Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Naked Harbin, Ethno-Wiki-Virtual-World-Graphy: Sharing a New Digital Methodology with Tourism Studies and Sciences & the Social Sciences, Dancing Skin - Earthpeople Comedy Club, Berkeley, California


Dear Scott,
Your TSWG talk is in just 2 weeks (on F, Nov. 6 at 5pm in the UC Berkeley Anthropology Building's Gifford Room)!
Can you please send us:


Naked Harbin, Ethno-Wiki-Virtual-World-Graphy: Sharing a New Digital Methodology with Tourism Studies and Science & the Social Sciences


Emerging from the University of Toronto Press's publishing of Marshall McLuhan's "The Gutenberg Galaxy" in 1962, as well as UC Berkeley Professor Manuel Castell's book "The Internet Galaxy" (Oxford 2001) which comes into conversation with McLuhan's book, I suggest here that a virtual Harbin / virtual earth / virtual universe in Google Streetview/Maps/Earth with OpenSim/SL, as wiki and for STEM research, especially ethnography too, which is explicitly explored in my actual/virtual Harbin anthropological book, will lead beyond McLuhan and Castell's thinking to a new film-realistic 3D interactive build-able wiki-informed virtual earth galaxy.

Bio paragraph:

Scott MacLeod's research focuses on the anthropology of information technology and counterculture.  He's written an ethnographic book about Harbin Hot Springs in northern California, with a virtual world aspect,  due to be published by ... in 2016.

He's the founder, president, CEO, faculty member and presiding clerk of wiki CC World University and School (which is like CC Wikipedia with best STEM Creative Commons' licensed OpenCourseWare and planning to accredit on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC - http://worlduniversityandschool.org).

Personal web site: http://ww.scottmacleod.com

Scott continues to teach "Information Technology, the Network Society and the Global University" regularly on Harvard's virtual Island (not on Harvard University's faculty) in Second Life, and in Google group video Hangouts. He's teaches both anthropology and sociology.

(See, too: http://tourismstudies.org/People.htm#SM)

Photo: Preferably illustrating the topic.

Thank you,


Abies magnifica - red fir forest: Many students were around at UC Berkeley yesterday, University was in session but it's changed a lot since the 1960s and '70s!, The radicalism of Berkeley is only in the woodwork, Edited through p200 of 440 pp in my Harbin manuscript indexing process and drafted a proposal to University of Toronto Press all from the UC Berkeley Free Speech cafe


Siganus puellus: Naked Harbin ~ New Website for 'Naked Harbin' Book ~ Promoting My Upcoming Ethnography ~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html ~ 3 Related Videos, UC Berkeley Talk, Related social media posts


Blue-ish: Harbin Hot Springs


Lemon: Alternative Places in Europe, World Wide & the Harbin Dressing Room


Immersive experiences can be inspiring, surprising and exciting for end users, Actual Harbin Hot Springs pools are also immersive



Dancing Skin - Earthpeople Comedy Club, Berkeley, California May 10, 2003


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