Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Ailanthus altissima (Paradise Tree): MINUTES and Agenda World University Monthly Business Meeting, August 8, 2015, Draft letter to Stanford University President Hennessey inquiring about Stanford incubating World University at the Bachelor, Ph.D. Law and M.D. degree levels


August 8 2015 Monthly Business Meeting MINUTES and Agenda for World University and School

Present: Larry Viehland, Scott MacLeod (presiding clerk and recording clerk)


Minute 1: 

Scott will email Wikidata about finding a possible “Wikidatan volunteer coder” to be part of the team for a WUaS Knight Foundation grant proposal due to be submitted by August 17, 2015.

Minute 2: 

Scott will begin teaching on Saturday, September 19, 2015 - not September 12th -  "Information Technology, the Network Society and the Global University" on Saturdays from 11 am - 1 pm PDT. 

People interested in taking this free open online course can read the first chapter of "INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION: A SOCIAL AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE" (Routledge 2014) by Columbia University Professor Hugh Cline (who has a Harvard Ph.D. in the social sciences) accessible here - http://www.hughcline.com/?page_id=89 .

Further information available here:

Minute 3: 

Scott is teaching open free English as a Second Language for the next few Saturdays beginning at 11am PDT (and leading up to Saturday, September 19th’s open course on "Information Technology, the Network Society and the Global University"), accessible from this G+ Profile - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ScottMacLeodWorldUniversity/posts .  

Further information available here:

Minute 4: 

The draft letter to Stanford University President Hennessey inquiring about Stanford incubating World University at the Bachelor, Ph.D. Law and M.D. degree levels, under the new WASC senior incubation policy, is below in the agenda. 


August 8, 2015 Monthly Business Meeting Agenda for World University and School

World University and School
{Open} Business Meeting – Agenda (hour-long meeting)
August 8, 2015
9 a.m., Pacific Time

Email - info@worlduniversityandschool.org - if you'd like to participate:

1. Welcome and Greetings

1.1 News:

Dear Universitians and friends,


Here's recent and upcoming news about World University and School: 


1 World University continues to be WIKI-open for your teaching and learning enjoyment - simply teach to, create, or edit a page in a subject you're interested in here, for example - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects.

2 CC World University and School invites high school students interested in signing up for a free, since CC, and accrediting best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare degrees to apply this autumn to add your names here - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/.

3 World University's first 3 JOB listings' contracts are now confirmed as received by Reed College (for Reed students who have been awarded Federal Work Study - FWS) and these job descriptions are viewable in Reed College's Symplicity database, part of The Center for Life Beyond Reed. They are 3 Academic Tutor Intern positions which you can also see here: http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/06/greater-rhea-just-posted-3-new-reed.html

4 Last Saturday CC WUaS had a half hour Skype-talk with Q.G., a Spanish Wikimedian (CC Wikipedia's foundation), who has now returned to live in Europe from the SF Bay Area, about WUaS developing in CC Wikidata's inter-lingual database and is continuing to explore wiki-developing in conjunction with Wikidata's 288 languages, - and planning for all 7,929+ languages, each a wiki school. WUaS seeks to develop "a Wikidata volunteer team" for an upcoming Knight Foundation grant. 

5 WUaS submitted a Google Impact Challenge grant | Bay Area on July 23rd and should hear by October. 

6 WUaS talked today, August 6, with Dartmouth's Tuck Business School about its First-Year Project (FYP) consulting program and will explore updating WUaS's business plan with a new business item for careers/"manpower" in all 8,000 languages for our students, graduates and others - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2015/07/wuass-business-plans-7-foci-updated-in.html.  

7 Scott will be teaching the open free "Information Technology, the Network Society and the Global University" on Saturdays from 11 am - 1 pm PDT beginning on September 12 on Harvard's virtual island and in Google group video Hangouts - and newly in Google Classroom, and exploring Columbia Professor Hugh Cline's new book "Information Communication Technology and Social Transformation: A Social and Historical Perspective." See, for example - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJIy6LpZLeI . Developing your own blog relating to class resources will be a key part of this course. All are welcome. 




This month we'll meet in Free Conference Call.

Free Conference Call number is - - and the 
Access Code is - 

The agenda for the upcoming August 8th, 2015 WUaS, monthly, business meeting is here -

1.2 Minutes

2. Committees

2.1 Planning committee


Scott will postpone beginning teaching his course this autumn from September 12 to begin September 19th from 11 am-1 pm PDT.

