Sunday Plan
Hi Ma, (Pin, Ed),
Thanks for your email and the invitation (and after I got the new, newly secure and private, etc., too? Chase credit card yesterday, post lock up of criminal Chase bank Wilkinsburg 15221 employees, like j.w.??? ... which I perhaps saw signs for as I drove out of town on Friday toward Roaring Plains west Wilderness WV ... I think I'll hike on the Southern Prong trail there next time, which I passed this time, kind of scouting out this new wilderness area adjacent to the Dolly Sods Wilderness Area ... )
Looking forward to seeing you then (then) ... Dark Hollow park too would be nice as could be the Todd forest area for a walk.
Will T, after he called 2 Sundays ago I think, be able to make my and WUaS's move into a newly safe Canyon 94516, and the SF Bay Area, happen in 2024? (Otherwise, he said, if not, we could meet in DC at a musical event in the spring and go out with 2 Iranian women, one of whom is a musician in California whom he recently visited) ... Received a Yemen missile news' message from Google this morning on my smartphone ... AND re my whistle blowing about the sf quaker meeting in around 2017 ... and re the renter from the AFSC upstairs from the middle east ... and the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex, drugs and violence etc industries internationally ... and with kids even tragically ... and all the cultures' and identities and countries' logics in the mix ... and from a US state department and a Washington DC perspective too ... and re WUaS growing a worldwide abolition movement ...
How to de-extinct Dad GKM MD with parallels to the spectacular Dolly the Sheep cloning in Scotland too in 1996, brainstorming-wise ... ?
Fondly, Scott
How to develop an #AgingReversalMachine in a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForAgingReversal (& #ForExtremeLongevity) w #AlphaFold3Server for #MLprediction of ALL #LifesMolecules #GeneticDrugTherapies & re #GStreetView w #TimeSlider interoperable with #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords?
Can we reverse aging?
7 yrs ago, Ocampo et al. showed that partial reprogramming can ameliorate aging hallmarks. But, OSKM induction has safety limitations & no new factors have emerged since. Here,… we used
screens to find new rejuvenation factors
Just searched -
How was Dolly the sheep cloned - steps involved (in enzyme activity)?
1. Scientists took udder cells from Dolly’s DNA mother. They let the cells multiply and then they stopped the process when they had divided enough.
2. They took an egg cell from a different sheep and removed the nucleus.
3. They put one udder cell next to the egg cell without a nucleus and joined them using electricity. The egg cell now contained all the udder cell’s DNA.
4. The egg cell divided until it developed into an embryo. An embryo is the early stage of an animal before it has been born or hatched. This embryo was placed inside a third sheep. Five months later, this sheep gave birth to Dolly .
And how to do this in a realistic virtual earth for genetics ?
Somehow derive or extrapolate cells from a digital picture re Dad (and especially from Sandy and me, and our biological cousins on Dad's side)?
Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206
1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity