Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Waters in Greece: Ed texts - "Am I real?" .. identity questions * * * Free-to-students' CC-4 Bachelor degrees ONLINE (over 4 yrs) in English literature beginning in Jan 2020. See: World Univ & Sch 13 Jan 2020 Q & A and News

Next: Galápagos Islands: Scott - Where does Wikidata stand, for ex., with Wiki Tree - https://www.wikitree.com - integration per their planning for a single family tree, presumably for all 7.5 billion people on planet, brainstorming-wise ... and so Wikidata Q-item #s or PIN#s (Personal Identification Numbers #) * Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:48] [In reply to Scott GK MacLeod] Wikidata will not be able to handle that many items and I am sure we don't want to get into the privacy and personal data issues associated with this * * Wikidata:Development plan * Welcome to the Wikibase project! * and Wikidata Office Hours TRANSCRIPT on 22 January 2020 * * * * Yoga and medical health web sites, Longevity and George Church on genetic therapies * * * Scottish Country Dancing - and Scotland World Univ & Sch

Ed texts - "Am I real?" .. identity questions


Hi Ed, Thanks so much for a nice birthday celebration yesterday at Sweet Adeline's bakery! I've begun to write in the beautiful Marco Polo creative journal already! My new book "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! ..." is supposed to arrive tomorrow per text this morning. Let's find a time for me to give it to you!  Fondly, Scott 

Hi Ed,  glad to write my 4th book, "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually!: How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual Reality"  (10 books of 4th book) arrived today ! :) 

Would like to give you a copy ... let's perchance find a time to get together for this and a hike or a treat! :)

Blogged about your great 'Marco Polo Journal' gift here ----   http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/black-pepper-real-identity-crisis-am.html?m=0 (and more) - & yesterday 12 Jan 2020. Thank you, again! 

Hi Scott. It's great you are enjoying the active writing, the physical act, not the virtual. This is a lot more secure also.
As to the question, am I real?

I like

This is I

croaked the rock

but I'll be gone by tomorrow

:) thanks, will ponder this awhile, Ed

Hi Ed, how are you doing? The real? In what ways? ... that you symbolize (Lacan)? That you're authentic? That more styling of you as a great MD could grow the reality of what you are - as MD, father, husband, care-giver, thinker ? 

Support of MDs at Stanford Medicine is an issue too ... how does KP  do this (perhaps in little ways)? ... Would creative MD opportunities via KP help wirh identity crisis re the real? ... so a change of focus in part? ... and in a generative direction? (And what about even in creating online psychoanalysis for MDs, for ex.? ... brainstorming-wise).

I wonder  too if the creation of a realistic virtual Harbin in VR could be coded for supporting MDs too, Ed!

(And even per my recent book) ... I find some people get a sense of real self soaking in the pools there (partly due to the releasing, - meditation it is)

Hi Ed, appreciating re what you wrote the Desiderata ('speak your truth quietly and clearly...'  https://mwkworks.com/desiderata.html , re George Alexander MD's thinking, which I much learned from, as well) & re writing my web log (blog), which is also very creative and generative, & re WUaS too ... Your paper journal gift leads me to think in terms of what in blog might benefit from being secure or private ... with a 12 year history of just 1 or 2 items I can think of ... and writing itself leads me to being secure ... George Alexander MD's & Jacques Lacan's 'speech act' (or writing act I'll call this) ...  

And yes re the 'real,' and what Angela writes ... the real too is impermanent ... (like the symbolic and imaginary, Lacan's other 2 registers? ... perhaps) ... appreciating the impermanence of the real in your thinking (a difficult word to define for Lacan, but where George used the example of a physical table) ... so thanks for your texts ... hoping said 'real identity crisis' is navigable, manageable, talk-able about :)

Thank too for your (these) interesting and thought-provoking text messages 


Part of this is about my friend Ed (who's a MD) getting a 'Real ID' from the state California ... https://realid.dmv.ca.gov ... which requires extra and very careful documentation ...

* *

Black pepper: Real IDENTITY Crisis?, Am reminded in these regards of Angela and Victor's 'Who Are We Anyway?' web page - https://angela-victor.com/content/who-are-we-anyway - and Yogini Angela's poem or teaching therein - which also seems identity related ... (and hand written, Here's Angela's poem ~ * * "Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations" from Scott MacLeod ~ ~ ~ Yoga at World University and School ! ~ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Yoga How best to move this online, and beyond, for ex., the many Youtube videos of Angela and Victor? * * * Birthday gift of a mostly blank Marco Polo Journal for writing by hand in * * * Angela and Victor's Underground Yoga DVD trailer * * * My New book, "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! ... " is in the mail, (You'll find newly my favorite poems in it here - You'll also find here the NPR interview with MIT / Harvard Prof. of Genetics' George Church on longevity and how this works ... search on 'Woolly Mammoth' ... :)

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/black-pepper-real-identity-crisis-am.html -

* * * 

Free-to-students' CC-4 Bachelor degrees ONLINE (over 4 yrs)

Free-to-students' CC-4 Bachelor degrees ONLINE (over 4 yrs) in English literature beginning in Jan 2020. See: World Univ & Sch 13 Jan 2020 Q & A and News
>worlduniversityandschool.org ~



New links to 'edX Lit'& 'MIT OCW Lit' @ 'English Lit' wiki subject https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/English_Literature - @WorldUnivAndSch in https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School Sign up here https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University>Licensing process with state of CA's BPPE - for FREE-to-students' 4 year ONLINE Bach's Degree in English







Spa architecture in Greece? This Kaiafas Spa (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hot_springs) building is a lot like the somewhat new spa building at Eftalou, on Lesvos, Greece, very close to Angela and Victor's Yoga Hall ...

This Kaiafas Spa building is in Zacharo (Greek: Ζαχάρω) which is a town and municipality in southwestern Greece - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zacharo.


Galápagos Islands: Scott - Where does Wikidata stand, for ex., with Wiki Tree - https://www.wikitree.com - integration per their planning for a single family tree, presumably for all 7.5 billion people on planet, brainstorming-wise ... and so Wikidata Q-item #s or PIN#s (Personal Identification Numbers #) * Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:48] [In reply to Scott GK MacLeod] Wikidata will not be able to handle that many items and I am sure we don't want to get into the privacy and personal data issues associated with this * * Wikidata:Development plan * Welcome to the Wikibase project! * and Wikidata Office Hours TRANSCRIPT on 22 January 2020 * * * * Yoga and medical health web sites, Longevity and George Church on genetic therapies * * * Scottish Country Dancing - and Scotland World Univ & Sch


Scott -

Where does Wikidata stand, for ex., with Wiki Tree - https://www.wikitree.com - integration per their planning for a single family tree, presumably for all 7.5 billion people on planet, brainstorming-wise ... and so Wikidata Q-item #s or PIN#s (Personal Identification Numbers #) for all in Wikidata (and related Wikidata & wiki projects planning for all 7.5 billion people - per wiki WUaS too)?

Lydia -

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:47]
[In reply to মাহির মোরশেদ]
It's something I'd love to do but currently don't have enough people for to concentrate on. It could make for a great student project though if you know someone.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:48]
[In reply to Scott GK MacLeod]
Wikidata will not be able to handle that many items and I am sure we don't want to get into the privacy and personal data issues associated with this.

Scott GK MacLeod, [22.01.20 09:50]
Thanks - would love to communicate further about this re Wikidata thinking per PIN#s or similar, Lydia!

* *

Wikidata:Development plan


Welcome to the Wikibase project!
Wikibase is an open-source software suite for creating collaborative knowledge bases,
opening the door to the Linked Open Data web.


Talk:Wikidata Bridge

Test environment for the Wikidata Bridge




ORES (/ɔɹz/)[1] is a web service and API that provides machine learning as a service for Wikimedia projects maintained by the Scoring Platform team

See, too:

* *

Wikidata:Events/IRC office hour 2020-01-22

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Lucas Werkmeister, [22.01.20 08:49]

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:00]
Alright, we're going to start!

Chat Record Bot, [22.01.20 09:00]
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Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:01]
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Wikidata & Wikibase office hour \o/

Lucas Werkmeister, [22.01.20 09:01]

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:01]

মাহির মোরশেদ, [22.01.20 09:01]

Envel Le Hir, [22.01.20 09:01]

Jeroen, [22.01.20 09:01]

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:02]
I will be your host tonight for... yeah alright let's go straight to the program. We'll start with an overview of what happened over the past few months (~15min), then we will present you the development roadmap for 2020 (20min) and finally we'll have some time for questions and discussions

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:02]
But first of all, please give a warm welcome to Sam  our new Wikibase product manager!

Sam Alipio, [22.01.20 09:02]
Hello everyone! SO happy to be here

Envel Le Hir, [22.01.20 09:03]
Welcome Sam \o/

Scott GK MacLeod, [22.01.20 09:03]
Hello Lea and Lydia and Wikidatans / Wikibasins! :)

Paula Marmor, [22.01.20 09:03]
Hi Sam!

মাহির মোরশেদ, [22.01.20 09:03]
Hello Sam!

Jeroen, [22.01.20 09:03]
Such Sam

dominique labar, [22.01.20 09:03]

Sam Alipio, [22.01.20 09:03]

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:03]
So, let's start with what happened since the last office hour in November on the development side :)

Lucas Werkmeister, [22.01.20 09:03]
welcome Sam! 🎉

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:04]
During our research on the feature originally called signed statements, we discover that a very important need for all users is to make sure that people don’t edit a value without updating the existing references. We developed the first version of a feature called tainted references/mismatched references, that shows a notification to the user in that case. The feature was deployed on test.wikidata.org, you can learn more and give feedback here: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Mismatched_reference_notification_input

Hakan, [22.01.20 09:04]
Welcome Sam

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:04]
We continued working on the Wikidata Bridge. We created some new prototypes, shared the test system, gave more details about what the first version of the feature will include or not: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:Wikidata_Bridge Most of our work at the moment is to cover the various cases where the user can’t edit, we’re also working on displaying references in a nice way.

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:04]
We’re almost done with migrating the wb_terms table! We encountered various problems that made it longer than expected, but we’re close to our goal now \o/

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:05]
We worked on various documentation tasks around Wikibase: we restructured a bit the wikiba.se website and worked on describing configuration options

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:05]
The Query Service lag now affects maxlag. You may need to retry/reset error multiple times when you run QuickStatement or OpenRefine in busy hours.

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:05]
We improved the format of edit summaries coming from wbeditentity API (eg coming from the mobile termbox)

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:05]
And of course, we’re maintaining all kinds of things, trying to fix annoying issues that you report as soon as possible :)

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:06]
Now, here are some things about the community and the team

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:07]
Wikidata’s birthday 🎂 is happening in October, you’re all encouraged to organize a celebration event in your area, and now is actually a good time to start thinking about it, especially if you want to get funded: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Eighth_Birthday

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:07]
A new gadget, "Show UnpatrolledEdits", was added to Preferences

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:07]
As usual, plenty of new tools were created (if you want to follow more precisely what's happening, you can read the Weekly Summary!)

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:08]
WDumper, generating customized Wikidata RDF dumps https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikidata/2019-December/013703.html

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:08]
Dwynwen, adapted from Crotos, provides users with a search interface designed specifically for artworks and other visual digital content from Commons, using Wikidata http://zone47.com/crotos/dwynwen/cosmos/?l=en&p=&nb=20&disp=0&s=&f=31&n=1

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:08]
Speaking about Weekly Summary: the next edition on Monday will be the 400th edition. You can help us collecting interesting facts here https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Status_updates/Next

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:09]
There are now over 2.5 million Wikidata Infoboxes in Commons categories \o/

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:09]
We created a subpage of “Contact the development team”, dedicated to the Query Service and Search, so the newly formed team at WMF (yay!) can browse your questions quickly https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Contact_the_development_team/Query_Service_and_search

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:09]
We’re currently hiring several new people to work on Wikidata and Wikibase: a Community Communication person, a Partner Relationship Manager. More info here https://wikimedia-deutschland.softgarden.io/en/vacancies (deadline to apply is this Sunday)

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:09]
Panandâ, a mobile app powered by Wikidata (and Wikimedia Commons), won the top prize in the App for Social Good category in the Android Masters 2019 competition organized by Google Developer Group Philippines

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:09]
As usual, a lot of conferences and events happened, where Wikidata and Wikibase were represented: Wikimedia Tech Summit, WikiTechStorm, hackathon in Zurich…

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:10]
Speaking about events, a call for proposals is running to support WikiCite events (deadline February 1st) https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikidata/2019-December/013706.html

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:10]
Alright, I hope I didn't flood you too much with information 😱

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:10]
And now, a few interesting things to read if you didn't look at them yet:

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:10]
Research Report – Use of Wikidata in GLAM institutions https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Research_Report_%E2%80%93_Use_of_Wikidata_in_GLAM_institutions_(2019-11).pdf

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:10]
How can Structured Data on Commons, Wikidata, and Wikisource walk hand in hand? https://space.wmflabs.org/2019/12/07/how-can-structured-data-on-commons-wikidata-and-wikisource-walk-hand-in-hand-a-pilot-project-with-punjabi-qisse/

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:10]
Context-aware Entity Linking with Attentive Neural Networks on Wikidata Knowledge Graph https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.06214.pdf

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:12]
And now, a question for you: did any of you already tried the Wikidata Bridge (the click-dummies or the test system)?

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:13]
If not then I'd love for some of you to have a look and tell us if you think it's still going in the right direction :)

Envel Le Hir, [22.01.20 09:13]
No. Where can we test it?

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:13]
Description and link are here: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:Vct71iey9c81rm6l

GNU/boz, [22.01.20 09:14]
I've a question about Structured Data.
Can we use wbeditentity with M-ids?

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:14]
Do you have any questions so far?

Lucas Werkmeister, [22.01.20 09:14]
[In reply to GNU/boz]
as far as I know yes

Lucas Werkmeister, [22.01.20 09:15]
as long as you target the Commons API endpoint, not Wikidata

Lucas Werkmeister, [22.01.20 09:15]
(I guess we don’t have an equivalent of the Wikidata Sandbox item, so I’m a bit hesitant to try it out right now ^^)

Andrew Zaikin, [22.01.20 09:15]
may be it would make sense to defer specific questions till the end of presentation?

GNU/boz, [22.01.20 09:15]
[In reply to Lucas Werkmeister]
I also think that but I have not found the related notes about it

infovarius, [22.01.20 09:16]
[In reply to Robin van der Vliet]
not in such way, just simplifying text in preambulas

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:16]
Alright, let's continue to the roadmap! And we'll still have plenty of time at the end for questions

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:17]
Yay :)

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:17]
Ok let's look at some of the things that are coming up this year.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:17]
I'll only go over some highlights and Léa will share a link at the end to the full picture.

Nicolas VIGNERON, [22.01.20 09:17]
[In reply to Léa ~ Auregann]
yes (if it's the same as I tried during WIkimania)

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:18]
So let's start with Wikidata as a platform - so Wikidata's data for the rest of the world.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:19]
One of the things I'd like to do is talk more to organisations using our data about the mistakes they find. I'd like to find ways with them how they can contribute back in a better way so that we benefit from all the work they do internally.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:19]
If you know of an organisation I should definitely add to my list to talk to please let me know.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:20]
Next we'll want to again look into automatically finding references for statements we already have. I'm thinking about using schema.org markup in news articles for example.

GNU/boz, [22.01.20 09:20]
[In reply to Lydia Pintscher]
(We can tell you now here or in pvt?)

Nicolas VIGNERON, [22.01.20 09:20]
Data roundtripping \o/ indeed important matter

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:20]

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:21]
And one last thing I want to highlight here is continuing to work on the quality scores for items.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:21]
Right now we already have everything in place to give every item a quality score automatically via ORES.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:21]
But the current scores still need to be tweaked so we get a better picture of what the quality of our data really looks like.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:22]
I don't think we'll be able to ever get a complete and perfect picture but I hope we can get pretty far. Then we can use that to find areas that need improvement and areas that we can highlight as awesome.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:23]
Then we want two tackle two areas that will hopefully make it easier to use Wikidata:

Scott GK MacLeod, [22.01.20 09:23]

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:23]
First we will continue our work on building a query builder so you can easily create lists of items etc.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:23]
and then we will spend time on fixing a lot of small and medium-size annoying usability issues.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:24]
If you have some of those that are really close to your heart please send me links afterwards and I can take them into our list for consideration.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:24]
That brings us to the second big area: Wikibase ecosystem

Sam Alipio, [22.01.20 09:25]

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:25]
Here we will work on Federation. At the end of last year we defined the first version and can now start coding.

Nicolas VIGNERON, [22.01.20 09:25]

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:25]
In the first iteration we'll make it possible to use Wikidata's properties in another Wikibase instance and then build it out from there based on your and other's feedback.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:26]
On top of that we'll have to spend time on documenting all the little things you can tweak and configure once you have set up your Wikibase to make it really useful and usable.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:26]
I'm thinking about stuff like the sort order of properties on an item page or constraints etc.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:27]
Then we will have to figure out what exactly to do about Wikibase hosting. OpenCura seems to be well loved and going well. We'll have to make some decisions about how to move on with it and then work on that.

Prateek Saxena, [22.01.20 09:28]
[In reply to Léa ~ Auregann]
Thank you for sharing this 👍🏽

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:28]
And last but not least for the Wikibase ecosystem we will have to figure out support structures and define them. For example if you're running your own Wikibase and need some custom development where do you go, where do you go to find someone to set up an instance for you and so on.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:29]
All of these will be conversations Sam among others will have with you.

Envel Le Hir, [22.01.20 09:29]
[In reply to Lydia Pintscher]
Will it possible to use properties from Wikidata only or from any Wikibase instance? (as long as you have access to it)

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:29]
[In reply to Envel Le Hir]
I don't think we need to restrict it so in theory any I guess.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:29]
Might need some config or setup but we'll have to see.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:30]
Are you interested in using another instance as property provider?

Envel Le Hir, [22.01.20 09:30]
Great :)

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:47]
[In reply to মাহির মোরশেদ]
It's something I'd love to do but currently don't have enough people for to concentrate on. It could make for a great student project though if you know someone.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:48]
[In reply to Scott GK MacLeod]
Wikidata will not be able to handle that many items and I am sure we don't want to get into the privacy and personal data issues associated with this.

Scott GK MacLeod, [22.01.20 09:50]
Thanks - would love to communicate further about this re Wikidata thinking per PIN#s or similar, Lydia!

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 10:00]
thanks to all participants and see you soon!

* *

How can Structured Data on Commons, Wikidata, and Wikisource walk hand in hand? A pilot project with Punjabi Qisse


* * *


Here's Yoga page - http://scottmacleod.com/yoga.htm - with Andy Weil MD web site - https://www.drweil.com/ - for its search field re collagen - https://www.drweil.com/vitamins-supplements-herbs/supplements-remedies/collagen-supplements-for-better-skin/ - and a few other helpful medical sites at bottom, in my opinion, and with search fields. The search field in Dr. Andy Weil MD's web site is very helpful for health information arbitrage.

And here's MIT & Harvard Genetics' Prof George Church in a NPR interview - https://www.pbs.org/wnet/amanpour-and-company/video/george-church-talks-age-reversal-and-woolly-mammoth-dna/ -  explaining longevity re DNA, enzymes, Woolly Mammoth and much more (accessible from https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/geyser-time-to-license-wuas-with-cas.html search on 'Woolly Mammoth').

See you Saturday (and let's talk again before, Bill)!


Longevity 'label ' - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/longevity -

* * * 

Scottish Country Dancing - and Scotland World Univ and Sch

Hi Alex,

Nice to talk about dancing. And thanks for the idea-sharing: if Law and Education are industries in Scotland, I'm curious how to reach out and even brand CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World University and School Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees, and potentially Stanford Law-centric and Medicine-centric online World University and School degrees (Stanford Law CodeX, which is entrepreneurial) too, and as valuable or invaluable to Scots, - and even grow student bodies in these online in Scotland re free-to-students and MIT and career oriented, and online too. Beyond branding, marketing and advertising, a successful WUA strategy could collaborate with the Scottish independence movement even. I might reach out to Fettes College in these regards too (but am not sure about the Univ of Edinburgh). I'm curious about your thoughts in these regards.

Have a good week back at work! (On with World Univ & Sch online innovations as work here).

Some related links, universities and schools: :)
- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School
- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Ph.D._Degrees_at_World_University_and_School
- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School
- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School
- Scotland World Univ & Sch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scotland

- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Business_Management

- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_Country_Dancing



Camellia: As Harvard Medicine professors, I'd like to e-introduce you here ... * 'Avatar Bot Electronic Medical / Health Record' definition * In Google Street View, I just 'walked' from the 1st Parish (Unitarian) Church of Brookline, Massachusetts - - to Oakland Road (all in Google Street View, across Cypress et al.) * * Seeking too to facilitate a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs for soaking and visiting (and "walking around in" virtually too:) * * * Thinking about World Univ & Sch classes in Second Life, 3D group build-able virtual world with avatars, - and (again) on Harvard's Virtual Island ... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Berkman/112/65/25 ... where you can head in-world NOW

Previous: Galápagos Islands: Scott - Where does Wikidata stand, for ex., with Wiki Tree - https://www.wikitree.com - integration per their planning for a single family tree, presumably for all 7.5 billion people on planet, brainstorming-wise ... and so Wikidata Q-item #s or PIN#s (Personal Identification Numbers #) * Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:48] [In reply to Scott GK MacLeod] Wikidata will not be able to handle that many items and I am sure we don't want to get into the privacy and personal data issues associated with this * * Wikidata:Development plan * Welcome to the Wikibase project! * and Wikidata Office Hours TRANSCRIPT on 22 January 2020 * * * * Yoga and medical health web sites, Longevity and George Church on genetic therapies * * * Scottish Country Dancing - and Scotland World Univ & Sch

As Harvard Medicine professors ... a definition of 'Avatar Bot Electronic Medical / Health Record'

Dear Len and Dick, 

As Harvard Medicine professors, I'd like to e-introduce you here, and also share with you the following: 

Someone asked recently about a definition of 'Avatar Bot Electronic Medical / Health Record,' so here's an

'Avatar Bot Electronic Medical / Health Record' definition -

Where an electronic health record (EHR) is a digital version of a patient's paper chart (and EHRs are real-time, patient-centered records that make information available instantly and securely to authorized users, allowing access to evidence-based tools that providers can use to make decisions about a patient's care), Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records integrate individual actual patients' health data with digital artificial humans (e.g. Neon - https://twitter.com/labordeolivier/status/1216969846841364480 - and this image - https://local.google.com/place?id=13580134555851014887&use=posts&lpsid=3025538053156380527) with AI / machine learning and geo-location information with all varieties of diagnostic imaging, for new medical capabilities such as physical-digital CRISPR gene editing and upcoming cellular & molecular tele-robotic surgery, including a focus on 1-1 actual-virtual, physical-digital correspondence, - integrating too video records of medical procedures. Text is an annotation to the avatar bot's artificial human anatomy.

Think too avatar bots in Google's / Stanford Medicine's / Duke Medicine's Project Baseline project -for physical samples into data to chart pathways to health, that is to "collect comprehensive health data and use it as a map and compass, pointing the way to disease prevention" (https://www.projectbaseline.com) - into Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth / TensorFlow / Translate, and for species too at the cellular and atomic levels.

And such 'AVATAR BOT ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS' will also be developable via video-to-3D applications, and for working in platforms such as Google Poly (a library of virtual reality - VR - and augmented reality - AR - objects) medically.

Cheers from the SF Bay Area,


(worlduniversityandschool.org - scottmacleod.com - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School and https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hospital).

I also just communicated on Sunday further with Peter Norvig, head of Google AI, about online WUaS Medical Schools, after inquiring with John Hennessy and Robert Harrington MD too about this recently.

