Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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California Quail: My "Naked Harbin" ethnography engages anthropological theory in the following ways, Google Earth/Maps added my photo of the Harbin gate here which I had added as an experiment in ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, and it worked, Now how can academics in all disciplines - e.g. Archaeologists / Anthropologists / Marine Biologists etc., begin to add their unique data, photos and video footage etc. decade by decade?


Dear Bill,

Thanks very much - and especially to be a reviewer for an academic press, since you've visited Harbin and are a Professor of Anthropology. I'll bring my full 147,000 word ethnographic manuscript to completion.
My "Naked Harbin" ethnography engages anthropological theory in the following ways:

1) comes into direct conversation, carefully and in a scholarly way, with Boellstorff's "Coming of Age in Second Life: An Anthropologist Explores the Virtually Human" (Princeton 2008), as method and as theory (and I appreciate Boellstorff's approaches to anthropological theory in his book);

2) examines in innovative ways how the making of a field site for actual / virtual comparison might contribute to developments in anthropological theory;

3) engages anthropological field theory in terms of field work, field site, place and the virtual e.g. "multi-sited ethnography" (Ferguson and Gupta);

4) posits a new addition to anthropological theory, something I'm calling "ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy" - See, too a recent outline to the Berghahn Press about this and "Naked Harbin" and related anthropological literature here -

Check out visiting the Harbin Gate here in Google Earth/Maps -


- and while you can't go into Harbin here, "walk" down the Harbin road to Middletown. Google Earth/Maps will likely become my field site for my next Harbin book as it develops.

Thank you again for your correspondence.



On 8/20/15 7:27 AM, William Beeman wrote:
Dear Scott, I would be happy to review the manuscript for any press that is interested. Let me suggest that you continue to work on a full manuscript. For academic presses, a strong tie to anthropological theory will be essential.



William O. Beeman Professor and Chair, Department of Anthropology
University of Minnesota 395 HHH Center 301 19th Avenue S.
Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612) 625-3400 wbeeman@umn.edu

academic website: http://www.williambeeman.com blog:
http://www.wbeeman.com download publications:


Google Earth/Maps added my photo of the Harbin gate here - 

- which I had added as an experiment in ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, and it worked. 

I noted this attempt in my blog post of Wed. August 12, 2015 - 

baby Philippine flying lemur with mother (Cynocephalus volans): Might Google Earth as virtual world become a new kind of BOOK, a wiki-book even, in the future?, Dovetailing with a) a WUaS Academic Press in all 7,929+ languages, b) an universal translator in same languages, and c) selling this in the all languages' WUaS bookstore ... and d) a virtual Earth/Harbin as unfolding wiki 2nd Harbin book, New developments at Google Books: Partner Program and the Library Project, I'd also like to explore publishing "Naked Harbin" in the upcoming Academic Press at WUaS planned for all languages ... as well as anticipating a universal translator ... as well as anticipating a 2nd Harbin book, and even a new form of a book based on what I'm calling "ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy" and in relation to developing comparative actual-virtual field work at Harbin on-the-ground and in a developing Google Earth virtual world

Thank you Google Earth/Maps!

Now how can academics in all disciplines - e.g. Archaeologists / Anthropologists / Marine Biologists, etc., begin to add their unique data, photos and video footage etc. decade by decade? 


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