Dear Mahedi (Hasan, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, aka Strategist Mahedi), JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon (and with Harvard MBA), Jenny (Ling, Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP & UPenn MBA), US Senator, and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, Peter (Norvig, Google AI, director), Sid (Mazumdar HHS, and Shady Side Academy SSA high school alum '78 and Harvard alum ~'82), Steve Cambor (SSA alum '78, and former managing director in the 1990s of JP Morgan Chase bank), Shawn (Flaherty, attorney, and SSA alum '78, and former Democratic member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for the 30th legislative district), All,
Greetings! How JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, and Jenny (Ling, Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP & U Penn MBA), are Chase bank loans for WUaS potentially DEVELOPING, step by step, and after about 10 WUaS Curated Coaching (TAP) sessions in partnership with Chase bank with invitation to MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch from Stanford Latino Business Action Network (LBAN) beginning last December 8, 2023 (meeting with the first Curated Coaching TAP consultant Jenny Ling), and regarding, especially, the -
Thank you, Mahedi, for facilitating the great beginning bilingual Bangladesh World University and School website in the Bangla language (but not yet in American English), newly in Google Sites -
Could WUaS (both 1) MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch AND 2) the WUaS Corp, our two WUaS wings) receive potentially Chase bank loans in such a way that JP Morgan Chase Bangladesh could potentially pay Strategist Mahedi Hasan in Dhaka Bangladesh to develop further WUaS universities' websites in Google Sites and in all ~200 countries - AND even with the JP Morgan Chase information technology department itself - and as WUaS seeks to code for all 171.2 million Bangladeshis, each a Wikidata PIN # from here - - and to create wiki people-to-people free universal education, and to end poverty as well there (eg with Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily - -
even partly as UBI experiments too)?
I was glad and interested to find this JP Morgan Chase bank Bangladesh web site recently - - and regarding Chase bank having operations there since around 1971.
(With possible relevance for the WUaS Educational Services' Stores opening in Bangladesh in Bangla and other languages there (per WUaS Business Plan above) -
I asked Gemini AI just recently
"Is Walmart in Greece?""No, WM isn't in Greece" it replied.
And "Is Ikea in Greece?" Yes, I learned, this Swedish chain of furniture stores has 5 stores in 4 cities there, AND INTERESTINGLY Gemini AI VOICE mentioned the name of the Greek GROUP that operates these, but the TEXT reply from Gemini AI doesn't mention the name of this Greek Group of Ikea managers / owners there. )
SO, as a further WUaS question to you, could the WUaS Corporation engage a group in Bangladesh networked with JP Morgan Chase Bangladesh connections to begin to open WUaS Educational Services' Stores for books, robotics, computers, retail, groceries, department stores, hospital technologies, cafes and similar in Bangladesh - ((and in Greece as well per - ... and could this be a first WUaS Bangladeshi group of business people (and could WUaS even use an emerging flagship WUaS Educational Services' Store in the USA as a model)?
So, How JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, and Jenny (Ling, Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP & U Penn MBA), are Chase bank loans for WUaS potentially developing, step by step please? And how best further to communicate about this, and secure these initial loans - and potentially to pay Mahedi to develop and market the Bangladesh WUaS University website further?
In a related vein, and with MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School being Friendly Quaker informed regarding our WUaS Monthly Business Meeting, which is loosely conducted in the manner of Quakers, might I please invite you CEO Jamie Dimon, Jenny Ling, friend Steve Cambor SSA '78, and US Senator Elizabeth Warren to join the WUaS Finance Committee (since Friends' Monthly Business Meeting does its business via a Committee process)? Please let me know.
Thanks, abolition-ally, best regards,
Per the email below (PPPPP S) I shared in this thread a few days ago
PS a
Could WUaS build in Judge AI software (for economic dispute AI adjudication as I understand this, and where I learned of Judge AI from the first Stanford Law CodeX presentation in this autumn term) into even the question of Mahedi Hasan only delivering 50% of the bilingual 'finished product' WUaS website per our written and spoken understandings and agreements ... and INTO MANY or some of our WUaS other Bangladesh and other countries' arrangements possibly?
In what ways could WUaS collaborate with the Bangladesh Olympic Association, and by reaching out to -
Also in the email below is the name of the Google head of Google Maps with 80 updates to Google Earth ... and especially regarding WUaS building out a #RealisticVirtualEarth as STEM field sites, and classrooms - AND FOR ADDING THESE NEW URLs and algorithms for example to the Bangladeshi World Univ & Sch in Bangla, and USA World Univ & Sch in English new bilingual websites ... and see again the INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS (on Twitter) article from Peter Norvig titled "Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI: World University IN School" -
And regarding a #Realistic Virtual Harbin Hot Springs as STEAM field site and as a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory especially, see this recent set of Tweets -
Wow, a Googler #PeterNorvig? has been building out #RealisticVirtualHarbin in #GStreetView w #GTimeSlider in
2007 - w #VintageFireEngine (TURN LEFT) -
& NEW: 2024 - a #vintageRV
| Fri, Sep 27, 1:43 PM (1 day ago)
| | |
to Mahedi, Mahedi, Sid, mazumdarp, Mainak, Janie, me, Peter, mahedihasan31122004, Mary, Pin, Mainak |
Hi Mahedi (and a 3rd party +?), Partha (Mazumdar), Mary (Murrin), and Peter (Norvig),
Thank you for your emails just now too ... and you're welcome ... and how is the finished (beginning) WUaS bilingual website coming, in English - ... eg when I clicked on this just now I didn't see any new updates - AND PER OUR WRITTEN AND SPOKEN UNDERSTANDING for the $160 for the bilingual WUaS website finished product by today, as a question of ethics too (before we explore how to move further ahead together or not ... and it occurs to me to reach out to Google For Education and Google Maps / Earth / Street View .... for further Google Sites' WUaS website building and collaboration, - and possibly even to seek collaboration with the Bangladesh Olympics' Association re G Street View too, and see PS below) - besides what I added earlier today:
Earn a degree online for free now at home
MIT OCW-focused Wikipedia World University and School is growing in popularity for free online degrees for students. Bachelor's, PhD, Law, MD IB High School/Association, AA/AS, and Master's degrees are available for free - first in English, then in 200 countries around the world and their major languages.
And see -
Take the free "#CSFirst #WithGoogle @WUaS" course & enroll in #MITOCW-centric WUaS for free degrees!
Yogically, abolitionally, thanks,
Bangladesh Olympic Association 3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh -
3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh
head of the BOA
General Shafiuddin AHMED, SBP, OSP, ndu, psc, PhD
Election Date: 22/12/2021
updated Google Earth imagery in 80 countries -