Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Roaring Plains West, & Dolly Sods' Wildernesses, West Virginia: Recording of M 9/9/24 open free @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSNewsAndQA #GrowWithGooglePgh #GrowWithGoogle * (was - M 9/9/24 open World Univ & Sch - WUaS News and Q&A at 10 AM ET, with Zoom URL)



* * 

M 9/9/24 open @WorldUnivAndSch - #WUaSNewsAndQA meets at 7am PT 10am ET w Zoom URL:
#GrowWithGooglePgh #GrowWithGoogle for free-to-students' online degrees - Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD, AA, Master's #freeWUaS ~



* * 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Universitians, friends, All, 

Greetings! Here's an invitation to join the open WUaS News and Q&A conversation further tomorrow at 10 am ET, in about 11 1/2 hours, with Zoom URL, with possible agenda and news - 

Topic: M 9/9/24 open World Univ & Sch - WUaS News and Q&A at 10 AM ET, with Zoom URL
Time: Sep 9, 2024 07:00 AM Pacific Time, 10 AM Eastern Time, (US and Canada), 7:30 PM India Time and please check your time converter to join

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 796 6215 0045
Passcode: c0Utp3

Free MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch is growing, for free-to-students' online degrees - Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD IB high school/similar, AA/AS, and Master's - first in English, then in each of all ~200 countries and in their main languages.

Best Regards, abolition-ally, see you soon,

World University and School WUaS

Agenda - 

1st of 2 WUaS wings - 

CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU - centric ... wiki ... 

World University and School 

Agenda item 1 

Thanks #GoogleAISocialImpact Summit W 9/4/24 (https://eventsonair.withgoogle.com/events/impact-summit-live)

Thanks #GoogleAISocialImpact W 9/4/24 #GoogleSummit #PeterNorvig (re #ToolifyAIWUaS https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306) Glad nonprofit @WorldUnivAndSch seems to be onboarding further w #GrowWithGoogle after 7/30/24 #GrowWithGooglePgh Meetup as #WUaS2wings -https://youtu.be/Qrg1_YWhxxE #YogaWUaS~





Glad nonprofit @WorldUnivAndSch seems to be onboarding further w #GoogleAISocialImpact & w #GrowWithGoogle after 7/30/24 #GrowWithGooglePgh Meetup as #WUaS2wings seek to employ ~2.5 million people in all ~200 countries' online #MITOCW-centric wiki #WUaSunivs over the next 50+ yrs




Retweeting - 

Google AI
Interested in learning how AI tools and resources can help nonprofit organizations around the world achieve social impact? Tune in on September 4th for the first ever
 Impact Summit. →


Agenda item 2

How to begin to examine consciousness re #extremeLongevity #GeneTherapies'> 115 year olds?

How to begin to examine #consciousnessWUaS re #ExtremeLongevity #GeneTherapies #genesWUaS >120 yo & re "Can we #detectConsciousness in #newbornInfants?" https://philarchive.org/archive/PASCWD re #InfantConsciousness 
& in #PhilosophyVsPsychology debates &re #CONSCHardProblem, #CONSCeasyProblem?

2 b

"In the philosophy of mind, the hard problem of consciousness is the question of why and how humans have subjective experience, while the easy problems of consciousness are the problems of explaining the function of consciousness" - not only how subjective experience works eg at possibly the molecular level but also evolutionary biology-wise; in Philosophy vs Psychology debates, & re infant consciousness - https://philarchive.org/archive/PASCWD - how to begin to examine #extremeLongevity GeneTherapies' consciousness > 122 yo.

"Can we detect consciousness in newborn infants?"
Claudia Passos-Ferreira 



2 c

Created with Gemini
Published September 8, 2024 at 02:28 PM

How many people and what are their names who are older than 115

There are currently seven verified people alive who are older than 115 years old. Their names are:

Tomiko Itooka (Japan)
Inah Canabarro Lucas (Brazil)
Elizabeth Francis (United States)
Ethel Caterham (United Kingdom)
Okagi Hayashi (Japan)
María Branyas Morera (Spain)
Saturnino de la Fuente García (Spain)
It is important to note that this is a very small number of people, and that the vast majority of people do not live to be this old. The oldest verified person ever was Jeanne Calment (France), who lived to be 122 years and 164 days old.

