Moving forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in 2024 (further) - November 2024 ... Moving forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in 2024 (further) - US Senator and former Harvard Law Professor (& Rutgers Law School alumna too) Elizabeth Warren, Karl Koster, retired MIT Industrial Liaisons' Fundraiser and with house on Cuttyhunk island MA, Google AI Director Peter Norvig, JP Morgan Chase bank CEO Jamie Dimon, Sid Mazumdar HHS, attorney Shawn Flaherty, Lt. John Tadler re FBI workshop in Pgh PA in 2013
Dear John (Sargent MD, at Tufts Med Ctr), and Ed (Smyth MD, at Kaiser Permanente NorCal, where I continue to have my health care coverage), US Senator and former Harvard Law Professor (& Rutgers Law School alumna too) Elizabeth Warren, Karl Koster, retired MIT Industrial Liaisons' Fundraiser and with house on Cuttyhunk island MA and please forward this email since I continue to get bounce backs from Karl's email above - Lindley H. Koster, or Serena Davis Hall, Ma / Jane (MacLeod), and Google AI Director Peter Norvig, JP Morgan Chase bank CEO Jamie Dimon, Sid Mazumdar HHS, attorney Shawn Flaherty, Lt. John Tadler re FBI workshop in Pgh PA in 2013, All,Greetings from in front of the Pittsburgh Friends (Quaker) Meeting! Just sat in Nontheistic NtF or NtQ Friendly Quaker silent Meeting meditation in my car. How are you? : cactus-boobie-cactus.html ... In seeking to stay alive, and in growing a MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch abolition movement worldwide for all 7.9 billion people on the planet from - https://wiki. wiki/You_at_World_University . ..
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
bilberry cactus "Boobie Cactus" (Myrtillocactus geometrizans): Did UPMC univ pitt med ctr whack thereby killing my father GKM MD, and then seek to do so to me? cactus-boobie-cactus.html ... how best to move forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 departing Pittsburgh on around Sat Nov 11, 2024, and with US federal and states' laws working effectively together in new ways?And thanks again Ed and John so much for your encouragement to move forward the WUaS Academic Medical Center with the WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute, (MIT alumnus John (Sargent MD, at Tufts Med Ctr), and Ed (Smyth MD, named Chief Medical Officer at MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch), beginning in March of 2022!Impoverished with no retirement in developing CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS for a song with World Univ & Sch having become a nonprofit first in 2010 (, I just put a donation in the mail to 501 c 3 MIT (and see attached picture - 'Scott GK MacLeod donation to nonprofit MIT on 20241113') ... and as I continue to grow 1) 501 c 3 / similar #USANonProfit MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch AND 2) the #FPinCA general stock company the WUaS Corporation (and see PS) ... and a WUaS abolition movement worldwide for all 7.9 billion people on the planet each a Wikidata PIN # from https://wiki. wiki/You_at_World_University. (Perhaps we can even de-extinct my father GKM MD - - in some decades from what we learn from the de-extinction of species' projects including of the Wooly Mammoth as heralded by Harvard and MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church (above) - https://scott-macleod. cactus-boobie-cactus.html (and at bottom to come). And could we even do this from his Electronic Health Records with a #RealisticVirtualEarth? And am glad that you Professor Church talked about in one of your fairly recent videos regarding the tragic epstein (and lewin I think too) episodes at MIT (and MIT OpenCourseWare - Physics) that it's preventing victims in the future that's key, and in MIT and academia and fundraising too moving ahead. How could a WUaS abolition movement for all help, as well as with potentially Pi Cryptocurrency free money daily - - for all 7.9 billion people on the planet with wiki free universal education, people-to-people, and free MIT OCW-centric WUaS degrees online from home, and to end poverty with something like UBI experiments help? And how could universal Electronic Health Records ... potentially as #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRec ords - AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRec ords?src=hashtag_click - (for FDA approved extreme longevity genetic drug therapies too) help as well, so for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, and in WUaS growing a worldwide abolition movement to protect people with AI and ML and with tracing and with law and law enforcement too from https://wiki. wiki/You_at_World_University in all ~200 https://wiki. wiki/Nation_States ? Karl (Koster, retired director of the MIT Industrial Liaison' Program, and MIT alumnus), thanks again for meeting with me at MIT in Cambridge MA (before you retired) for about an hour and 1/4 in around 2012 to talk about MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch (of