Logan (and Judy and Jason),
Thank you! It's momentous to have installed MediaWiki as well as to have set up the "universitian" database in MySQL - and a long time in coming, Logan.
You were key last night in opening these warm springs that I think will flow into wiki rivers in all 7.870+ languages and 242+ countries/regions with CC best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare degrees in large languages.
Jason and Judy - very nice to see you again and thank you too for your great facilitation in all of this.
See you next Wednesday, March 11, at Hacknight SF.
Thank you!
Best beginning of a virtual Harbin and a realistic interactive virtual earth, - or?,
Ocean in Google Earth
Explore the Ocean in Google Earth with Sylvia Earle (2011)
Liking that it's based on Google Earth's information technology and Navy topographic maps' realism
liking that it's multiply extensible
liking that it's the basis - an IT structure and method - for creating a whole virtual earth and cosmos even - with URL video "realism" which I think will eventually become interactive too
liking the language, including sexual innuendo
liking the implications of this for the upcoming tourism studies' conference in Geneva in June 2015
liking the inflection of the voice of the narrative
liking the National Geographic and other video clips' collaboration with Google, ~ as if one could open a portal into any place in the world ...
liking the OpenSimulator-like overlay of Google Earth - which is therefore build-able by all of us, in almost a kind of wiki-way ... and which therefore can have eventually realistic avatars ...
liking the STEM evolutionary biology, geography, archaeology, history, naturalism ... all academia ...
What are other approaches equally great from other big innovative companies like Google?
Could WUaS create a complementary virtual earth out of this eventually?
And could I show this Ocean in Google Earth video above to Harbin to inquire whether we could all focus on developing a virtual Harbin based on this?
Great, President Obama ... Can wiki World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - become a significant jobs' producer around the world ... by "exporting" free CC online degrees with best STEM-centric education (eg MIT OCW and Yale OYC ... and edX?) ? And can WUaS create 1 million academic jobs (twice the size of IBM) and careers and become the Harvard-Stanford-Oxbridge of the internet in all 7,870 + languages and 242 + countries - and by hiring significantly in multi-lingual America? Online academic jobs are very environmentally sensible!
A significant jobs' producer around the world - by exporting free CC online degrees with best STEM-centric education (eg MIT OCW and Yale OYC ... and edX?) via wiki World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/? Can WUaS create 1 million academic jobs (twice the size of IBM) and careers and become the Harvard Stanford Oxbridge of the internet in all 7,870 + languages and 242 + countries?