Sincerely, Scott

Avatar Bot Electronic Medical / Health Record DEFINITION: https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/01/avatar-bot-electronic-medical-record.html
@WorldUnivAndSch is developing online #WUaSMedicalSchools with #OnlineTeachingHospitals in all ~200 countries' official / main languages #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords ~


* *

Dear Dick, Lucy and Ma,

How are you doing, Dick? In Google Street View, I just 'walked' from the 1st Parish (Unitarian) Church of Brookline, Massachusetts -


- to 19 Oakland Road (all in Google Street View, across Cypress et al.) - and in the 2018 version of 19 Oakland Road, there's even a picture of the back of you walking up your front steps I'm glad to say. You can experiment yourself with the arrow keys on your computer from the above URL if you're interested in seeing this. It was really nice to see you and your home herein!

(I recently attended a Stanford Medicine Biomedical Institute talk in Zoom video conferencing with Leneord D'Avolio, also a professor in the Harvard Medical School - https://scholar.harvard.edu/len/home - but with a focus on Artificial Intelligence and health care, and we've been corresponding about WUaS in part, I'm glad to write).

Am hoping you're recovering apace ...

With very best regards, Scott

- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Richard%20Robb%20MD -

You'd have to scroll down to the very bottom image on the left to enter into Street View and then to begin the "walk" in-world, FYI.  Warmly, Scotty


Greta oto: 'AVATAR BOT ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORD' definition - at MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch



Puffin: World Univ & Sch 20 Jan 2020 Q & A and News * * * Avatar Bot Electronic Medical / Health Record DEFINITION - for psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychoanalysis


* *

Hi Lucy, and Dick,

Am hoping to facilitate a realistic virtual earth in VR so people can unleash themselves anywhere from the comfort of their homes (and much better with time than 'walking' from 1st Parish Unitarian Church in Brookline to 19 Oakland Road :) ... and with realistic avatar bots as well). Perhaps you will be able to visit San Miguel from Brookline with my mother in actual San Miguel in 2021 and with Google Street View's time slider in 2020 too! :) Looking forward very much to finding out how you're doing! (Please remember that you'd be very welcome to come visit actual Cuttyhunk when I'm there ... if you'd like to adventure forth tethered close to home as you are). I know of a MacLeod family reunion in Maine on around August 1st so we'd have to plan around this.

Warmly, Scotty

Am seeking too to facilitate a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs for soaking and visiting (and "walking around in" virtually too:)

* * * 
Thinking about World Univ & Sch classes in Second Life, 3D group build-able virtual world with avatars, - and (again) on Harvard's Virtual Island
... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Berkman/112/65/25 ... where you can head in-world now.

Peter, 9:29 AM
Hello Scott! How yre you? Are you still having these power outages?

Scott, 9:30 AM
Hello Peter!
Just a little one a week ago or so here in Canyon.

Peter, 9:31 AM
I came about something very interesting in SL yesterday. You can actually play your own YouTube videos in some places. I made a few examples for you:

Have you ever thought about the idea of creating a WUaS place in SL?

I found a place where you get building materials for classrooms or even whole buildings for free. The only thing you would need is some land.

Scott, 9:34 AM
Interesting ... (there was a platform in SL 10+ years ago which was 'surround realism' re one's avatar - it would be interesting if one could put Youtube videos in place of the realistic pictures that made up this 'holodeck' I think it was called)

Scott, Peter, 9:35 AM
BTW, the place I filmed the videos are free to use for everyone. They are like small one apartments and come fully furnished.

Scott, 9:35 AM
It could be interesting to explore a relationship with Harvard's Berkman Island in these land regards.

Peter, 9:37 AM
I would be willing to create the buildings and furnishings, but I just don't have the money right now to rent any land.

Scott, 9:37 AM
Interesting creative use of Youtube videos in SL, Peter!
And neither does WUaS have the money. An email to Charlie and Rebecca Nesson could yield a SL contact in their BKC center at Harvard Law ...
re land

Peter, 9:40 AM
You definitely need a space where you have kind of admin rights in order to keep trolls out.

I know that OpenSim offered free land at one point. The problem is that not many people are in OS.

Scott, 9:43 AM
But it's particularly the group conversation aspect in voice and text (and with avatar's present) that I find generative re learning ... re conference method ... https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Conference_Method_of_Teaching_and_Learning - for developing the conference method online, and also Reed College's Hum 110 in group video conference. Thanks.

Conference Method of Teaching and Learning - World University and School Wiki

If I reached out to Harvard Law's BKC, and got access to admin rights or similar, would you be interested in being an admin? (The 'Harvard' name could be key to attracting great students too - and re building etc).

Peter, 9:54 AM
Being the admin isn't the problem, but I haven't had any experience for something like that yet. I'm just working my way into creating things in SL and it seems very interesting to me. Still, the controlling of an SL parcel shouldn't be too difficult, as anyone can rent or buy land in SL, but not everyone is a tech nerd.

Peter, 10:00 AM
You don't even need a plot of land. You could just start with a space that you have full rights over.

You could even hold lectures in that space on a regular base and people would know where to go.

Scott, 10:02 AM
I think it's already possible to hold classes on Harvard's Berkman Island in SL with students from around the world, so I'm not sure I'm going to reach out at this time to inquire with Harvard Law BKC about admin access ... and students could watch MIT OCW Youtube's for example from home. If you might be interested in finding out about admin access here, google this.

Peter, 10:12 AM
My point is that you need a place where you have full rights in order to put up logos for example. A kind of advertising space for WUaS. It probably boils down to renting your own place in the end anyway, as supposed to being a 'subtenant' of another university. After all, WUaS could one day become a kind of competition to already established universities.

Scott, 10:21 AM
Educational rationales will inform some of this. I find it interesting that Harvard Law Prof held a number of CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion classes in 2006-2007 in SL, but then stopped doing so. Then in 2016, he went to the edX HarvardX platform to teach JuryX. In the meanwhile, I had taught 'Society and Information Technology' on Harvard's Island in SL for nearly ten years. Charlie Nesson also held a mock Burning Man trial in SL (where he got to play the role of a judge newly).

Scott, 10:27 AM
It would be interesting to reach out to him to teach a course on Harvard's Island in SL in the autumn of 2020, co-listed between edX / HarvardX / and World University and School even ... and maybe I could teach Society and Information Technology also in the autumn on Harvard's Island here ... this might open an avenue for WUaS to get some admin rights to Berkman Island, but maybe not for logos. My sense in general is that Second Life is very very quiet, almost as quiet as OpenSim ... and that one needs a big name like Charlie Nesson to get people to come into SL, and then it would be mostly on Harvard's virtual island, and not other islands ... and not necessarily for branding (except if your logo preceded my Youtube talks viewed inside SL ) ... just some speculations ... and people could learn to build in the Berkman sandbox ... I don't see SL increasing in population, but I do wonder what platforms will inform a realistic virtual earth for STEM and as classrooms into the future.

Peter, 10:37 AM
I thinking more of SL as a starting point and from there reaching out to other platforms, very much like Draxtor does it in Sansar. Sansar itself is even quieter than SL, but he uses it as his kind of headquarter. From there he streams all his regular 'shows' to several platforms like YouTube, Twitch, Periscope....

Ok, I have to go now. Just wanted to tell you my ideas about more exposure for WUaS. Take care.

Scott, 10:44 AM
Thanks for your interesting ideas. I think Draxtor began his creative video-ing of 3D virtual worlds in Second Life and with the Machinima idea - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Machinima_Videos_(Making) ... You could potentially begin creating your own Machinima's from SL and build an audience like Draxtor has ... whom I think prefers SL to Sansar ... yet as a Linden Lab journalist in a sense, and having gotten to know probably ALL the players over the years (10-15 years+), he also shapes a virtual world discourse, generates prodigious creative output, and probably is in a sense a head of Linden Lab's envisioning ... :)
 (Draxtor's amazing :)
 ... and all from California, as a kind of composer, and while raising a family on the central coast

Machinima Videos (Making) - World University and School Wiki
Go to 'Subjects' here - worlduniversityandschool.org

Scott, 11:49 AM
Peter, it would be great too if an upcoming single realistic virtual earth could include the ability to do actual-virtual, physical-digital architecture (and Google's ecosystem has such tools, but isn't strong on Avatar bots in a virtual world that's fairly open for co-building such as SL). Cheers, Scott


Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge: Brain, CONNECTOME, TensorFlow and Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records (mostly from Twitter posts) ... but also previous blog posts * * * Unitarian Universalist history in First Parish Church (Cambridge, Massachusetts) ... since 1632 ... per ministers ... re identity questions ... and culture questions and regarding struggles and conflicts ... and Harbin Hot Springs ? :) and re the emergence of Harvard too ...


Brain, CONNECTOME, TensorFlow and Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records (mostly from Twitter posts) ...  also from previous blog posts

Google AI
Jan 22, 2020
Today, in collaboration with @HHMIJanelia, we are releasing the “hemibrain” connectome, a detailed map of neuronal connectivity of roughly half of a fruit fly brain, plus tools for visualization and analysis. Learn more at https://goo.gle/30IroaG.


Fly hemibrain neurons grouped by compartment


Am curious how the 4 compartments here (https://youtu.be/4lVOWoKF5Gw) - 

Central Complex



Higher Order 

- will extend to modeling human brain functioning, and re these 'Connectome' Information Technologies & machine learning and TensorFlow ... and in 'Avatar Bot Electronic Health Records' ... and for tele-robotic molecular brain surgery, for example ... 

* *
Jan 20
Avatar Bot Electronic Medical / Health Record DEFINITION: https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/01/avatar-bot-electronic-medical-record.html
@WorldUnivAndSch is developing online #WUaSMedicalSchools with #OnlineTeachingHospitals in all ~200 countries' official / main languages #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords ~


* * *

Unitarian Universalist history in First Parish Church (Cambridge, Massachusetts) ... since 1632 ...


per ministers ...

re identity questions ... and culture questions and regarding struggles and conflicts  ...
and Harbin Hot Springs ?

and re the emergence of Harvard too ...


Unitarian Universalist history in First Parish Church (Cambridge, Massachusetts) ... since 1632 ...


From Wikipedia:

"The church is notable for its almost 400-year history, which includes pivotal roles in the development of the early Massachusetts government, the creation of Harvard College, and the refinement of current liberal religious thought."

(Liberal religious thought ... think Harbin Hot Springs as Heart Consciousness Church?)

First minister was Thomas Hooker, Congregationalist / Puritan ...

"The Meeting House's first minister, Thomas Hooker, stayed only a handful of years; he and most of his flock moved to Connecticut to escape religious persecution in 1636."

"In 1826, however, he [Reverend Abiel Holmes,] decided to break off relations with the liberals, specifically abolishing pulpit exchanges with the liberal or Unitarian ministers."

"By 1829, most of the Parish became Unitarian."

"In 1899, it was agreed that the church associated with that society should be called the First Church in Cambridge (Congregational), now part of the United Church of Christ, and this church, the First Parish in Cambridge (Unitarian) [now Unitarian Universalist]."

"The Reverend William Newell, the church's first avowedly Unitarian minister, led the congregation from 1830 to 1868. His immediate successor, Francis Greenwood Peabody, would become a leader of the Social Gospel movement."

"In 1837, Transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson delivered his now famous "American Scholar" address—referred to by Oliver Wendell Holmes as America's "Intellectual Declaration of Independence"—at the First Parish Church.[1]"

Present membership[edit]

Since its founding, the town of Cambridge has changed greatly. Instead of being a rural community, separated from Boston by an hour's travel time, the town has become an urban center in its own right. The Cambridge church is to all intents and purposes a downtown church. Its membership fluctuates, as urban communities do, and its composition varies. The current church leadership, however, is committed to maintaining the witness of liberal religion, in keeping with the struggles of earlier generations.


Ministers of First Parish in Cambridge[edit]

Multiculturalism and social justice[edit]

The current site of First Parish in Cambridge
In 1967, First Parish founded the speakers series Cambridge Forum, which began radio broadcasts in 1970.[4]
First Parish in Cambridge is deeply committed to becoming a multiracial, multicultural, justice-making congregation through engagement both within and outside its walls. The Tuesday Meals[5] program provides hospitality and a meal once a week to anyone in need of nourishment. An active Social Justice Council includes task forces dedicated to environmental justice and immigration.

... and thinking-wise, and where would Harbin Hot Springs fit into this ...?

cultural history-wise ... lots of struggles ... in the context of New England liberal religious thought ...

* * *
To DickLucyJanieAlden
Mildly concerning: 

What's this about Trump saying 'Take her out' about the Ukrainian ambassador Marie Yovanovitch:

My mother gave me a little metal box of mints for Xmas, which are on my table here in Canyon 94516, and which says "National Embarrassmints" with a picture of T-man Prez with a baseball cap on which itself says 1) "Make America Hate Again," and 2) "For a Fresh Mouth!" and he's also enunciating 3) "They're Yuge" ...Will save tin, like a politician's campaign buttons, for posterity's sake for awhile. On the back of this metal tin, it says too: "PRESENTS OF MIND: THE UNEMPLOYED PHILOSOPHERS GUILD" and MINTS made in the USA, Tin built in China (Paid For By Mexico) ... among other items ... a little American Politicana

And you can ...
WATCH: Senate Impeachment Trial of President Trump - https://www.democracynow.org/live/watch_impeachment_trial_of_president_trump

Vote the bastard out, after he's impeached, - as the legal machinery / information technologies of democratic governance proceeds, despite T-bird's best efforts, I suppose ...


Another Unitarian blog post today - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/tualatin-river-national-wildlife-refuge.html ( https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Unitarian%20Universalist ) ... and re First Parish (Unitarian) Church Cambridge, MA, and identity-struggle, or cultural conflict in the unfolding of liberal religious thought since 1632  :) ... and more about Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records in addition to brain modeling by Google re the "connectome"

Another #UnitarianUniversalist blog https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/tualatin-river-national-wildlife-refuge.html (see UU label) & re Harvard's 1st Parish (Unitarian) Church Cambridge, MA, & identity-struggle, in unfolding liberal religious thought since 1632 & abt #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords + brain modeling re #Connectome ~




Owl: Online Psychoanalysis? Psychiatry? Psychotherapy? * Ken (who is a psychiatrist, MD, but not a psychoanalyst, and also not a Lacanian, with its language or 'speech act' re the unconscious focus), Elizabeth (a practicing NYC psychoanalyst) * Dear Juliette, Ed (a KP MD), and Marie, Am appreciating the diversity of the therapists on the BetterHelp.com web site, Marie's articles - "Depression is not a choice," AND "Talking Out Your Problems with a Psychologist vs. a Psychiatrist Who you’re revealing your mental health issues to matters"


Dear Ma (Jane), Pin (Sid), Ken (who is a psychiatrist, MD, but not a psychoanalyst, and also not a Lacanian, with its language or 'speech act' re the unconscious focus), Elizabeth (a practicing NYC psychoanalyst), Caleb, John, Byron, Cindy, Ed, Dick, Maitreyi (most MDs) and All,

Am further exploring here questions of online psychoanalysis, and adding in Ken Thompson MD, a friend and Pittsburgh-based psychiatrist, and Elizabeth Cutter Evert, a NYC-based psychoanalyst. I have 2 further questions re this email thread, and with regards to thinking through online psychoanalysis. (See, too: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/psychotherapy and https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Jacques%20Lacan%20MD).

Ken and Elizabeth, and All, how could the Web facilitate talk therapy in psychiatry in new ways (and thus online psychoanalysis too) ... and even eventually with avatar bots? Can you suggest examples of Skype psychotherapy already in Journals of Psychiatry or Psychoanalysis?

And how could machine learning and artificial intelligence also be developed to help clients / sufferers in psychotherapy, and with regard especially to the 5 lines psychiatrists have in KP electronic health records to write up the session (with these records potentially helping the analysand clinically - and through language / discourse - but they also being a legal document, re depositions, etc) ... and even re 'Avatar Bot Electronic Health Records' where here's an Avatar Bot Electronic Medical / Health Record DEFINITION: https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/01/avatar-bot-electronic-medical-record.html and https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/greta-oto-avatar-bot-electronic-medical.html ?

Also, thanks too, to Victoria Cutter in this email thread for sharing this WSJ podcast (in response to email thread too I think) ... and who's sister-in-law, Elizabeth Cutter Evert, is a NYC psychoanalyst (not MD), I think ...

 'Why Google Is Pushing Into Health Data' episode of The Journal.

(about which I Tweeted as well - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1220475469750923264?s=20 - with regard to a Stanford Medicine AI and Epic electronic health record talk).

Sincerely, Scott

- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry

- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychoanalysis

- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychotherapy

- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch

Hi Jon @jonc101x Thnx (again) for today's @StanfordMed talk w Elliot First on Epic & #MachineLearning https://bmir.stanford.edu/education/colloquia.html… (& @ldavolio) Elliot might be interested in WSJ podcast https://open.spotify.com/episode/5SQ8XVk74UMa1bsoY4yqE2?si=Bm4xSqSVRtG1roBT7ONB9g… & which friend @henry_cutter shared https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/puffin-world-univ-sch-20-jan-2020-q-and.html @scottmacleod


* *

Mental health -

Mental disorder -

* *

Hello Scott,

I hope you are well! My name is Juliette, and I work at BetterHelp.com; Marie forwarded me your email conversation.

As mentioned, we're looking to work with more organizations in 2020 that can help us reach a growing audience of people that will benefit from learning about mental health topics.

After looking at the previously-mentioned page of your website, we requested that Marie reach out to see if you'd be interested in working together in some capacity.

We often work with different organizations and platforms by either sponsoring their content that educates people about mental health/wellness-related topics OR we write original content for their audience that serves the same purpose; even if there is a fee.

Would you be open to us collaborating and working together in some capacity? Please let me know when you have a moment. I look forward to your positive reply!

Best wishes,

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: WUaS - World University and School <worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Nov 30, 2019 at 12:23 AM
Subject: Re: Quick Question Regarding Health For A Project
To: Marian Miguel <mariemiguel0731@gmail.com>

Hello Marie,

Thanks so much for your email, your interest and your inquiry. Yes, I'd "be interested in hearing more.' 

For your thinking and sharing, these WUaS wiki subjects all will 'work together' -

Psychiatry: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry

Psychoanalysis: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychoanalysis

Psychology: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychology

Psychotherapy: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychotherapy

And as developing universities, planned first in English, Spanish and Chinese, there will be eventually MIT OCW courses or similar at the top of these pages, and wiki-teaching-contributions/edits in their middle sections. And while World Univ & Sch is wiki - so open for your teaching and learning (editable like a Wikipedia page) - WUaS may also seek to collaborate further with Stanford and other universities and colleges with regard to developing related WUaS mental health resources, courses, etc. eg

https://twitter.com/StanfordHealth/status/1199951827183251456?s=20. I'm also interested in questions of cultural contexts and mental health, now newly online (and as an anthropologist), so would be interested in your thoughts about this as well.

What's a Twitter or LinkedIn for you so I can understand further where you're coming from?

Thanks for reaching out.


On 12:34AM, Fri, Nov 29, 2019 Marian Miguel <mariemiguel0731@gmail.com wrote:


I am contacting you because I’m doing a bit of research for a general health & mental health project I’m working on. I stumbled upon a page of your site https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org , I figured I would reach out.

I have been featured in Yahoo, ADAA, TheMighty, AMHCA, GoodMenProject, ThriveGlobal, HealthComU, etc... and as a result, the mental health & overall wellness of individuals & families has become something I'm increasingly passionate about. In short, I'm involved with a project that is looking to educate more individuals about mental health topics by possibly working with platforms like yours.

I decided to contact you because I noticed that you're linking to one of the leaders as it relates to health related topics, [ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychology ], so you might be open to what I have in mind.

If you'd be interested in hearing more, please let me know. If not, I understand and would understand if you don’t respond. Thank you for your consideration & time.


* *

Dear Ma (Jane), Pin (Sid), Ken (who is a psychiatrist, MD, but not a psychoanalyst, and also not a Lacanian, with its language or 'speech act' re the unconscious focus), Elizabeth (a practicing NYC psychoanalyst), Caleb, John, Byron, Cindy, Ed, Dick, Maitreyi (most MDs) and All,

About the time I emailed you earlier today, someone from the online therapy BetterHelp web site and organization emailed World Univ & Sch about Online Therapy, inquiring about collaborating with World University and School. I've begun to post our conversation here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/owl-online-psychoanalysis.html.

I looked up some comparative Online Therapy reviews, and found: 

Am also curious about what WUaS could learn re Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records - and about online psychoanalysis ...

Found this re Cornell University and a psychoanalysis conference:  

Am also curious about WUaS billing eventually ... re our prospective WUaS matriculating students who might seek free therapy.

Sincerely, Scott


Just added this MIT image to "Oregon Coast: WUaS #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords for 7.5 billion people would serve medical doctors, #WUaSTeleRoboticSurgery /MD billing & ESPECIALLY patients use /end users of medical information Think Google/Alphabet> https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/oregon-coast-wuas-avatarbotelectronicme.html … ~



Dear Juliette, Ed (a KP MD), and Marie,

Thanks, Juliette and Marie, for your emails.

Am appreciating the diversity of the therapists on the BetterHelp.com web site. 

World Univ & Sch would like to plan for highest quality online psychotherapy, psychiatrically informed. And MD psychiatrists are in my experience highest quality, as talk therapists (perhaps because they have been highest achievers in getting to be MDs).

Haven't added Marie's articles to ... due to WUaS CC-4 licensing ... but you could wiki-add them, Marie, citing them like this perhaps: 

Miguel, Marie. 2018. [https://themighty.com/2018/05/i-didnt-choose-depression/ Depression is not a choice]. May 30. The Mighty: A Digital Health Community.
to /Psychotherapy at WUaS ?

Miguel, Marie. 2018. [https://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/talking-out-your-problems-with-a-psychologist-vs-a-psychiatrist-bh/ Talking Out Your Problems with a Psychologist vs. a Psychiatrist Who you’re revealing your mental health issues to matters]. May 28. The Good Men Project.
to /Psychology and /Psychiatry at WUaS ?

Have blogged about our conversation and a related conversation here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/owl-online-psychoanalysis.html 

Re your -
"Would you be open to us collaborating and working together in some capacity?"

Yes, and am seeking to think through what would be helpful for WUaS matriculating students in the autumn - & re free online psychotherapy for them, and with regard to billing questions too.

World Univ & Sch MD psychiatric oversight of therapists seeing WUaS students too is something WUaS is aiming for ... in case of emergency, for example (and re possible legal questions too that might arise in therapy, for example - and online in multiple countries even ) ... (with comparison to, for example, the Cornell University student mental health services).

World Univ & Sch seeks to develop online (Lacanian, but newly informed too) psychoanalysis and study this too. See for example, -

The Act: Psychoanalysis and/in its Effects

 Saturday, March 9, 2013 at 10:00am to 6:00pm
 A. D. White House, Guerlac Room 
29 East Ave, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA

World Univ & Sch also seeks to develop new approaches to online therapy with regard to electronic health records - and again for WUaS learning & research, with regards to WUaS students ... but with online psychotherapy for anyone too (and in many languages, as well as countries). How best to communicate about this further?

