Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Peregrine falcon: Rebuilding Society Anew in the Information Age and with Cognitive Assistants, References from our conversation for David, Starting languages from scratch, WUaS and degrees and Universal Translator as language generator


Hi David, 

Here are the references we discussed as well as several other - only offered for big picture inspiration (not practical in other words): 

(1) Sic Itur Ad Astra - by Andrew J. Galambos (design of a society with no coercion - total freedom) 

(2) Unto This Last - by John Ruskin (Gandhi read this, and it triggered his new path) 

"Unto This Last had a very important impact on Gandhi's philosophy." 

(3) Conceptual Foundations of Multidisciplinary Thinking - by Stephen J Kline (philosophers have failed us, but here is what they might have done) 

My sense is that we need people to have the ability to rapidly rebuild society from scratch - and individuals have to know and do this - as a prerequisite to be a "mature member of society" - I think we need cognitive assistants to do this.  So rapidly rebuilding to the point where people get a 3D printer, kinematic machines, and rebuild a cognitive assistant.  How rapidly could all of science be redeveloped if you knew what to measure, and how to build measurement instruments?  This is what a cognitive assistant can be training wheels for, and help get us to rebuild cognitive assistants more and more rapidly.....   see this: http://service-science.info/archives/2189 

I have not figured out an intelligent way to express the above material, so it is an emotional intuition....  someday I hope to have a rigorous story to tell. 

Besides rebuilding technology infrastructure, these people need ideas for rapidly rebuilding societal decision-architectures/institutions/governance/governments and rule systems.... 

(4) Federalist Papers 

(5) Meta-Rules and Chartered Cities 

(6) Jefferson - Agrarian Policy 

(7) The Unbounded Mind: Breaking the Chains of Traditional Business Thinking, by Ian I. Mitroff and  Harold A. Linstone

Distributed intelligence and governance are co-dependent.  Augmented local intelligence can demonstrate itself by rapidly rebuilding itself from scratch. 

From a service science perspective, the evolving ecology of nested, networked service system entities, with capabilities, constraints, rights, and responsibilities - should be able to rapidly rebuild itself from scratch while doing many distributed experiments to extend itself (progress). 

(8) Non-Zero: The Logic of Human Destiny - by Robert Wright 

“Interactions among individual genes, or cells, or animals, among interest groups, or nations, or corporations, can be viewed through the lenses of game theory. What follows is a survey of human history, and of organic history, with those lenses in place. My hope is to illuminate a kind of force – the non-zero-sum dynamic – that has crucially shaped the unfolding of life on earth so far…  In short, both organic and human history involve the playing of every-more-numerous, ever-larger, and ever-more-elaborate non-zero-sum games. It is the accumulation of these games – game upon game upon game – that constitutes the growth of biological and social complexity…” (Wright 2000, Pp. 5-7) 

The non-zero sum force is more than value co-creation, it is value co-creation plus capability co-elevation in the contact of the capability to rapidly rebuild from scratch. 

Service is the "non-zero-sum force" ... 

Service system entities/resource integrators are what exhibit the "non-zero-sum force." 

(9) Incomplete Nature: How Mind Emerged From Matter - Terrence Deacon 

(10) Bob Sutton's warning.... be careful what you wish for.... 
"The Dark Side of Scaling Up: Will You Want to Live in What You Build?" 

BTW Ruskin -> Ghandi... 

"Five great intellectual professions, relating to daily necessities of life, have hitherto existed — three exist necessarily, in every civilised nation: 

The Soldier’s profession is to defend it. 
The Pastor’s to teach it. 
The Physician’s to keep it in health. 
The lawyer’s to enforce justice in it. 
The Merchant’s to provide for it. 

And the duty of all these men is, on due occasion, to die for it. 

“On due occasion,” namely: - 

The Soldier, rather than leave his post in battle. 
The Physician, rather than leave his post in plague. 
The Pastor, rather than teach Falsehood. 
The lawyer, rather than countenance Injustice. 
The Merchant— what is his “due occasion” of death? 

It is the main question for the merchant, as for all of us. For, truly, the man who does not know when to die, does not know how to live." 

And also Ruskin wrote... 

"For wealth, instead of depending merely on a “have,” is thus seen to depend on a “can.”" 

