Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Deep sea fish: WUaS MINUTES & September 12, 2015 Monthly Business Meeting AGENDA, WUaS's Annual Business Meeting will be on Saturday, October 10, 2015 at 9am PDT.



Minute 1

Scott will email completed grant applications to J.D. and D.T. who can write grants based on these and their locations in the European Union and Massachusetts. 

Minute 2

In preparing to give CC World University and School to CC Wikidata, and explore the possibility of developingCC MIT OCW's ~2300 undergraduate and graduate courses in English in CC Wikipedia's 288 languages in CC Wikidata, Scott will introduce further WUaS's Chair of the Board, L.V., and L.T., both alumni of MIT and who know each other from there from the late 1960s to generate a conversation about this. 

Minute 3

3 WUaS will delay by a year seeking our first high school applicants until autumn 2016 for online Creative Commons' licensed (so free) undergraduate degrees matriculating online at WUaS in 2017.

Minute 4

CT resigned from the Board.

Minute 5

GG also resigned from the Board.

Minute 6 

Scott's open free course "Information Technology, the Network Society and the Global University" - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.htmlbegins next Saturday, September 19th at 11am PDT on Harvard's virtual island and in Google group video Hangouts. All are welcome. 

Minute 7

WUaS will add and plan for an 8th WUaS revenue stream?

Creative Commons' licensed Virtual Earth
See:  http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/09/avalanche-lake-these-national-park.html




September 12, 2015 Monthly Business Meeting Agenda for World University and School

World University and School
{Open} Business Meeting – Agenda (hour-long meeting)
September 12, 2015
9 a.m., Pacific Time

Email - worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com - if you'd like to participate:

In preparation for World University and School's open monthly business meeting tomorrow at 9 am PDT in a G+ group video Hangout from this related G+ Profile page - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ScottMacLeodWUaS/posts (from which you should be able to click "JOIN HANGOUT" tomorrow) - I think everyone must use a Gmail address, - and have added each other to their circles.

Dear Universitians and friends,


Here's recent and upcoming news about World University and School:


1 WUaS has reached out to Stanford University's President Hennessy to inquire about Stanford incubating startup World University under a new WASC senior incubation policy - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/09/giant-panda-stanford-and-world.html.

2 WUaS is also preparing to give CC World University and School as a present to the Wikidata community for Wikidata's 3rd birthday, and in so doing is seeking to wiki-develop CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC in Wikidata (an interlingual database developed for CC Wikipedia's 288 languages) for CC accrediting university degrees - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/09/sea-foam-wikidatas-3rd-birthday-making.html.

3 WUaS may delay by a year seeking our first high school applicants to autumn 2016 for online Creative Commons' licensed (so free) undergraduate degrees matriculating online at WUaS in 2017. High schoolers, sign up here: http://worlduniversityandschool.org. CC WUaS seeks to become the Stanford / Harvard of the Internet, first in English, and accrediting on best CC STEM-centric OpenCourseWare (e.g. CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC).

4 WUaS's Annual Business Meeting will be on Saturday, October 10, 2015 at 9am PDT.

5 Scott course "Information Technology, the Network Society and the Global University" (open and free) begins next Saturday, September 19th at 11am PDT on Harvard's virtual island and in Google group video Hangouts - and probably newly in Google Classroom, and potentially using Columbia Professor Hugh Cline's new book "Information Communication Technology and Social Transformation: A Social and Historical Perspective." All are welcome. The new course web page and syllabus for this course will be accessible here: http://worlduniversityandschool.org.


Thank you for joining the World University and School team. WUaS would like to invite you to participate in our open, hour-long, monthly, business meeting on Saturday, September 12th, beginning at 9 a.m., PDT / 12 noon EDT.

This month we'll meet in Google + group video Hangout accessible from here - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ScottMacLeodWUaS/posts - with an invitation to join this monthly conversation.