With best wishes, Scott

Thanks for these, Juliette, too -

Juliette Bentolila - Internship 201


Biodiversity of Kosovo: Planned VIRTUAL bookstore at the WUaS Press (at MIT OCW-centric World University and School in ~200 countries' languages (many ACTUAL bookstores too) * * * Growth potential of World Univ & Sch for edX or education

Next: Green sea turtle: Your great Scratch Hour of Code Webinar for Educators 12/2/19 Eric Schilling and Zoë Bentley, ("Eric Schilling 🐱 @SpeakkVisually Anyone use @Scratch for everyday activities like cooking, working out, etc." . . . not a daily work out, but perhaps a daily write-in:) * * * Lego Robotics' Tournaments from HOME at WUaS (with Scratch programming language?) MIT-inspiring #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital - #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics? * * * WUaS bookstores/cafes #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital - Are Starbuck's cafes architecturally designed in Google StreetView & platform (since 2013)? * 'Space and Place in Business Intelligence: A Case Study of Starbucks Coffee Company in Central Ohio' * * Google as mentor to WUaS Press? * * Searched on 'best bookstore cafe chains' (pre WUaS consumer robotics' stores / electronics/computer stores in all ~200 countries / languages) * * * Just looked up genetic therapies for Presbyopia (eg needing reading glasses) - and saw that there are 'drops' from 4 companies in the US clinical trials' pipeline :) per our conversation * re WUaS Clinical Trials, planned with people in all 7,111 known living languages

Scott MacLeod
10:42 AM (21 hours ago)
to Julian, Larry, Govind, Jayni, Kyle, Juan, tito, yuping.chung, Iulian

Julian (named CEO of the WUaS Corp), and WUaS Board,

Brainstorming-wise, in terms of the planned bookstore at the WUaS Press (at MIT OCW-centric World University and School in ~200 countries' languages), and this Harvard Book Store email - https://mailchi.mp/harvard.com/news-eventswilliam-gibsonnicholas-kristof-sheryl-wudunn?e=2c8be7dea3 - (which store seems to be holding its own against other online large competitors due to location / place), it would be great to build out from such a storefront as this Harvard Book Store's picture in an actual-virtual, physical-digital realistic virtual earth at World Univ & Sch ... (such as in Google Street View ... and in contrast to Amazon, for ex., but with many parallels to Amazon and KDP as well).

The idea would be to go into a bookstore in a realistic virtual earth such as going INTO the Harbin Gate House as bookstore here ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ (accessible from - https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ) ... or into the Harvard Book Store through the image below and be able to buy virtual books in the virtual bookstore (eg the virtual Harvard bookstore in Street View) with direct correspondence to physical customers buying books in the Harvard Book Store (for machine learning purposes partly). And the WUaS Press bookstore could use this Google Street View approach to DEVELOP both actual and virtual bookstores in all ~200 countries.

Another key idea would be for merchants to sell through WUaS Press in this actual-virtual realistic virtual earth conceiving and development.

Glad that the WUaS Press published its 4th book in December 2019 - https://www.amazon.com/Dance-Pools-Virtually-different-Springs/dp/0578625490 - with another title planned for 2020.

Cheers, Scott
-  https://www.amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity -
- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Foundation -
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html -
- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Bookstore_/_Computer_Store_%28New_%26_Used%29_at_WUaS -

Am wondering too about TradeMarking the World Univ & Sch name as we begin a merchandising campaign (for T-Shirts, Pens and Mugs, etc., and sold through the WUaS Bookstore too). 

See, my letter below to Larry Viehland from yesterday:

If we become members / partner with edX we may at this point want to explore Trademarking the World University and School name and expressly for merchandising. Perhaps we could even explore adding the licensing clarifications to such T-shirts, and merchandise, so we could add the MIT OCW name as well. (I have the sense that New Englanders are great merchandisers). Beyond TradeMarking, a merchandising plan would have merit, and both in our online bookstore, but in many other ways, and countries / languages as well. 

I recall talking with you about Trademarking re the Stanford name, for example, on sports merchandise ... but am not finding the blog post in these regards at this time. Here's some mention of Trademark here - 

Will seek to call you this evening about communicating with edX possibly tomorrow. 

Sincerely, Scott


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* * * 

Dear Larry,

I wonder if there might be ways to communicate with Lee through his father or similar, since I'm not clear that he's seeing the growth potential of World Univ & Sch for edX or education. Current draft of letter re WUaS ideas in response to his email. How best to express this?

Sincerely, Scott

Dear Lee,

Thanks for your email. 

I think it's the CA BPPE licensing for both Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees in English around MIT OCW's ~2500 undergraduate and graduate courses that WUaS brings to the table in communicating further with edX about membership. (Last February 2019 at the licensing BPPE workshop in San Jose, CA, Dianne@DCA <Dianne.Arechiga@dca.ca.gov> said explicitly that the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education could license online Ph.D. degrees in addition to Bachelor degrees). She also said they'd readily license Google Education, which I had asked her about because World Univ & Sch has been in Google Education for years now for free (ie this email is in Google Education), so I'd think that BPPE would also license edX readily. BPPE licensing works together with WASC senior accreditation (andWASC accredits Stanford and UC Berkeley and 150 other universities on the west coast and some internationally). I also think MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch, in planning to be in all ~200 countries' official/main languages, could contribute greatly to a diversity focus at edX. And besides this, I think too that World University and School could become an extraordinary growth story for edX - planned as major online universities in ~200 countries' official languages for Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, Medicine and IB high school degrees, (and in all 7111 known living languages as wiki schools too).

(If WUaS were to become members of edX, could we offer all courses from edX to our matriculating students? Am assuming the affirmative).

I'll seek to respond to your 3 points here in a beginning way. 

With regard to item 1: 
I think you said on 18 Dec 2019 that edX membership would be $500 for WUaS, although your email of 1/20/2020 is a bit unclear in these regards. Since WUaS has $500 in the bank account (and about $1375 total), I think re funding that WUaS could cover the $500 edX membership fee immediately. And in talking with Larry, the chair of the World Univ & Sch Board, as well as the CFO, it looks like WUaS may be able to get the $5000 for CA's BPPE licensing https://twitter.com/CaBPPE. If it might be possible to become a member of edX in these regards, which is part of the WUaS plan, then WUaS could begin to focus on developing our world ranking in conjunction with edX. So I wonder about the issue of $500 for edX membership (which WUaS has) and $5000 for CA's BPPE licensing (which WUaS may be able to get), concurrently, - and WUaS's plans, and alignment with edX. Perhaps we could talk about this in another phone conversation. With regard to world ranking and CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World University and School's NAME, WUaS can use the MIT name with these Creative Commons' licensing and endorsement clarifications http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - and potentially on the edX platform especially, re WUaS beginning to develop our world ranking further. 

Furthermore in terms of WUaS planning, if edX were interested in aligning with MIT OCW-centric World University and School - planned online in each of 200+ countries' official and main languages as major online Universities and offering free-to-students' CC-4 MIT OCW-centric Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, MD and IB high school degrees - and WUaS licensed (with BPPE) and became accredited (with WASC senior) first in the US, to the great potential benefit of edX too, then edX would have a further major growth plan as well as the potential or working with an expanding MIT OCW-centric set of startup Universities (seeking to hire 2.2 million people over decades even). 

With regard to sustainability: if edX and WUaS decide to proceed together - since we might or could also have about 8 months until the autumn of 2020 when WUaS could begin to matriculate our 2nd undergraduate class - and this could give edX, with your databases, time to seek begin to plan for, and to seek, REIMBURSEMENT (is the word MIT OCW's Ceclia d'Oliviera used with CC-4 MIT OCW-centric WUaS) and with your edX payment mechanisms on the edX platform, for potential matriculating 4-year Bachelor's degree WUaS students in all ~200 countries from the students' countries' Departments of Education, targeting the amount of $55,000 per student per year per GDP - per MIT and Stanford's annual tuition - (so I'm wildly guessing $30,000 per student per year for students from India?) for free-to-students' CC-4 MIT OCW-centric WUaS degrees and in conjunction with the edX courses/platform, this could benefit edX tremendously.

With regard to item 2: 
Cryptocurrency, and in particular the mine-able with algorithms 'Pi' digital currency (and potentially in planning for students in all ~200 countries, speakers of all 7111 kown living languages, and brainstorming-wise, all 7.5 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN#, re coding):

You might find this Webinar on-demand with Stanford Law Professor Joe Grundfest interesting:

"On June 18, 2019, Facebook announced its plan to launch a more stable and useful “next generation” cryptocurrency in 2020, called “Libra.” Does this new “global digital currency” mark the beginning of a new phase in the evolution of cryptocurrency, or will it fall flat?

Join Stanford Professor and former SEC Commissioner Joe Grundfest, one of the world’s leading experts in cryptocurrency and related regulatory matters, in a conversation about Libra and the future of cryptocurrency.

Although this MIT article today 24 Jan 2020 From MIT Technology Review "An uncertain future for Facebook’s Libra" suggests differently - https://mailchi.mp/0a7161b67515/an-uncertain-future-for-facebooks-libra?e=8139914a0f - https://www.technologyreview.com/f/615083/vodafone-is-the-eighth-company-to-quit-facebooks-digital-currency-project/.

With regard to item 3: 

With regard to a single student (from India), and Shahbaz Sanjer in India could be a kind of test case, since one student's tuition could look reasonable to department of education compared with 100 or 500 students per year reimbursement, I've emailed this to Shahbaz in India (and Anant and Larry) on Wed 1/22/20. And see the last paragraph from item 1. 

"Hi Shahbaz (your first name), Anant and Larry,

Thanks for your email, the information, your interest and your persistence. Having said that, getting started with edX for your English literature major at World University and School (and as WUaS begins licensing with the state of California's BPPE) sounds complicated (before autumn 2020). Given that, perhaps WUaS can start you with a CC-4 MIT OCW course or two for credit, and as a kind of independent study even. Let me get in touch with the head of business development at edX again, and then get back to you. As a graduate of Higher Secondary School in India, would you be interested in picking a course from CC-4 MIT OCW's English Literature, e.g. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/literature/21l-000j-writing-about-literature-fall-2010/ and begin studying for WUaS credit (or from https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/literature/ or another MIT introductory literature course from https://lit.mit.edu/curriculum/introductory-subjects/)?

Thank you again for your ongoing support and enquiry. 

Regards, Scott" 

Lee, could Anant help with getting in touch with the Department of Education in India (and I have a Stanford contact in these regards too) re matriculating students from India - 100-500? - at WUaS in the autumn of 2020? 

World University and School platform development would be part of all 3 items, and with regard also to BPPE licensing (and WASC senior accreditation too). Am curious too if WUaS could we collaborate with edX for coding our WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki platform too - and with Wikidata / Wikibase in its ~300 languages? 

I'd like to point out to you, Lee, and Anant too how slowly and small WUaS is starting, but WUaS does have 3 Bachelor's degree students:

1) Tanya S: majoring in Business, needs to 6 Sigma and 'Finance Theory' to graduate - and it's possible that if she were to do these 2 courses through edX (having begun the BPPE licensing process), she could graduate from WUaS in the autumn of 2020, and WUaS could become fully accredited by WASC Senior much sooner than the 4 years we learned it would take in 2013. And perhaps WUaS could even get the .edu suffix soon, having graduated our first class and thus become fully accredited. (Tanya is in WUaS's first matriculating undergraduate class, as you may know).

2) Shahbaz S: majoring in English (need to plan a 4 year course of study for this degree - hypothetically in edX)

3) Edward G: planning to major in Engineering (need to plan a 4 year course of study for this degree - hypothetically in edX)

I also think Shahbaz in India could become a way for WUaS with edX to think through how to seek reimbursement from its Department of Education, whether state or federal. (And similarly with Tanya in Florida and Edward in Tennessee - and could these states (counties even) help reimbursement WUaS via edX? What does edX have going in these regards?)

Thanks so much for your email, Lee. 

Sincerely, Scott

(And if I were to draft the BPPE application and head to Sacramento as early as on W March 13, 2020 for a BPPE workshop, this would give BPPE enough time to process the WUaS application to begin matriculating students at licensing WUaS in August or September of 2020).
Sincerely, Scott



Green sea turtle: Your great Scratch Hour of Code Webinar for Educators 12/2/19 Eric Schilling and Zoë Bentley, ("Eric Schilling 🐱 @SpeakkVisually Anyone use @Scratch for everyday activities like cooking, working out, etc." . . . not a daily work out, but perhaps a daily write-in:) * * * Lego Robotics' Tournaments from HOME at WUaS (with Scratch programming language?) MIT-inspiring #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital - #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics? * * * WUaS bookstores/cafes #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital - Are Starbuck's cafes architecturally designed in Google StreetView & platform (since 2013)? * 'Space and Place in Business Intelligence: A Case Study of Starbucks Coffee Company in Central Ohio' * * Google as mentor to WUaS Press? * * Searched on 'best bookstore cafe chains' (pre WUaS consumer robotics' stores / electronics/computer stores in all ~200 countries / languages) * * * Just looked up genetic therapies for Presbyopia (eg needing reading glasses) - and saw that there are 'drops' from 4 companies in the US clinical trials' pipeline :) per our conversation * re WUaS Clinical Trials, planned with people in all 7,111 known living languages

Next: Elephant shrew: Non-theist Friends Network, #NontheistFriends (#NtFs), #NontheistQuakers #AtheistQuakers #AgnosticQuakers NONTHEIST QUAKERS: ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2020 Nontheist Friends Network Annual Conference 2020 Friends’ House, Euston, London from Sa-Su 28-29 March 2020 * * a British Quaker perspective on #Friends & caring & sharing & Christmas … Aye:) #NontheistFriends #NtFs #NontheistQuakers #AtheistQuakers #AtheistFriends #Quakers Re #CultureIdentity #SocioculturalAnthropology too * * Great to have two unambiguous sides of a scientific argument - Peter Atkins debates Stephen Law-Science or philosophy, which is best? (World Humanist Congress) * * Brilliant stuff again from @CosmicSkeptic Atheist Alex (and theology graduate student at Oxford @OUPAcademic) To Philosophy & possibly #NontheistQuakers / #AtheistFriends - @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress ~ * * * Another #UnitarianUniversalist blog post https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/tualatin-river-national-wildlife-refuge.html… (see UU label) & re Harvard's 1st Parish (Unitarian) Church Cambridge, MA, & identity-struggle, in unfolding liberal religious thought since 1632 & abt #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords + brain modeling re #Connectome ~

Replying to @SpeakkVisually and @scratch
Not quite the same, Eric @speakkvisually, but I blogged about your great Scratch Hour of Code Webinar for Educators 12/2/19 - in my daily blog (not a daily work out, but perhaps a daily write-in:)
Eric Schilling and Zoë Bentley ~ https://youtu.be/tCMZckWp82w ~ https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/panamanian-golden-frog-world-university.html ~


Eric Schilling 🐱
Anyone use @Scratch for everyday activities like cooking, working out, etc.

We've been doing Scratch-powered workouts every Monday and Wednesday.

Also, I'm prototyping a Scratch cooking project for the iPad in our kitchen. It has recipes with steps and timers👨‍🍳


Not quite the same, Eric @speakkvisually, but I blogged about your great Scratch Hour of Code Webinar for Educators 12/2/19 - in my daily blog (not a daily work out, but perhaps a daily write-in:)
Eric Schilling and Zoë Bentley ~ https://youtu.be/tCMZckWp82w - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/panamanian-golden-frog-world-university.html… ~ https://twitter.com/SpeakkVisually/status/1221435675578380288


* * 

Lego Robotics' Tournaments from HOME at WUaS (with Scratch programming language?)
https://youtu.be/RlsAh2BTBgE - https://youtu.be/reSKSbTo_-k - https://youtu.be/zlKGf88HFi0 - https://youtu.be/CpYMDyasFYA>
#ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital - #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics? https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics ~


And in many languages? ...

Robotics' Tournaments from HOME at WUaS?
MIT-inspiring - but into Lego?
- https://www.ll.mit.edu/outreach/first-lego-league - https://youtu.be/SXH-bBw3uxg - https://youtu.be/RlsAh2BTBgE #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital - #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics? https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics @WUaSPress ~


* *

Panamanian golden frog: World University and School is also seeking to develop Engineering courses and degrees in a realistic virtual environment and with actual-virtual, physical-digital home robotics - think physical Lego Robotics' WeDo 2.0, Mindstorms EV3, SpikePrime in Brick Street View in Google Street View with Time Slider / Maps / Earth - and also with the Scratch 3.0 drag and drop programming language * * * Ethics? - perhaps to Richard Rorty in terms of ethics - https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rorty/ - as well, and re his liberalism, his focus on social justice, appreciative too of Rorty's 'social gospel' thinking * * * Added about 10 more poems from 2011 to my now nearing complete poetry book manuscript "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! .... " (2019) ~ Almost ready to send manuscript to the Academic Press at World University and School for printing / publishing via KDP ... http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html ...

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/panamanian-golden-frog-world-university.html -

* * *

Bookstores-Cafes / Computer / Robotics' stores at WUaS ... 
(and eventually as distribution centers in all ~200 countries' official languages too)

For books & computers etc. for matriculating online students ... 

WUaS bookstores/cafes #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital are Starbuck's cafes architecturally designed in Google StreetView & platform? 'Space and Place in Business Intelligence: A Case Study of Starbucks Coffee Company in Central Ohio'https://etd.ohiolink.edu/!etd.send_file?accession=osu1337784621 Google as WUaS mentor?


best bookstore cafe chains https://www.bookweb.org/news/coffee-talk-booksellers-pros-and-cons-bookstore-cafés-–-part-iihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_bookstore_chainshttps://www.mentalfloss.com/article/577201/best-bookstores-all-50-stateshttp://worldmost.org/largest-bookstore-in-the-ushttps://www.realsimple.com/work-life/travel/local-bookstores>  https://www.amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Foundation -
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html -
- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Bookstore_/_Computer_Store_%28New_%26_Used%29_at_WUaS -
@WorldUnivAndSch ~



Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

10:27 AM (54 minutes ago)
to JulianLarryGovindJayniKyleJuantitoyuping.chungIulian
Julian (named CEO of the WUaS Corp), Larry, Govind, Jayni, Tito, Juan, Yuping and Kyle, 

Just am exploring and Tweeting about this, and where Google and Starbucks partnered in 2013. Could Google mentor WUaS, I wonder?

WUaS bookstores/cafes #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital are Starbuck's cafes architecturally designed in Google StreetView & platform? 'Space and Place in Business Intelligence: A Case Study of Starbucks Coffee Company in Central Ohio' https://etd.ohiolink.edu/!etd.send_file?accession=osu1337784621 Google as WUaS mentor?

How best to make this bookstores-cafes architecturally beautiful, yet simple too, - and with some in malls (not necessarily beautiful) probably - and in all ~200 countries?

* * *

Re: Saturday at Starbuck's


Scott MacLeod scott@scottmacleod.com

11:53 AM (2 hours ago)
to Bill
Hi, Bill

Likewise! You can see the two covers of the first edition of "To the
Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! ... " here -
- as well as my favorite poems in it:)

Just looked up genetic therapies for Presbyopia (needing reading
glasses) - and saw that there are 'drops' from 4 companies in the US
clinical trials' pipeline :) per our conversation:

Presbyopia Treatment Options
There are four eyedrops currently undergoing trials in the US aiming to
be first to market: Novartis EVO6, Presbyopia Therapies PRX100, Orasis
CSF1, and Allergan AGN-199201 and AGN-190584.

re WUaS Clinical Trials, see too:

Eric and Zoë are in a MIT Scratch video toward the top of my WUaS Twitter feed here
https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1221483720785317894?s=20 ...

Bunch of WUaS bookstore / cafe ideas atop my Twitter sphere presently
too ...
https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1213536973131960320?s=20 -

and here consolidated -

Cheers, Scott


Hi, Bill

Likewise! You can see the two covers of the first edition of "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! ... " here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/venus-occults-jupiter-new-book-of.html - as well as my favorite poems in it:)

Just looked up genetic therapies for Presbyopia (needing reading glasses) - and saw that there are 'drops' from 4 companies in the US clinical trials' pipeline :) per our conversation:

Presbyopia Treatment Options
There are four eyedrops currently undergoing trials in the US aiming to be first to market: Novartis EVO6, Presbyopia Therapies PRX100, Orasis CSF1, and Allergan AGN-199201 and AGN-190584.

re Clinical Trials, see too:

Eric and Zoe are in a MIT Scratch video toward the top of my WUaS Twitter feed here
- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1221483720785317894?s=20 ...

Bunch of WUaS bookstore / cafe ideas atop my Twitter feed presently too ...

- https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1213536973131960320?s=20 -

and here consolidated -

Cheers, Scott

On 1/26/20 9:57 AM, Bill Roberts wrote:
> Hi, Scott
> I enjoyed our visit yesterday. Thanks for arranging it!


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

Elephant shrew: Non-theist Friends Network, #NontheistFriends (#NtFs), #NontheistQuakers #AtheistQuakers #AgnosticQuakers NONTHEIST QUAKERS: ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2020 Nontheist Friends Network Annual Conference 2020 Friends’ House, Euston, London from Sa-Su 28-29 March 2020 * * a British Quaker perspective on #Friends & caring & sharing & Christmas … Aye:) #NontheistFriends #NtFs #NontheistQuakers #AtheistQuakers #AtheistFriends #Quakers Re #CultureIdentity #SocioculturalAnthropology too * * Great to have two unambiguous sides of a scientific argument - Peter Atkins debates Stephen Law-Science or philosophy, which is best? (World Humanist Congress) * * Brilliant stuff again from @CosmicSkeptic Atheist Alex (and theology graduate student at Oxford @OUPAcademic) To Philosophy & possibly #NontheistQuakers / #AtheistFriends - @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress ~ * * * Another #UnitarianUniversalist blog post https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/tualatin-river-national-wildlife-refuge.html… (see UU label) & re Harvard's 1st Parish (Unitarian) Church Cambridge, MA, & identity-struggle, in unfolding liberal religious thought since 1632 & abt #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords + brain modeling re #Connectome ~

Previous: Green sea turtle: Your great Scratch Hour of Code Webinar for Educators 12/2/19 Eric Schilling and Zoë Bentley, ("Eric Schilling 🐱 @SpeakkVisually Anyone use @Scratch for everyday activities like cooking, working out, etc." . . . not a daily work out, but perhaps a daily write-in:) * * * Lego Robotics' Tournaments from HOME at WUaS (with Scratch programming language?) MIT-inspiring #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital - #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics? * * * WUaS bookstores/cafes #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital - Are Starbuck's cafes architecturally designed in Google StreetView & platform (since 2013)? * 'Space and Place in Business Intelligence: A Case Study of Starbucks Coffee Company in Central Ohio' * * Google as mentor to WUaS Press? * * Searched on 'best bookstore cafe chains' (pre WUaS consumer robotics' stores / electronics/computer stores in all ~200 countries / languages) * * * Just looked up genetic therapies for Presbyopia (eg needing reading glasses) - and saw that there are 'drops' from 4 companies in the US clinical trials' pipeline :) per our conversation * re WUaS Clinical Trials, planned with people in all 7,111 known living languages

Non-theist Friends Network, #NontheistFriends (#NtFs), #NontheistQuakers #AtheistQuakers #AgnosticQuakers

Scott MacLeod

to Non-theist, nontheist-friends@googlegroups.com

Thanks, Trevor and Nontheist Friends' Network in the British Isles,

In the #NontheistQuakers hash tag, just re-Tweeted the following:

Non-theist Friends Network, #NontheistFriends (#NtFs), #NontheistQuakers #AtheistQuakers #AgnosticQuakers NONTHEIST QUAKERS: ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2020 Nontheist Friends Network Annual Conference 2020 Friends’ House, Euston, London from Sa-Su 28-29 March 2020 https://nontheist-quakers.org.uk ~


a British Quaker perspective on #Friends & caring & sharing & Christmas https://twitter.com/BritishQuakers/status/1208058581796429825?s=20… Aye:) #NontheistFriends #NtFs  #NontheistQuakers #AtheistQuakers #AtheistFriends #Quakers Re #CultureIdentity #SocioculturalAnthropology too https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Quakers_-_Religious_Society_of_Friends @WorldUnivAndSch ~


Great to have two unambiguous sides of a scientific argument -

Peter Atkins debates Stephen Law-Science or philosophy, which is best? (World Humanist Congress) https://youtu.be/i5AyjXBgjvA
(>https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nontheist_Friends_(atheist_Quakers%3F)… #NontheistFriends #AtheistQuakers #NontheistQuakers #NtFs?)


