Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Oregon's Mt Hood: March 9, Open, Business Meeting – Agenda - at World University and School, and Email


3/9//2013 {Open} Business Meeting – Agenda - at World University and School

(See below for information about how to participate in this, and see also - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2013/03/march-9-open-monthly-business-meeting.html).

World University and School
{Open} Business Meeting – Agenda (hour-long meeting)
Saturday, March 9, 2013
9 am, Pacific Time

1. Welcome and Greetings - News


- Accreditation communication - with BPPE, WASC and DETC ($3,000 2 years from now)

- BPPE  - further communication with legislators and them ahead

- Accreditation costs - $15,000 (BPPE, WASC) to begin the process, now or soon

- Seeking prospective undergraduate applicants this autumn 2013 (applications due Jan. 1, 2014) to matriculate in the autumn of 2014

2. Committees

2.1 Planning committee

see Master plan and Business plan below

2.2 Finance

Treasurer's report for February 2012

2.3 Information Technology

a. Wikidata news

2.4 WUaS Outreach

Seeking to reaching out to prospective students this autumn 2013

Friends / Quakers

- N.C. - could WUaS accredit in 2015


2.5 Hiring planning

Interns, Executive Director, Development Director, Information Technology director

2.6 Fundraising

- looking for a new WUaS Board member to focus WUaS fundraising

2.7 Nominating committee

Seeking committee members, facilitators and recorders

2.8 Languages' committee

2.9 Accreditation committee

3. WUaS Master Plan


4. WUaS Business Plan


5.  WUaS Board

- is looking for a new Board member to focus WUaS fundraising

6. New WUaS pages and updates

a. Updates:

b. New pages:




























c. Blog entries:

WUaS is seeking undergraduate applicants to apply this autumn 2013 to matriculate in autumn 2014, for, free, accredited, C.C. licensed, MIT-centric, online, bachelor degrees, WUaS remains an open wiki, (Accreditation looks very doable, costing WUaS roughly $18,000 in accreditation fees this year, $25,000 next year, for just the MIT OCW-centric, undergraduate program), Dear Gavin Newsom (Lieutenant Governor of California), Harvard talk from today - "Beyond Participation: Transforming Local Civic Engagement Through an Online Game"


WUaS and Khan Academy collaboration for online, International Baccalaureate diplomas?, WUaS / Khan I.B. high school diplomas together, starting with, after English, the United Nations' languages, and then go beyond that?, Radio interview about Sal Khan's "The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined"


WUAS's Business Plan and Conversation, World University and School's online bookstore / computer store ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2013/03/olympics-canopy-wuas-business-plan-and.html ...


WUaS's online, Law School in Oregon, accrediting in parallel with the WUaS Law School in California?, Could Reed College and WUaS collaborate in the process of bringing Reed Humanities online, as well as the conference method?, (WUaS is particularly excited about the prospect of MIT OCW's online, S.T.E.M. focus)


Intellectual, brain-candy opportunities ahead {and wiki-now} with the 2,150 MIT OCW courses and 42 Yale OYC courses (both Creative Commons' licensed) at WUaS, for free, MIT-centric, university degrees, And fully engaged (work / play / create) ethos at WUaS ahead ... (e.g. vis-a-vis Google), "“Physically Together”: Here’s the Internal Yahoo No-Work-From-Home Memo ...," How can WUaS eventually hire for a fully-engaged, intellectual, work / play ethos and flourishing?, WUaS seeks intellectually passionate students, with great curiosity for free, MIT-centric degrees, applying first this autumn 2013, and with WUaS's first undergraduate class matriculating in the autumn of 2014


Law School developments at WUaS, Many Countries and Languages, UC Berkeley, Stanford University, One, WUaS 'umbrella' for law schools and teaching faculty in most countries will be potentially very helpful in the developing of legal questions in the information age


African Golden Cat: Jacques, living in the U.S., but from the Democratic Republic of Congo, writes "I wanted to catch up with you regarding a possibility of sponsoring 10 student from our junior college in the DRC."