Hence my fascination with: 

(11) "The knowing-doing gap" - by Pfeffer and Sutton 

Again, from a service science perspective, the four types of resources are - people, technology, organizations, and information.    People and technology are physical.   People and organizations have rights and responsibilities.   The capability to rapidly rebuild society from scratch seems like a responsibility/duty to me.   This is an emotional intuition.   However, I would like to make it a logic argument someday.   And I aspire to have the knowledge and put it into practice - knowing and doing.   Unlikely I will succeed. Oh well.  Dream big. 

Is there a university on the planet that could rapidly rebuild societal infrastructure from scratch?   The Munich Germany Science Museum tries to show the knowledge required to rapidly rebuild society from scratch.  Wouldn't it be great if a university graduated students who had that experience?   

My ideal society is one in which each individual demonstrates the ability to rapidly rebuild society from scratch.   This is a responsibility - a duty to self and others - that once demonstrated suggests the person appreciates the essential past, as well as is ready to push forward and make new progress.  As part of the evolving ecology of nested, networked service system entities, it also provides an answer to what is education.   

The paradox of course - is that in the old days some people actually had this knowledge and demonstrated it... See Alone In The Wilderness - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYJKd0rkKss - granted the level was lower than all of societal infrastructure of today.  Today we suffer from the knowledge burden - so much knowledge some say education and innovation is getting harder - http://www.nber.org/papers/w11360 - rapidly rebuilding societal infrastructure provides a speedier path for re-deriving all of knowledge.  And sets the stage for the 6 R's of learning - http://service-science.info/archives/2096 

Dear Jim, David, and Irene,

Very nice to meet you and thanks for a timely, topical and strategic HATs presentation, Irene. Thanks too, Jim, for these fascinating thoughts about building a great society. I hope CC World University, planned in most countries' main languages for accrediting CC university degrees - Bachelor, PhD, Law and MD, as well as high school IB (eg on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and on CC Yale OYC) will help give shape to such a society - and especially as wiki schools for open teaching and learning in ALL 7,929 languages.
As a Castellian (Manuel Castells who wrote the "Internet Galaxy" and "Rise of the Network Society" trilogy - see
http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/people/Castells/castells-con0.html), I share his definition of society in the information age emphasing for one the role of global networks, - which WUaS hopes to generate especially in terms of online best STEM centric CC MIT OCW degrees in many langages, but also in ALL languages. Online WUaS Law Schools in all countries, under one umbrella, may contribute to further rebuilding society from scratch, building on previous pre-internet law. That all of us on the internet can become producers of information distributedly is one way I also conceive of all of us being able to rebuild society from scratch as individuals.

And cognitive systems/assistants will definitely contribute to individuals (WUaS students too) being able to do this, potentially in any Subject -
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects - in every language. 

I'll look to add some of your great  resources, Jim, to some of these Subjects' pages, and invite you all to wiki-add some courses/resources.

"Is there a university on the planet that could rapidly rebuild societal infrastructure from scratch?" I think WIKI World University accrediting on MIT OCW in 7 languages and large languages, will make a significant contribution to rebuilding society from scratch, and also network together all greatest universities - see this list of these great universities under "University course listings" here - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Courses#University_and_individual_courses - which WUaS will aggregate from, and in large languages especially.

Thank you again Irene, Jim and David, and I'm curious to explore further with you how All countries will donate to WUaS for their students attending accrediting World University compared with a $44,000 per year MIT undergraduate degree - for free since CC WUaS university online degrees (eg will governments in Sweden pay close to $44,000 per year for 50 students in English to start while governments in India pay $10,000 per year for 100 students)?

My laptop is down presently but more later about your great visions when it's up.



Wouldn't it be a hoot to rebuild language from scratch in the process.... nothing new under the sun though - Esperanto -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esperanto 

(David, please send to our friend 1/4 inner mongolian - sorry I do not have his card or email) 


Jim, Irene, David and Xiao,

Yes and great ... An AI-informed Universal Translator for all 7,929 languages (plus invented, dead and other languages) may generate the resources to do this - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_Universal_Translator - eg to create languages anew.

I'd share my ISSIP presenation about an Universal Translator and your good idea, Jim, of building this partly around a driving guidebook with test in many languages, but I can't easily access it since my laptop is down, but I just recalled it's on the above U.T.wiki page and here -

Greetings, Xiao! Are you by any chance on the Wikidata developers' email list (and re a CC Universal Translator)?

Best regards,



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