Brilliant stuff again from @CosmicSkeptic
Atheist Alex (and theology graduate student at Oxford @OUPAcademic) https://youtu.be/jv-daraEJu8 To Philosophy https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Philosophy
 & possibly #NontheistQuakers / #AtheistFriends - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nontheist_Friends_(atheist_Quakers%3F)… ~
@WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress ~


NtF Cheers, Scott


- worlduniversityandschool.org


- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President

- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org

- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.

* * * 

 #UnitarianUniversalist  Unitarian Universalist ...

Another #UnitarianUniversalist blog post https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/tualatin-river-national-wildlife-refuge.html… (see UU label) & re Harvard's 1st Parish (Unitarian) Church Cambridge, MA, & identity-struggle, in unfolding liberal religious thought since 1632 & abt #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords + brain modeling re #Connectome ~



* *
See, too:

Friday, April 28, 2017

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/04/red-rainbowfish-mit-bachelors-degree-in.html -


Seneca white deer: Interested in matriculating this autumn for free-to-students' online best STEM OCW Bachelor degrees as we seek to collaborate with edX (Harvard & MIT founded)> worlduniversityandschool.org - "World Univ & Sch News and Q & A - 27 Jan 2020"

Previous: Elephant shrew: Non-theist Friends Network, #NontheistFriends (#NtFs), #NontheistQuakers #AtheistQuakers #AgnosticQuakers NONTHEIST QUAKERS: ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2020 Nontheist Friends Network Annual Conference 2020 Friends’ House, Euston, London from Sa-Su 28-29 March 2020 * * a British Quaker perspective on #Friends & caring & sharing & Christmas … Aye:) #NontheistFriends #NtFs #NontheistQuakers #AtheistQuakers #AtheistFriends #Quakers Re #CultureIdentity #SocioculturalAnthropology too * * Great to have two unambiguous sides of a scientific argument - Peter Atkins debates Stephen Law-Science or philosophy, which is best? (World Humanist Congress) * * Brilliant stuff again from @CosmicSkeptic Atheist Alex (and theology graduate student at Oxford @OUPAcademic) To Philosophy & possibly #NontheistQuakers / #AtheistFriends - @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress ~ * * * Another #UnitarianUniversalist blog post https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/tualatin-river-national-wildlife-refuge.html… (see UU label) & re Harvard's 1st Parish (Unitarian) Church Cambridge, MA, & identity-struggle, in unfolding liberal religious thought since 1632 & abt #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords + brain modeling re #Connectome ~

World Univ & Sch News and Q & A - 27 Jan 2020

Interested in matriculating this autumn for free-to-students' online best STEM OCW Bachelor degrees as we seek to collaborate with edX (Harvard & MIT founded)> worlduniversityandschool.org -https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School ~

- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1221875124728545280?s=20 -

Seeking to collaborate with edX (Harvard and MIT founded) > worlduniversityandschool.org -

Hi Lee,
(head of business development at edX),

Thank you for your email. 

I have the recollection (and I noted this too) that when we talked on 18 Dec 2019, that for WUaS to become an edX member it would be $500 (whereas for WUaS to set up edX enterprise integration as partner it would be $75,000). 

So, is this 'K' from your email misplaced - 
"1. Membership is $500K ... "? 
If not, WUaS can't become an edX member. If edX membership is $500, then WUaS would become a member. And as we talked about on 18 Dec 2019 too, for $5000 World Univ & Sch will begin licensing with CA's Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) which licensing would be for both WUaS Bachelor and Ph.D. online degrees in English around MIT OCW's ~2500 undergraduate and graduate courses, and which WUaS would bring to the table in communicating further with edX about membership. (I found out from our chair of the Board that WUaS would be able to get the $5,000 to begin BPPE licensing which would lead to, concurrently, the WASC senior accreditation process for World University and School).

If edX membership is $500,000, is there an opportunity to be an affiliate, and focus at first on a small number of students, or even an associate affiliate, and to find out what edX offers to us? 

Sounds like a plan: "Crypto- no interest or bandwidth to have this discussion at this time, perhaps in the years ahead."

Would edX be able to refer individual 4-year online Bachelor's degree students (for best STEM CC-4 MIT OCW-centric free-to-students' degrees which WUaS will seek reimbursement for from Departments of Education in all ~200 countries prorated at what tuition costs to attend MIT or Stanford - about $55,000 per year - per GDP of country, and seek reimbursement potentially via the edX platform) to us? 

In summary, I think it's the CA BPPE licensing for both Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees in English around CC-4 MIT OCW's ~2500 undergraduate and graduate courses that WUaS brings to the table in communicating further with edX about membership - since all of edX would benefit from these degrees. (And last 2/20/19 at the licensing BPPE workshop in San Jose, CA, Dianne@DCA <Dianne.Arechiga@dca.ca.gov> said explicitly that the CA Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education could license online Ph.D. degrees in addition to Bachelor degrees - and regarding WUaS's BPPE licensing). She also said they'd readily license Google Education, for example, which I had asked her about because World Univ & Sch has been in Google Education for years now for free - ie this email address is in Google Education - so I think that BPPE would also license edX / WUaS readily too. BPPE licensing is a first step, and works together for 2 years with the WASC senior accreditation process (and WASC accredits Stanford and UC Berkeley and 150 other universities on the west coast and some internationally; - is edX or MITx seeking to accredit with the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), which accredits MIT as an institution?). I also think MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch, in planning to be in all ~200 countries' official/main languages, could contribute greatly to a diversity focus at edX eventually. And besides this, I think too that World University and School could eventually become an extraordinary growth story for edX - planned as major online universities in ~200 countries' official languages for Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, Medicine and IB high school degrees, (and in all 7,111 known living languages as wiki schools too). 

But at this time, WUaS would like to explore becoming a small time edX associate. What might be the next steps to follow up on this further, Lee? 

Thank you.

Best, Scott

Further elaboration:

I'll seek to respond to your 3 points here in a beginning way.

With regard to item 1: I think you said on 18 Dec 2019 that edX membership would be $500 for WUaS, although your email of 1/20/2020 is a bit unclear in these regards. Since WUaS has $500 in the bank account (and about $1375 total), I think re funding that WUaS could cover the $500 edX membership fee immediately. And in talking with Larry, the chair of the World Univ & Sch Board, as well as the CFO, it looks like WUaS may be able to get the $5000 for CA's BPPE licensing https://twitter.com/CaBPPE. If it might be possible to become a member of edX in these regards, which is part of the WUaS plan, then WUaS could begin to focus on developing our world ranking in conjunction with edX. So I wonder about the issue of $500 for edX membership (which WUaS has) and $5000 for CA's BPPE licensing (which WUaS may be able to get), concurrently, - and WUaS's plans, and alignment with edX. Perhaps we could talk about this in another phone conversation. With regard to world ranking and CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World University and School's NAME, WUaS can use the MIT name with these Creative Commons' licensing and endorsement clarifications http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - and potentially on the edX platform especially, re WUaS beginning to develop our world ranking further.

Furthermore in terms of WUaS planning, if edX were interested in aligning with MIT OCW-centric World University and School - planned online in each of 200+ countries' official and main languages as major online Universities and offering free-to-students' CC-4 MIT OCW-centric Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, MD and IB high school degrees - and WUaS licensed (with BPPE) and became accredited (with WASC senior) first in the US, to the great potential benefit of edX too, then edX would have a further major growth plan as well as the potential or working with an expanding MIT OCW-centric set of startup Universities (seeking to hire 2.2 million people over decades even).

With regard to sustainability: if edX and WUaS decide to proceed together - since we might or could also have about 8 months until the autumn of 2020 when WUaS could begin to matriculate our 2nd undergraduate class - and this could give edX, with your databases, time to seek begin to plan for, and to seek, REIMBURSEMENT (is the word MIT OCW's Ceclia d'Oliviera used with CC-4 MIT OCW-centric WUaS) and with your edX payment mechanisms on the edX platform, for potential matriculating 4-year Bachelor's degree WUaS students in all ~200 countries from the students' countries' Departments of Education, targeting the amount of $55,000 per student per year per GDP - per MIT and Stanford's annual tuition - (so I'm wildly guessing $30,000 per student per year for students from India?) for free-to-students' CC-4 MIT OCW-centric WUaS degrees and in conjunction with the edX courses/platform, this could benefit edX tremendously.

With regard to item 2: Cryptocurrency, and in particular the mine-able with algorithms 'Pi' digital currency (and potentially in planning for students in all ~200 countries, speakers of all 7111 known living languages, and brainstorming-wise, all 7.5 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN#, re coding):

You might find this Webinar on-demand with Stanford Law Professor Joe Grundfest interesting: http://learn.stanford.edu/libra-webinar-0120.html

"On June 18, 2019, Facebook announced its plan to launch a more stable and useful “next generation” cryptocurrency in 2020, called “Libra.” Does this new “global digital currency” mark the beginning of a new phase in the evolution of cryptocurrency, or will it fall flat?

Join Stanford Professor and former SEC Commissioner Joe Grundfest, one of the world’s leading experts in cryptocurrency and related regulatory matters, in a conversation about Libra and the future of cryptocurrency.

Although this MIT article today 24 Jan 2020 From MIT Technology Review "An uncertain future for Facebook’s Libra" suggests differently - https://mailchi.mp/0a7161b67515/an-uncertain-future-for-facebooks-libra?e=8139914a0f - https://www.technologyreview.com/f/615083/vodafone-is-the-eighth-company-to-quit-facebooks-digital-currency-project/.

With regard to item 3:

With regard to a single student (from India), and Shahbaz Sanjer in India could be a kind of test case, since one student's tuition could look reasonable to department of education compared with 100 or 500 students per year reimbursement, I've emailed this to Shahbaz in India (and Anant and Larry) on Wed 1/22/20. And see the last paragraph from item 1.

"Hi Shahbaz (your first name), Anant and Larry,

Thanks for your email, the information, your interest and your persistence. Having said that, getting started with edX for your English literature major at World University and School (and as WUaS begins licensing with the state of California's BPPE) sounds complicated (before autumn 2020). Given that, perhaps WUaS can start you with a CC-4 MIT OCW course or two for credit, and as a kind of independent study even. Let me get in touch with the head of business development at edX again, and then get back to you. As a graduate of Higher Secondary School in India, would you be interested in picking a course from CC-4 MIT OCW's English Literature, e.g. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/literature/21l-000j-writing-about-literature-fall-2010/ and begin studying for WUaS credit (or from https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/literature/ or another MIT introductory literature course from https://lit.mit.edu/curriculum/introductory-subjects/)?

Thank you again for your ongoing support and enquiry.

Regards, Scott"

Lee, could Anant help with getting in touch with the Department of Education in India (and I have a Stanford contact in these regards too) re matriculating students from India - 100-500? - at WUaS in the autumn of 2020?

World University and School platform development would be part of all 3 items, and with regard also to BPPE licensing (and WASC senior accreditation too). Am curious too if WUaS could we collaborate with edX for coding our WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki platform too - and with Wikidata / Wikibase in its ~300 languages?

I'd like to point out to you, Lee, and Anant too how slowly and small WUaS is starting, but WUaS does have 3 Bachelor's degree students:

1) Tanya S: majoring in Business, needs to 6 Sigma and 'Finance Theory' to graduate - and it's possible that if she were to do these 2 courses through edX (having begun the BPPE licensing process), she could graduate from WUaS in the autumn of 2020, and WUaS could become fully accredited by WASC Senior much sooner than the 4 years we learned it would take in 2013. And perhaps WUaS could even get the .edu suffix soon, having graduated our first class and thus become fully accredited. (Tanya is in WUaS's first matriculating undergraduate class, as you may know).

2) Shahbaz S: majoring in English (need to plan a 4 year course of study for this degree - hypothetically in edX)

3) Edward G: planning to major in Engineering (need to plan a 4 year course of study for this degree - hypothetically in edX)

I also think Shahbaz in India could become a way for WUaS with edX to think through how to seek reimbursement from its Department of Education, whether state or federal. (And similarly with Tanya in Florida and Edward in Tennessee - and could these states (counties even) help reimbursement WUaS via edX? What does edX have going in these regards?)

Thanks so much for your email, Lee.

Sincerely, Scott

(And if I were to draft the BPPE application and head to Sacramento as early as on W March 13, 2020 for a BPPE workshop, this would give BPPE enough time to process the WUaS application to begin matriculating students at licensing WUaS in August or September of 2020).

- https://www.bppe.ca.gov/schools/application_workshops.shtml -

Sincerely, Scott



Hairy-nosed wombat: Applying for an 'Head of Content Strategy and Acquisition' edX position - https://www.edx.org/careers - and re MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch * Succinct and Original versions of my Cover Letter and Resume to edX

Next: Ligers, and Tiligers and Panthera leo x Panthera tigris and Tigons (and Leopons too): In communicating with edX recently about possible World Univ & Sch membership with edX, we've put the conversation about cryptocurrencies on hold * * * "Pi" digital currency heads' up, and the "Mine Pi" app information * * Am glad though the 'Mine Pi' App is 'off the shelf' (eg in Google Play Store) and nearly 'there' and has the lightning button coded in, so one can mine this digital cryptocurrency. Am seeking at WUaS to explore UBI experiments for all 7.5 billion people (each a new kind of Wikidata PIN# in its ~300 languages) on the planet eventually to alleviate poverty - as well as to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks (probably via regulation) and coming after the dollar and the euro (in 19 out of 28 EU countries) currencies

Hey Nick, How's it going? Am applying for an 'Head of Content Strategy and Acquisition' edX position - https://www.edx.org/careers - and re MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - which career would be based in Boston with 30-50% travel, so maybe I'll find, meet and connect with a life partner there and begin a family, as well as be able to write my 2nd actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic book (newly out of something like the Google Street View platform, with text in the side bar, and printable to paper!). How's your New Year going? How is your family? Happy Robbie Burns' night a bit belatedly! - Scott (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Scotland)


Here are the succinct versions of my Cover Letter and Resume:

January 28, 2020

Dr. Anant Agarwal 
141 Portland Street, 9th floor 
Cambridge, MA 02139 

Dear Dr. Agarwal,

Please accept my application for the role of Head of Content Strategy & Acquisition at edX -  https://boards.greenhouse.io/edx/jobs/1921466.

My passion is to transform education.  Traveling the world and building strong relationships with faculty who have unique and exciting content that inspires the urge to go deeper in a wide range of subjects for diverse multilingual learners is my primary skill set.  World University and Schools was my “one-man army” effort to hone that skill set over the last decade and half.  Even before that I had the luxury to travel the world and experience learning from master educators – I have been very fortunate in this regard.  If possible, I would like the opportunity to join the edX team to help scout out and acquire the best for edX.

Thank you for considering my application.

412 478 0116


Scott MacLeod412 478 0116 – sgkmacleod@gmail.com

WORLD UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL Founder (2007-present)
Content curation in multiple languages

Penn State University
2007 (Summer) – Society and Information Technology (in Second Life)
2007 (Spring) – Introduction to Sociology
University of Pittsburgh and Chatham University
2007 (Spring) – Society and Information Technology
Penn State University
2006 (Fall) – Introduction to Sociology
University of California, Santa Barbara 
2003 (Spring) – Communication Research Methods, Department of Communication 
2002 (Fall) – Anthropological Approaches to the Law, Dept. of Law and Society (Head TA) 
2002 (Winter) – Technology and Culture, Department of Anthropology 
2001 (Fall) – Anthropological Approaches to the Law, Department of Law and Society 
University of California, Berkeley
2001 (Spring) Reader, Prof. Nelson Graburn’s “Tourism” anthropology course
2000 (Fall) Reader, Prof. Aiwha Ong’s “Globalization and Gender” anthropology course

2004 – D.R. in Ethnology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland
2003 – M.A. in Sociocultural Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara
1985 - B.A. in Social Science of Religion, German, Reed College, Portland, Oregon 

Extensive travel to academic institution in Europe and the USA. Anthropological publications. Bagpiper. 

Professor Nelson Graburn, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 510 642 2120 
Professor Juan-Vicente Palerm, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, 805 893 8449 

* *
Here are the original versions of my Cover Letter and Resume:

January 28, 2020

To Whom It May Concern: 

I’m writing to apply for Head of Content Strategy & Acquisition position at edX - https://boards.greenhouse.io/edx/jobs/1921466 (https://www.edx.org/careers). In doing so, I plan to, with excellence and skill:   

·      Define and execute edX’s content strategy that aligns with edX’s overall company and product strategies;  
·      Grow edX’s capability to identify and acquire the best courses, credentials, degrees and other types of content to meet our learners’ needs worldwide;
·      Grow edX’s research capability and align content (existing or gaps) with the job market to help learners achieve their career outcomes;
·      Build strong working relationships with edX partner managers and content providers to ensure successful content acquisition; 
·      Identify educational, business and labor trends and lead the necessary research, acquisition and experimentation to understand opportunity and impact; 
·      Build, lead, develop and manage a team focused on content strategy and acquisition; 
·      Represent and advance edXs’ goals at key public engagements, conferences, industry events and edX partner events, representing the company as an industry leader.

Having developed both a) CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric (in its now 4 languages) wiki World University and School as online universities in all ~206 countries’ main languages, and as wiki schools in all 7,111 known living languages since 2007, and b) my actual / virtual Harbin Hot Springs’ ethnographic project (including writing 4 books), and especially in developing the beginnings of a realistic virtual Harbin / realistic virtual earth as social science and STEM virtual field sites (which realistic virtual universe will become a film-realistic, 3D, group build-able, interactive, virtual earth/cosmos/Harbin in all languages ever, with both realistic and fantastic avatars of mammals/species, for actual-virtual comparison, and for what I'm calling ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, a new STEM method), including with plans to model the brain at the neuronal (cellular) and atomic (nano) levels, to begin, for related brain research, for example, I would bring significant experience and an unique approach to edX content strategy and acquisition. All of this represents far-reaching approaches to educational content strategy and acquisition in many significant, new and unique ways.  
In addition to the above qualifications, and with regard to ‘best-in-class digital experiences to consumer markets’ (see job application description above), World Univ & Sch has successfully obtained, developed and coded our Wiki into 725 open subject pages including with plans for online Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, M.D. and I.B. high school degrees – and with these degrees planned not only in the English languages, but in all ~200 countries’ official / main languages. Building, leading, developing and managing a team focused on content strategy and acquisition in each of ~200 countries’ main languages, as organizing approach, would be potentially a significant addition to edX.
World Univ & Sch has also developed a track record of success in business development, in terms of holding WUaS Monthly Business Meeting (using an open, consensus-based Friendly/Quaker approach to WUaS organizational decision-making) for nearly 10 years, regularly, and with a) agenda and b) minutes, including personally leading teams that reliably meet these monthly goals. This includes developing 2 WUaS Boards of Trustees. And while this has involved strong leadership skills, the nature of WUaS Monthly Business Meeting’s decision-making process involves experience collaborating and navigating in a matrixed organization. WUaS’s work in Monthly Business Meeting has also involved experience coaching direct reports and others, aligning teams to goals, setting a strategic vision and creating an engaging, positive work environment. 
That World University and School, as a 501 (c) 3 non profit (since 2010), has been able to develop a second, for-profit, general stock company parallel legal entity, the WUaS Corporation (since 2017), in the context of the Internet, proves much ability to thrive and succeed in the fast-paced and ever-evolving environment of the World Wide Web.
While WUaS has successfully joined, and developed in, the Handshake platform (‘Handshake is the #1 way college students find jobs and internships, and helps students connect with employers’), WUaS does not yet have experience with hiring, and yet sees developing college students as the best way to grow top talent and design diverse, inclusive, effective and results-driven teams. I would seek to hire via Handshake at edX in the ‘Head of Content Strategy and Acquisition’ position, as well as via edX’s varied approaches including seeking to hire highest achieving graduate students instructors and related faculty from greatest universities locally.
 I’m in a position to travel 30% - 50% of the time. 
Lastly in terms of qualifications, having successfully communicated with MIT OCW executive director Cecilia d'Oliveira (a MIT alumna who was MIT Associate Dean for Digital Learning from Dec 2014 – Jun 2017, Executive Director, MIT OpenCourseWare from Sep 2008 – Dec 2014, and MIT OCW’s Technology Director from Sep 2002 – Sep 2008) about use of CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare at WUaS, - as well as being in communication presently with edX about WUaS membership in edX - demonstrates not only the ability to foster working relationships with content providers, but also to develop and maintain good relationships with content partners and the industry at large. In applying for this edX Head of Content Strategy position, and in seeking to make World Univ & Sch the Harvard / MIT / Stanford / Oxbridge of the Internet in all ~200 countries’ official languages, and wiki schools in all 7,111 known living languages, I would seek to represent the company edX as an industry leader.
With regard to online Medical Schools and Law Schools, as potential content acquisition in this edX position, and regarding WUaS significant communications with Stanford Law and Medicine in these regards thus far, it’s great to see that Stanford just joined edX Online - https://twitter.com/agarwaledu/status/1222173479195119617?s=20. World University and School has been communicating for some years with Stanford Law and Medicine and Google’s / Stanford’s / Duke’s Project Baseline, and brainstorming-wise, with regards to online teaching hospitals for clinical care (as well as Project ECHO) – in ~200 countries’ official languages. Thus I would be able potentially via WUaS to bring edX into collaboration with Stanford, and thus further explore developing related collaborations with Harvard Medicine / Law, and other great Boston Universities in these regards.  
And with regard to content strategy and acquisition, not only do I seek to explore, regarding edX, teaching or developing 3 courses -  a) “Society, Information Technology and the Global University,” b) “Actual-Virtual Harbin Hot Springs’ Ethnography,” as well as a c) Reed College-informed ‘Hum 110’ course, which I would entitle “Humanities 101” – newly in the edX platform. I’ve taken the JuryX HarvardX edX course in 2016 taught by Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Charles Nesson. There’s much learning potentially in all of these courses which could be used to make edX really excellent as a learning platform.
In terms of content strategy further, I would also seek to develop a MIT Media Lab approach to ‘new technologies and strategies for cultivating creative learning - and with regard to the Media Lab's four guiding principles: Projects, Peers, Passion and Play,’ on the edX platform e.g. https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Massachusetts_Institute_of_Technology_-_MIT - and -  https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Media_Lab_at_World_University_and_School (see many of the academic and ‘creative’ wiki subjects / schools for open teaching and learning here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects not yet in other languages), and perhaps these wiki pages are an early beginning such a Media Lab approach. 
As a publisher, and having begun a new press, the Academic Press at World University and School, and which has now published 4 titles, – I’d bring related new knowledge and experience to this edX position of Content Strategy and Acquisition. 
WUaS is also planning online Music Schools - with all instruments, all libraries ever, all museums ever, all online, and each a wiki subject page to begin, in all 7,111 living languages, and in a realistic virtual earth too (think Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth / Tensor Flow / Translate / Google platform with realistic avatar bots – and at the cellular and atomic levels, and group-buildable) – which involves significant content strategizing.
In terms of content strategy, WUaS also has a plan for developing actual-virtual, physical-digital ‘Home Robotics’ - emerging from the now 3 Lego Robotics’ Educational Kits and which work in conjunction with the Scratch visual programming language out of the MIT Media Lab and the Harvard Graduate School of Education – which edX could build on in remarkable ways with courses, in all ~200 countries’ official and main languages.
Further in terms of content strategy and acquisition, World University and School is developing with three multi-lingual platforms, in a sense – a) CC-4 MIT OCW in 4 languages, b) Google Education / platform in ~100 languages, and c) Wikidata/Wikibase in its ~300 languages as a structured knowledge database (and Wikipedia’s “back end”) - and I would bring experience and knowledge of these to this position, and in planning potentially for courses potentially in 6800 more languages, and with machine translation and a universal translator (conceptually like Google).
As Head of Content Strategy and Acquisition, I will be responsible for defining edX’s content offering, a critical component of edX’s strategy and ongoing success. In this role, and with regards to the Mission at edX, which is to: 

·      i. Increase access to high-quality education for everyone, everywhere
·      ii. Enhance teaching and learning on campus and online
·      iii. Advance teaching and learning through research

I would further bring my experience and thinking at World University and School with regards to

·      i. Planning to develop approaches to free universal education, while edX remaining sustainable
·      ii. Seeking to enhance teaching and learning in new kinds of online campuses and classrooms – in a single developing realistic virtual earth; 
·      iii. Studying how students learn, especially interlingually and inter-culturally. 