We'll also use the first chapter of the Columbia Hugh Cline's book available here for free - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Information_Communication_Technology.

see Master plan and Business plan below


2.2 Finance

Treasurer's report for July 2015


WUaS has the Guidestar (affiliated with the IRS) Gold Label -

2.3 Information Technology


Hi Quim,  Very nice to Skype with you just now about World University and School, and eventually accessing Wikidata in many many languages, as well as about Wiki Loves Open Data.  Here's an email to you and Jane Darnell in my blog from around July 3, with the all the main subject areas that World University and School would like to make into Templates - to donate to and get data from Wikidata - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/07/impatiens-species-structuring- world.html.  In this central WUaS SUBJECT_TEMPLATE - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE - which informs almost all pages at wiki WUaS, you'll find a number of data and Wikidata sections for aggregating all kinds of databases that computers can read, and planned in all nation states' main languages, for example (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nation_States and http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Languages).  Thank you again for our real-time meeting in Skype. What WUaS would be very interested in is a team of one or two people, one a Wikidata coder who could help develop a prototype of the above - "a Wikidata volunteer team" - that I could enter into the WUaS Knight Foundation grant due August 17. Thank you, and cheers.  Best, Scott

Email draft to Q.G.

"In WUaS applying to the Knight Foundation to their Prototype Fund, we’d like to try to coordinate with another organization, Wikimedia, which you said funded by the same Foundation."

Could we possibly develop a small nation-state-specific pilot program in the Netherlands and in Dutch, for example, with country-specific databases in that country such as with the Dutch Wikimedia in terms of databases

WUaS is seeking a "a Wikidata volunteer team" and wonder whether Magnus Manske might be one name we could add to the grant, or also possibly Serge Strattan or Georg Wild (both at TU Dresden) as Wikidata volunteers?


Waiting to hear back from Google Impact Challenge Grant | Bay Area re Googlifying WUaS

2.4 WUaS Outreach


Waiting to hear back from Google Impact Challenge Grant | Bay Area re Googlifying WUaS


2.5 Hiring planning


World University's first 3 JOB listings' contracts are now confirmed as received by Reed College (for Reed students who have been awarded Federal Work Study - FWS) and these job descriptions are viewable in Reed College's Symplicity database, part of The Center for Life Beyond Reed. They are 3 Academic Tutor Intern positions which you can also see here: http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/06/greater-rhea-just-posted-3-new-reed.html.

2.6 Fundraising

Knight Foundation grant .... need "a Wikidatan volunteer team"

Proposal draft to L

2.7 Nominating committee

Seeking committee members, facilitators and recorders

2.8 Languages' and Countries’ committee

plan for students who's English is marginal - please attend these Language Google Hangouts

bilingual degrees?

2.9 Accreditation committee


Dear President Hennessy, 

I'm writing to explore possibly meeting with you to talk about Stanford University incubating World University and School, and in regards to a new incubation policy from WASC senior. World University is like Wikipedia with best STEM OpenCourseWare, and planning to accredit on CC MIT OpenCourseWare in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC, to offer online accrediting university degrees. WUaS would like to explore becoming incubated by Stanford for accreditation re the accreditation agencies' WASC Senior (which accredits Stanford), and the state of California's BPPE, - and for Bachelor, Ph.D., Law and MD degrees, first in English, then in most countries in their main languages. President Hennessy, in what ways might it be possible to best communicate further about Stanford becoming an incubator of World University? 

WUaS would like to explore being incubated by Stanford, just as Stanford has incubated so many companies in a variety of ways over the last century, engaging Stanford's infrastructure and degrees in many ways, including its Stanford China Guiding Cases Project (directed by Mei Gechlik - https://www.law.stanford.edu/profile/mei-gechlik) and its student-driven Law Projects (directed by Erik Jensen - https://www.law.stanford.edu/profile/erik-g-jensen) in Afghanistan, Bhutan, Timor-Leste, and Iraq, by offering, for example, online Law Schools in main languages in all countries, as well as engaging Stanford's admissions' and IT departments, - and seek online applicants at World University this autumn 2015 to matriculate online in autumn 2016. 

Stanford would benefit from some fraction of the $44,000/year per student it costs for tuition to go to Harvard, donated by countries around the world. World University seeks to become the Harvard MIT of the internet and accrediting in all countries main languages. 

Here's the WASC senior incubation policy update - http://www.cooley.com/new-pathways-for-unaccredited-entities-and-non-institutional-education-providers?MailKey=9163118 - of May 12, 2015, from UC Hastings' Professor of Law, Bill Wang, if that might be helpful. I can also share another related Cooley Report update from him from July 9th, relating to BPPE oversight, if that would also be helpful. 