which I'm the president and founder, and see attached picture with its email address); if as WUaS seeks Chase bank loans to develop the WUaS Corp / WUaS Educational Services Stores - AcademicPress.html - planned in all ~200 countries and in their main languages, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon (with a Harvard MBA), and Chase bank, might find it helpful to have a senior MIT director contact regarding CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch. Could you possibly be that contact please, Karl? (And might you also be able to help with 501 c 3 tax exempt World Univ & Sch's fundraising on the nonprofit wing - http:// - please?). Glad that JP Morgan Chase bank has asked for WUaS 'requests' too in the past week or so - https://scott-macleod. rockcress-arabis-georgiana. html (& https:// worlduniversityandschool. oak-wuas-corporation-requests. html). Am seeking to move forward WUaS into a newly safe Canyon 94516 departing around Sat Nov 30, 2024 from Pittsburgh ... And how best to hear that I can potentially sign the ownership papers for 670A Ridgecrest Road Canyon CA 94516 - CA Senator Steve Glazer (in the 7th district with offices in Orinda)? - about 8 miles from Canyon 94516 where I lived for about 13 years, and that we can hold the 'Proposed Reedie Reed College book group' there on Sat 12/14/24 to which friend and US federal lawyer Robin Phillips (above, among other Reedies) has already RSVP-ed ?Having sought US federal protection for my mother, my brother Sandy in Maine, and myself ... and from international organized crime, and the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex, drugs, violence etc industries and their latent networks of violence (even sadly in Quaker Meetings, I posit, and as a whistleblower loudly in around 2017 in the SF Quaker Meeting and Pacific Yearly Meeting, and in these 2 asylum years in Pittsburgh, in the Pittsburgh Quaker Friends Meeting), how best to grow a worldwide abolition movement, having just donated some money to MIT, and in seeking to move forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 within about 2 weeks?Best wishes, abolitionally, thanks, Minding the Light, Friendly greetings, Yogically, kind regards,Scott GK MacLeodSunday, November 10, 2024
candelabra tree or naboom (Euphorbia Ingens): Great #MITMediaLab talk F 11/8/24 "#JohnMaeda: Building A Hybrid Career Across Tech, Business, And Design. Or, “How I Learned to Speak Human After Leaving MIT :-)” w @ishii_mit ~ #OnsenThnx! Q: how to do this >122yo w #AgingReversal #GeneDrugs emerging * * * 'Moving forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in 2024 (further) - October 2024' (& November) ... ... and WUaS seeking to create avatar agent electronic health records for all 7.9 billion people on planet and for extreme longevity genetic drug therapies too ... AS a possible deterrent ... * * * As I think about museum going, and our afternoon today, further, and regarding too my upcoming book "Society, Information Technology and the Global University" where I'm presently writing about visiting and even co-creating online virtual museums, iteratively, - and ALL MUSEUMS ever, in all languages * * seeking to move forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in 3 weeks ... methinks the 'STATE' is playing a role (the state in the social sciences refers to governments like the US federal government ... ) * * * Museum paragraphs in Society, Information Technology and the Global University" upcoming book (@WUaSPress) or-naboom-euphorbia.html PSUpcoming #FreeOnlineStanfordCourse "From Insight to Action: Advancing Enterprise AI Governance" 1/7/25 - 6/6/25Score:I both added and registered for this free Stanford "From Insight to Action: Advancing Enterprise AI Governance" course on W 11/13/24 to|-
| From Insight to Action: Advancing Enterprise AI Governance
| enterpriseaigovernance/
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| non-degree
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| 1/7/25-6/6/25
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|summary -Added free upcoming course -From Insight to Action: Advancing Enterprise AI Governance1/7/25-6/6/25Stanford University Rock Centerand Tweeted about it too -Upcoming #FreeOnlineStanfordCourse "From Insight to Action: Advancing Enterprise AI Governance" 1/7-6/6/25 enterpriseaigovernance/ How best to apply to 1) #USANonProfit @WorldUnivAndSch & 2) #FPinCA #WUaSCorp @WUaSPress in 200 countries & main languages > https://wiki. wiki/Governance? Upcoming #FreeOnlineStanfordCourse"From Insight to Action: Advancing Enterprise AI Governance" 1/7-6/6/25 How best to apply to 1) #USANonProfit@WorldUnivAndSch& 2) #FPinCA#WUaSCorp@WUaSPress in 200 countries & main languages >
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) November 13, 2024 WUaS in all 7164 living languages - * *(1/7/25-6/6/25) - enterpriseaigovernance/ President, CEO, founder, Professor, Presiding Clerk
MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School / The WUaS CorporationAsked this question as I registered -
How best to apply "From Insight to Action: Advancing Enterprise AI Governance" (1/7/25-6/6/25) - enterpriseaigovernance/ - To 1) 501 c 3 #USANonProfit @WorldUnivAndSch & 2) #FPinCA #WUaSCorp @WUaSPress in all ~200 countries & main languages > wiki/Governance
& wiki/Artificial_Intelligence ? Upcoming #FreeOnlineStanfordCourse"From Insight to Action: Advancing Enterprise AI Governance" 1/7-6/6/25 How best to apply to 1) #USANonProfit@WorldUnivAndSch& 2) #FPinCA#WUaSCorp@WUaSPress in 200 countries & main languages >
— WUaSPress (@WUaSPress) November 13, 2024WUaS in all 7164 living languages -- Scott GK MacLeod ( & & http:// AcademicPress.html) On Sat, Nov 9, 2024 at 3:09 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: Dear John (Sargent MD, at Tufts Med Ctr), Ma / Janie (MacLeod), and Ed (Smyth MD, at Kaiser Permanente NorCal, where I continue to have my health care coverage), US Senator and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, Karl Koster, retired MIT Industrial Liaisons Fundraiser and with house on Cuttyhunk island MA and please forward this email since I continue to get bounce backs from Karl's email above - Lindley H.K. or Serena D.H., (and Peter Norvig, Sid Mazumdar HHS, attorney Shawn Flaherty, Lt. John Tadler re FBI workshop in Pgh PA in 2013), All,Good to hear from some of you. How are you? In growing a MIT OCW- centric wiki World Univ & Sch abolition movement worldwide for all 7.9 billion people on the planet potentially each a Wikidata PIN # from here - wiki/You_at_World_University - and potentially for 1) free universal education people to people and wiki, and 2) to protect people from the illegal sex, drugs and violence industries internationally and their latent networks of violence, and 3) potentially to end poverty worldwide by distributing Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency to many of all 7.9 billion people on the planet in each of all ~200 countries and to speakers of all 7164 known living languages, ... how are the US federal investigations going into Chase bank Wilkinsburg Pgh 15221, Chase bank Moraga 94556 (near Canyon 94516 where I lived for about 13 years and to which I'm seeking to move into a newly safe 670A Ridgecrest Rd, Canyon 94516 departing in about 3 weeks from Pgh to the SF Bay Area ... and further in growing a worldwide abolition movement, and with US federal and states' laws working together in new ways), Chase bank Shadyside Pgh PA, and the Chase bank in Columbus OH too (about which I've emailed some of you), as well as into criminal??? lobos management bryant street rentals pgh pa, and the sf quajer meeting, and the pgh quaker meeting too, and Longwood senior center near Pgh, as well as into Cuttyhunk island, Massachusetts?Thanks to John Sargent MD and Ed Smyth MD for suggesting beginning in March of 2022 that my and the WUaS Academic Medical Center moving into a newly safe Canyon 94516 would be a good idea ... around December 1, 2024?It's not entirely surprising I haven't heard back yet regarding moving into a newly safe Canyon 94516 departing Pgh PA in 3 weeks on around 11/30/24 ... given the possible complexity of the international organized crime possible engagements in all of the above, and the history here, and even regarding potential involvement of US and foreign uniformed armed services ... and given too my father's GKM MD's first subdural hematoma on univ pitt managed at the time semester at sea on 12/30/04 with a now retired major general douglas fraser in the US air force southern command, in charge at the time of my father's murderous 1st blow to his head, I think; and given the murderous run through attempt of me in April 2023 by craven, psychopath??? swiss or lebanese soldier???, co-denizen cmu undergrad at the time, murderer of dwarf Jackson Shannon and African American Harold Tyler, all in my first asylum house in Pgh at 210 East End Avenue Pgh PA 15221 (re cmu graduate student at the time and trumpet player Stephon Owens above as the other co-denizen at the time ... possibly going into the US National Guard or International Guard at the time too ...having seen him in green military clothes a couple of times) ...An assassin's bullet from the house across the street from 5816 Callowhill Street, Pgh PA, my 2nd asylum house in Pgh since August 2023 in the next couple of days ... to end my ongoing whistleblowing and calling of law enforcement (in both CA and PA) and in growing a worldwide WUaS abolition movement, and since international organized crime is sometimes profitable tragically ... by criminal??? lobos management bryant street rentals and even MIT itself (given the tragic epstein and lewin episodes) and with MIT alum pastor kim viehland asking where are we going to get the prostitutes from in around January of 2023, and where both have dropped out of MIT OCW-CENTRIC wiki World Univ & Sch completely for around a year or more, and mit alumnus Larry Viehland now I'm told has dementia ?Here's my email yesterday F Nov 8, 2024 to US senator Elizabeth Warren and many of you, about seeking to move into a newly safe Canyon 94516 departing Pittsburgh in about 3 weeks around Nov 30, 2024 -
Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@ Fri, Nov 8, 8:17 AM (1 day ago)
Dear John (Sargent MD), Ed (Smyth MD), Pin/Sid (Mazumdar HHS), Ma (Jane MacLeod), Peter (Norvig, Google AI), US Senator and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, All,Greetings! Just texted this to Ed (Smyth MD), Pin/Sid (Mazumdar HHS), & my great mother (Jane MacLeod) -Good morning, Ed, Ma, Pin, (John Sargent MD), THANKS Ed and John for your Encouragement to move forward with the WUaS Academic Medical Center into a newly safe Canyon 94516 beginning in March 2022 ! Am seeking to depart Pgh and 2 asylum houses since Sep 2022 in about 3 weeks on Sat 11/30/24 when my 2nd lease is up. (Glad to have gotten a Geico homeowner insurance quote for 670A Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516 some months ago - amazingly). Just looked up small 12 ft moving trucks & with tow dolly and found - ... Thoughts? How and when best to sign potential ownership documents for 670A Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516? Whom should I talk with further ? CA Senator Steve Glazer, or ? Thoughts, questions, suggestions? Scott (http://scott-macleod. Canyon) Seeking for US federal law and states' law to work effectively together in new ways, and having sought US federal protection for my mother (and re the PPPS below), my brother Sandy in Maine, his new daughter Isla, and myself ...All the best, staying alive, abolition-ally, Friendly Quaker greetings, Yogically, Seeking to continue to grow WUaS from California in 3 weeks, thanks,ScottPPSAnd regarding inquiring about the onging US federal investigation into Cuttyhunk island Massachusetts 11/7/24 Euphorbia blogpost - euphorbia-species.html - and search on -"US federal government legal processes I think are working ... and as MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS grows an abolition movement worldwide ...
(Received a curious email spam the other day from an email address like or similar ... and could it refer to a US federal investigation going on into Cuttyhunk Island Massachusetts and regarding possible prostitution, other Organized crime, and murders? even, tragically eg by lisa thurston, and minor? ruby craig meade and her aunt jemma craig driscoll, and allison thurston + nina brodeur and judith archer and alan symonds + and international organized crime, too ... as US federal law works effectively in new ways with state of MA law???) ... How are you all doing? Warm regards, abolitionally, Yogically Karma- and Dharma-wise, more later, Scott ( 20Schools and https://scott-macleod. and https://scott-macleod. Information%20Technologies)" PPPSTexts today Sat Nov 9, 2024, to my mother Jane, & long time friends Pin / Sid Mazumdar HHS, and Ed Smyth MD -Good morning, Ma, Ed, & Pin, (& US federal governmentt too? -eg David Thurston possibly + who visited us in Pgh one Xmas during the 2016-2020 trump administration ?) How are you ? What are you up to this weekend? How is the US federal investigation going into Longwood senior center re my seeking US federal protection for you, Sandy and myself, and how might it develop differently now with a new presidential nominee - and re your saying on Thursday evening you had a bad week last week, after coming back from Maine and Massachusetts too on Monday? ... Was it due to the election results or even to Christine Michaels (re a possibly deeply unwell relationship with her son Fracka??) moving into Longwood on the election day Tue 11/5/24, or even I wondered, whether you could be speaking as a social worker therapist somehow for deeply unwell international criminal ? for the public librarian, Canadian too I think, 'kathie logan' at Longwood too somehow ... and the 2 aggressive Longwood goons on your bday 4/2/23 in the Longwood dining room that approached us weirdly, AND even re Somehow the religious massacre in squirrel hill during the trump administration (about which Lillian Thomas, Jean's daughter at Longwood too wrote much about (but has now gone silent on my radar ... and possibly re 'dead log' issues or 'death log' or deeply unwell Pgh 'wedgie' issues re electronic health records too ... and WUaS seeking to create avatar agent electronic health records for all 7.9 billion people on planet and for longevity too) ... AS a possible deterrent to the illegal identity-based sex and violence industries internationally (this contributing to trump getting reelected ... and will Biden as potential elder statesman now, who beat him in 2020, be able with Warren and thousands of others in Washington) be able to oppose the trump regime successfully enough? And how is the US federal investigation going into Cuttyhunk too - re your 'bad week' observation, Ma (and I've blogged about this too on Th 11/7/24 Euphorbia species - html?m=0) ...
