Hi Jas,
Having gone to Harvard College and Stanford Law (in the 50s?) I'm particularly interested in your thoughts about the following:
(I also haven't yet followed up in seeking IBM's philanthropic foundations or on writing grant proposals to them ... but that's in the plans as well, especially when an executive director comes on board).
So WUaS aggregates and adds online resources, references, courses, etc., as links and citations (planned for all languages) engaging the fair use principle of copyright law, or else because courses are CC, for example.
What I wondered about on the phone with Yale's School of Forestry staff member K.D. about a month ago is whether the Yale School of Forestry could share CC courses with Yale OYC (and WUaS would then list, link and aggregate these courses on WUaS wiki pages) - and which I then emailed him about and bcc-ed Yale Professor of ... and OYC head C.W. at the time. Let me know what you think about Creative Commons' licensing before calling the Yale School of Forestry if inclined.
In terms of legally developing in CC Wikipedia/Wikidata/Wikibase, here by the way is a Counsel of the Wikimedia Foundation, L.V. whom I've met at a Stanford Law event some months ago. I'm planning to email him the following question -
"In what ways it might be possible to explore beginning a new CC Wikidata/Wikipedia languages' complementary project with the languages engineering team, namely CC World University and School, which is like CC Wikipedia with CC MIT OCW (planned for 7,106+ languages and 242+ countries)?"
At R.B. (on the MediaWiki Languages' engineering team) suggestion from India to contact L.P., Wikidata's Communications' person, I've already inquired about this question with co-founder of Wikidata and founder of SemanticWiki M.K. and with L.P. and R.B. - and haven't heard back yet.
Per another of your questions in your email below, I hope these courses will all be streamable on TV, and also anticipate people with all kinds of disabilities (see the "Assistive Technologies" wiki subject page at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Assistive_Technologies) - and in all 7,106+ languages - for reasons of digital access. You'll see the WUaS TV plans here at the bottom of the main SUBJECT TEMPLATE - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE - per your question.
Would you like to be executive director of WUaS and eventually potentially head/dean of the all-countries (242) WUaS Law Schools? WUaS would like to become a significant employer worldwide
(800,000-1,000,000 million hires possibly eventually)?
So WUaS might considering contributing financially to Yale OYC some years in the future (but after considering contributing financially to MIT OCW) when we become financially operational, and build on CC resources currently, first toward the undergraduate WUaS degree at "The College at WUaS -
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School#World_University_and_School_Links - accrediting on - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/audio-video-courses/.
Let's talk further too about writing grants to IBM philanthropic foundations - and perhaps with you as executive director.
WUaS's open monthly business meeting meets this Saturday (2nd Saturdays for an hour) at noon ET, presently in conference call. Would you like to join this call?
Best regards,