The agenda for the upcoming September 12th, 2014 WUaS, monthly, business meeting is here - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2015/09/wuas-september-12-2015-monthly-business.html.

I've attached WUaS's financial report for August 2015 in this WUaS business meeting email.

1. Welcome and Greetings

Welcome, Julian in Europe!

1.1 News:

Dear Universitians and friends,

News Update: 


1.2 Minutes

2. Committees

2.1 Planning committee

see Master plan and Business plan below


2.2 Finance

Treasurer's report for August 2015

WUaS has the Guidestar (affiliated with the IRS) Gold Label -

2.3 Information Technology

Seeking to network with OpenCourseWare community in Wikidata about people enjoying MIT OCW in many languages in Wikidata/Wikipedia

2.4 WUaS Outreach



2.5 Hiring planning


2.6 Fundraising

See Finance above for further grant writing. 

2.7 Nominating committee

Seeking committee members, facilitators and recorders

2.8 Languages' and Countries’ committee

plan for students who's English is marginal - please attend these Language Google Hangouts

bilingual degrees? 

2.9 Accreditation committee



WASC senior

Common Application / NACAC - how to get on their list of schools? Costs?

Become member of NACAC for Common Application

3. WUaS Master Plan

4. WUaS Business Plan

5.  WUaS Board

- is looking for a new Board member to focus WUaS fundraising


G.G. is now only acting COO

6. New WUaS pages and updates

a. Updates:

b. New pages:


c. Blog entries:

Bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis): CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC into Wikidata/Wikipedia into all 288 languages for CC online degrees at World University?


Sea Foam: Wikidata's 3rd Birthday! Making a present of CC wiki World University and School, First wikidata-generated list article Mandarin Chinese Wikipedia, Korean Wikipedia, Spanish Wikipedia, Turkish Wikipedia, Farsi Wikipedia and Portuguese Wikipedia, engaging MIT OCW Translated courses - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/ and other Wikidata items, See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_OpenCourseWare, To http://worlduniversityandschool.org Thank you!, CC MIT OCW seems to meet Wikidata's 2nd notability requirement here - https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Notability - but I may be misreading this


Wild boar: Happy Birthday, Grateful Dead lead Ron Pigpen McKernan - Grateful Dead wiki subject at World University - Missing you


Lemur: a World University Academic Press, online Bookstore, CC Universal Translator, English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese to begin, how to set up the information technologies in terms of the human factor to translate an academic text into many languages, e.g. my actual/virtual Harbin ethnographic book - http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html - and then it in many languages? And then how to extend this to 100s or 1000s or 10s of thousands of books a year, with the same "perfection" of finished copy that so many academic books these days exhibit?, And the Creative Commons / non CC articulation would be an important part of this plan


Giant panda: Stanford and World University, Dear President Hennessy, World University sent this to President Hennessy on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 1:23pm PDT


Harbin Hot Springs and the Heart Consciousness Church, Wild and fascinating history of Harbin published on December 28, 2014 in this blog: http://califias.blogspot.com/2014/12/harbin-hot-springs-and-heart.html ... Thanks, Mike!, And here's my actual~virtual Harbin Ethnography book web page ... http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html ... 


Avalanche Lake: These National Park Service virtual tours are very cool and thanks for mentioning them, And eventually interactive movie realistic in 3D and group-buildable, Could the National Park Service fund a kind of realism in a virtual world that would help them respond to forest fires and global warming in real time?, They could easily dovetail with a developing realistic virtual earth and for virtual Harbin ethnographic research too, "Methodologies for ethnographically studying virtual place," Apropos the Tourism Studies Working Group on Friday evening at UC Berkeley, I'm glad to be giving a talk at UC Berkeley on Friday, November 6th on methodologies for ethnographically studying virtual place - and re http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy


Flower buds: English as a Second Language course in 2 hours on Saturdays at 11 am PDT https://plus.google.com/+ScottMacLeodWUaS/posts - Open & Free, This will become the course "Information Technology, the Network Society and the Global University" on Saturday September 19th from 11 am-1pm PDT in a Hangout the first hour and on Harvard's virtual island the second hour, also for ESL, WorldUni Universities and Schools in ALL languages and countries will begin this way


Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus): Museums at WUaS? http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Museums All in ALL languages w online free content-Connect together in realistic virtual earth as classroom, Knight Foindation's recent post about the importance of publishers looking at tags in articles, New tags in my blog re possible revenue streams in the business plan eg Publisher, Bookstore, Lessons, etc., I'm just adding these new tags to this blog today: Publisher, Bookstore, Lessons, Broadband, Language Power


Cyclades Isles: Each Countries' main Language a group video learning group video Hangout will become an accrediting University


Okapi: Dear Larry {Lessig}, Resending you CC WUaS's monthly business meeting agenda, minutes and financial report, WUaS can potentially help to grow Creative Commons licensing into all 7,941+ languages and 242+ countries, each as wiki schools for open teaching and learning, while planning to accredit on best CC OpenCourseWare for online degrees in most countries' main languages, Dear Larry @lessig John @jpalfrey WUaS Schs would like to extend Creative Commons in all 7941 Langs & 257 countries, Each "Language" group video Hangout + https://plus.google.com/hangouts to learn 1of ~8K languages will become a Sch or Univ


Understory: Dear L, I just found this Andover article - http://www.andover.edu/About/Newsroom/Pages/UnderwoodObit2015.aspx - on John Palfrey's Twitter feed -https://twitter.com/jpalfrey/status/638736801394524160, I wonder if you could possibly please begin to actively captain the WUaS Board ship? Let's talk about this soon, Harvard Alumni Ambassadors, Like at the HGSE-at WUaS eventually - perhaps even w the students in my ESL course now & soon in my open "Info Tech & Global University" class?


Sequoioideae: Conceiving of a restructuring at World University and School, Congratulations on beginning to teach law at UC Berkeley, Turning some planned revenue streams into partnership opportunities, Could you see these as interesting projects for your students? Presently World University is focusing financially on writing grant applications


Ram's-Head Lady's-Slipper: Ideas & Partnerships - Restructuring, Two precedents for this include 1) CC MIT OCW "Readings" (in multiple languages?) with Amazon.com links, 2) CC Wikipedia on the one hand and advertising-sponsored Wikia wiki, both headed by Jimmy Wales, So some of the following WUaS revenue streams would be Creative Commons' licensed World University-oriented, and others would involve partnerships with different legal and business structures ...


Plymouth Gentian: Open, Free English Speaking Hangout, English as a Second Language this Saturday at 11am PDT via World University ... Saturdays this autumn, Accessible from here ~ worlduniversityandschool.org ~ Google group video Hangouts are great and Google has covered all of the myriad of coding details to make them great, This will become a free open course on "Information Technology, the Network Society and the Global University" on Saturday, September 19, at 11am PDT ... also for ongoing English learning, URL to come, English as a Second Language on Android from a Scottish Highland Games in California - an interesting moving classroom to show people in the class and invite them to talk about interactively


Canada Warbler: The Sound of the Scottish Small Pipes ... have a harmonizing effect ... Just added these videos to my piping website - http://scottmacleod.com/piping.htm - and you hear more as well as teach and learn about them here at the ... "Scottish small pipes and border pipes" WIKI subject page at World University


Romanian sphinx: A pragmatic encyclopedia/WUaS collaborations with Julian in Romania, "Commun" GDocs' spreadsheet, Romania World University and School to come, an example of wiki school - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Spanish . Check out the MIT OCW in Spanish and some of the ways to share teaching and learning, WUaS Music School, Open English-speaking Practice in a Google group video Hangout. ... this Saturday August 29th ... https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cugki3s9ads2fjbuelovr7aldt4?authkey=CIX47r28jpOqfg ... and please let friends know about this as well in Romania.