... Glad Senator Elizabeth Warren mentioned Abolitionists on Twitter yesterday
"To those feeling despair: remember, every step toward progress in American history came after the darkness of defeat. Abolitionists, suffragettes, Dreamers, and marchers for civil rights and marriage equality all faced impossible odds, but they persisted. Now it is our turn"
To those feeling despair: remember, every step toward progress in American history came after the darkness of defeat. Abolitionists, suffragettes, Dreamers, and marchers for civil rights and marriage equality all faced impossible odds, but they persisted. Now it is our turn.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) November 8, 2024 and see too her Time Magazine op-ed - time100-voices/7173801/ elizabeth-warren-democrats- plan-after-2024-election/ ... Seeking to head to a newly safe Canyon 94516 in 3 weeks and wanting you to be well in your Longwood home, Ma, for the years ahead (& if it becomes unsafe or BAD there, we could explore your moving into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in some years) ... As president of WUaS, I am wondering too how MIT OCW- centric wiki WUaS growing an abolition movement at MIT itself is going ... and re possibly my donating $35 to MIT PER a fundraising letter from its president's office some weeks ago, per retired MIT fundraiser Karl Koster on Cuttyhunk, and attending a great MIT lecture yesterday - Topic - John Maeda: Building A Hybrid Career Across Tech, Business, And Design. Or, “How I Learned to Speak Human After Leaving MIT :-)”
with MIT Media Lab professor Hiroshi Ishi
#OnsenThnx! Question how best to do this if we live far beyond 122 years of age with #ExtremeLongevity & #AgingReversal #GeneticDrugTherapies emerging, as heralded by Geneticist #GeoChurch & w aid of #RealisticVirtualEarth per education-with-machine- learning-and-ai-2574306 #MetaverseWUaS @HarbinBook ? #OnsenThnx! Question how best to do this if we live far beyond 122 years of age with #ExtremeLongevity& #AgingReversal#GeneticDrugTherapies emerging, as heralded by Geneticist #GeoChurch& w aid of #RealisticVirtualEarth per ?
