechAndTheGlobalUniversity - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html book, in a Taoist way (& re WuWei (non-action) & Ziran (naturalness) different from 'Flow: the psychology of optimal experience" ways 

getting into #FlowWritingExperiences for my upcoming #SocietyInfoTechAndTheGlobalUniversity - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html book @WUaSPress in #TaoistWUaS way & re #WuWeiNonAction & #ZiranNaturalness different from '#FlowThePsychologyOfOptimalExperience' ways 

Retweeting - 

Upcoming book: #SocietyInfoTechAndTheGlobalUniversity @WUaSPress to paper & as an AUDIO book too - both in all 200 countries and in their main languages: 1 "The Information Technology Revolution - History & Geography" https://youtu.be/FJIy6LpZLeI ~ Seeking to turn 8 video talks>chapters 

No retweeting 

* *

 as aging reversal genetic drug therapies may be emerging, FDA approved ... and as we might be able to add Pluripotent / Stem cells at the molecular or cell levels or similar to our muscles and bones to reset them to their  35 year old state for height and vigor +   ... (Sometimes I imagine you being able to say Pin in your senior role in the US federal government in HHS "I was there in 1805..." with the US federal government's long long role in American society since 1776 forward ... and even with its looking back in history at its mistakes and learning from them too ... and in  the US federal government's CONSCIOUSNESS somehow of its role as a very old institution sociologically in American society ... where you and some of your colleagues ... might even joke about this  "I the US federal government was there in 1895 and 1832 too" e.g. when Britain abolished slavery there with the Anti-Slavery Act ...) ... Now how here to get into flow writing experiences for my upcoming "Society, Information Technology and the Global University" - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html - upcoming book, almost in a Taoist way (and am thinking Wu Wei (non-action) and Ziran (naturalness) ... different from 'Flow: the psychology of optimal experience" ways ...:) +) 

double-crested cormorant (Nannopterum auritum): seeking to grow a worldwide WUaS abolition movement and on Cuttyhunk especially too 

Cuttyhunk 2024 email thread to many friends, and WUaS further ... 

Yoga too ? 

First - 

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

10:20 AM (1 hour ago)
to GeorgeJanieEdwardSidJohnPeterShawnTrishDickRolandHank
Ma (Janie), Pin, Ed, John, Peter, Shawn, Trish, Dick, Roland, Hank, George (Church), All, 

Ma, Pin, Ed, all, ... How are you doing with wonderful baby Isla on Cuttyhunk, Ma, and holding her? Nice to see you so happy and even transformed with your first granddaughter and in loving her ... and also I think thinking in new ways ... and looking a little like (hints) of a school girl with your glasses especially, Ma  ... and as aging reversal genetic drug therapies may be emerging, FDA approved ... and as we might be able to add Pluripotent / Stem cells at the molecular or cell levels or similar to our muscles and bones to reset them to their  35 year old state for height and vigor +   ... (Sometimes I imagine you being able to say Pin in your senior role in the US federal government in HHS "I was there in 1805..." with the US federal government's long long role in American society since 1776 forward ... and even with its looking back in history at its mistakes and learning from them too ... and in  the US federal government's CONSCIOUSNESS somehow of its role as a very old institution sociologically in American society ... where you and some of your colleagues ... might even joke about this  "I the US federal government was there in 1895 and 1832 too" e.g. when Britain abolished slavery there with the Anti-Slavery Act ...) ... Now how here to get into flow writing experiences for my upcoming "Society, Information Technology and the Global University" - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html - upcoming book, almost in a Taoist way (and am thinking Wu Wei (non-action) and Ziran (naturalness) ... different from 'Flow: the psychology of optimal experience" ways ...:) +) ... about museums in a realistic virtual earth for museums (think Google Street View with time slider re realistic virtual Harbin too ) ... and with algorithm, ai and machine learning ... in Chapter 10, and then about related with the other 11 main areas at MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch planned in all 220 countries and territories in Google Street View with time slider +  ??? Supposed to be 94 F today outside in Pgh, hotter than in Massachusetts by far ... Thanks to the US federal and California government too (Ed) for your support of MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch ...   

Hank (Greely, Stanford Law) - thanks for your Tweet below ... am wondering after navigating coding-wise the real risks in developing de-extinction #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics how to explore the idea of de-extinction of my father GKM MD (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Gordon%20K.%20MacLeod%20MD & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_K._MacLeod) from my brother and my and our cousins' genes like de-extinction of the wooly mammoth for fossil genetic material (and even with genetic developments for his 'fighty-ness" possibly, were we to able to de-extinct him ... with possibly parallels even to the spectacular cloning of Dolly the Sheep in Scotland in 1996 which died in 2005  ... ) ... Peter (Norvig)? George (Church)?

Fond regards, abolition-ally, warmly, Scott 


Democratic National Convention 2024 - Spoon River Anthology - #ForBoneMuscleGrowth Twitter

Democratic National Convention 2024
Spoon River Anthology 
Bunyan's #ThePilgrimsProgress 1678 #CanterburyTales 1399 How will these casts of characters travel thru time & emerge newly in #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForAgingReversal #ForBoneMuscleGrowth esp #ForExtremeLongevity?

Harbin Hot Springs Heart Consciousness Church visitors since 1972 > in a #Realistic Virtual Harbin 

Democratic National Convention 2024

WATCH: The 2024 Democratic National Convention in 20 minutes

Bunyan's #ThePilgrimsProgress 1678 

#CanterburyTales (1387 and 1400)


How best to iteratively code in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForCRISPR + for "REAL difficulties & RISKS" ...

How best to iteratively code in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForCRISPR + for "REAL difficulties & RISKS" in a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForGeneEditing @HankGreelyLSJU @geochurch for "all the advantages w/o the disadvantages of being stuck w heritable changes” @stardazed0 #PeterNorvig ?

Retweeting -

Read this piece by @antonioregalado:  technologyreview.com/2024/08/22/109… It correctly directs attention to editing in living people & to rare variants that protect against some diseases. But there are REAL difficulties & risks, both known & not. 


Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

5:51 AM (6 hours ago)
to JanieEdwardSidJohnPeterShawnTrishDickRolandHank

Rather more about this here 
In the Sunday August 25 2024 Vineyard Sound MA blog post - 


Dear Ma, Ed, Sid/Pin, Peter, John, All, 

Greetings ... Just texted my mother Janie, and friends' Pin Mazumdar HHS, and Ed Smyth MD and you -

Good morning, Ma, Pin and Ed! How are you? Greetings from Pgh, & in seeking to grow a worldwide WUaS abolition movement and on Cuttyhunk especially too ... and potentially with WUaS seeking to distribute Pi cryptocurrency to many of all 7.9 billion people on the planet https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University each a Wikidata PIN # ... Glad to see my new niece and mother's first grandchild Isla ... Left Cuttyhunk suddenly early to stay alive if US federal agencies might not be able to protect my mother, brother, his daughter, and myself eg from international organized crime and their latent networks of violence in New England etc ... and re foreign? soldier? or warrior? and . . .  of baby Isla (but not married to Sandy as I understand their relationship legally)... Glad you, Ma, my mother is still alive and may be living for the centuries + ahead ... more about this here + 
  ... Wondering what's developing with moving forward  into a newly safe Canyon 94516  💕, abolitionally, see you Friday, Ma, ❣️, Staying alive,  Scott     

Yoga ideas
~#ToolifyAIWUaS #WUaSBliss 
~#YogaWUaS @
#FriendlyQuakerWUaS 🥰
#WUaSabolition in #RealisticVirtualEarth #WUaSYoga ~









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