Ground Pangolin: Africa, India, South America, China and Asia + ... Best CC STEM OCW degrees for students in most countries' main Languages, Accrediting on CC best STEM OCW http://oyc.yale.edu & http://ocw.mit.edu/, how soon can WUaS create 1 million great online academic JOBS in 8000 Languages?, WUaS's beginning database in WordPress, Just heard back from Reed College about another delay in Federal Work Study finalization for World University and School as a host online university site for Reedies to do work study for pay


Golden lion tamarin: Glad author/scottmacleodworlduniversity is my new author's page at - http://amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity - for upcoming Actual/Virtual Harbin ethnography, I had posted this as a review on "Tourism in the Middle East" as a chapter author, Pricing of this "Tourism in the ME" book re my Harbin book


Naked Harbin ~ New Website for 'Naked Harbin' Book ~ Promoting My Upcoming Ethnography ~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html ~


Siganus puellus: Naked Harbin ~ New Website for 'Naked Harbin' Book ~ Promoting My Upcoming Ethnography ~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html ~ 3 Related Videos, UC Berkeley Talk, Related social media posts


Hawaiian monk seal: Visit virtual Harbin here and now in this link, Google Earth Maps Street View, Great re my Harbin ethnography in a virtual earth - as CLASSROOM too?, Buckminster Fuller's 1963 book "No More Secondhand God," Harvard of the Internet in terms of publishing in all ~8000 languages, thanks to information technology


Swift Fox: [mobile-society] Random sampling methods and mobile app based research, Planning for studying internet users with smartphones and via rigorous social science in all languages and countries, See related research at - Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Technology


Australian white ibis: David Lynch, visionary filmmaker - fascinating 2015 interview in Australia, Far-reaching focus on ideas and how they inform his art, re Creativity in beginning of interview, re Meditation and consciousness at 5 minutes


California Quail: My "Naked Harbin" ethnography engages anthropological theory in the following ways, Google Earth/Maps added my photo of the Harbin gate here which I had added as an experiment in ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, and it worked, Now how can academics in all disciplines - e.g. Archaeologists / Anthropologists / Marine Biologists etc., begin to add their unique data, photos and video footage etc. decade by decade?


Tree trunks: WUaS’s Business Plan Update (and with calendar in development), Updating Mission Statement, 7 Revenue Source Plans


Perseid Meteor Shower: Please donate to tax-exempt 501 (c) (3) World University & School, WUaS's Business Plan's 7 Foci, WUaS at Guidestar.org (affiliated with the IRS), like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, World University just submitted a Knight Foundation Prototype Fund award due August 17th.


Madrone: Harvard Intern Positions at WUaS - 1 Teaching Intern - Managing 2 STEM Teaching Intern 3 Humanities, Languages, Social Sciences Teaching Intern


Helianthus: First online Non-theist Friendly Quaker Meeting in a Google group video Hangout, It's kind of a meditation with sharing ... All welcome, It's a lot like an unprogrammed Friends' Meeting


Brazilwood: How best to publish my Harbin manuscript to paper, and also via Google Books and Google Library project, for example online, The Quaker "Inner Light Books" Publisher, A Google Book example "Writing Culture" by Jim Clifford, WUaS Revenue & Business Plans, a) "Academic Press at World University and School," b) "Bookstore / Computer Store (New & Used) at WUaS," c) "WUaS Universal Translator," d) "Library Resources" (planned for ALL languages)


