Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Buglosse crépue: Nov 8 2014 Monthly Business Meeting Minutes and Agenda for World University and School


Nov 8 2014 Monthly Business Meeting Minutes for World University and School

Present: Larry Viehland, Scott MacLeod (head clerk and recording clerk)

Minute –

Dirk N. – meeting with Scott in the AFSC hive meeting space in SF, and then in Cocolet cafe meeting on Thursday November 6 in Berkeley can get $5,000 for BPPE for WUaS, and possibly more for WASC senior initial fees

Minute -

Larry Viehland will begin to complete the BPPE forms

Minute –

WUaS will further draw up business planning documents:

budgeting expenses for -

- WASC senior
- Common App
- (MIT?) graduate student interns and other interns
- outreach - advertising

Minute –

Friend Rolene Walker in SF is not interested in being WUaS executive director.

Minute –

If international WUaS friends and Universitians are interested in participating in WUaS monthly business meeting, WUaS will return to holding monthly business meeting in group video conferencing, such as in Google + Hangouts.

November 8, 2014 Monthly Business Meeting Agenda for World University and School

World University and School
{Open} Business Meeting – Agenda (hour-long meeting)
Saturday, November 8, 2014
9 a.m., Pacific Time

Email here if you'd like to participate: worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com

1. Welcome and Greetings

1.1 News:


WUaS is collaborating with "The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals, ISSIP (pronounced iZip)." WUaS is helping to develop and offer ISSIP Grand Challenges (see: http://www.issip.org/grand-challenges/ and http://www.issip.org/grand-challenge-for-issip-members-and-world-university-and-school/) as a kind of service innovation. I had an hour long Google + group video conversation on Friday 10/31 with University of New Hampshire Professor of Electrical Engineering Andrzej Rucinski (and ISSIP ambassador) who spoke on behalf of the ISSIP Prescription for Poland Grand Challenge, while I spoke on behalf of World University and School as an ISSIP grand challenge. For example, Andrzej would like to engage WUaS within the ISSIP Grand Challenge's framework, and in conjunction with ISSIP executive director Yassi, which is great. Here, for example, is the Poland World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Poland - which might come into conversation in many ways with his low hanging fruit, as well as be a first example of developing a Nation State's accrediting MIT OCW-centric WUaS. 

These ISSIP Grand Challenges offer exciting possibilities for collaboration, and this is a great first example. Here are video excerpts from an hour long conversation on Friday 10/31 about two current main ISSIP Grand Challenges - 

WUaS is re-scheduling its "Brainstorming - "Information Technology, the Network Society, and the Global University"" course from Saturdays to Tuesdays from 11a-1p - see: http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2014/09/information-technology-network-society.html. Participants are welcome in an ongoing way. Come explore Harvard's virtual island in Second Life by getting an avatar, and also join in a Google + group video Hangout to see what they're like, and learn about the information age.

BPPE documentation  (Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education in the state of California) is next to be submitted toward WUaS accreditation toward receiving undergraduate applications for this autumn 2015 for free (since C.C.) MIT OCW-centric bachelors’ degrees. 

Students will be taking 32 of these courses over 4 years - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/audio-video-courses/ - for free (C.C.) and MIT-centric, online, accrediting, WUaS undergraduate degrees, in English, (then in other languages - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/). 

The College at World University and School - 

1.2 Minutes

2. Committees

2.1 Planning committee

see Master plan and Business plan below


2.2 Finance

Treasurer's report for October 2014

Dirk N.

WUaS's business model relies on people donating

WUaS's main risk is that we're not successful ...
this is a high risk proposition

If we were to get a loan of $20,000
and we ultimately failed, a lender could lose $20,000 -
you could lose a lot of money

In terms of credentials ... say we don't get become an accredited school school

So, again WUaS's business model relies on people donating

where people can write off donations as 501 c 3, and which tax write offs could be much more of a savings than any possible loan which we could default on at your loss, and which isn't also in our business model

Before WUaS's accepts the money, you've got to realize how how risky doing so is as a loan, but by donating money to WUaS, he would save 1/3rd of this money from taxes - but losing such money would only happen after WUaS's fail ...