If we might explore this idea further with time, whom might you suggest talking to at Stanford about Undergraduate Admissions (http://admission.stanford.edu/academic/programs/index.html), Graduate Admissions (https://studentaffairs.stanford.edu/gradadmissions), Stanford Law School Admissions' (https://www.law.stanford.edu/organizations/offices/office-of-admissions), Stanford Medical School Admissions https://med.stanford.edu/md-admissions.html, as well as Stanford Music School Admissions' (https://music.stanford.edu/academics/graduate-students/prospective-graduates/admissions)? 

I know, for example, a number of Stanford Law Professors including Hank Greely in the SLS - https://twitter.com/HankGreelyLSJU - but don't know its Dean. 

World University and School would like to become a major academic employer in all 7,929 languages, and the Harvard/MIT of the internet in all 200 countries' main languages (accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC to begin and for planning purposes), and significantly hire Stanford and other greatest universities' graduates in multiple languages to teach, and practice law and medicine, for example, for online accredited University degrees. 

Thank you very much for your consideration of this inquiry, President Hennessy, and I hope Stanford would consider exploring incubating World University, and even beginning this autumn in English, with student applying to WUaS. 

Thank you. 




WASC senior

Common Application / NACAC - how to get on their list of schools? Costs?

Become member of NACAC for Common Application

3. WUaS Master Plan

4. WUaS Business Plan

5.  WUaS Board

- is looking for a new Board member to focus WUaS fundraising

6. New WUaS pages and updates

a. Updates:

b. New pages:


c. Blog entries:

Puffins on St Kilda: Celtic ... Scottish ... hints of India even - "Transatlantic Sessions 4...", "Scottish piping : Allan MacDonald ...", Virtual_Choir wiki subject page at World University ... where you can start a choir and here at World University, Eric Whitacre in a TED Talk "A virtual choir 2,000 voices strong" ... , Eric' Whitacre's good at connecting with friends in Google Hangouts, Let's make music online paralleling Eric Whitacre's great explorations .... Music School at WUaS with Music Playing Spaces in Hangouts Ahead, All Instruments in ALL Langs, Each a Wiki pageÓ

Bonobos: A Friendly-informed WUaS's "Quaker Institute for the Future," or similar, weekly talk online coming into conversation with the form of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School at Harvard University, A Quaker Peace-Making course based on primatological videos taught at a Haverford or Swarthmore?, Saw this video this morning at Quaker Institute for the Future with Stanford Professor of Primatology, Robert Sapolsky ... "Why hierarchy creates a destructive force within the human psyche"

North American river otter: Dear Quaker Institute for the Future Friends, QIF Publications at "Economics" and "Quakers"' WUaS, "Cooperatives" and "Ocean and Climate Change Management Plan," Mondragon and Finnish Team Academy Blog Posts

Myrtus communis: Ten things to talk with about WUaS to Donors, 1) "No-cost, accredited degree-track credits," 2) ... Three aspects of a clear, demonstrable and efficacious structure at WUaS - "supporting documentation" - "previous fundraising successes" - "some actual personnel" - Yep ... baby steps ... What you mention also already exist, albeit in very limited ways

Trillium: Oxford Business School (Said), WUaS is Creative Commons' licensed-centric, Service Innovation Triangle (SIT) Model - and information-focused companies, CC WUaS will accredit on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC in all nation states -http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nation_States - if possible for free university degrees while also developing wiki schools in CC Wikipedia's new CC Wikidata database in all 7,900 + languages - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Languages - where Wikipedia is in 288 + languages and we all wrote it , Here are the current main business/revenue plans

Northern muriqui: Loving and becoming tender ... I'm curious as an anthropologist how Friendly discourse or culture can generate love, care and tenderness

Lily Pond: Digital Marketing Course from Google, eMarketing and a WUaS best STEM course?, How to create a new WUaS Digital Marketing course for our undergraduate degree, 7 MIT OCW Marketing Courses from Sloan School of Management none of them for undergraduates, WUaS's undergraduate best CC STEM "Business" Major - Stokes, Rob. 2014 DIGITAL MARKETING TEXTBOOK (5th edition) - How to crowdsource the ideas for a course which would teach MASTERY of this subject to undergraduates for free and effectively, building on Google, and the amazing number of Twitter social marketing feeds, as well as inter-lingually?, As I watch this Grateful Dead introduction to the 1978 New Years' Eve show for free on Youtube, I see a lot of good examples of eMarketing ... long after the Dead have passed on ... they're marketing hippies of the 1960s

Peaks: Sing the Sun, Heard Harbin's Sun~Heart called Strong-Heart ... while World Uni singing

Congolese forests: Returning to Harbin after many weeks away, A kind of Yoga dreaming, A crossing over that Congolese river into Bonobo jungles in Africa, metaphorically ... where here the "river" is that of Mt St Helena just north of the Napa Valley ... and Harbin is on the Bonobo side, whereas the "chimpanzees" could be on the Bay Area side ... Field work ... ethnographic meditating in the Harbin warm pool ahead ... But not explicitly about the Bonobo_chimpanzee Subject at WUaS, although I explore Bonobo conceptualizations in my 400 actual - virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic manuscript ... Would Oxford publish my manuscript?