Onsen: PLAY Virtual Reality Device for Smartphones from PARALO, Simply slip in your smartphone and you'll have a Head-mounted Display, I had a vision in the Harbin warm pool this morning - of combining the virtual earth of Google Maps / Google Earth with Google group video Hangouts with 10 live people speaking and interacting together IN Google Earth and even in a virtual Harbin Hot Springs' warm pool ... kinda great, I'd guess that Google folks have already envisioned this and the infrastructure code could even be written for this at Google but I'd also like to explore it for a) ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, b) soaking in the Harbin warm pool virtually, and c) NtF un-programmed Quaker Meeting, and from my bathtub even, virtually d) even "entering into" Grateful Dead videos, for example, Harbin has a lot of Grateful Dead in it and vice versa ... they come out of the same time


Sunda flying lemur - Colugo (Galeopterus variegatus): Conversation about piano learning, Theorizing and thinking about learning, Enjoyableness, "Lyricalness," Sociality, can be key for me, Guidelines for Practicing a Musical Instrument By Wynton Marsalis and Yo-Yo Ma, Music Playing Spaces on the Internet


baby Philippine flying lemur with mother (Cynocephalus volans): Might Google Earth as virtual world become a new kind of BOOK, a wiki-book even, in the future?, Dovetailing with a) a WUaS Academic Press in all 7,929+ languages, b) an universal translator in same languages, and c) selling this in the all languages' WUaS bookstore ... and d) a virtual Earth/Harbin as unfolding wiki 2nd Harbin book, New developments at Google Books: Partner Program and the Library Project, I'd also like to explore publishing "Naked Harbin" in the upcoming Academic Press at WUaS planned for all languages ... as well as anticipating a universal translator ... as well as anticipating a 2nd Harbin book, and even a new form of a book based on what I'm calling "ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy" and in relation to developing comparative actual-virtual field work at Harbin on-the-ground and in a developing Google Earth virtual world


Pendle Hill: Online non-theist Quaker un-programmed F/friends' Meetings, First one on August 16th in a Google group video Hangout, All are welcome, Emails with Oz


Monday, August 10, 2015
Plum: CC World University and School, and eventually accessing CC Wikidata in many many languages, baby step World University information technology history, People-to-people Wiki-communication where we're all potentially teachers, in addition to MIT/Yale faculty, rewrites the idea of an university profoundly, Online WIKI "campuses" for real time interactive idea sharing, How to fully realize making history with a flourishing knowledge-generative conversation and very enjoyable all-languages (7929+) and accrediting all countries' wiki CC WUaS, like Wikipedia with best STEM OCW?


Wild Apple: A Japanese Festival in SF yesterday!, Japan World University and School and eventually even in Japanese (but which isn't yet in Japanese) ... I haven't found any MIT OpenCourseWare in the Japanese language for one, Italy World University and School, "Seumas MacNeill on Scottish Small Pipes played by Scott MacLeod"


California Oaks: Quaker Meeting in a Google group video Hangout, Nontheist Friends, Meditating Together with Friends (atheist Quakers too) and vis-a-vis World University and School, List of online Quaker Meetings


Bay Checkerspot Butterfly: Thank you and nice to visit with you at Quaker Institute for the Future!, Here's the "Quaker Green Fund" - fossil fuel free, "Investing - Socially Responsible" wiki subject for open teaching and learning at World University


Ailanthus altissima (Paradise Tree): MINUTES and Agenda World University Monthly Business Meeting, August 8, 2015, Draft letter to Stanford University President Hennessey inquiring about Stanford incubating World University at the Bachelor, Ph.D. Law and M.D. degree levels


7. SF f/Friends/Quaker WUaS developments


Helianthus: First online Non-theist Friendly Quaker Meeting in a Google group video Hangout, It's kind of a meditation with sharing ... All welcome, It's a lot like an unprogrammed Friends' Meeting


Ongoing conversation with SFFM and SF Bay Area Friends about WUaS.

8. Closure

9. Next WUaS Monthly Business Meeting - Saturday, October 10, 2015, 9 am Pacific Time

Scott MacLeod


- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org
- 415 480 4577
- PO Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization, both effective April 2010.

World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'unsubscribe' in the body of the email, leaving the subject line intact. Thank you.


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