Oz, and Nontheist F/friends,
Sojourning at Pendle Hill after attending Quaker Earthcare Witness gathering sounds wonderful, Oz!
It was great to meet Jeff Dudak at the FCE/FAHE Joint Conference at Haverford, June 12-15, on "Exploring Right Relationships" - http://www.haverford.edu/news/stories/78489/311 - and it was also really great to visit again during this conference with both Doug Gwyn and Rebecca Kratz Mays (whom I know from Pendle Hill from different times from around 1987-1991, during which Doug was a Friend-in-Residence, and Rebecca was editor of Pendle Hill Pamphlets :). Please give my warm greetings to Jeff (and Doug and Rebecca)!
(Although Friendly-informed MIT OCW-centric wiki World University & School became a member of FAHE by paying the membership dues as requested by FAHE to attend this conference, WUaS has yet to hear back about the status of this WUaS membership after a number of inquiries, or about becoming a Quaker College / University on this list - http://quakerfahe.com/quaker-colleges-universities-and-study-centers/. All of my emails from different email accounts to Kimberly curiously bounced back and after communicating about this with Walter Sullivan, as well).
David and Jeff, here is the MIT OCW-centric "Brain and Cognitive Sciences" wiki subject page at WUaS with its main links:
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Brain_and_Cognitive_Sciences#World_University_and_School_Links - which might be of aid to you in your planning for this 2015 workshop on "Neuroscience and Spiritual Experience"; check out all the MIT OCW brain courses. Please add papers, or teach/invite friends to your web camera, or record the conversation in the workshop and add it here, or to the NtF wiki school at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nontheist_Friends_(atheist_Quakers%3F)#World_University_and_School_Links, if lead. On the brain science side of this workshop, here's a fascinating TED Talk by MIT Professor and brain scientist Nancy Kanwisher (who also went to MIT for her B.S. and Ph.D.) -
"Nancy Kanwisher: A neural portrait of the human mind"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Yj3nGv0kn8 - (and which I also posted to my blog recently - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2014/10/brown-pelican-nancy-kanwisher-neural.html - with many other related creative ideas, and which might be relevant eventually for studying, brain-science-wise, what might be called "spiritual" experiences).
Os, I would be interested in exploring becoming a Cadbury Scholar F/friend in Residence at Pendle Hill if at all possible, both as a NtF as well as as the Head Clerk (and Founder and President) of Friendly-informed World University and School, which is like Wikipedia with MIT OCW (and where Wikipedia is in 287 languages and MIT OCW is in at least 8 non-English languages), and for which WUaS is planning to reach out to and heartily invite Quaker young people to apply to (autumn 2015) and matriculate at (in autumn 2016) WUaS online for free MIT OCW-centric degrees - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School. WUaS may well bring so so many people into the Society of Friends as well as NtFs - with the possibility of free and C.C. MIT degrees
Os, how would you suggest exploring becoming a Cadbury Scholar at Pendle Hill?
Happy sojourning! :)
With NtF/friendly greetings,