— Languages-World Univ (@sgkmacleod) November 8, 2024
retweeting -
“Building A Hybrid Career Across Tech, Business, And Design. Or, ‘How I Learned to Speak Human After Leaving MIT :-)’” ~ ... See you tomorrow, Ma! More later, abolitionally, fond regards, Scott (http://scott-macleod. m=0)
The MIT Media Lab speaker, John Maeda, now works at Microsoft in Seattle, on AI and Machine Learning, was president of RISD (Rhode Island School of Design) in Providence RI interestingly, and am curious how WUaS could grow a worldwide a abolition movement at great universities on the eastern seaboard too ... and potentially with Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency for most of all 7.9 billion people on the planet ... Thanks to Sen and former Harvard Law professor Elizabeth Warren for Tweeting yesterday about abolition + social justice ( again - ) ... and can you read this Ma, Pin, Ed? ... ... and re the Proposed Reedie book group on Sat 12/14/24 in Canyon 94516 with D.... invited and Robin Phillips RSVP-ing ... and my having no word yet about signing ownership papers in a complex web of relationships and history ? Fondly, abolitionally, warm regards, Scott ( machine%20learning?m=0)
* *
Did UPMC univ pitt med ctr whack thereby killing my father GKM MD, and then seek to do so to me? ... to state of California Senator Steve Glazer district 7 in the East Bay +
| 9:42 PM (2 minutes ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Dear Senator Steve Glazer, all, as a followup to previous messages here in your -
Again -
"Dear John (Sargent MD, at Tufts Med Ctr), and Ed (Smyth MD, at Kaiser Permanente NorCal, where I continue to have my health care coverage), US Senator and former Harvard Law Professor (& Rutgers Law School alumna too) Elizabeth Warren, Karl Koster, retired MIT Industrial Liaisons' Fundraiser and with house on Cuttyhunk island MA and please forward this email since I continue to get bounce backs from Karl's email above - Lindley H. Koster, or Serena Davis Hall, Ma / Jane (MacLeod), and Google AI Director Peter Norvig, JP Morgan Chase bank CEO Jamie Dimon, Sid Mazumdar HHS, attorney Shawn Flaherty, Lt. John Tadler re FBI workshop in Pgh PA in 2013, All,
Greetings from in front of the Pittsburgh Friends (Quaker) Meeting! ... how best to move forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 and to hear that I can potentially sign the ownership papers for 670A Ridgecrest Road Canyon CA 94516 - CA Senator Steve Glazer (in the 7th district with offices in Orinda)?" Thank you, best regards, staying alive, in asylum in PA from CA, & seeking to move west to Canyon 94516 now to stay alive & for safety's sake in the SF East Bay of California, Scott Gordon K MacLeod (
* * *
| From Insight to Action: Advancing Enterprise AI Governance
| Stanford
| non-degree
| Browser
| 1/7/25-6/6/25
| English
Upcoming #FreeOnlineStanfordCourse"From Insight to Action: Advancing Enterprise AI Governance" 1/7-6/6/25 How best to apply to 1) #USANonProfit@WorldUnivAndSch& 2) #FPinCA#WUaSCorp@WUaSPress in 200 countries & main languages >
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) November 13, 2024
MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School / The WUaS Corporation
How best to apply "From Insight to Action: Advancing Enterprise AI Governance" (1/7/25-6/6/25) -
& https://wiki.
* * *
An opportunity for FREE @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress @ewarren @SenWarren to offer FREE #MITOCW -centric wiki #GrowWithGoogle #freeWUaSdegrees - Bach, PhD, Law, MD, IB HS/sim, AA/AS, & MS Degrees - from home & #WikiSchs for ALL 345 Million Americans- ? - John Cleese
Wow! An opp. for @WorldUnivAndSch@WUaSPress@ewarren@SenWarren - #WUaSUnivs#WUaSinUSA offer FREE #MITOCW -centric wiki #GrowWithGoogle#freeWUaSdegrees - Bach, PhD, Law, MD, IB HS/sim, AA/AS, & MS Degrees - from home & #wikiSchs for ALL 345 M Americans
— (@scottmacleod) November 13, 2024
The only US president who has never read a book is closing down the Education Department ?
Yeah, that figures...
* * *
Genetics of Protuberances? #GeminiAIOnGenetics
Asked: How do genetics or genomics create #GeneProtuberances such as Mammoth tusks? >
Asked: How do genetics or genomics create #GeneProtuberances such as Mammoth tusks?
What to add @geochurch & re de-extinction & even #AgingReversal #ExtremeLongevity - https://scott-macleod.
Genetics of Protuberances? #GeminiAIOnGenetics
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) November 13, 2024
Asked: How do genetics or genomics create #GeneProtuberances such as Mammoth tusks?
What to add @geochurch& re de extinction & even #AgingReversal#ExtremeLongevity - from #GWASdata?
Retweeting -
New release of GWAS summary statistics for 2,502 clinical endpoints from





New release of GWAS summary statistics for 2,502 clinical endpoints from @FinnGen_FI🇫🇮🧬
— Marios Georgakis (@MariosGeorgakis) November 9, 2024
👉N>500,000 individuals, ∼10% of Finland's population
👉Together with UKBB, FinnGen offers the best resource for PheWAS out there
📊Instructions to access the data: