A friend emails to inquire how to teach at WUaS -
Might we turn Bretton Woods IV into an on-line seminar, no less, for World University & School?
Hi Stuart,
That we ask, dear friend, World University and School’s blessed founder.
: )
P.S. Your angle of vision we do welcome, Scott.
Hi Stuart, Miha, Allen and Otto,
"Might we turn Bretton Woods IV into an on-line seminar, no less, for World University & School?"
Yes, please. if you turned this into an online seminar, I'd invite you/us to add it to wiki (open editable web pages) MIT OCW-centric World University and School here in the "Banking and Money" subject - http://worlduniversity.wikia. com/wiki/Banking_and_Money for example - or here at one of the WUaS Economics' subject pages (check out the MIT OCW here:) - http://worlduniversity.wikia. com/wiki/Economics#World_ University_and_School_Links - or also to start your own Subject page (http://worlduniversity.wikia. com/wiki/Subjects) at open wiki MIT OCW-centric World University and School.
Knowing this medium better than I, what would you advise as the best way to proceed, in order:
1) To make the Bretton Woods Convocation available to interested “viewers” across the world?
2) To help get the word out?
I look forward to this possible step.
1) a link to a web page with the Bretton Woods Convocation would work well for this, and then adding it as a reference to the "Banking and Money" wiki subject page at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Banking_and_Money - or to a similar page;
2) emailing all of your networks about this Bretton Woods Convocation, with its link, and with a link to the World University and School page where it can be found.
Eventually, another format to develop these Bretton Woods Convocation ideas further could be a video conversation, or interview, in a Google + group video Hangout between a number of you about this topic. Here's a video interview by Sahar of Ethan and Rebecca, founders of Global Voices Online (emerging from Harvard about ten years ago) - "GV Face: Celebrating 10 Years of Global Voices with our Co-founders Rebecca and Ethan" ... http://globalvoicesonline.org/2014/12/08/gv-face-celebrating-10-years-of-global-voices-with-our-co-founders-rebecca-and-ethan/ - as one example. Google + Hangouts can be saved to individuals' Youtube channels - e.g. here's WUaS's Youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldUnivandSch. As another kind of example, here are some Youtube videos of Otto teaching - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=otto+sharmer. Otto has taught online for both MIT OCW and MITx and he, or people in his networks, might be particularly knowledgeable about getting things posted to the web in other ways.
GV Face: Celebrating 10 Years of Global Voices with our Co-founders Rebecca and Ethan