WUaS in India, Law Schools and related, India subjects, Music


Wondrous communitas, - that is sociality - and whenever? Grateful Dead concerts that were great are a reference experience, for those who enjoy the Dead, How to create this at World University and School? Many Earlham College students, in my experience, for example, have come closest to expressing what I mean here in an academic context, How and why does communitas work in academia? It probably has partly to do with the qualities of flow experiences, I'm heading to Dance Church in Santa Cruz today :)


How to bring the International Baccalaureate (IB) emphasis on teaching to MIT OCW video courses and online, and build, especially with the Conference Method?, Similarly, how to bring the Reed College's emphasis on teaching to MIT OCW, The Conference Method in a Google + Hangout, and related, seem to be one way to address this


"A vision of OCW for the future: In the wake of edX, where does OpenCourseWare fit?," added this to WUaS's Courses, wiki, subject page ... Lots ahead with MIT OCW and WUaS ...


New, English Horn, wiki, subject page in the WUaS Music School, Looking forward to playing online when the internet gets faster with fiber optic everywhere, enjoyed playing Piobaireachd {classical bagpiping music} last summer at Friends General Conference {Quaker} with symphony player on her English Horn who improvised, Very fun and sounded good, English Horn Solo from Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 "From The New World" Mvt. II Largo, J.S.Bach Cello Suite Nr.1 Prelude BWV1007 (English Horn/Cor Anglais Transcription)


Harbin Hot Springs' grape leaf over heart pool: Wine films, a) Film, b) Film - Documentaries, and c) Film Making, wiki subjects at WUaS, Will we begin to create vineyards, wineries and viticulture in virtual worlds? ... and make d) Machinima, in-world videos / films of this?


Bagpipe recordings of 'Amazing Grace' and 'Scotland the Brave,' Recording is so easy with G+ Hangouts and Youtube!, Three, GREAT, new PIobaireachds added to WUaS's Pibroch page, and here's the Bagpipe Tutorials' wiki page with growing resources


Debating the Value of College, Great piece in the New Yorker by Harvard English Professor Louis Menand, Added to 3 of WUaS's wiki, subject pages: 1) The College at WUaS, 2) Theories of Learning, and to 3) The Bookstore / Computer Store (New and Used) at WUaS


An email to incoming Reed College President Kroger on the Conference Method Online, WUaS, 'How can we Reedies extend the great benefits of the Conference Method online to WUaS?' Added Harvard, English, Professor Louis Menand's 2011 New Yorker piece, which you've encouraged us to read for the upcoming Reed gathering, "LIVE AND LEARN: Why we have college," - to 3 of WUaS's wiki, subject pages: 1) The College at WUaS, 2) Theories of Learning, and to 3) The Bookstore / Computer Store (New and Used) at WUaS


New, Ghana, wiki, subject page at WUaS, Harvard talk with Berkeley professor, Jenna Burrell, on ethnography of the global internet via cafes, Also talk of online bookstores and commerce in Ghana, Ethan Zuckerman liveblogged this talk


Post Valentine's Day invitation to a date with your own relaxation response which can be a very delicious process to cultivate daily, ~ like kissing your inner bodymind ... {And here's World University and School's wiki, "Consciousness" subject ... with a thought-provoking conference happening online right now for the next few days}


My new, Fettes College, pupil's web page from 1976-1977, Further correspondence with Fettes in Edinburgh, Scotland, Piper's Persuasion: William Morrison, Donald Macpherson performs at the Piping Centre in Glasgow


Added this Valentine's Ball Scottish Country Dance to WUaS's 'Scottish Country Dancing,' wiki, subject page, Is Scottish Country Dancing a 'technology,' or better, an information technology, for bliss or loving bliss? :) How can it (or any form of music and dance) be cultivated for this, and how can we learn it for this? Where is the dial?