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Gemini may display inaccurate info, including about people, so double-check its responses.

Created with GeminiPublished September 8, 2024 at 02:28 PM
profile picture

How many people and what are their names who are older than 115

There are currently seven verified people alive who are older than 115 years old. Their names are:

  • Tomiko Itooka (Japan)
  • Inah Canabarro Lucas (Brazil)
  • Elizabeth Francis (United States)
  • Ethel Caterham (United Kingdom)
  • Okagi Hayashi (Japan)
  • María Branyas Morera (Spain)
  • Saturnino de la Fuente García (Spain)

It is important to note that this is a very small number of people, and that the vast majority of people do not live to be this old. The oldest verified person ever was Jeanne Calment (France), who lived to be 122 years and 164 days old.

Google Privacy Policy Opens in a new window Google Terms of Service Opens in a new window Your privacy & Gemini Apps Opens in a new window

Gemini may display inaccurate info, including about people, so double-check its responses.

Agenda item 3 

As WUaS field sites, and classrooms too ? - 

Pimachiowin Aki UNESCO WHS - in Canada's Ontario / Manitoba’s Atikaki Provincial Park  - F 9/6/24

#VirtualTourism > #PimachiowinAki #UNESCOWHS eg https://youtu.be/-FjcxSqFDLI #VirtualUNESCOwhs IN #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForUNESCOwhs & w #UNESCOEducationDataAndStatistics' project for data & > #VirtualStKildaScotland 2004 & #Internetity #VirtualLouvre '01 - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/09/pimachiowin-aki-canada.html ?

Video pic 





How best to visit Pimachiowin Aki #UNESCOWHS eg https://youtu.be/-FjcxSqFDLI #VirtualUNESCOwhs in #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForUNESCOwhs? & re ~200 #wuAsUNESCOworldUnivs #UNESCOeduWUaS #UNESCOwuAsWHS #UNESCOEducationDataAndStatistics' project & #VirtualStKildaScotland 2004 & #Internetity #VirtualLouvre '01 - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/09/pimachiowin-aki-canada.html ?

* * 
Pimachiowin Aki UNESCO WHS - IN Canada Manitoba’s Atikaki Provincial Park  - F 9/6/24

#VirtualUNESCOwhs in #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForUNESCOwhs? In ~200 #wuAsUNESCOworldUnivs #UNESCOeduWUaS #UNESCOwuAsWHS #UNESCOEducationDataAndStatistics' project (re #VirtualStKildaScotland 2004 & #Internetity #VirtualLouvre '01
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2013/03/conachair-physical-and-online-st-kilda.html?m=0 ~http://scottmacleod.com/papers.htm)?





Retweeting -

St Kilda World Heritage Site NTS

Amazing tranquillity in Village Bay today, thanks to the big yellow ball in the sky 🟡! Feels like #summer has finally arrived on #StKilda, never mind that it's 5th September! 😅 Is a third day in row too much to ask for? 🤔



Found #PimachiowinAkiWHS -https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1415 (https://youtu.be/-FjcxSqFDLI) 1st #mixedCulturalNatural #CanadaUNESCOwhs on 9/6/24 here - https://whc.unesco.org #wuAsVIRTUALLY? Mixed #CulturalNaturalWHS & #PhysicalDigital #VirtualUNESCOwhs in #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForUNESCOwhs?

Retweeting -





Parks Canada

For many generations, Anishinaabe First Nations have cared for #PimachiowinAki with knowledge and practices handed down over 6,000 years. For both its cultural and natural value, it was recognized as Canada's first “mixed”
 #WorldHeritage site! http://ow.ly/AJdZ30lLj25


Agenda item 4

Shady Side Academy Homecoming Reunion F 9/20/24 and Sat 9/21/24 - and WUaS Networking? 

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

Thu, Sep 5, 1:15 PM (3 days ago)
to MarcLarryGregHenryShawnEdwardStephenShawnNancySidSidJanieJoanJohnSarahBruceCharlesGeorgeBartJohnMaryJohn, JanpadrdeatJohnmellitterJosephTrixiekerryGeorgeNickPeterMike
Greets Mike (Wiley), Shawn (Flaherty), Shady Side Academy high school friends from the 2nd half of the 1970s +, All,
You all who are in the Pittsburgh place area (am pretty place-centric regarding socio-cultural anthropological theorizing in my 1st actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnography -  https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/place) ... and who all might be thinking about going to the SSA Homecoming Reunion on F Sep 20, and Sat Sep 21, 2024 - it would be nice to see you again and hang out some ...  I just registered for 2 complementary Shady Side Academy Homecoming events on F 9/20/ & Sat 9/21/24 - https://www.shadysideacademy.org/alumni/homecoming -(for the year 1979, out of synch with the friends I started with ... due to studying at Fettes College high school in Scotland for a year between my junior and senior years at SSA) ... could be great to connect with people (and lightly regarding MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch too especially) .Looks like Friday begins as early as 10 am ET (not yet virtually I think), and due to the open hour-long WUaS Monthly Business Meeting (conducted loosely in the Manner of Quakers / Friends' consensus-wise) -https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/search/label/Business%20Meeting & https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Business%20Meeting - on 3rd Saturdays at noon ET, I won't be getting to the party until after this - 

Seeking to move the Physical-Digital World Univ & Sch Academic Medical Center with WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in 2024 (with US federal law and states' laws working effectively in new ways) ... and potentially in a way out of the box #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForGenetics #ForAgingReversal + and regarding again I think this INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS article from Peter Norvig - https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 "Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI: #WorldUniversityAndSchool #WUaSUnivs"

Would be great to see you, Namaste, abolitionally, cheers, best regards, 

Some previous communications of ours - 

Pink cockatoo: M 9/2/24 video of open @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA 

Made the first Yoga teaching and learning video ever this morning - 
for your explorations ... 
Th Sep 15, 2024
Can we bring some consciousness to doing Yoga meditation ? - Yoga Mac Flower

Agenda item 5

Can we bring some consciousness to doing Yoga meditation? - YogaMacFlower@gmail.com @Q_YogaMacFlower

ADDED NEWLY to 3 wiki schools / subjects at WUaS in English - 

MacLeod, Scott GK. 2024. 

Can we bring some consciousness to doing Yoga meditation? - YogaMacFlower@gmail.com @Q_YogaMacFlower

Can we bring some consciousness to doing Yoga meditation? @Q_YogaMacFlower
Of the #InnerBody, of exploring #YogaFromInsideOut, of exploring connecting w the vastness Inside us, in the #innerBelly https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Yoga #YogaWUaS~

WUaS logo 




Video pic

Added set of Tweets "Can we bring some consciousness to doing Yoga meditation? - YogaMacFlower@gmail.com @Q_YogaMacFlower" to Yoga, Consciousness, and Meditation wiki subjects at WUaS 

* * * * 

WUaS Corporation 

2nd of 2 WUaS wings - 

WUaS Corporation - WUaS Press

WUaS Corporation / Academic Press in 7164 languages with machine learning 

Agenda item A

Next #PhysicalDigital #HarbinHotSpringsEthnography @HarbinBook #2 in #GStreetView w #TimeSlider after publishing "#SocInfoTechGlobalUniv" next book via #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy #TextInTheSidebar re #WUaSBliss https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306  #ToolifyAIWUaS >https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/09/pin-oak-quercus-palustris-proposed.html ~





Next #PhysicalDigital #HarbinHotSpringsEthnography @WUaSPress #2 in #GStreetView w #TimeSlider after publishing "#SocInfoTechGlobalUniv" next book via #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy #TextInTheSidebar &re #WUaSBliss https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306  #ToolifyAIWUaS >https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2024/09/pin-oak-quercus-palustris-proposed.html ~



Agenda item B

Harbin Hot Springs :)


Would you head > your bathtubs 3-4 times per day from home to #MeditateSoak in #RealisticVirtualHarbin #HotSprings ? ...

Retweeting again Travertine Hot Springs, east side of the Sierra mountains -

Mono Lake, and Travertine Hot Springs #roadmoretravelled



Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming) 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric, 
 World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

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