As an American university president, a CEO of 2 startups, and as an educator / professor / publisher and startup founder, it would be great to work for edX, especially since Professor Anant Agarwal just posted to Twitter that edX is rated as one of the best employers in Boston - https://twitter.com/agarwaledu/status/1220427028849201153?s=20
If content is king, and I am offered this position, this position would crown edX. And I think this “head of content strategy and acquisition” position would also thus help edX further to become the industry leader, and thus help people around the world create careers with excellent and improving online education. 

Thank you.

Sincerely, Scott

- Scott GK MacLeod - Founder, CEO, President & Professor
- World University and School  
http://worlduniversityandschool.org  - @WorldUnivAndSch
- 412 478 0116 (Google Voice - 415 480 4577 to same mobile smartphone device) 
http://scottmacleod.com  - @scottmacleod 


Scott Gordon Kenneth MacLeod, III, M.A., D.R.

P.O. Box 442 (670A Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516 USA
412 478 0116 – sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

WORLD UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL (like Wikipedia with best STEM CC OpenCourseWare; a 501(c)(3) non profit educational organization) 
- Academic & Leadership Positions 
2007-2019 - Founder, Professor, Developer, CEO, President, Presiding Clerk, Librarian
- Educational Software
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States - for online Universities in all ~200 countries’ official languages
- Planning to offer free-to-students’ best STEM OpenCourseWare-centric (OCW) Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, M.D. & I.B. high school degrees online in all ~200 countries’ official languages, and degrees in all 7,000 living languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages

WUaS CORPORATION (a for profit general stock company), planned as academic markets in all 7,111 living languages with machine translation
2017-2019 - Founder, Developer, Acting President/CEO, Presiding Clerk, Publisher
http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html & https://twitter.com/WUaSPress 
- Educational Services
WUaS Corporation's 10 planned for profit revenue streams - https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2017/06/wuas-corporations-10-planned-for-profit.html
See, too, for both wings of WUaS: https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2016/01/14-planned-wuas-revenue-streams.html


World University & School (in Google + Hangout) 
2018 - Society, Information Society and the Global University
(First matriculated undergraduate class of WUaS)

World University & School (in Second Life (Harvard’s virtual island) and Google + Hangouts)
2013-2017 – Network Society, Information Society and the Global University

Harvard's Virtual Island (not on Harvard’s faculty) (in Second Life)
2007-2013 - Society and Information Technology 

Penn State University
2007 (Summer) – Society and Information Technology (in Second Life)
2007 (Spring) – Introduction to Sociology (in actual life)

University of Pittsburgh (OSHER Program)
2007 (Spring) – Society and Information Technology (in actual life)

Chatham University
2007 (Spring) – Society and Information Technology (in actual life)

Penn State University
2006 (Fall) – Introduction to Sociology (in actual life)

University of California, Santa Barbara 

2003 (Spring) – Communication Research Methods, Department of Communication 

2002 (Fall) – Anthropological Approaches to the Law, Dept. of Law and Society (Head TA) 

2002 (Winter) – Technology and Culture, Department of Anthropology 

2001 (Fall) – Anthropological Approaches to the Law, Department of Law and Society 

University of California, Berkeley

Jan. 2001 – May 2001 -- Reader, University of California, Berkeley, Professor Nelson Graburn’s “Tourism” anthropology course

Sept. – Dec. 2000 -- Reader, University of California, Berkeley, Professor Aiwha Ong’s “Globalization and Gender” anthropology course


Yoga - Certificate in 2 year program from the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco (1991), completed in 1 year, and enjoys the freedom-orientation of Angela & Victor's Yoga

Sailing - (Head instructor, Cuttyhunk Yacht Club, Massachusetts - 1979, Laser, Bullseye & Turnabout sailboats)

Bagpiping - (both online and in person - Great Highland Bagpipes, 2010-2015, Now Scottish Small Pipes)


2016 – Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture & Clothing-Optional, Virtual Harbin (book) - http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html (and https://twitter.com/HarbinBook) in Academic Press at World University and School, planned in all 8k languages, with machine translation - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html  


Scott MacLeod’s daily blog post (4,520 published blog posts by April 6, 2019, since June 2008)  -  http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com

2019 - World University and School Live Hangouts on Air (video) -  https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldUnivandSch/videos (120 videos on 4.6.2019) (https://youtube.com/user/WorldUnivandSch)

2019 - Eternal Flame Falls: Agency as intentional action (free will?) will be fascinationg to explore modeling in #RealisticVirtualEarth w avatar bots @ cell/atomic levels re philosophical questions of VIRTUAL (as if) consciousness * * * STEPHEN CAVE: "There’s No Such Thing as Free Will But we’re better off believing in it anyway" * * * David Chalmers:  "The Virtual and the Real: Philosophical Issues About Virtual Reality"  Stanford University talk ... * * * Re the 'virtual,' agency, consciousness, brain modeling, and heading/traveling to virtual Harbin Hot Springs ... "Soaking in the warm pool" consciousness at Harbin in terms of neuroscience (re my book NHE, and creating a realistic virtual Harbin for actual-virtual comparison), Philosophy of Mind / Philosophy of Consciousness questions addressed anew - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/04/eternal-flame-falls-agency-as.html

2019 - World University and School’s open Monthly Business Meeting May 16, 2019 session (video) - https://youtu.be/EPAOoCUg81k (https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldUnivandSch)

2019 - World University and School’s open Monthly Business Meeting Minutes: 

-       “Minutes for Sat March 16, 2019 World University & School / WUaS Monthly Business Meeting” - https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2019/03/minutes-for-sat-march-16-2019-world.html

-       “A - Minutes for Sat Feb 9, 2019 World University & School Monthly Business Meeting * * * B - Minutes for Feb 9, 2019 WUaS Corporation Board Meeting” - https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2019/02/a-minutes-for-sat-feb-9-2019-world.html

2019 - Bark (botany): Immortality - or reversing aging - via gene editing * * * World Univ & Sch Hangout, News, Minutes 3/16/19 (videos) - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/bark-botany-immortality-or-reversing.html

2018 - Winding Road Rainbow: Harbin, Wandering Poetry of Loving Bliss (book) –
http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html. Fr 12/14/18. Poetry Press at World University and School. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0578435187

2018 - "Harbin & Avatar Bots: Robotics & Tourism" UC Berkeley Anthropology TSWG presentation (video & slides) - 10/26/18 Fr ~ https://youtu.be/dN80Hm_db2I & https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1RSWzevDqjDXZQsLShnWKp-R76GkIcy18-wzQfMtu1oA/edit?usp=sharing (new slides) ~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html 

2018 - “Sequoia sempervirens: Reaching out to Stanford re World Univ and Sch, and particularly to Stanford Law, (and to Stanford Medicine eventually too)” - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/09/sequoia-sempervirens-reaching-out-to.html

2018 - "Harbin & Avatar Bots: Robotics & Tourism" UC Berkeley Anthropology TSWG presentation (slides) - 2/23/18 Fr ~ RESCHEDULED ~ 

2018 - “Lithops: Collaboration between Stanford Medicine and World Univ and Sch Medical Schools in all ~200 countries' official / main languages, Some details” - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/02/lithops-collaboration-between-stanford.html

2017 - Haiku-ish and Other Loving Hippie Harbin Poetry (book) –

2017 - ACTUAL-VIRTUAL HARBIN HOT SPRINGS AND TOURISM: "Naked Harbin Ethnography." UC Berkeley Anthropology TSWG presentation (video? & slides) - http://www.tourismstudies.org/news_archive/SMacLeod2017.htm (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/05/astrapia-birds-of-paradise-actual.html)

2017 - MacLeod, Scott G.K. Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations. Canyon, CA: www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html

2017 - MacLeod, Scott, and Mark Judkins Helpsmeet (interviewer). Free Universal School. http://northernspiritradio.org/episode/free-universal-school. Eau Claire, Wisconsin: Northern Spirit Radio 

2017 – Developing realistic virtual Harbin/earth/universe. Visit the virtual Harbin Hot Springs’ gate here ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg (accessible from https://twitter.com/HarbinBook) - (Think Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth married conceptually with Minecraft/OpenSim/Second Life for group build-ability with physical world, but realistic, with species' AVATAR BOTS - and at the cellular and atomic levels too)  

2017 - Scott MacLeod - SGKMacLeod - online videos (Bagpiping / MacLeod / Brown family history) - https://www.youtube.com/user/sgkmacleod/videos - (31 videos on 4.6.2019) 

2016 – Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture & Clothing-Optional, Virtual Harbin (book) - http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html and https://twitter.com/HarbinBookhttps://www.amazon.com/Naked-Harbin-Ethnography-Counterculture-Clothing-Optionality/dp/0692646132  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0692646132/ Academic Press at World University and School, planned in all 8k languages, with machine translation - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html  

2016 - IBM CSIG talk “A Universal Translator as a Cognitive System, beginning as a Guidebook with Test” https://youtu.be/f48b0Z4VffQ (http://cognitive-science.info/community/weekly-update/)

2016 - “Lamiaceae: MIT OCW CC licensing and endorsement clarifications to WUaS from MIT Dean Cecilia d'Oliveira recently, a) MIT is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, World University and School b) MIT does not offer credit to WUaS students, and c) All MIT OpenCourseWare materials are available for free through http://ocw.mit.edu ... Added these recently to World University Law School (planned in all ~204 countries' official languages) AND the SUBJECT TEMPLATE, (which template informs nearly every page/school at WUaS and potentially in all 7,943 languages+ on WUaS's CC side with MIT OCW on them).”

2016 – “14 planned WUaS revenue streams, Business plan update” - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2016/01/14-planned-wuas-revenue-streams.html

2015 - Helianth (Scott MacLeod - Rainbow) online videos (Quaker, virtual Harbin Hot Springs’ ethnography, Cuttyhunk Island, Music, Internet History) - https://www.youtube.com/user/helianth/videos - (17 videos on 4.6.2019) 

2015 – “Naked Harbin and Ethno-Wiki-Virtual-World-Graphy: Sharing a New Digital Methodology with Tourism Studies, Science & the Social Sciences” - UC Berkeley Anthropology TSWG presentation (slides, but no video) – http://www.tourismstudies.org/news_archive/MacLeod2015.htm (http://scott-macleod. spot.com/2015/11/waters-36-slides-from-uc-berkeley-talk.html)

2015 - WUaS-1000 Proposed ISSIP Grand Challenge: An Universal Translator, beginning as a Guidebook with Test - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/03/beluga-whale-course-in-1000-languages.html

2012 – “Naked, Virtual Harbin” talk - UC Berkeley Anthropology TSWG presentation (video) – https://youtu.be/op2W_V5xUtM - http://www.tourismstudies.org/news_archive/MacLeod2012.htm (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2012/11/titan-arum-complete-uc-berkeley-tourism.html)

2012 – “Naked, Virtual Harbin” video abstract - UC Berkeley Anthropology TSWG presentation (video) – https://youtu.be/p8gur9SMPlw - http://www.tourismstudies.org/news_archive/MacLeod2012.htm (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2012/11/titan-arum-complete-uc-berkeley-tourism.html)

2011–2018 – World University and School’s Monthly Business Meeting and Blog - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/

2009 - “The Making of Virtual Harbin Hot Springs As Ethnographic Field Site in Second Life and Open Simulator” or “Aphilo Scott MacLeod The Making of Virtual Harbin Introduction” (video) - https://youtu.be/3nhvcHw54GE - https://www.youtube.com/user/helianth

2008-2019 – http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com - Scott Macleod's anthropology of information technology & counterculture: To a global, virtual, free, open, {future degree- & credit-granting}, multilingual University & School for the developing world and everyone, as well as loving bliss 

Information Technology Revolution video talks

2007 - 7 The New Economy and Information Technology: Production. July 6, 2007. Google Video (28 mins.): - https://youtu.be/I9awgJlZ93k

2007 - 6 The Internet and Social Political Environments. July 4, 2007. Google Video (31 mins.): https://youtu.be/JNTVix681Ok

2007 - 5 Sociability, the Internet and Empirical Data in the mid-late 1990s: Communities and Individualization. July 3, 2007. Google Video (32 mins.): https://youtu.be/QKvSITu9XPg

2007 - 4 Internet History. June 29, 2007. Google Video (48 mins.): https://youtu.be/6VKh-22l-w4

2007 - 3 The Information Revolution and Social Transformations. Posted online: June 24, 2007. Google Video (18 mins.): https://youtu.be/Fj5cnr-xjJ0

2007 - 2 Social History of the Internet. Posted online: June 17, 2007. Google Video (32 mins.): https://youtu.be/jghU_CM4R9Y

2007 - 1 The Information Technology Revolution - History and Geography. Posted online: June 11, 2007. Google Video (43 mins.): https://youtu.be/FJIy6LpZLeI

2007 - Internet History and the Hacker Ethos. Posted online: March 14, 2007. Google Video (13 mins.): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onjDjNNS3tE

2006 - "Digital Spatial Representations: New Communication Processes and 'Middle Eastern' UNESCO World Heritage Sites Online" in 'Tourism in the Middle East: Continuity, Change and Transformation.' Edited by Rami Farouk Daher, University of Jordan. Tourism and Cultural Change Series, #9, edited by Mike Robinson of Sheffield Hallam University, England, and Dr. Alison Phipps of Glasgow University. Channel View Publications. (https://www.amazon.com/Tourism-Middle-East-Continuity-Transformation/dp/1845410505/)
ISBN: 1845410505. 

2006 - An Empathic Argument for Developing Cuttyhunk Island, and Video to Conserve it: Developing the West End of Cuttyhunk Island, Massachusetts? Harvard University. blogs.law.harvard.edu/cyberonepodcast/2006/11/06/cuttyhunk-island-ma-2/ CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion course. (On Berkman Island in Second Life). Harvard University. Autumn 2006. blogs.law.harvard.edu/cyberone/

2004 - UNESCO World Heritage Tourism to St. Kilda: How Computer Users Visit Online ‘Place’ (http://scottmacleod.com/MacLeod%20Physical%20and%20Online%20St%20Kilda%20A%20%20Comparison%20of%20Senses%20of%20Place%20MSc%20Dissertation%20University%20of%20Edinburgh.pdf). D.R. Diploma of Research, University of Edinburgh, Celtic & Scottish Studies, Edinburgh, Scotland 

Loving Bliss Letters (Eliciting this Neurophysiology)

-       Friends' Dalton Letter

-       Loving Bliss and Practices to Elicit This

-       Loving Bliss as Friends

-       Eudaimonia is Flow and Bliss

-       Guidelines for Practicing Loving Bliss vis-à-vis Practicing a Musical Instrument

-       Loving Bliss (eliciting this neurophysiology) at wiki World University & School

Anthropology papers at the University of California, Santa Barbara

MacLeod, Scott. February 3, 2003. James Clifford's "The Predicament of Culture"

MacLeod, Scott. December 9, 2002. George C. Williams’ “Adaptation and Natural Selection” Précis 

MacLeod, Scott. December 30, 2002. Steven Pinker’s “How the Mind Works” Précis 

MacLeod, Scott. November 11, 2002. Steven Pinker’s “The Blank Slate” Précis 

MacLeod, Scott. May 24, 2002. Social Processes which Shape the Significance of Objects

MacLeod, Scott. May 20, 2002. Who Can Speak for Whom?

MacLeod, Scott. April 22, 2002. Taos Pueblo and the UNESCO World Heritage Designation

MacLeod, Scott. April 15, 2002. Anthropology, Representation and Reality In online UNESCO World Heritage Sites

MacLeod, Scott. April 08, 2002. UNESCO World Heritage Sites Online: The "Field Site" in a Global Context

MacLeod, Scott. November 28, 2001. Interpretive Anthropology and Symbol Formation

MacLeod, Scott. November 26, 2001. Science and Interpretive Anthropology

MacLeod, Scott. November 5, 2001. Epistemology and Anthropology

MacLeod, Scott. October 26, 2001. Durkheim’s Functionalism and Agency

MacLeod, Scott. October 17, 2001. Anthropology? The Boasian Revolution and Culture as Unique Phenomena

MacLeod, Scott. October 10, 2001. Boas and the Logic and Sociology of Scientific Inquiry

Anthropology papers at U.C. Berkeley

2001 - Gazing at the Box: Tourism in the Context of the Internet and Globalization (Internetity). Berkeley, CA:  http://scottmacleod.com/anth250v.htm

2001 - Science in Malinowski, Bateson and Sociocultural Anthropology. Berkeley, CA: http://scottmacleod.com/anth250x.htm

2000 - Consumption of the WWW for Medical Information: What U.C. Berkeley Students Make of It. Berkeley, CA:  http://scottmacleod.com/Anth250x-6.htm

1998-2019 – http://scottmacleod.com/papers.htm – Scott MacLeod's Research: World University & School, Courses, Papers, and Media 

1984 - “Women in Religion: Rosemary Ruether's Methodology and Theology in Sexism and God-talk,” Senior Thesis, Reed College, Portland, Oregon


2016 (fall) - Harvard Law School - JuryX: Deliberations for Social Change with Professor Charles Nesson (Internet Law)

2010 (spring) – UC Berkeley – Anthropology graduate coursework with Professor Nelson Graburn (Tourism, Art and Modernity) 

2008-2009 (Autumn/Spring) – UC Berkeley – Anthropology graduate coursework with Professors Bill Hanks (Linguistics), Charles Briggs (Theories of Modernity), and Paul Rabinow (Foucault & Anthropology of the Contemporary–related) 

2003-2004 – D.R. Diploma of Research, University of Edinburgh, Celtic & Scottish Studies – Thesis Topic: UNESCO World Heritage Tourism to St. Kilda: How Computer Users Visit Online ‘Place’ 

2001-2003 – M.A. in Sociocultural Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara, focusing on sociocultural anthropological theory and information technology 

2000-2001 – UC Berkeley – Anthropology graduate coursework with Professors Laura Nader (Classic Ethnographies), Nelson Graburn (Tourism, Art and Modernity), Rebecca Stein (Politics of Consumption), and Professor Manuel Castells (Society and Information Technology) 

1998-2000 – City College of San Francisco (CCSF), full time undergraduate student in Anthropology, Multimedia, and Computer Science 

1987-1988 - Pendle Hill, Quaker Center for Study and Contemplation, Wallingford, Pennsylvania

1985 - B.A. in Social Science of Religion, German, Reed College, Portland, Oregon 

1981-1982 – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, (University of Munich), Munich, Germany 

1979 – Diploma, Shady Side Academy, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

1977 – 1978 - 1st year 6th Form (high school year abroad in Scotland), Fettes College, Edinburgh, Scotland 

1972 - 1973 - l'Ecole Internationale de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland (6 months in English with some French)









Scott Macleod - http://twitter.com/scottmacleod  

World Univ & Sch Twitter - http://twitter.com/WorldUnivandSch

Languages - World Univ - http://twitter.com/sgkmacleod  

“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) - http://twitter.com/HarbinBook

OpenBand (Berkeley) - https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand  



https://independent.academia.edu/MacLeodScott and






























Email Discussion Groups

Nontheist Friends’ Email Discussion (atheist Quakers?); see, too: 


Deutschklub: Deutsche Sprachen Community mit Peter Bothe in group video conferencing - https://mewe.com/profile/5be858e9bc86c90ab7b2b9b5

Tourism Studies’ Working Group (TSWG), Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley - http://www.tourismstudies.org


Scottish small pipes - http://scottmacleod.com/piping.htm   

Baselines on keyboard (piano)

Musician in Open Band (Berkeley). Scottish Country Dancers and Musicians Welcome - https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand 


2003 – (Summer) University of California, Santa Barbara, Graduate Division Humanities / Social Sciences Pre-Dissertation Research Grant Award ($2,000) 

2002 – University of California, Santa Barbara, Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research (ISBER) grant to study “UNESCO online: Information Technology and the Middle East” ($7,000) 


2019 / 1978 - The Iain Macleod Award, Fettes College, Edinburgh, Scotland 


2000 – Verbal score 99th Percentile




Website development:

WUaS DEGREES (planned) 
(in ~200 countries’ official / main languages)

M.D. - 

With online teaching HOSPITALS for online clinical care and STEM research - 

Law - 

Afghanistan Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Afghanistan_Law_School_at_WUaS

Brazil Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Brazil_Law_School_at_WUaS

China Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/China_Law_School_at_WUaS

Egypt Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Egypt_Law_School_at_WUaS

Jamaica Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Jamaica_Law_School_at_WUaS

Mexico Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Mexico_Law_School_at_WUaS

- World University Law School: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School

Ph.D. - 

Bachelor - 

International Baccalaureate (online high schools) - 


English, German (Good – Reading, Speaking) 

Languages-World Univ @sgkmacleod - https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod  

All 7,111 living languages' foci, each a WIKI school, https://twitter.com/WorldUnivandSch is like CC Wikipedia (in ~300 languages) & CA BPPE licensing:  https://www.bppe.ca.gov/forms_pubs/approval_nonaccredited.pdf & then accrediting on CC OYC OpenYaleCourses and best STEM CC-4 OCW OpenCourseWare (in its 5 languages) 


- Professor Nelson Graburn, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 510 642 2120 
- Professor Dean MacCannell, UC Davis, Davis, CA, edmaccannell@ucdavis.edu
- Professor Juan-Vicente Palerm, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, 805 893 8449 
- Professor Larry Viehland, Chatham University, Pittsburgh, PA, 412-365-1100 

-       ScottMacLeod.com

Ligers, and Tiligers and Panthera leo x Panthera tigris and Tigons (and Leopons too): In communicating with edX recently about possible World Univ & Sch membership with edX, we've put the conversation about cryptocurrencies on hold * * * "Pi" digital currency heads' up, and the "Mine Pi" app information * * Am glad though the 'Mine Pi' App is 'off the shelf' (eg in Google Play Store) and nearly 'there' and has the lightning button coded in, so one can mine this digital cryptocurrency. Am seeking at WUaS to explore UBI experiments for all 7.5 billion people (each a new kind of Wikidata PIN# in its ~300 languages) on the planet eventually to alleviate poverty - as well as to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks (probably via regulation) and coming after the dollar and the euro (in 19 out of 28 EU countries) currencies


In communicating with edX recently about possible World Univ & Sch membership with edX, we've put the conversation about the Pi digital currency and cryptocurrencies in general on hold for the foreseeable future.

* * *

Scott MacLeod
6:28 AM (1 hour ago)
to Tanya, Larry

Hi Tanya (and Larry),

Thanks again for the "Pi" digital currency heads' up, and the "Mine Pi" app information.

It still doesn't work on my Android smart phone fully, but last night the "Mine Pi" App newly opened on its own on my smart phone with one or two message indicators with Chinese or Asian names, but then the App couldn't open the next web link (which has happened before when I've tried 'driving' the App). Perhaps it's the welcome security architecture on Android.