Road trip to space ... , Kerouac reading the last page of "On the Road" with pictures of Jack and Neal, ... May add this to WUaS's 1960s' wiki subject page ... Jack Kerouac Drunk on William Buckely's show, Ethnography of the 1960s via the internet is a fruitful field


Some, new, wiki, Subject pages ... WUaS will probably first open its eventual, on-the-ground bookstores (like Apple Stores?) for textbooks and other intellectual resources in main cities of the United Nations' languages in these countries / places: Hong Kong, Mexico, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, Great Britain


New, Nation States' and Languages' wiki, subject pages in United Nations' languages and countries vis-a-vis WUaS's Bookstore, Language combinations at WUaS, Translated Courses at MIT OCW, New, wiki, language and country pages, Eventual Quota Funding System


Profile of World University and School, Project Happiness, The 'Happiness,' wiki, subject page at WUaS, PRESS RELEASE for WUaS, 'Three, main, I.T. foci at World University & School, Music School, Universal Translator, Virtual Harbin Hot Springs/Earth as 'classroom''

7. SF f/Friends/Quaker WUaS developments

8. Closure

9. Next Meeting - Saturday, April 13, 2013, 9 am Pacific Time

Scott MacLeod

President and Head Clerk


Dear Universitians,

Thank you for joining the World University and School team.

I'm glad to report that MIT-centric World University and School is beginning the accreditation process, having communicated with three, accrediting agencies in the past few weeks, and is beginning to seek prospective, undergraduate applicants for free-to-students, online, MIT OCW-centric, Creative Commons' licensed, WUaS bachelors degrees this autumn (application deadline is 1/1/2014), to matriculate at WUaS in the autumn of 2014. Accreditation costs for WUaS, due soon or now, are around $18,000, and WUaS will begin to do outreach, share press releases, seek student applicants, etc., having begun the accreditation process.

WUaS would like to invite you to participate in our hour-long, monthly, business meeting this Saturday, March 9th, beginning at 9 a.m., Pacific Coast Time / 12 noon East Coast Time.
This month we'll meet online in a Google + video hangout, (with its 2 channels for communication, via group video and group text chat, opening opportunities for communication).  And this month, I'll send out again a second email a few minutes prior to 9am, to our entire WUaS email list with the actual web address / URL of the Google + group video Hangout.

You'll also find the Hangout posted here - https://plus.google.com/u/0/115890623333932577910/posts - at WUaS's G+ profile page findable by searching in Google + on worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com. Here's an example of a WUaS Google + video hangout meeting, - "World University and School, Student, Board / Team's 1st meeting 3 Nov 2012" ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR0y7Z4saHI - and a good overview of WUaS, from a Stanford Coursera course I took in last autumn called "Startup Boards: Advanced Entrepreneurship" on World University and School's YouTube video channel https://www.youtube.com/WorldUnivandSch.

The agenda for the upcoming business meeting is at: http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2013/03/march-9-open-monthly-business-meeting.html.

The Treasurer's report for February 2013 is attached.

The next, hour-long, WUaS, monthly business meeting is on Saturday, April 13, 2013 in a Google + Hangout.

World University and School is looking for a new, Board member to focus on fundraising, and to actually bring in significant monies for WUaS, which you'll see on the above agenda.
Concerning this WUaS team email list, we'll generally send out an email once a month. If you'd like to receive more frequent, sporadic, WUaS emails, please reply to this email telling me so. If you could, please REPLY with UNSUBSCRIBE, or an alternative email address, if you wish NOT to receive WUaS's emails, or receive them in a different email account, - and WUaS would be very grateful.

Free, online, wiki WUaS, like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, is planned for all 3,000-8,000 languages and for around 200 countries, with free, C.C., university degrees - bachelors, Ph.D., law and M.D. - accrediting on MIT OpenCourseWare+, and will help many, many people.

Thank you again for your interest in helping grow World University and School.

All the best,


Scott MacLeod
Founder & President


World University and School
(like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware)



P.O. Box 442,
(86 Ridgecrest Road),
Canyon, CA 94516

415 480 4577
Skype: scottm100

Google + main, WUaS pages: 

Please contribute, and invite friends to contribute, tax deductibly, via PayPal and credit card:


World University and School is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.

World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'remove' in the subject line. Thank you.


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