Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Hawaiian monk seal: Visit virtual Harbin here and now in this link, Google Earth Maps Street View, Great re my Harbin ethnography in a virtual earth - as CLASSROOM too?, Buckminster Fuller's 1963 book "No More Secondhand God," Harvard of the Internet in terms of publishing in all ~8000 languages, thanks to information technology


Earth Maps Street View, Great re my Harbin ethnography in a virtual earth - as CLASSROOM too?

Visit Harbin's gate here (and "walk" into Middletown):
https://www.google.com/maps/place/Harbin+Hot+Springs/@38.7859623,-122.6519129,3a,75y,3.07h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZvCvdrcS5wPenGS_nB4JtA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xde57c3ab0ecaa2c9!6m1!1e1 ...


Hi M,

In terms of self-publishing (where I could probably create a new - Academic Press at World University and School) - this was at the top of Google search -

It looks like Amazon's CreateSpace tops the list, goes to Kindle too but their covers aren't great, but are best pricewise ...

And I generally like Amazon, and their online communities are great and big.

On with submitting to NY or NWST Presses next ...?

Could I publish my Harbin book in a week or two, except for photo permission questions ?

To publish my Harbin book soon to paper, potentially with creating a new WUaS academic press, CreateSpace seems sensible.



Hi M,
At Meeting this morning, R shared with me Buckminster Fuller's 1963 book "No More Secondhand God." I only know of Bucky as the New England Technology-inventor thinker, who was also involved in the 1960s but iconoclastically (didn't seem really to be a hippy, for example - how to be an iconoclast in a time of iconoclasticism?) ...
I was also glad to learn of the Press which published it - Southern Illinois University Press. When I went to their website, the editor-in-chief is listed as interested in "Beat Studies" - http://commercemanager.siupress.com/images/assets/File/Submitting%20a%20Proposal.pdf - and they do publish a little anthropology, sociology and media studies, but it's not their forte. They also have a marketing staff and other the other aspects of an established press (since the 1950s).
So I think the goals in terms of publishing my Harbin book SOON are now to explore publishing with SIU by sending off a proposal with their guidelines, that ask for slightly new information from other proposals I've sent in, and at the same time edit my book to very close to a finished state. I see this a little bit as a Taoist strategy as well.
At the same time, I've found out more about DIY self-publishing with Amazon's CreateSpace publishing option, which is free (they get money when a book sells, and I saw you could pay them $39 for something related in the sign up process), including web sites with little items (ISBN etc) they'll ask for, all of which SIU or another press would ask for as well. One big question, besides marketing, with CreateSpace is whether I could simply enter in Academic Press at WUaS and the answer seems to be possibly yes - see http://www.thebookdesigner.com/2014/03/lyn-horner/ - but this seems to be ambiguous. And there possibly are marketing steps CreateSpace would help with too. 

So, thinking out loud in writing in terms of a publishing-soon strategy, I think I'm going to edit my Harbin book with focus, and also send a proposal to SIU Press, and if I hear back negatively, consider another press or creating an Academic Press at WUaS having gathering further book publishing items.

WUaS would like to create the Harvard of the Internet in terms of publishing in all ~8000 languages, thanks to information technology, so starting a WUaS press has much merit, if I hear no from SIU.

I"ll try to inquire too with Dave at Harbin about some color photos I've sent out to publishers saying I don't yet have permissions and which have the word Harbin.org writ-large on them. 

On with writing SIU's book proposal, editing my Harbin manuscript and filling out a short Cisco Innovation Grant proposal on how WUaS will "Drive the Internet of Things" with Larry.

Thanks so much for calling, and talking this morning.



CreateSpace, Lightning Source, Lulu — Where Should YOU Self-Publish Your Book: The Ultimate Resource


Top 10 Tips For Self-Publishing Print Books On Createspace


How to Create a Cover PDF for your Book


A Step-by-Step Guide to Book Publishing with Createspace



Dear Hew,
Thanks - and great to catch up. A professor at Berkeley once suggested sending a book proposal to only one (academic) press at a time, which I've done thus far (to about 10 presses!), so in the "lee" of your good suggestion, I'll plan to submit my manuscript proposal first to SIU Press, then potentially to UW, NYU, Northwestern, etc ... possibly before considering publishing with the "Academic Press at World University and School" -
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Academic_Press_at_World_University_and_School - simply by writing this into a self-publishing template's field, such as with CreateSpace. WUaS also wants to create an online bookstore -
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Bookstore_/_Computer_Store_%28New_%26_Used%29_at_WUaS - which makes your suggestion sensible as well.
That said, WUaS's Press, like WUaS itself, would like to become the Harvard Press of the Internet, in terms of prestige too, and while accrediting in all countries' main languages - so a Press as part of accrediting WUaS universities, and potentially a press in all 7900+ languages as part of wiki-schools - all thanks to IT.
On with further editing my Harbin manuscript, as I send off a proposal to SIU, and make further headway with all the related details, that would also be applicable to self-publishing at some point.

Now I have to be patient as I seek a publisher and possibly an editor at the same time!

Thank you,



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