I'm glad though the 'Mine Pi' App is 'off the shelf' (eg in Google Play Store) and nearly 'there' and has the lightning button coded in, so one can mine this digital cryptocurrency with algorithms. Am seeking at WUaS to explore UBI experiments for all 7.5 billion people (each a new kind of Wikidata PIN# in its ~300 languages) on the planet eventually to alleviate poverty - as well as to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks (probably via regulation) and coming after the dollar and the euro (in 19 out of 28 EU countries) currencies.

Tanya, as you may have noticed in the WUaS Agenda and Minutes, WUaS is seeking to collaborate with edX for MIT OCW into MITx on EdX courses, so am hoping doable 'Finance Theory' and '6 Sigma ..." toolkit courses will appear in the autumn in new format. Perhaps with the completion these, we can begin to think through how your graduation will work for a free-to-student's WUaS Bachelor's degree in Business (even as WUaS develops with licensing and potentially accreditation).

Will keep you posted with this Friendly progress ...

- worlduniversityandschool.org

Pi Network
4.63K subscribers
The Story Of Pi - The First Digital Currency You Can Mine On Your Phone.


* *
December 13, 2019

Hi Tanya, (Anant and Larry - greetings, Anant!)

Thanks for your email and with regards to your "If we are in need of me finishing for accreditation I need Finance Theory and Introduction To Lean Six Sigma" at MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch, for a free-to-students' online Bachelor's degree as an undergraduate Business major per our Course Catalog - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VRHhXYsk-V9lvSh5onaU2hnEhwoapSN7HyBK1P09LIk/edit?usp=sharing from http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ .  

Anant, Tanya, is in World Univ & Sch's very first matriculating undergraduate class (albeit not yet licensing, or accrediting), and she is seeking to finish 2 courses for her degree. The MIT OCW for one of these courses didn't work out for her. So I'm including you in this email, as WUaS seeks to begin first licensing with the state of California's BPPE (and then potentially to accredit with WASC senior). How might WUaS and edX explore collaboration? 

Tanya: I just found on this MIT OCW into MITx page - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mitx-related-courseware/ - the following 

"15.415.1x Foundations of Modern Finance I" 

Then, not finding any MIT OCW / MITx Intro to Lean Six Sigma COURSES, I found in edX this:

"Six Sigma and Lean: Quantitative Tools for Quality and Productivity"

Am not sure about what you might need to know beforehand (15.415 says it's advanced, and Six Sigma doesn't list any pre-reqs, but the course lasts for 6 months)

Then I found in MIT OCW: 

Finance Theory I

Introduction to Lean Six Sigma Methods

So, let me communicate with Larry, and look into 

A) collaborating with edX for MIT OCW > MITx  ... and with regards, too, to 

B i) WUaS licensing with CA's BPPE, then 
B ii) accreditation (with WASC senior?) ... 

C) finding some further possible edX MIT OCW courses relating to the 2 courses for you to graduate with, possibly after WUaS begins accreditation ... (which would increase the value of your Bachelor's degree significantly). 

It could be the autumn when you begin classes again, re the above ... or you might be able (and WUaS is still seeking the initial ~5,000 dollars to begin licensing, as well as annual licensing and accreditation fees after this).  

Please let me/us know what you think about these possibilities, Tanya, and how you might like to proceed (in conversation, if that's helpful). 

(Anant, how might we best communicate about some of this as well? WUaS is seeking to matriculate our 2nd undergraduate class in English in the autumn of 2020, and for students from all ~200 countries, for a 4 year degree - and hopefully with very high retention rates. WUaS is seeking 500-2000 students, as WUaS begins the licensing and accreditation process from California. In what ways could WUaS collaborate with edX in these regards as well. Larry Viehland, above, is the chair of the WUaS Board, and MIT alumnus too!).

Thank you! And looking forward to communicating further about all of this. 

Best, Scott

September 23, 2019 
Hi Tanya (and Larry), 

I just went through a number of steps of downloading and installing "Pi Network" to see how the CryptoCurrency 'Pi' works - which you can 'mine' - but after giving the App my phone number and getting a verification code, which I then entered, I received a "Webpage not available" page/message, with the htttps://app-cdn.minepi.com/auth#access_token=31 ..long_code_follows.... URL and no further ability to do anything with mining Pi, although the Application is open in my Samsung Galaxy S3 Android smartphone. 

I may contact the 3 people here  - https://minepi.com/team - with this information too, adding World Univ & Sch's plans for coding for 7.5 billion people each a Wikidata Q-item number, for Universal Basic Income UBI EXPERIMENTS, and to explore distributing a SINGLE cryptocurrency with blockchain, backed somehow by some number of ~200 countries' central banks, (am thinking the 19 out of 28 Eurozone countries in the EU, as one example) ... so post-Euro, (post other currencies), and post US dollar, which is already the de facto international currency as I understand this.

Found this online about the Pi currency. And it probably isn't easy to get on this list - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cryptocurrencies - and Pi is not on it either. 
Were you successful in installing the 'Pi Network' and hitting the 'lightning' button to mine Pi, Tanya? Do you own a bit of Pi now? :)

Thanks again for letting me know about Pi ... brainstorming-wise ... https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/aquatic-plant-mine-pi-from-faqs-what-is.html :)

Cheers, Scott

So the Pi application works somewhat up to a certain stage ... and it may have first come out in March 2019 . Just shared this email with the Pi people: 

Dear Nicolas, Chengdiao, and Vincent (https://minepi.com/#contact), 

A student, 'TanyaTomato', in CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School's first undergraduate class just shared "Mine Pi" with me, which I tried unsuccessfully to get operational. I'm writing to come into conversation with you about exploring planning with the Pi Network for Universal Basic Income EXPERIMENTS to distribute a SINGLE cryptocurrency to people in some number of ~200 countries, and in their languages.

I just went through a number of steps of downloading and installing "Pi Network" to see how the CryptoCurrency 'Pi' works - which you can 'mine' - but after giving the App my phone number and getting a verification code, which I then entered, I received a "Webpage not available" page/message, with the htttps://app-cdn.minepi.com/auth#access_token=31 ..long_code_follows.... URL and no further ability to do anything with mining Pi, although the Application is open in my Samsung Galaxy S3 Android smartphone.
I'm contacting you - https://minepi.com/team - with this information, in order to add World Univ & Sch's plans for coding for 7.5 billion people each a Wikidata Q-item number, for Universal Basic Income UBI EXPERIMENTS, and to explore distributing a SINGLE cryptocurrency with blockchain with Pi, backed somehow by some number of ~200 countries' central banks, (am thinking the 19 out of 28 Eurozone countries in the EU, as one example) ... so post-Euro, (post other currencies), and post US dollar, which is already the de facto international currency as I understand this.

Found this online about the Pi currency. And it probably isn't easy to get on this list - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cryptocurrencies - and Pi is not on it either.
Thanks to Tanya for letting me know about Pi, and your remarkable development ... brainstorming-wise ... https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/aquatic-plant-mine-pi-from-faqs-what-is.html :) More about exploring distributing a single cryptocurrency via UBI experiments to all 7.5 billion people conceptually here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/lake-mashu-japan-wikidata-googles-stake.html - and re each person a Wikidata Q-item.

Cheers, Scott

https://twitter.com/WUaSPress/status/1159573515294523392 -
Cheers, Scott

Friday, September 30, 2019 

Hi Tanya,

Thanks so much for your Mine Pi invitation to me - https://youtu.be/MsOaC61cR3U . And how are you? And where are you with World University and School coursework toward your Bachelor degree? As you may have noticed in the WUaS Agenda & News, WUaS is seeking funding for CA's BPPE for licensing. It would be great to explore doing this through a cryptocurrency even, but I don't think either the state of California's BPPE or WUaS is ready for this. And how did you learn of Mine Pi?

That said, and per WUaS Agenda and News re WUaS seeking to facilitate a single digital currency via UBI experiments, this Mine Pi cryptocurrency is interesting with its Stanford PhD and California origins, and re UBIcs.org (UBI catalyst systems . org) which I just learned of too - for infrastructure and as idea re distribution of single cryptocurrency via UBI.
I'd like to learn more about MINE Pi. Brainstorming-wise, building on the state of California's Stockton Basic Income experiment ($500/month over 18 months to 130 adults - with studying academically its effects) - https://amp.sacbee.com/news/local/article226280230.html & https://time.com/5667715/stockton-california-universal-basic-income/ (picture of bank card re distribution), in what ways could WUaS collaborate with Mine Pi and the state of California to make this become a single cryptocurrency in a large number or percentage of 200 countries' languages (backed by their central banks, a little like the 19/28 Eurozone countries & their central banks in Brussels) and through universal basic income experiments?

Would Stockton UBI experiment recipients be able to 'mine' a cryptocurrency on their smartphone like MAKING A WITHDRAWAL from a bank? Am curious what mining entails in Mine Pi - and also for computer scientists' algorithm-wise. And what it could mean for Stockton residents - IF they had smart phones, and could get their CA basic income from the state of CA in Sacramento (legally too - like central bank approval / authority) that way.
I may explore teaching about both this Mine Pi as example of cryptocurrency, as well as Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning newly in my "Society, Information Technology, and the Global University" - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html - next year. 

I'll seek to bring up Mine Pi per the WUaS Agenda tomorrow - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/xerochrysum-bracteatum-agenda-news-for.html.

Thanks so much, Tanya, and will check it out further with your name code,





(Panthera leo x Panthera tigris) x Panthera tigris (3)



McKay Creek National Wildlife Refuge (Oregon): Lego Robotics' Tournaments from HOME at WUaS (with Scratch programming language?) Robotics' Tournaments from HOME at WUaS? MIT-inspiring - but into Lego? * * * 'New Games' movement from the 1960s in ONLINE #LegoRobotics' #NewGames from HOME with #ScratchProgrammingLanguage? * * * Online Psychoanalysis? (Lacanian-informed?), Psychiatry? Psychotherapy?

Previous: Ligers, and Tiligers and Panthera leo x Panthera tigris and Tigons (and Leopons too): In communicating with edX recently about possible World Univ & Sch membership with edX, we've put the conversation about cryptocurrencies on hold * * * "Pi" digital currency heads' up, and the "Mine Pi" app information * * Am glad though the 'Mine Pi' App is 'off the shelf' (eg in Google Play Store) and nearly 'there' and has the lightning button coded in, so one can mine this digital cryptocurrency. Am seeking at WUaS to explore UBI experiments for all 7.5 billion people (each a new kind of Wikidata PIN# in its ~300 languages) on the planet eventually to alleviate poverty - as well as to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks (probably via regulation) and coming after the dollar and the euro (in 19 out of 28 EU countries) currencies

Lego Robotics' Tournaments from HOME at WUaS (with Scratch programming language?) https://youtu.be/RlsAh2BTBgE - https://youtu.be/reSKSbTo_-k - https://youtu.be/zlKGf88HFi0 - https://youtu.be/CpYMDyasFYA >#ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital - #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics? https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics ~



Robotics' Tournaments from HOME at WUaS?
MIT-inspiring - but into Lego? https://youtu.be/9l8QxS8KuPo
- https://www.ll.mit.edu/outreach/first-lego-league… - https://youtu.be/SXH-bBw3uxg - https://youtu.be/RlsAh2BTBgE #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital - #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics? https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics @WUaSPress ~


Would love to ...
Collaborate with some MIT Scratch programmers to develop online #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #NewGames or #Tournaments with #HomeLegoRoboticsWithScratch in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegos re #scratchinpractice #mitscratch #creativelearning in https://scratch.mit.edu/conference/2020 #workshop ?



Collaborate with some #MITScratchProgrammers to develop online #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #NewGames or #Tournaments with #HomeLegoRoboticsWithScratch in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegos re #scratchinpractice #mitscratch #creativelearning in https://scratch.mit.edu/conference/2020 #workshop ?


#educators if you're doing fun and creative work with @scratch I encourage you to share your work at this year's #ScratchConference2020 at #MIT in Cambridge, by submitting a #workshop or session. #scratchinpractice #mitscratch #creativelearning https://scratch.mit.edu/conference/2020


Rupal Jain
 There is still time to submit a proposal for this year's Scratch Conference at MIT! Have an idea for a workshop, panel, poster, or ignite talk? We'd love to hear your ideas: http://scratch.mit.edu/conference


* * * 

'New Games' movement from the 1960s in ONLINE #LegoRobotics' #NewGames from HOME with #ScratchProgrammingLanguage? 

'New Games' movement from the 1960s? in ONLINE Lego Robotics'#NEWGAMES from HOME with Scratch programming language? @WorldUnivAndSchhttps://laughingsquid.com/the-new-games-movement-that-started-in-san-francisco-in-late-1960s-is-returning-in-june-2016/#ActualVirtual#PhysicalDigital#RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics#RealisticVirtualEarthForLegohttps://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics ~



New Games movement


The New Games Book




The History of the New Games Foundation

Why Study New Games?
NEW GAMES movement from the 1960s? in ONLINE #LegoRobotics'#NewGames from HOME with #ScratchProgrammingLanguage? https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/New_Games_movement



ONLINE Lego Robotics' Tournaments from HOME at WUaS (with Scratch programming language?) HOW? Special WeDo 2.0 + Scratch Project BOXER
https://youtu.be/HjD1zAWToYU? #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics ~


* * *

Online Psychoanalysis? (Lacanian-informed?) Psychiatry? Psychotherapy?


Am glad my mother, Jane MacLeod, is home safely from San Miguel (re my email in this thread prior to her heading there). 

And greetings, Juliet Flower MacCannell (Professor Emerita at UCI), who recently shared with me a Lacanian Journal- (a): the journal of culture and the unconscious - of which she was the editor for nearly 2 decades. 

This Cornell University psychoanalysis conference on "The Act" (is this the "speech act," the happening and practice of psychoanalysis itself, the sexual act perhaps too - about which the speech act may yclept the unconscious?) in 2013 was the basis of the last issue of the journal she edited for nearly 20 years -   
http://events.cornell.edu/event/the_act_psychoanalysis_andin_its_effects - Dean MacCannell author of the seminal book The Tourist" (1976) has been receiving emails from this thread.

And how best to develop Lacanian psychoanalysis online - https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/lacan/ - I wonder, and with excellent analysts or perhaps new developments emerging from the Web (avatar bots in 20 years even)? And what's the current status of psychoanalysis in major cities in the US, I wonder? And how do psychiatry departments in highest achieving universities think about this practice of psychoanalysis? And theoretically what are the benefits of such long term talk therapy re the unconscious and the brain/mind? 

I recently attended an online Stanford Law CodeX Thursday session, where a lawyer, also a psychoanalyst, presented about its intersection - in Brazil. Country and culture and language inform greatly psychoanalysis' practice. In what ways could we even study this at WUaS - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychoanalysis (https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry)? (And in what ways could Yoga - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Yoga and http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html - even be brought into conversation with psychoanalysis and psychiatry newly?)

All the best, Scott

Here too is the blog entry I mentioned from Friday 24 Jan 2020 - 
Owl: Online Psychoanalysis? Psychiatry? Psychotherapy? * Ken (who is a psychiatrist, MD, but not a psychoanalyst, and also not a Lacanian, with its language or 'speech act' re the unconscious focus), Elizabeth (a practicing NYC psychoanalyst) * Dear Juliette, Ed (a KP MD), and Marie, Am appreciating the diversity of the therapists on the BetterHelp.com web site, Marie's articles - "Depression is not a choice," AND "Talking Out Your Problems with a Psychologist vs. a Psychiatrist Who you’re revealing your mental health issues to matters"


Owl: Online Psychoanalysis? Psychiatry? Psychotherapy? * Ken (who is a psychiatrist, MD, but not a psychoanalyst, and also not a Lacanian, with its language or 'speech act' re the unconscious focus), Elizabeth (a practicing NYC psychoanalyst) * Dear Juliette, Ed (a KP MD), and Marie, Am appreciating the diversity of the therapists on the BetterHelp.com web site, Marie's articles - "Depression is not a choice," AND "Talking Out Your Problems with a Psychologist vs. a Psychiatrist Who you’re revealing your mental health issues to matters"

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/owl-online-psychoanalysis.html -



Flame angelfish (Centropyge loricula): A new Harvard / MIT mandate or remit to edX re CC-4 MIT OCW? * * * bagpiping tunes for 'Honey in the Bag' album * * * Tempos for Tunes - bagpiping tunes * * * Schoolab SF International Evening - Let's keep in touch about Thailand, Denmark, Japan and France World University and Schools in your countries' official / main languages

Next: Panthera: Stanford Law School CodeX Mtg (1/30 @1.30p PT): LawPilots * * Re cryptocurrencies - Brainstorming-wise, how would Law Pilot courses re GDPR and EU 'money laundering' directive work to regulate a post-Euro, coded-by-Stanford graduates, cryptocurrency called 'Pi' - which is mineable with algorithms? (Cryptocurrencies in general - eg Bitcoin, Etherium, Ripple, etc. +1000s - are potentially mineable, but Pi ... * * Collaboration potential between Stanford Law, edX and LawPilot re platform * * * UBI experiments for all 7.5 billion people (each a Wikidata PIN#) on the planet eventually to alleviate poverty - as well as to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks (probably via regulation, and compliance courses) * * * a Covered California to Medi-Cal health insurance issue

Hi Jim,

Happy Friday too! I'll seek to wait patiently to hear from edX. Am glad the Chairman of WUaS (Larry) recently said that $5000 is now available for CA BPPE licensing for WUaS, but licensing will be potentially a further challenge now, since partnership with edX doesn't seem possible at this time, and BPPE would likely readily license MIT OCW > MITx courses for example, with platform & grades etc (as they said they would a Google platform or similar).

So getting BPPE licensing going for WUaS before considering heading back to Cambridge for this position would be important (and there's another BPPE workshop in mid-March in Sacramento) which would be valuable to go to with draft document in hand, having gone to a first CA BPPE licensing day-long workshop on 2/20/19 in San Jose. Were I to get this "Head of Content Strategy and Acquisition" edX position, possibly construed in a slightly different way (for example, with a mandate from the edX Board to edX to engage MIT OCW, -since the edX head of business development says there's no relationship whatsoever now between MIT OCW and MITx, for example - yet he's also said there are 205 course in this regard), it would be an amazing opportunity to grow edX into all ~200 countries' official languages, and with existing certificate edX courses possibly buildable into CC-4 MIT OCW-centric WUaS degrees that would be reimburse-able by departments of education in all 200 countries' languages too. Having just seen in a Tweet from edX CEO Anant Agarwal (in my 4-page cover letter too) that Stanford is becoming a member in edX, and having communicated with Stanford Medicine and Law about online medical schools and online law schools in ~200 countries' languages (Harrington MD and Vogl) over some years now, I see a possible opportunity for WUaS to explore additionally developing online CC-4 MIT OCW-centric PhDs and Bachelor's degrees through Stanford edX too. I think though the edX Board's mandate to develop MIT OCW > edX is the more likely candidate for Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees, - and I think too that edX could potentially seek reimbursement from all ~200 countries' departments of education at the rate of what tuition costs at MIT or Stanford ($55,000 per year), prorated per country by GDP or similar.

I hope online academia will be able to generate ever-unfolding research and teaching "to keep their digital" academic faculty and staff in all ~200 countries' languages busy, Jim, - and would like for World Univ & Sch to be able to help here especially (and on both our 501 c 3 wing, and our for profit general stock company wing - both in ~200 countries' languages as world class universities, and in 7111 known living languages as wiki schools for open teaching and learning+).

Have a great trip to Portugal, and I hope it's very regenerative for you especially. Thanks again for your great service science, management and engineering thinking, and your communications here especially regarding edX and this great 'Head of Content Strategy ... ' position I continue to be very interested in. Looking forward to emailing with you when you get back potentially, and thanks so much again for your thinking, suggestions and communications. I'll continue to wait patiently for a call back from edx, with the hopes of hearing about scheduling an interview for this "Head of Content Strategy and Acquisition" position. Thank you, Jim, and bon voyage!

Sincerely, Scott

- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch -

* * *

bagpiping tunes for my upcoming 'Honey in the Bag' Scottish small pipes' album, newly arranged ...

6/8 Marches

Duncan McGillivray
Seamus MacNeill
The River Creed
Cameron MacFadyen

2/4 Marches

Hugh Alexander Low of Tiree
P/M Tom MacAllister / Links of Forth 6 pt
The Hills of Perth
Johnny Cope


Cabar Feidh

The Fiddler

Captain Horne

The Cameronian Rant


Helen Gladden’s Reel
Loch Carron

Willie Cumming’s Rant

John MacLean, Johnny Red-Rory (Washabuck, Cape Breton)

John Morrison, Assynt House 6 pt

Dolina MacKay

Cabar Feidh

Poisoned Dwarf
Twisted Fingers

The Charms of Whisky
Dancing Feet
The Ale is Dear
Malcolm the Taylor
Muddah Rudh


The Scotsaire Hornpipe
The Jolly Beggarman
The Man From Skye
Angus John’s Fancy - http://plheineman.net/angusjohnsfancy.htm

Calum Beag
Zeto the Bubbleman
The Pumpkin’s Fancy
The Streaker


Honey in the Bag
Cabar Feidh
Archie MacNab

Skyeman’s Jig
Cutting Bracken
James MacLellan’s Favourite

The Banjo Breakdown ?
The Whistling Postman
Out of the Air
Calm Before the Storm

Slow Airs

From Babylon to the Bay

Gaelic Airs

Morag of Dunvegan
The Mermaid’s Song
Tiree Bridal Song
Chi Mi’n Toman


The Black Watch Polka
The Queen’s Own Highlander’s Polka

Amazing Grace in 5 parts (dubbed over?)



Tempos for Tunes - bagpiping tunes

Here are my off-the-cuff suggestions for a beginning soloist for these tune types. Keep in mind that bands and more advanced soloists will often play these faster - especially the marches.

Slow Marches, airs & waltzes ........... 45-60 bpm
2/4 marches .................................. 58-68 (maybe up to 74 if not competing)
6/8 marches .................................. 55-68
4/4 marches .................................. 74-80
Reels ........................................... 74-80
Strathspeys .................................. 108-120
Jigs ............................................. 108-120
Hornpipes ..................................... 74-82

Hope that helps.

--Bruce Wright

* * *

Hi Toffy, Cian, Harold, Torsten (and hoping to see you Soren soon-ish) and Mathieu (and Florence and Jean-Claude as well), 

Nice to meet, see, and talk with you this evening at the Schoolab San Francisco International evening.

The five online degrees WUaS seeks to offer in each of all ~200 countries are free-to-students' CC-4 MIT OCW-centric Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, Medicine, as well as I.B. high schools. 

Another fun part of World Univ & Sch are the wiki subjects - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects - for open teaching and leanning and planned not only in Wikidata's ~300 languages, but also potentially in all 7,111 known living languages. 

I'm also writing to wish you a happy new year, and including my New Year's letter - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/wild-pomegranate-burchellia-bubalina.html - with its 5 initial reasons WUaS seeks to code, brainstorming-wise, for all 7.5 billion people on the planet, and much more.  

