Happy Birthday, Sandy! I'm writing to wish you a very happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, Sandy!
I'm writing to wish you a very happy birthday! Hoping you celebrate it in fun ways today and over this weekend. Is your baby Isla coming to your birthday parties :)? How are you celebrating?
And what, might I ask, did you get with the gift certificate from the Longfellow bookstore in Portland?
Did you by any chance get -
The Best Short Stories 2024: The O. Henry Prize Winners
Amor Towles (Editor) ?
I noticed that Amor Towles is followed on Twitter by (once upon a time hippy) Stewart Brand of The Next Whole Earth Catalog and many other fascinating books like "How Buildings Learn" (1994) and Towles has an undergraduate degree in literature from Yale, and a Master's degree from Stanford, where Brand has a degree in biology from graduating in 1960 (and Stewart is brilliant) ... so "The Best Short Stories 2024: The O. Henry Prize Winners" might offer a lot of great relatively brief reads in the form of short stories.
Or might you have gotten something digital in book form from Longfellow's Books - What, might I ask, did you get with the gift certificate from Longfellow books' bookstore in Portland?
I may seek to create a curious online birthday party for you with Reed friends in a "Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning in late December 2024 or early 2025?" ... wanna join this virtually? (and possibly to read The Best Short Stories 2024) !
Happy birthday, and many many more (potentially with longevity genetics' drug therapies emerging for example),
Love, Scott
You might find interesting -
* *
first texts in Scottish Gaelic language?
in the Scots' language?
Allan, Alasdair. 2024.
"Exploring the diversity of Scotland's languages"
Allan, Alasdair. 2024.
Exploring the diversity of Scotland's languages. Friday, September 27. (A braw airticle fae @alasdairallan
First texts in Scottish Gaelic language?
in the Scots' language?
Are you checking out, and asking questions of, and conversing with, Gemini AI conversational generative artificial intelligence in early ways, Sandy? It's pretty incredible :)
Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2025, forthcoming)
October 2, 2024
Hi Sandy,
Happy birthday this Saturday 10/5/24. I thought about ordering you "The Best Short Stories 2024: The O. Henry Prize Winners" for your birthday but decided this gift card would give you freedom to choose.
The Best Short Stories 2024: The O. Henry Prize Winners
Publication Date: September 10th, 2024
The gift certificate is available now in the Longfellow Books.
Isla is beautiful!
Love, Scott
Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2025, forthcoming)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206
1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
* *
#MutualIntelligibilityWUaS as #DefinitionOfLanguage Almost all linguists use mutual intelligibility as the primary linguistic criterion
#MutualIntelligibilityWUaS as #DefinitionOfLanguage
Almost all linguists use mutual intelligibility as the primary linguistic criterion for determining same or different languages
WUaS logo
* * *
Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning in late December 2024 or early 2025?
Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> |
| Oct 5, 2024, 10:01 AM (23 hours ago)
| | |
to Scott, Scott, worlduniversityandschool, Sandy, S, Gabrielle, Jim, Sally, Byron, hannfamily, Gantt, Vadan, Edward, Valerie, JoAnne, Konrad, Scott, Carla, Craig, Peter, Matthew, Nancy, Michael, Nancy, Diane, Susan, Ann, Janie, Craig, rphillips, Robin, George, Marsha, donna.leet, Sid |
Dear Bay Area Reedies, Sandy (MacLeod), Gabrielle, Byron & Cindy, Jim, Ed & Valerie, Gantt, Jo Anne, Konrad, Vadan, (PLEASE FORWARD TO other Reedies in group whose emails I couldn't find), and greetings friends,
Happy Birthday to my brother Sandy, in Portland, Maine ... in this Proposed Reedie+ book group birthday celebration in email thread party! :)
And how about reading some short stories (if someone who has read one or two would like to propose a mind-expanding short story) from
The Best Short Stories 2024: The O. Henry Prize Winners
Amor Towles (Editor) ?