Bird pairs: If Google Publisher works out ... Anticipating translating my Harbin book in many many languages, A WUaS universal translator, An Academic Press at WUaS in ALL 7,929 languages, Anticipating an interactive 3D film-realistic build-able Google Earth as ethnographic field site, For ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, - this would be best, And all even as a strategic partnership with Google (and with CC Wikimedia's CC Wikidata too)

Syzygium: Harbin Hot Springs' Book Publisher - Recent Outline, How to look at my Harbin book as an ASSET, Just heard back from a great sociocultural Anthropology book publisher in Brooklyn NY / Oxford UK that they won't publish my Harbin Hot Springs' manuscript, Here below is the outline as well as Duncan's email, An opportunity to focus on finding / developing a publisher that fully integrates the web, including virtual worlds, STEM and "ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy" with paper print publishing - Quaker publishers with Google Publisher with World University and School's Academic Press (planned in all 7,929 languages)

Red Fox - Grey Fox: MIT Tech Review's "The Skeptic: Stanford's John Hennessy,""India Loves MOOCs,""China's startup boom in online learning,""The Believer: Duke's Sally Kornbluth," World University and School can facilitate excellence in all these learning spheres ... Admissions at WUaS - Students! ... Sign Up here - http://worlduniversityandschool.org

Pinar Sierra de Guadarrama: Two NEW Flyers - WUaS Free, Creative Commons’ licensed (CC), Online BACHELOR Degrees Accrediting in California on best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare, SIGN UP HERE ... ... Scottish Small Piping Weddings, Celebrations & Surprise Events San Francisco, East Bay & Northern California

Mount Whitney: A realistic virtual earth for historical climate change "ice shelf" questions etc and a virtual Harbin (in a developing Google Earth), Threshold Effect & Rapid Ice Cap melt? - Here appears to be a key answer: It's hard to say whether meters of ocean rising could occur in this century or subsequent centuries, but it's very important to do better science and especially modeling for this - A key recent paper, New York Times -- Sea Level Questions and Answers: http://youtu.be/1Dqar1x-F70?a, And in conjunction with a virtual Harbin, such STEM virtual world modeling - historically and predictive-wise too - gets into very very complex virtual Earth building ... * What a cool STEM-centric far-reaching Harbin virtual world and virtual earth this will become!

Mount Muir: Lovely Kathryn Tickell - 'Air Moving' video here (her narrative style is a little like Angela's) ... Haven't yet found a good example of her on Northumbrian Smallpipes with just keyboard but I'm looking, How to "Begin Re-evaluation Counseling” is all quite familiar, Nothing about the unconscious as a language per Jacques Lacan though in RC theory which I've found so far, How can we make music together explicitly to elicit neural cascades of pleasure, I wonder? What's the sheet music notation for this? Curious who may organize Reevaluation Counseling among students at World University and School for learning, and counseling, beyond in any specific class ... and based on what further theory?, Counseling at WUaS

Mt Banner and Thousand Island Lake: Hope World University and School's application to the Google Impact Challenge | Bay Area will help a lot of SF Bay Area High Schoolers with free (since CC) best STEM-centric college degrees which are enjoyable and excellent, Thank you, Google Impact Challenge | Bay Area!

Sky pilot (Polemonium eximium): A PUBLISHER for my first Harbin book - BERGHAHN PRESS, An Endless Garden of Creativity ... and in combination with a virtual EARTH for STEM research based on making a virtual Harbin, in a kind of film-realistic interactive buildable Google Earth, such as here, Click on this link to Visit the Harbin Gate now in Google Earth, and walk down the road - with "Big Foot" steps - to Middletown, California here, Virtual Earth for STEM research will hopefully be Google-made ... See too both of these recent Harbin exploration blog posts

Prunus avium: This is VERY funny, and it illustrates some of the complexities of meaning in learning a language, World University plans to offer a wiki school in each of all 7,929 languages, - many of which are started here - but not yet in their languages (except for the CC MIT OCW in 7 languages) with an invitation to begin and teach these universities IN these languages, Where's the Universal Translator of binary, in voice, when you need it?

