Dear WUaS Board members and sporadic Universitians,
I just added and updated a 4th business plan prong under Strategies at WUaS Guidestar page - organizations/27-3105368/ world-university-school.aspx - namely :
"- an Academic Press - http://worlduniversity.wikia. com/wiki/Academic_Press_at_ World_University_and_School - as well as academic journals planned for many of all 7,106+ languages."
... and updated a little here to the already existing 3 prongs under the Impact:Strategies' section -
"WUaS's Business Plan (http://worlduniversity.wikia. com/wiki/Business_Plan) as a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization includes:
- fundraising from individuals, foundations, companies and governments plus, both in the U.S. and internationally;
- an online bookstore / computer store for text- and course books, and learning resources, planned for all 7,106+ languages;
- collaboration financially with governments in all 242+ countries in main languages in them, for free (since CC) and MIT OCW-centric University (Bachelor, Ph.D. Law, M.D., and I.B.), and high school, degrees."
In addition to the WUaS information already posted, please check out the Guidestar pages themselves because they will provide useful structure to WUaS as we engage them further.
a fifth prong is lesson instruction beyond the wiki pages at the C.C. Music School at WUaS - - for MIT OCW-centric online free undergraduate and Ph.D. degrees (like Julliard on the ground) ...
Claire, I find shopping online at Amazon easy, sometimes less expensive than most other online or on-the-ground options, and convenient to the door ... also their selection is good, they carry a number of vendors' goods, and they are in number of languages.
Nontheist F/friends,
Thanks for the sales information and dollar figures, and for this conversation, about the book "Godless for God's Sake" ... what a great title. I used to work in the Pendle Hill bookstore for around 2 1/2 years, I think, in the late 1980s, - and wonder whether they carry this book now, as well.
(... I write this with C.C. MIT OCW-centric Friendly-informed and NtF-informed wiki accrediting World University and School planning both an online bookstore/computer store (new and used) in most, if possible, of 7,106 languages - http://worlduniversity. Computer_Store_%28New_%26_ Used%29_at_WUaS - as well as an academic press - http://worlduniversity. at_World_University_and_ School#World_University_and_ School_Links .
Friendly regards,