With best regards, Scott

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Panthera: Stanford Law School CodeX Mtg (1/30 @1.30p PT): LawPilots * * Re cryptocurrencies - Brainstorming-wise, how would Law Pilot courses re GDPR and EU 'money laundering' directive work to regulate a post-Euro, coded-by-Stanford graduates, cryptocurrency called 'Pi' - which is mineable with algorithms? (Cryptocurrencies in general - eg Bitcoin, Etherium, Ripple, etc. +1000s - are potentially mineable, but Pi ... * * Collaboration potential between Stanford Law, edX and LawPilot re platform * * * UBI experiments for all 7.5 billion people (each a Wikidata PIN#) on the planet eventually to alleviate poverty - as well as to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks (probably via regulation, and compliance courses) * * * a Covered California to Medi-Cal health insurance issue


[codex_group_meetings] TODAY! CodeX Mtg (1/30 @1.30p PT): LawPilots; SLS N102 (or via Zoom)

Roland Vogl
Thu, Jan 30, 7:32 AM (2 days ago)
Hi Everyone, Our next CodeX meeting is today (Jan 30), from 1.30p to 2.30p PT, in Room N102 of the Neukom Building of SLS (or via Zoom link below). Our guest wi

Scott MacLeod
Thu, Jan 30, 2:18 PM (2 days ago)
Thanks so much, Philipp! Thanks for your great talk just now. Here's one of the questions I asked in your excellent Stanford Law CodeX presentation - What’s the

"Philipp v. Bülow"
Fri, Jan 31, 7:40 PM (15 hours ago)
Hi Scott, Thanks for your questions and interest. I answered the questions in the text below. Best regards, Philipp ___ Philipp von Bülow lawpilots — Managing D

Scott MacLeod
10:43 AM (53 minutes ago)
to Philipp, Roland, maevemacglinchey

Philipp, and Roland,

Thanks so much again for your timely and topical Law Pilot courses' CodeX presentation. Perhaps since Stanford just became a member in edX (Harvard and MIT founded educational platform based in the US and in Cambridge, MA), collaboration potential between Stanford Law, edX and LawPilot re platform will emerge. Both Law Pilots' lawyers in various countries, and regarding translation / tweaking, might be able to develop in this multilingual platform (& probably with developing machine learning).

Re crypto, yes it could be great to schedule a call. Brainstorming-wise, how would Law Pilot courses re GDPR and EU 'money laundering' directive work to regulate a post-Euro, coded-by-Stanford graduates, cryptocurrency called 'Pi' - which is mineable with algorithms? (Cryptocurrencies in general - eg Bitcoin, Etherium, Ripple, etc. +1000s - are potentially mineable, but Pi was coded specifically for end user mineability, by hitting the 'lightning' button). Could 'Pi' come after the Euro and the dollar in all ~200 countries' official languages - and how would this be regulated, and what would courses on an edX platform or a LawPilot platform look like? More about Pi here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/ligers-and-tiligers-and-panthera-leo-x.html - and in the 'UBI' label in my blog here.

And how would the trajectory of money laundering directives in Europe, brainstorming-wise, affect regulation of, and courses about, the 'Pi' cryptocurrency, planned to come after the Euro in 19 out of 28 nation states, (and after the dollar), via regulation - as well?




I'm also writing to wish you a happy new year, and including my New Year's letter - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/wild-pomegranate-burchellia-bubalina.html - with its 5 initial reasons WUaS seeks to code, brainstorming-wise, for all 7.5 billion people on the planet, and much more.

When shall we schedule a call? (And I have in mind possible courses too taught in the ~200 planned Law Schools at World University and School - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School - and see beginning Law Schools in other countries' languages below too, in these regards).

Vielen Dank, und Alles Gute.

Friendly regards, Scott

And in this blog post - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/ligers-and-tiligers-and-panthera-leo-x.html - you'll see this to explain a little further about Pi: that it still doesn't work on my Android smartphone fully, but last night the "Mine Pi" App newly opened on its own on my smart phone with one or two message indicators with Chinese or Asian names, but then the App couldn't open the next web link (which has happened before when I've tried 'driving' the App). Perhaps it's the welcome security architecture on Android.

I'm glad though the 'Mine Pi' App is 'off the shelf' in the Google Play Store and it's nearly 'there' and has the lightning button coded in, so one can mine this digital cryptocurrency. Am seeking at WUaS to explore UBI experiments for all 7.5 billion people (each a Wikidata PIN#) on the planet eventually to alleviate poverty - as well as to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks (probably via regulation, and compliance courses) and coming after the dollar, and the euro (in 19 out of 28 EU countries) currencies.

Law Schools at World University and School (planned in main languages in them)

Afghanistan Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Afghanistan_Law_School_at_WUaS

Brazil Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Brazil_Law_School_at_WUaS

China Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/China_Law_School_at_WUaS

Egypt Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Egypt_Law_School_at_WUaS

India Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/India_Law_School_at_WUaS

Jamaica Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Jamaica_Law_School_at_WUaS

Mexico Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Mexico_Law_School_at_WUaS

World University Law School: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School

* * *

Hi M, Ed and Larry, 

After communicating further with Bill, and thinking it would help to have an actor in this situation re all these agencies and their agents, I just sent this email via - https://sd07.senate.ca.gov/contact/email -  to Senator Glazor of Contra Costa county, and may head in to the nearby Orinda office on Monday as a followup (since I haven't yet got a confirmation email that his received this).

Senator Glazer:

Greetings. I'm writing about a Covered California to Medi-Cal health insurance issue. (I've lived in Contra Costa County for about 12 years now). Is there an ombudsman for this inquiry please? I just had $768.31 removed from my bank account yesterday by auto-payment to Kaiser Permanente, having had the same thing happen on 12/31/19 for the first time. How please do I stop this from happening again on 28 Feb., and also, please, get a refund of these 2 withdrawals of $768 from my bank accounts back into my bank account? Would this come from Kaiser or from Medi-Cal?

Prior to this in Nov. and Dec. 2019, I was told by Covered California in emails that my coverage would stay the same. And I saw no indication whatsoever about this transfer to Medi-Cal, let alone about an increase in KP premiums - that is, an increase of 38,400% (from $1.69 auto-payment withdrawal on Nov 30, 2019 under Covered California, - to $768 auto-payment withdrawal from my bank account to Kaiser on 12/31/19, and then $768.31 again on 1/31/2020.

Searching online, I learned this:

Having received 2 Covered California letters about this in early January, and then gone in to the Pleasant Hill Contra Costa Social Services' office a week ago, I got the name of an 'eligibility worker,' J.Y., and a case # 1B4RL66, - and not hearing back from Ms. Y. within 24 hours per her message machine after calling on Th. 1/30/20, I’m writing to you.

I had asked on Ms. Y's message machine some of these Qs:
* my February cost
* whether January was overpaid
* if a January overpayment can be credited to February and future months
* if I or the state controls my bank’s automatic deduction

On what basis does my bank continue to send money to Kaiser? Can I pay by check? If so, what happens if I don’t pay?

Is there an ombudsman for this process please? Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter.

Scott GK MacLeod

Thanks so much to Bill R. for his and my conversation about this thus far! 


Flying and gliding animals: "This is next level " - Home ONLINE #LegoRobotics in #RealisticVirtualHarbin w #ScratchProgramming & #MachineLearning HOW? Special WeDo2 Scratch BOXER - MIT Lego Robot Competition '99 - Google Research Football - with Reinforcement Learning * So, how could kids learn #MachineLearning by playing with #LegoWeDo2 robotics' kit in a #RealisticVirtualEarth is the gist * * * Belated Robert Burns' night * Let's stay in touch about Italy, Japan, Russia and China World University and School, - and Burns as Scotland poet laureate, - and with some of your countries' poet laureates - from Italy, Japan, Russia and China too

Previous: Panthera: Stanford Law School CodeX Mtg (1/30 @1.30p PT): LawPilots * * Re cryptocurrencies - Brainstorming-wise, how would Law Pilot courses re GDPR and EU 'money laundering' directive work to regulate a post-Euro, coded-by-Stanford graduates, cryptocurrency called 'Pi' - which is mineable with algorithms? (Cryptocurrencies in general - eg Bitcoin, Etherium, Ripple, etc. +1000s - are potentially mineable, but Pi ... * * Collaboration potential between Stanford Law, edX and LawPilot re platform * * * UBI experiments for all 7.5 billion people (each a Wikidata PIN#) on the planet eventually to alleviate poverty - as well as to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks (probably via regulation, and compliance courses) * * * a Covered California to Medi-Cal health insurance issue

This is next level https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1223721119191977984?s=20



* *

Lego Robotics' #NewGames Home ONLINE with #ScratchProgramming & #MachineLearning HOW? Special WeDo 2.0+Scratch Project BOXER
MIT Lego Robot Competition 1999
Google Research Football
https://youtu.be/F8DcgFDT9schttps://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics -


ONLINE Home #LegoRobotics in #RealisticVirtualHarbin w #ScratchProgramming & #MachineLearning HOW? Special WeDo2 Scratch BOXER https://youtu.be/HjD1zAWToYU
MIT Lego Robot Competition '99 https://youtu.be/SXH-bBw3uxg
Google Research Football https://youtu.be/F8DcgFDT9schttps://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics -


Home ONLINE #LegoRobotics in #RealisticVirtualHarbin w #ScratchProgramming & #MachineLearning HOW? Special WeDo2 Scratch BOXER https://youtu.be/HjD1zAWToYU
MIT Lego Robot Competition '99 https://youtu.be/SXH-bBw3uxg
Google Research Football https://youtu.be/F8DcgFDT9schttps://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Machine_Learning -


Home #ScottishCountryDancing ONLINE #LegoRobotics in #RealisticVirtualEarth w #ScratchProgramming & #MachineLearning >WeDo2 Scratch BOXER https://youtu.be/HjD1zAWToYU
MIT Lego Robot '99 https://youtu.be/SXH-bBw3uxg
!Google Research Football https://youtu.be/F8DcgFDT9schttps://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Machine_Learning -


Collab. with #MITScratchProgrammers for 1-1 #FilmTo3D #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #NewGames or #Tournaments #HomeLegoRoboticsWithScratch in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegos re #mitscratch in #ScratchInPractice @RZembo #ReinforcementLearning re #GRFE https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1223721119191977984?s=20 ~


TensorFlow CHIP #TPU #EdgeTPU for image recognition https://twitter.com/rzembo/status/1223648708023193600?s=20& #MachineLearning > #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook for #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy new social science #ActualVirtual method https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tensor_processing_unithttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_neural_network ~


* *

ONLINE Lego Robotics' Tournaments from HOME at WUaS (with Scratch programming language?) HOW? Special WeDo 2.0 + Scratch Project BOXER
https://youtu.be/HjD1zAWToYU? #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics ~


*  * 

keeping the ball rolling ... programming this with Scratch and for Lego robotics ... #FilmTo3D

MIT 1999

Thanks so much, Bill,

Speaking of keeping the ball rolling, and the Super Bowl-like tournament I mentioned re this MIT Lego Robot Competition 1999 - https://youtu.be/SXH-bBw3uxg (with a bunch of related Tweets above). 

How best to program with Scratch or the Lego Robotics' kits languages to keep these balls rolling - 

So, how kids could learn machine learning by playing with Lego WeDo2.0 robotics' kit in a realistic virtual earth (am thinking Google Street View - with time slider), and especially MACHINE LEARNING in a Google Football environment is the gist of some of this ... 

Thanks, Scott

* * * 

Scott MacLeod
10:48 AM (1 hour ago)
to ouchunyu, mariia, Ants, Koh

Hi Ants, Koh, Masha and Chunyu!

Nice to see you yesterday evening, and thanks for a nice belated Robbie Burn's Night celebration ... And congratulations on your new 'communal' house too!

Let's stay in touch about Italy, Japan, Russia and China World University and School with time as well - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States - planned in your birth countries' official / main languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages !

Searched on
Burn's role in Scotland -
"Robert Burns, (born January 25, 1759, Alloway, Ayrshire, Scotland—died July 21, 1796, Dumfries, Dumfriesshire), national poet of Scotland, who wrote lyrics and songs in Scots and in English. He was also famous for his amours and his rebellion against orthodox religion and morality." ...

Masha, here's information about
Pushkin's role in Russia - https://www.rbth.com/arts/literature/2016/06/06/pushkin-birthday_600561 - since I had heard about his significance there , but here is helpful further information. National poets can speak so eloquently for a people and a culture ! ... (and America is a kind limbo zone in these regards, I have the sense some times. See especially Manuel Castell's book "The Power of Identity" - https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwfD7z5bwAuGNzE3ZDE3OTAtYWJhMS00NTRkLWI5NWItNjY3ZGUwMWU3ZjBi/edit - in these regards, where I teach a university course inspired by Castells - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html ...

Koh - is Matsuo Basho a Japanese poet laureate for you? (And is Lafcadio Hearn a key Japanese poet for you otherwise too - https://world.greekreporter.com/2012/04/30/lafcadio-hearn-the-greek-national-poet-of-japan/ ?)

Chunyu - and are Du Fu or Li Bai Chinese poet laureates for you - who you can both find in this amazing book called Sunflower splendor : three thousand years of Chinese poetry
- https://archive.org/details/sunflowersplendo00liuw/page/n7 ... (hich I first read in the early 1980s at Reed College:).

Next year, Burns' Address to a Haggis ? ... :) ... http://www.robertburns.org.uk/Assets/Poems_Songs/toahaggis.htm ... in addition to 'To a mouse ... " and "To a louse ... " https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/to-a-louse-and-to-a-mouse-by-robert-burns ... :) Ants and All, I happened to have blogged about our Burns' Night in 2019 here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/01/southern-carmine-bee-eater-robbie-burns.html - as well :)

As Aye, Scott

And Ants, here's George Galloway, the Scottish politician my Scots' friend, Alex Welsh, described as a bit dodgy ... but re questions of statesmen in Scotland ... and even re beginning an online Law School at Scotland World Univ & Sch ... and possibly with Fettes College high school students matriculating (the high school I attended for a year in the 1st year 6th form in '76-77) ... who might be interested and high achieving re online MIT OCW-centric free-to-students' degrees in general ... Not clear how such faculty at such a law school could write 'Scottish freedom' into law (re Westminster, and southern neighbors:)

From a fairly (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/bog-turtle-preface-to-book-of-poetry-to.html) recent email to Alex:
Not clear whether George Galloway - https://youtu.be/oeb_J0uHnSk - would be a good "professor" in the hypothetical online Scotland World University and School 'statesmanship' school, and out of the Scotland Law School at WUaS, but he seems capable, experienced and smart (and, agreed, this is a bit dodgy - https://youtu.be/HrdFFCnYtbk :).

Am learning a bit further about the 2014 Scottish independence referendum (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Scottish_independence_referendum) in all these videos, but in this debate too - https://youtu.be/5hMFYvPGUjI ...

Here's what I was referring to with regards to a Catalonia independence vote -

"on 1 October 2017. In a vote where the anti-independence parties called for non-participation, results showed a 90% vote in favour of independence, with a turnout of 43%. Based on this referendum result, on 27 October 2017 the Parliament of Catalonia approved a resolution creating an independent Republic unilaterally, by a vote considered illegal by the lawyers of the Parliament of Catalonia for violating the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Spain.[5][6][7]"
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalan_independence_movement

Not clear whether this makes Catalonia free or independent re Spain's prior ruling ... but interesting ...


Scott -

It was very nice meeting you last night, and hearing your pipes and singing a few songs.

If you are interested, my original music can be found in the A Boy's Life playlist on Soundcloud.  Each song has a description, and the lyrics in the comments.

Also, in your research for making your recordings, you might look up Paul Tumolo, at Wild Plum Recordings.  A talented engineer with good equipment, and a very nice man. His phone number is 510-654-6507, and he is located in Montclair.


Peter and Laurel


Peter (and Laurel) - 

It was nice meeting you as well, and thanks so much for your enjoyable guitar-playing, singing and music-making too. Thanks to Laurel as well. 
Am enjoying "Hey Ho Nobody Home" much here, which I happened to click on first - https://soundcloud.com/xenomera/sets/christmas-2019 And I like the envisioning in the lyrics - your poetry in a sense - on your "A Boy's Life" album very much. Thanks for sharing. 

Thanks too for the information about Wild Plum recording studio in Montclair! (I can share too an email I sent to Ants, Koh, Masha and Chunyu about the belated Burns' Night celebration if you might be interested). I may explore with time turning some of my poetry from 3 recently published books - https://www.amazon.com/author/
scottmacleodworlduniversity - into songs to sing with my Scottish small pipes). 

Cheers, Scott

* * *

How best to program with #Scratch3 or #LegoRobotics' kits to keep these balls rolling https://youtu.be/SXH-bBw3uxg?
So, how could kids learn #MachineLearning by playing with #LegoWeDo2 robotics' kit in a #RealisticVirtualEarth is the gist of some of this - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/flying-and-gliding-animals-this-is-next.html -



Gliding Flying Squirrel 

Flying Squirrel 


Painted turtle: Lego Robotics into Machine/Reinforcement Learning & CC-4 Wiki adding to WUaS, 3 Feb 2020 LiveStream * * Lego Special WeDo 2.0 Scratch BOXER * MIT Lego Robot Competition 1999 * Google Research Football * * * Guest Content for the Website *- World Univ and Sch is wiki, so you can openly wiki-add your own posts, writings or testimonials in an open teaching and learning vein (a little like adding to a Wikipedia article), That said, WUaS in general is MIT OpenCourseWare-centric - https://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm - and is heading, like CC-4 licensed MIT OCW, in the direction of CC-4 licensing for people adding their own content to WUaS, and here's an example ...

Next: Humuhumunukunukuapua'a (Hawaiian - triggerfish with a snout like a pig): Adding genes to reverse aging in mice and dogs @GeoChurch - Age Reversal #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering? #longevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForLongevity & #AgeReversal Think Google Street View / Project Baseline - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Clinical_Trials_at_WUaS_(for_all_languages) & /Longevity * * * So so many variables between now and Nov election ... getting out the Latino & Black votes ...could be very helpful * * * Family history thread continued (from 7/12/2019 - 2/4/2020) * Edith (Ethridge), Sandy (MacLeod), Alden (Briscoe), Janie (Kirkbride Brown MacLeod), Mark (MacLeod), Browns, MacLeods and related families! * WikiTree is proving to be a useful source for Sarah Bolles history and marriage to Humphrey Chadbourne, for ex. - https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bolles-66 ....

Lego Robotics into Machine/Reinforcement Learning & CC-4 Wiki adding to WUaS, 3 Feb 2020 LiveStream


Special WeDo2 Scratch BOXER


MIT Lego Robot Competition '99


Google Research Football


* *
WUaS News Q&A #LiveStream FROM http://youtube. com/WorldUnivandSch MONDAY 2/3/20 at 10a PT Topic: WUaS Robotics @WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress ~200 online Univs in lands' Langs https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics @ScottMacLeod >info@ http://worlduniversityandschool.org to join #WorldUnivAndSchNewsQandA ~


WUaS News Q&A #LiveStream FROM http://youtube. com/WorldUnivandSch MONDAY 2/3/20 at 10a PT Topic: Your Questions/ideas
@WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress online Univs in ~200 https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States @ScottMacLeod email info@ worlduniversityandschool.org to join #WorldUnivAndSchNewsQandA ~


* * *

Guest Content for the Website

WUaS - World University and School
Sun, Feb 2, 7:30 PM (14 hours ago)
to nicoledgarrison26

Hi Nicole,

Thanks for reaching out. As you may have seen, World Univ and Sch is wiki, so you can openly wiki-add your own posts, writings or testimonials in an open teaching and learning vein (a little like adding to a Wikipedia article). See the main Subjects' page here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects - for example.

That said, WUaS in general is MIT OpenCourseWare-centric - https://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm - and is heading, like CC-4 licensed MIT OCW, in the direction of CC-4 licensing for people adding their own content to WUaS, and here's an example - https://opencontent.org/blog/archives/307. By adding CC-4 licensing to one's writings, it's like ownership for sharing, and in brief, it says that anyone can a) share, b) adapt, but c) non-commercially (like MIT OCW itself). So it would allow you, Nicole, to post your writings - https://liveinspiredmag.com/about/ - with this kind of licensing.

If you wanted to add an article you wrote, Nicole, you could pick a wiki subject page, and cite them something like this ...

Miguel, Marie. 2018. [https://themighty.com/2018/05/i-didnt-choose-depression/ Depression is not a choice]. May 30. The Mighty: A Digital Health Community.

to /Psychotherapy at WUaS ?

Miguel, Marie. 2018. [https://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/talking-out-your-problems-with-a-psychologist-vs-a-psychiatrist-bh/ Talking Out Your Problems with a Psychologist vs. a Psychiatrist Who you’re revealing your mental health issues to matters]. May 28. The Good Men Project.

to /Psychology and /Psychiatry at WUaS ?

(In a related vein, someone recently asked WUaS:

"Would you be open to us collaborating and working together in some capacity?"

And I replied: Yes, and am seeking to think through what would be helpful for WUaS matriculating students in the autumn ...  Have blogged about our conversation and a related conversation here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/owl-online-psychoanalysis.html).

So you're welcome to add an article, Nicole, especially if it's CC-4 licensed.

Best, Scott

- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org

- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.



Humuhumunukunukuapua'a (Hawaiian - triggerfish with a snout like a pig): Adding genes to reverse aging in mice and dogs @GeoChurch - Age Reversal #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering? #longevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForLongevity & #AgeReversal Think Google Street View / Project Baseline - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Clinical_Trials_at_WUaS_(for_all_languages) & /Longevity * * * So so many variables between now and Nov election ... getting out the Latino & Black votes ...could be very helpful * * * Family history thread continued (from 7/12/2019 - 2/4/2020) * Edith (Ethridge), Sandy (MacLeod), Alden (Briscoe), Janie (Kirkbride Brown MacLeod), Mark (MacLeod), Browns, MacLeods and related families! * WikiTree is proving to be a useful source for Sarah Bolles history and marriage to Humphrey Chadbourne, for ex. - https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bolles-66 ....

Next: Eccentric sand dollar (Dendraster excentricus): Jesús Cedeño, Professional Crypto Geek - "Can I share your website with my [CRYPTOCURRENCY] followers? 😊" * * Share New Year's letter with you - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/wild-pomegranate-burchellia-bubalina.html - with where World Univ & Sch is heading with facilitating a single digital currency, backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks, and potentially distributed via Universal Basic Income experiments to all 7.5 billion people on the planet. What's your focus on the 'Pi' cryptocurrency in your website? * And are you connected on Twitter with the Director of the MIT Digitial Currency Initiative, Neha Narula - https://twitter.com/neha ? * * * Am seeking to explore a kind of of edX Board mandate to edX to further develop CC-4 MIT OCW into edX in its 4 languages, and potentially via World University and School

Adding genes to reverse aging in mice and dogs @GeoChurch -

Age Reversal #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering? https://youtu.be/bnCEIPQFNnk #longevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForLongevity > #AgeReversal Think GoogleStreetView/Project Baseline
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Clinical_Trials_at_WUaS_(for_all_languages) /Longevity


Adding genes to reverse aging in mice & dogs @GeoChurch #AgeReversal #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics 'How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?'https://youtu.be/bnCEIPQFNnk #longevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForLongevity & !> https://youtu.be/yefzqDpJ5Oc ~


George Church '19 Reversing Aging @Harvard
Richard Dawkins on Longevity
Redesigning Longevity-Craig Venter '18
Announcement of the mapping of the human genome, a full 3 years ahead https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craig_Venter ~ (which I teach about in my 'Society and Information Technology' course)



* * *
Hi M, 

So so many variables between now and Nov election ... getting out the Latino & Black votes ...could be very helpful.

Open Band was good last night, - and I have the sense after seeing Patti that somehow ethical air in group is clearing (where she has an unique CA read on this) ... she and Bruce, Heather & David are heading with their Humus SCD band to Hawaii for 2 weeks. Barbara Salisbury says she's coming back eventually, and Beth Christian is a good new fiddler. Nice to play in this band.

Lovely day here today and yesterday ... thanks for your email. Waiting on edX call back, having sent in shorter cover letter and resume as second application per Jim Spohrer.

Have a great day, and week.

Love, Scott

The full name of the Humus is ... the 
"Humuhumunukunukuapua'a & Strathspey Society Band"
Hawaiian-Scottish methinks :)

* *
what does humuhumunukunukuapua'a mean in english?

The reef triggerfish (Rhinecanthus rectangulus), also known as the rectangular triggerfish or by its Hawaiian name humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa (pronounced [ˈhumuˈhumuˈnukuˈnukuˈwaːpuˈwɐʔə], meaning 'triggerfish with a snout like a pig'), also spelled humuhumunukunukuapua'a or just humuhumu for short, is one of several ...