Palisades in Sierras: "U.S. vs. Hackers: Still Lopsided Despite Years of Warnings and a Recent Push," MIT OpenCourseWare Press Conference - April 4, 2001, Google has the know-how and is scalable unlike any other computer organization in terms of making the internet secure in ways that are sensible for many many stakeholders, - and WUaS planning to be in all 7,929 languages will make World University with Google - if at all possible please - an important player in all of this, Edit, too, Hacking at WUaS

Plumeria: Just added "Telemedicine puts a doctor virtually at your bedside"… to the Digital Medical School at WUaS, Seeking to a) "Googlify" World University this week ... and then b) "Wikidata" it in all 7,929 languages and then c) "Stanford" it in terms of accreditation, all the while remaining d) Creative Commons' licensed - being CC - re e) CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC

Tiara: WUaS's Business Plan's SEVEN Foci - Updated, In all 7,929 languages and 242 countries, MIT OCW, Yale OYC ...1) Fundraising for 501 (c) (3) WUaS, 2) Bookstore/Computer Store, 3) Governments' collaboration for CC Academic Degrees, 4) Academic Press, 5) Non CC Music lessons and tutoring, 6) universal broadband internet connectivity 7) all-language academic online manpower jobs' source for our graduates, By simply coding this in the upcoming "You at WUaS" database - (for 5.4 billion wiki-people in all 242+ countries?) - for matriculated students especially, and planning for all 7,929 languages, perhaps WUaS can plan to become the best online academic manpower source over time and in all languages, World University's 10% Fundraising Letter of Agreement

Tansy: 100 words' Elevator Pitch for World University and School, WUaS is the solution to a lack of highest quality universal education

Zanzibar red colobus: WUaS's Need for Fundraising, 6 Main WUaS Business Foci, Plus 1 New One - of planning to become an all-language academic online manpower jobs' source for our graduates and others, Daily Guidestar email http://trust.guidestar.org/, How a Director of Corporate Relations' position works, As WUaS Development begins to develop a track record we will need to hire one, 7 Main Business Plan Foci

Pygmy three-toed sloth: Mission of World University, WUaS clarifying ideas and helpful questions, e.g. "I don't understand perhaps the stipulations of OCW, Wiki- and CC-licensed terms"> FAQs at WUaS, "Counseling,""Finding / creating a job you really love,""Career counseling,""WUaS Job hunting," WUaS will be offering free since CC online degrees that would otherwise cost $44,000 per year at a MIT or a Stanford, and seek to further great learning as well.

Bellis perennis: In what ways will WUaS successfully build in Pandora Music's thumbs up/down at accrediting WUaS with CC MIT OCW in VIDEO in 7 languages & CC YALE OYC? How to integrate this into the Conference Method online? And for the Music of Learning? In what ways will this be best coded for in the wiki side of World University and for inter-lingual study of how students learn, and how courses and learning can be more and more enjoyable and also lead to interesting careers?

Peregrine falcon: Rebuilding Society Anew in the Information Age and with Cognitive Assistants, HAT - Hub of All Things, As a Castellian I share his definition of society in the information age emphasing for one the role of global networks, References from our conversation for David, Starting languages from scratch, WUaS and degrees and Universal Translator as language generator

Fertile biomes: "Maintaining Institutional Pension Responsibilities" presentation at Friends Association for Higher Education

Indian crested porcupine: Free high school chem A.P. online ... and forty other FREE high school courses at edX ... World University would like to develop with the I.B. standard high school standard (building on AP) and in all countries and languages

Gouldian Finch: Great to have Press about my upcoming Actual - Virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic book. Thank you - and PRESS online for World University, Virtual World blog posts ... In my actual-virtual NAKED HARBIN ethnographic book, the publishing of which I hope will involve sharing audio transcripts online from Harbin ... and in which I also come into conversation with Tom Boellstorff's "Coming of Age in Second Life"

Wild columbine: July 11, 2015 Minutes (and Agenda) for Monthly Business Meeting for World University and School

7. SF f/Friends/Quaker WUaS developments

Attended Quaker Institute for the Future this past week meeting at Berkeley's Pacific School of Religion.


WUaS has added the "Quaker Institute for the Future" approximately 37 publications to the Quakers' wiki subject page at World University -

Quakers - Religious Society of Friends:

- and it's their goal to make their publications more widely available.

Ongoing conversation with SFFM and SF Bay Area Friends about WUaS.

8. Closure

9. Next WUaS Monthly Business Meeting - Saturday, September 12, 2015, 9 am Pacific Time

Scott MacLeod

President and Presiding Clerk
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org
- 415 480 4577
- PO Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516

- World University and School - like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization, both effective April 2010.

A tree of solace for cancer patients


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