I noticed that Amor Towles is followed on Twitter by (once upon a time hippy) Stewart Brand of The Next Whole Earth Catalog and many other fascinating books like "How Buildings Learn" (1994) and Towles has an undergraduate degree in literature from Yale, and a Master's degree from Stanford, where Brand has a degree in biology from graduating in 1960 (and Stewart is brilliant) ... so "The Best Short Stories 2024: The O. Henry Prize Winners" might offer a lot of GREAT relatively brief reads in the form of short stories.
Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning in late December 2024 or early 2025?
2 a
Am continuing TO SEEK TO MOVE FORWARD INTO A newly safe 670 Ridgecrest Road Canyon CA 94516 in 2024 - and with US federal and states' law working effectively together in new ways.
2 b
A 1st book group in Canyon in December 2024 or January 2025 ... and shared potluck beforehand and during :)? ... (with or without an online component possibly) ... Thoughts, comments, suggestions, questions, ideas?
Also Ed (Smyth MD above) gave me
"Basin and Range" by Princeton's John McPhee some years ago ... And how best to add such a book to a #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForHistory #ForGeology (and see Peter Norvig's INCREDIBLE #ToolifyAIWUaS article "Revolutionizing Education with Machine Learning and AI" World University IN School -
https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 - with regard to a realistic virtual earth - first mention that I know of by someone other than WUaS ... and so much more including studying bliss in a virtual Harbin Hot Springs :)
3 a
And here's Stanford Law Prof, Hank Greely, Tweeting about John McPhee and geology, as well as world class tennis player Arthur Ashe (re some previous Wimbledon 2022 emails I've sent to Hank Greely too ...)
"I've been listening to the great John McPhee lately; read lots of his books, esp geology, before. But I just heard his best, IMO: Levels of the Game. Details the 1968 US Open semi final betw/Arthur Ashe & Clark Graebner, w/equal time to the men's lives & times. Ashe is COMPELLING
Happy Birthday, Sandy!
I'm writing to wish you a very happy birthday! Hoping you celebrate it in fun ways today and over this weekend. Is your baby Isla coming to your birthday parties :)? How are you celebrating?
And what, might I ask, did you get with the gift certificate from Longfellow books bookstore in Portland?
Did you by any chance get -
The Best Short Stories 2024: The O. Henry Prize Winners
Amor Towles (Editor) ?
I noticed that Amor Towles is followed on Twitter by (once upon a time hippy) Stewart Brand of The Next Whole Earth Catalog and many other fascinating books like "How Buildings Learn" (1994) and Towles has an undergraduate degree in literature from Yale, and a Master's degree from Stanford, where Brand has a degree in biology from graduating in 1960 (and Stewart is brilliant) ... so "The Best Short Stories 2024: The O. Henry Prize Winners" might offer a lot of great relatively brief reads in the form of short stories.
Or might you have gotten something digital in book form from Longfellow's Books - What, might I ask, did you get with the gift certificate from Longfellow books bookstore in Portland?
I may seek to create a curious online birthday party for you with Reed friends in a "Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning in late December 2024 or early 2025?" ... wanna join this virtually? (and possibly to read The Best Short Stories 2024) !
Happy birthday, and many many more (potentially with longevity genetics' drug therapies emerging for example),
Love, Scott
You might find interesting -
* *
first texts in Scottish Gaelic language?
in the Scots' language?
Allan, Alasdair. 2024.
"Exploring the diversity of Scotland's languages"
Allan, Alasdair. 2024.
Exploring the diversity of Scotland's languages. Friday, September 27. (A braw airticle fae @alasdairallan
First texts in Scottish Gaelic language?
in the Scots' language?
Are you checking out, and asking questions of, and conversing with, Gemini AI conversational generative artificial intelligence in early ways, Sandy? It's pretty incredible :)
Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2025, forthcoming)
It is noteworthy that the Mediterranean shags present in Greece are in fact a subspecies endemic of the Mediterranean (Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii). The subspecies population is estimated to be fewer than 10.000 pairs, with 1.000-2.000 in the Greek islands of the Aegean and Ionian Sea.