WUaS will further draw up a document ...

budget expense for (MIT?) graduate student and other interns

budget expense for outreach - advertising

2.3 Information Technology

Scott installed database at worlduniversityandschool.org

Brimeura: "IBM Global University Director Jim Spohrer writes:" - MacLeod IBM global university faculty 1 page proposal Spohrer, Artificial Intelligence developments viz. parallel computation, big data, and better algorithms

Aquilegia: "In what ways might it be possible to explore beginning a new Wikidata/Wikipedia languages' complementary project with the languages engineering team, namely CC World University and School, which is like CC Wikipedia with CC MIT OCW (planned for 7,106+ languages and 242+ countries)?", Saving, preserving and generating knowledge in all languages (7,106 languages - 287 Wikipedia languages = 6,819+ other languages) as online MIT OCW-centric wiki schools

2.4 WUaS Outreach

Autumn 2014 planning


need students -

Woolman Semester gap semester outreach ?

Western Friend magazine parent outreach ...

- apply to BPPE and pay initial fees

- apply to WASC senior and pay initial fees -

- apply to Common Application, first becoming member of the NACAC (National Association for College Admission Counseling) - http://www.nacacnet.org/ in January 2015

2.5 Hiring planning

John M. - executive director?

2.6 Fundraising

- Have offer of $5,000 to pay for BPPE fees

2.7 Nominating committee

Seeking committee members, facilitators and recorders

2.8 Languages' and Countries’ committee

Andrzej R.? - Poland, Polish

Gerard M.? - Holland, Dutch

Joan O.? - Kenya, Swahili

Larry M.? - Tunisia

2.9 Accreditation committee


WASC senior

Common Application / NACAC - how to get on their list of schools? Costs?

Become member of NACAC for Common Application

3. WUaS Master Plan

4. WUaS Business Plan

5.  WUaS Board

- is looking for a new Board member to focus WUaS fundraising

6. New WUaS pages and updates

a. Updates:

b. New pages:

c. Blog entries:

November 7, 2014

Brimeura: "IBM Global University Director Jim Spohrer writes:" - MacLeod IBM global university faculty 1 page proposal Spohrer, Artificial Intelligence developments viz. parallel computation, big data, and better algorithms

November 5, 2014

Bindweed: Has WUaS "considered the idea of a payment to Yale for the right to use one or more of their courses on your World University site"?, Creative Commons' licensed knowledge generativity, Non CC Yale Schools and Yale OYC, Hope these courses will all be streamable on TV and also anticipate people with all kinds of disabilities (see WUaS "Assistive Technologies," toward the undergraduate WUaS degree at "The College at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School#World_University_and_School_Links - accrediting on - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/audio-video-courses/, WUaS's open monthly business meeting meets this Saturday

November 4, 2014

Carum flowers: What hoops do you have to hop before asking for accreditation?

November 2, 2014

Marsh Earwort: WUaS, ISSIP Grand Challenges, Conversation, "Poland World University and School," and low hanging fruit

October 31, 2014

Aquilegia: "In what ways might it be possible to explore beginning a new Wikidata/Wikipedia languages' complementary project with the languages engineering team, namely CC World University and School, which is like CC Wikipedia with CC MIT OCW (planned for 7,106+ languages and 242+ countries)?", Saving, preserving and generating knowledge in all languages (7,106 languages - 287 Wikipedia languages = 6,819+ other languages) as online MIT OCW-centric wiki schools

October 24, 2014

Lonicera Ciliosa Honeysuckle: Poland World University and School, Prescription for Poland Grand Challenge at ISSIP, WUaS Grand Challenge, Looking forward to further co-constituting conversation about our Grand Challenges, One example of how many of all 242 Country World University and Schools may begin

7. SF f/Friends/Quaker WUaS developments

Dirk N. - AFSC hive meeting space in SF
Cocolet cafe meeting on Thursday November 6 in Berkeley
can get $5,000 for BPPE for WUaS

Sue R - Tanzania - pilot WUaS school in Dar Es Salam?

Ellen L - Belgium - I.B. math

Jared B. New Resource - and WUaS online bookstore and SFFM?

WUaS students -
Woolman Semester events
Western Friend magazine
outreach - advertising

Friend Rolene Walker is not interested in being WUaS executive director.

Michelle at SFFM - Genent. clinical trials? ... WUaS is a Friendly-informed 501 c 3

8. Closure

9. Next Meeting - Saturday, December 13, 2014, 9 am Pacific Time

Scott MacLeod

President and Head Clerk



Buglosse crépue: Nov 8 2014 Monthly Business Meeting Minutes and Agenda for World University and School

November 8, 2014 Monthly Business Meeting Agenda for World University and School

Apid den Bermejo: November 8, 2014 Monthly Business Meeting for World University and School (open, electronically-mediated and hour-long), ISSIP-WUaS Grand Challenges, "Brainstorming - "Information Technology, the Network Society, and the Global University"", MIT OCW-centric "The College at World University and School"



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