* *

Hallo Dick, Lucy, Alden and Ma, 

After Iowa primary beginnings, this forecast of Democratic presidential caucus is frozen - "Who Will Win The 2020 Democratic Primary?" ... https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-primary-forecast/ - with Biden at the top as having the best odds to win. He seems to me most experienced, skillful - and image-wise too. And while he seems to me to have most potential to win in November, I'm still leaning a bit toward Elizabeth Warren, but am more rooting for the Democrats to win. (The Green Party doesn't seem to be playing much of a role in the Iowa caucuses whatsoever; you can see the caucuses the Green Party will participate in here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Green_Party_presidential_primaries#Primary_and_caucus_calendar - for a bit of an outsider's perspective:). 

There are so so many variables between now and Nov election ... getting out the Latino - https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/01/31/where-latinos-have-the-most-eligible-voters-in-the-2020-election/ especially re Florida - and Black votes would be very helpful - with machine learning / AI especially.

From "Democracy Now" a few days ago: 
Law Professor: Trump Could Also Have Been Impeached for War Crimes, Assassinations & Corruption
Am hoping the world's oldest continuous constitutional democracy votes the b...... out ... :)

What think you?

Have applied for an edX (founded by Harvard and MIT) Director's position, as "Head of Content Strategy and Acquisition." 

Fondly, Scotty

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com 

* * * *

Family History and Genetics


I found this interesting that Venter suggests that we can predict from your genetic code your picture (at 18 minute mark) -

Redesigning Longevity - Craig Venter - 2018

Using machine learning, see if we could predict from your genetic code your picture (at 18 minute mark)

... and especially re a Realistic Virtual Earth and with Avatar Bots (which World Univ & SC is heralding) ... and a Realistic Virtual Earth for Genetics - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?src=hashtag_click - with more here in this and related Twitter #HashTags which I've posted re Harvard / MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church's remarkable genetics' research that age is reversible, by adding genes! 

Some new finds: WikiTree doesn't do DNA testing, and this is how it thinks of this - 

WikiTree is proving to be a useful source for Sarah Bolles history and marriage to Humphrey Chadbourne, for ex. - https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bolles-66 .... 

Cheers, Scott


Mark MacLeod

1:33 PM (2 hours ago)
to me
Thanks for this. Very interesting.

I like the wiki advice on DNA tests. I think I was trying to express what they put more eloquently:

"Moreover, your matches can help you do something incredible: scientifically confirm your family tree. You think you know who your ancestors are. Now you can prove it, because your DNA is their DNA"



Yay for the science of genetics regarding genealogy, and your paper, "Using DNA to gain insights into our MacLeod family history 1-29-20 by Mark MacLeod draft" !

3 Cheers, Scott

* *
Family history thread continued (from 7/12/2019 - 2/4/2020)

Scott MacLeod
1:55 PM (2 hours ago)
to Edith, Sandy, Susan, Karen, Alden, Janie, Scott, Ann, catherinemuller57, MacLeod, Pete, Jennifer, Jen, Scott, Susan, Derrick, erica.blanton

Hi All, Edith, Sandy, Alden, Janie, Mark, Browns, MacLeods and related families!

Here is the beginning of a new family genealogy email exchange thread.

Am finding further fascinating DNA developments re family genealogy questions. And am not clear yet whether my mother has sent in her AncestryDNA kit yet, or not, which she got for Christmas. (This email thread is up to 102 emails, so am beginning a new thread soon - 'Family history thread continued (from 7/12/2019 - 2/4/2020)' )

But first, I just connected on Ancestry .com Sarah Bolles to a Humphrey Chadbourne (and my mother's father was Alexander Chadourne Brown, aka Sandy Brown - in this same Chadbourne line) - and found this again: that Sarah Bolles' line can go back in a direct line to King Edward I of England -

Sarah Bolles has a well-established royal descent,  being descended from Edward I, King of England (1272-1307 ) and many earlier Kings of England, Scotland and France, as authenticated in Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists, by Frederick Lewis Weis, 6th Edition [1988] compiled by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. Joseph was bpt at Worksop, Nottinghamshire, 29 Feb 1608, son of Thomas, Esq. and Elizabeth (Perkins) Bolles of Oberton  Manor.

- which I had seen before, but which now would be interesting to see in a family tree, and which may be easier to see in WikiTree than in Ancestry.com. (Sarah Bolles in Ancestry .com - - https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/162331043/person/252115062505/story - and in WikiTree - https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bolles-66 .... )

I also found it interesting that geneticist Craig Venter, who first mapped the human genome in 2000 (along with Francis Collins at the NIH - in 2 separate projects, and 3 years ahead of the projected completion date, thanks to computing), suggests that we can predict from your genetic code your picture (at 18 minute mark) -

Redesigning Longevity - Craig Venter - 2018

Using machine learning, see if we could predict from your genetic code your picture (at 18 minute mark)

... and especially regarding a Realistic Virtual Earth and with Avatar Bots (which World Univ & Sch is heralding) ... and a Realistic Virtual Earth for Genetics - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?src=hashtag_click - with more here in this and related Twitter #HashTags which I've posted re Harvard / MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church's remarkable genetics' research that age is reversible, by adding genes!

Some new finds: WikiTree doesn't do DNA testing, and this is how it thinks of this - https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:DNA_Tests WikiTree is proving to be a useful source for Sarah Bolles history and marriage to Humphrey Chadbourne, for ex. - https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bolles-66 ....

Am glad too that Erica Blanton, newly in our email group and daughter of Karen Leighty, is doing genealogy in Ancestry. com too - ekleighty - https://www.ancestry.com/account/profile/013a8225-0001-0000-0000-000000000000 - !

And Mark MacLeod has recently shown via DNA evidence that the MacLeod name comes from the Isle of Raasay in the north of Scotland / the Highlands:

"In particular, I show that my great great-grandfather James MacLeod came from the Isle of Raasay in Scotland. His parents were Norman MacLeod and Isobel MacKenzie and the family emigrated to Prince Edward Island, Canada in 1839" (unpublished, still in draft form, 2020 paper).

Fascinating, Mark! - and thank you!

Cheers, Scott
Scott GK MacLeod III - https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/162331043/person/252114291549/facts -
Scott GK MacLeod III - https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=MacLeod-2524&public=1 -
- http://scottmacleod.com/family.htm
- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/genes
- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Gordon%20K.%20MacLeod%20MD -
- http://scottmacleod.com/ScottMacLeodFamilyHistory.htm -

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org

- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.



Eccentric sand dollar (Dendraster excentricus): Jesús Cedeño, Professional Crypto Geek - "Can I share your website with my [CRYPTOCURRENCY] followers? 😊" * * Share New Year's letter with you - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/wild-pomegranate-burchellia-bubalina.html - with where World Univ & Sch is heading with facilitating a single digital currency, backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks, and potentially distributed via Universal Basic Income experiments to all 7.5 billion people on the planet. What's your focus on the 'Pi' cryptocurrency in your website? * And are you connected on Twitter with the Director of the MIT Digitial Currency Initiative, Neha Narula - https://twitter.com/neha ? * * * Am seeking to explore a kind of of edX Board mandate to edX to further develop CC-4 MIT OCW into edX in its 4 languages, and potentially via World University and School

Previous: Humuhumunukunukuapua'a (Hawaiian - triggerfish with a snout like a pig): Adding genes to reverse aging in mice and dogs @GeoChurch - Age Reversal #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering? #longevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForLongevity & #AgeReversal Think Google Street View / Project Baseline - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Clinical_Trials_at_WUaS_(for_all_languages) & /Longevity * * * So so many variables between now and Nov election ... getting out the Latino & Black votes ...could be very helpful * * * Family history thread continued (from 7/12/2019 - 2/4/2020) * Edith (Ethridge), Sandy (MacLeod), Alden (Briscoe), Janie (Kirkbride Brown MacLeod), Mark (MacLeod), Browns, MacLeods and related families! * WikiTree is proving to be a useful source for Sarah Bolles history and marriage to Humphrey Chadbourne, for ex. - https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bolles-66 ....

"Can I share your website with my [CRYPTOCURRENCY] followers? 😊"

Scott MacLeod
10:15 AM (8 minutes ago)
to Jesús

Hi Jesús,

Thanks so much for your email and interest.

I just updated my blog post - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/12/sand-dollar-in-big-picture-of-planning.html - with your:

What is Cryptocurrency?



- and yes, you're welcome to share this blog post on LinkedIn (and I just connected with you from https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottgkmacleod/ too).

I'd like to share my New Year's letter with you - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/wild-pomegranate-burchellia-bubalina.html - with where World Univ & Sch is heading with facilitating a single digital currency, backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks, and potentially distributed via Universal Basic Income experiments to all 7.5 billion people on the planet. What's your focus on the 'Pi' cryptocurrency in your website? Below you'll find a recent blog post with explorations about how, brainstorming-wise, law courses in Europe about the 'Pi' cryptocurrency could be developed re questions of regulation. See, too, the 'UBI' label  in my blog for more about "Mine Pi" and digital currencies.

And are you connected on Twitter with the Director of the MIT Digitial Currency Initiative, Neha Narula - https://twitter.com/neha ?

Best, Scott


See, too:
Panthera: Stanford Law School CodeX Mtg (1/30 @1.30p PT): LawPilots * * Re cryptocurrencies - Brainstorming-wise, how would Law Pilot courses re GDPR and EU 'money laundering' directive work to regulate a post-Euro, coded-by-Stanford graduates, cryptocurrency called 'Pi' - which is mineable with algorithms? (Cryptocurrencies in general - eg Bitcoin, Etherium, Ripple, etc. +1000s - are potentially mineable, but Pi ... * * Collaboration potential between Stanford Law, edX and LawPilot re platform * * * UBI experiments for all 7.5 billion people (each a Wikidata PIN#) on the planet eventually to alleviate poverty - as well as to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks (probably via regulation, and compliance courses) * * * a Covered California to Medi-Cal health insurance issue
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/panthera-stanford-law-school-codex-mtg.html -

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org

- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.


Jesús Cedeño jesus@cryptocoinsociety.co

8:52 AM (1 hour ago)
to me
Hi 👋
I was wondering if I could share your article on my LinkedIn? http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/12/sand-dollar-in-big-picture-of-planning.html

I have a few thousand connections in the crypto niche who I think might find it useful.
Also, I noticed in the article you had linked to this piece on "what is cryptocurrency?" that is quite a bit outdated: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptocurrency
I actually just finished writing "the ultimate beginners guide to cryptocurrency" (https://www.cryptocoinsociety.com/what-is-cryptocurrency/) that covers pretty much everything someone new to the crypto scene would want to know.
Perhaps you might consider updating your article by including a link to mine? 😊
If not, no worries!!!!!
- Jesús

Jesús Cedeño
Professional Crypto Geek

(Btw if you don't want to hear from me again just let me know here)

Thanks for your email, Jesús,
Best wishes, Scott
(worlduniversityandschool.org, - & see too
MIT OCW-centric Banking & Money WUaS https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Banking_and_Money - with planned
law schools
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School ~

Law Schools at World University and School (planned in main languages in them)

* * * 

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

8:55 AM (1 hour ago)
to AnantJimedsmythmdJanieLarry

Dear Jim, Anant, Larry, Ed, and Jane,

I just this morning heard back from edX by email to both email addresses (sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org and sgkmacleod@gmail.com): 


Thank you for your interest in the Head of Content Strategy and Acquisition role at edX. This role has recently closed and we are not considering additional applicants at this time. We appreciate you taking the time to apply and encourage you to keep an eye out for future roles that might align.

Thank you again for your consideration and I hope we can be back in touch soon.

edX Talent Acquisition"

I'll keep an eye out for another related edX career position - https://www.edx.org/careers - as World Univ & Sch seeks to begin to license with CA's BPPE, as soon as the March 11th BPPE workshop in Sacramento - https://www.bppe.ca.gov/schools/application_workshops.shtml - depending on having a platform that BPPE would likely license (such as edX).  

I hope your time in Portugal is productive and regenerative, Jim. Thank you. 

Sincerely, Scott

Am including below my email of 31 Jan 2020 to all of you again, and in particular with regards to:

"Were I to get this "Content Strategy" edX position, possibly construed in a slightly different way (for example, with a mandate from the edX Board to edX to engage MIT OCW, -since the edX head of business development says there's no relationship whatsoever now between MIT OCW and MITx, for example - yet he's also said there are 205 course in this regard), it would be an amazing opportunity to grow edX into all ~200 countries' official languages, and with existing certificate edX courses possibly buildable into CC-4 MIT OCW-centric WUaS degrees that would be reimburse-able by departments of education in all 200 countries' languages too."

Hi Jim,

Happy Friday too! I'll seek to wait patiently to hear from edX. Am glad the Chairman of WUaS (Larry) recently said that $5000 is now available for CA BPPE licensing for WUaS, but licensing will be potentially a further challenge now, since partnership with edX doesn't seem possible at this time, and BPPE would likely readily license MIT OCW > MITx courses for example, with platform & grades etc (as they said they would a Google platform or similar). 

So getting BPPE licensing going for WUaS before considering heading back to Cambridge for this position would be important (and there's another BPPE workshop in mid-March in Sacramento) which would be valuable to go to with draft document in hand, having gone to a first CA BPPE licensing day-long workshop on 2/20/19 in San Jose. Were I to get this "Content Strategy" edX position, possibly construed in a slightly different way (for example, with a mandate from the edX Board to edX to engage MIT OCW, -since the edX head of business development says there's no relationship whatsoever now between MIT OCW and MITx, for example - yet he's also said there are 205 course in this regard), it would be an amazing opportunity to grow edX into all ~200 countries' official languages, and with existing certificate edX courses possibly buildable into CC-4 MIT OCW-centric WUaS degrees that would be reimburse-able by departments of education in all 200 countries' languages too. Having just seen in a Tweet from edX CEO Anant Agarwal (in my 4-page cover letter too) that Stanford is becoming a member in edX, and having communicated with Stanford Medicine and Law about online medical schools and online law schools in ~200 countries' languages (Harrington MD and Vogl) over some years now, I see a possible opportunity for WUaS to explore additionally developing online CC-4 MIT OCW-centric PhDs and Bachelor's degrees through Stanford edX too. I think though the edX Board's mandate to develop MIT OCW > edX is the more likely candidate for Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees, - and I think too that edX could potentially seek reimbursement from all ~200 countries' departments of education at the rate of what tuition costs at MIT or Stanford ($55,000 per year), prorated per country by GDP or similar.

I hope online academia will be able to generate ever-unfolding research and teaching "to keep their digital" academic faculty and staff in all ~200 countries' languages busy, Jim, - and would like for World Univ & Sch to be able to help here especially (and on both our 501 c 3 wing, and our for profit general stock company wing - both in ~200 countries' languages as world class universities, and in 7111 known living languages as wiki schools for open teaching and learning+). 

Have a great trip to Portugal, and I hope it's very regenerative for you especially. Thanks again for your great service science, management and engineering thinking, and your communications here especially regarding edX and this great 'Head of Content Strategy ... ' position I continue to be very interested in. Looking forward to emailing with you when you get back potentially, and thanks so much again for your thinking, suggestions and communications. I'll continue to wait patiently for a call back from edx, with the hopes of hearing about scheduling an interview for this "Head of Content Strategy and Acquisition" position. Thank you, Jim, and bon voyage! 

Sincerely, Scott

Hi Scott,
Thanks for the update.

Portugal is going fine - good weather and food.

Thanks, -Jim

Jim Spohrer, PhD
Director, Cognitive Opentech Group (COG)
IBM Research - Almaden, 650 Harry Road San Jose, CA 95120(o) 408-927-1928<spohrer@us.ibm.com>
(m) 408-829-3112<spohrer@gmail.com>
Innovation Champion: http://service-science.info/archives/2233

Hi Jim, 

Thanks too for your update from Portugal. As I think you've read just now, am seeking to explore a kind of of edX Board mandate to edX to further develop CC-4 MIT OCW into edX in its 4 languages, and potentially via WUaS - and hopefully with a paid role at edX to do so. Thanks so much! 

Thanks, - Scott 



Bougainvillea spectabilis: Just voted (6 Feb 2020) from home on paper ballot in the March 3, 2020 election in Contra Costa county:

Next: Rano Kau volcano: "Why "biofabrication" is the next industrial revolution" - Methinks this is part of the genetic engineering aspect of The I.T. Rev http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html (microelectronics, computers, telecommunications, genetic engineering) * AI re Trust, Validation, Verification & NOT just Explanation :Peter Norvig: We Are Seduced by Our Low-Dimensional Metaphors - Methinks AI is part of COMMUNICATION aspect of I.T. Rev> Peter Norvig mentions Marc Moffett @DoctorBugs http://www.doctorbugs.com/academics/ : "I am interested in conceptual frameworks for research..."& http://www.image-net.org #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualEarthForEvolution #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook ~ "conceptual frameworks for research..." #eTHNOwIKIvIRTUALwORLDgRAPHY * * Hippies ? searched on 'world famous hippy leaders peter norvig gary snyder now?' Richie Havens, Joan Baez, Janis Joplin, The Grateful Dead, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Santana, The Who, Jefferson Airplane, and Jimi Hendrix * * * Sundar Pichai is the Alphabet CEO now of about 1 of 4 trillion dollar US companies in the world * Sundar Pichai celebrates 15 years of Google Maps with a 'Burrito Map' * Pichai: "One of the next frontiers for Maps will be to help the billions of people who live without a physical address get a digital one. These open-source digital addresses, called Plus Codes, are based on latitude & longitude coordinates ..." * * What is best English newspaper in India? ~ The Hindu? * * * Scottish Green Party is committed to forming a sustainable society and are guided by four interconnected principles: 1) Ecology, 2) Equality, 3) Radical democracy, 4) Peace and nonviolence * * * Harvard Magazine - “Doctor Bugs” Naturalist Mark W. Moffett investigates insects—and now, evolving human societies
Previous: Eccentric sand dollar (Dendraster excentricus): Jesús Cedeño, Professional Crypto Geek - "Can I share your website with my [CRYPTOCURRENCY] followers? 😊" * * Share New Year's letter with you - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/wild-pomegranate-burchellia-bubalina.html - with where World Univ & Sch is heading with facilitating a single digital currency, backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks, and potentially distributed via Universal Basic Income experiments to all 7.5 billion people on the planet. What's your focus on the 'Pi' cryptocurrency in your website? * And are you connected on Twitter with the Director of the MIT Digitial Currency Initiative, Neha Narula - https://twitter.com/neha ? * * * Am seeking to explore a kind of of edX Board mandate to edX to further develop CC-4 MIT OCW into edX in its 4 languages, and potentially via World University and School

Just voted (6 Feb 2020) from home on paper ballot in the March 3, 2020 election in Contra Costa county:

President of the US, Green candidate -
Howie Hawkins

US Representative, district 11 -
Mark Desauliner

State senator, district 7 -
Steve Glazer

Member of state assembly, district 16 -
Rebecca Bauer-Kahan

Judge of the superior court -
Susanne M. Fenstermacher

Supervisor, district 2 -
Candace Andersen

13 - Schools

Measure J - Transportation

(I found Ballotpedia informative, e.g. -

https://ballotpedia.org/Mark_DeSaulnier )



Rano Kau volcano: "Why "biofabrication" is the next industrial revolution" - Methinks this is part of the genetic engineering aspect of The I.T. Rev http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html (microelectronics, computers, telecommunications, genetic engineering) * AI re Trust, Validation, Verification & NOT just Explanation :Peter Norvig: We Are Seduced by Our Low-Dimensional Metaphors - Methinks AI is part of COMMUNICATION aspect of I.T. Rev> Peter Norvig mentions Marc Moffett @DoctorBugs http://www.doctorbugs.com/academics/ : "I am interested in conceptual frameworks for research..."& http://www.image-net.org #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualEarthForEvolution #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook ~ "conceptual frameworks for research..." #eTHNOwIKIvIRTUALwORLDgRAPHY * * Hippies ? searched on 'world famous hippy leaders peter norvig gary snyder now?' Richie Havens, Joan Baez, Janis Joplin, The Grateful Dead, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Santana, The Who, Jefferson Airplane, and Jimi Hendrix * * * Sundar Pichai is the Alphabet CEO now of about 1 of 4 trillion dollar US companies in the world * Sundar Pichai celebrates 15 years of Google Maps with a 'Burrito Map' * Pichai: "One of the next frontiers for Maps will be to help the billions of people who live without a physical address get a digital one. These open-source digital addresses, called Plus Codes, are based on latitude & longitude coordinates ..." * * What is best English newspaper in India? ~ The Hindu? * * * Scottish Green Party is committed to forming a sustainable society and are guided by four interconnected principles: 1) Ecology, 2) Equality, 3) Radical democracy, 4) Peace and nonviolence * * * Harvard Magazine - “Doctor Bugs” Naturalist Mark W. Moffett investigates insects—and now, evolving human societies


Why "biofabrication" is the next industrial revolution | Suzanne Lee Thanks @JimSpohrer >
https://twitter.com/JimSpohrer/status/1225199183835148290?s=20 Methinks this is part of the genetic engineering aspect of The I.T. Rev http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html (microelectronics, computers, telecommunications, genetic engineering)




* *

AI re Trust, Validation, Verification & NOT just Explanation :Peter Norvig: We Are Seduced by Our Low-Dimensional Metaphors https://youtu.be/y0c1yrPDLN8 Methinks AI is part of COMMUNICATION aspect of I.T. Rev> http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html re microelectronics, computers, telecommunications


Peter Norvig mentions https://youtu.be/y0c1yrPDLN8 Marc Moffett @DoctorBugs http://www.doctorbugs.com/academics/ : "I am interested in conceptual frameworks for research..."& http://www.image-net.org<> #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualEarthForEvolution #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook ~


Norvig mentions https://youtu.be/y0c1yrPDLN8 Marc Moffett @DoctorBugs http://www.doctorbugs.com/academics/"conceptual frameworks for research..." #eTHNOwIKIvIRTUALwORLDgRAPHY #EWVWG & http://www.image-net.org<> https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy #RealisticVirtualEarthForEvolution #RealisticVirtualHarbin~


* *

searched on 'world famous hippy leaders peter norvig gary snyder now?' Richie Havens, Joan Baez, Janis Joplin, The Grateful Dead, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Santana, The Who, Jefferson Airplane, and Jimi Hendrix https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hippieshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_hippie_movement ~


* *
Image-Net.org - with stellar faculty ...


* *

Norvig on AI - Peter mentions chimps, re humans, killing each other https://youtu.be/y0c1yrPDLN8 re trust. Territory, (religion, color of skin)> https://www.theguardian.com/science/2010/jun/21/chimpanzees-territory-killing-neighbours & https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2014/09/why-do-chimps-kill-each-other (Bonobo are different https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonobo) https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Primatology @WorldUnivAndSch ~


* * *

Sundar Pichai is the Alphabet CEO now of about 1 of 4 trillion dollar US companies in the world https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/16/alphabet-stock-hits-1-trillion-market-cap-for-first-time.html& "Sundar Pichai celebrates 15 years of Google Maps with a 'Burrito Map'"
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/sundar-pichai-celebrates-15-years-of-google-maps-with-a-burrito-map/articleshow/73990824.cms WUaS into another trillion dollar US company! @scottmacleod ~


Pichai: HBD Maps! Reflecting on 15 years of mapping the world
Sundar Pichai celebrates 15 years of Google Maps with a 'Burrito Map'http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/73990824.cms
> https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Modeling ~


Pichai: "One of the next frontiers for Maps will be to help the billions of people who live without a physical address get a digital one. These open-source digital addresses, called Plus Codes, are based on latitude & longitude coordinates ..."
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/73990824.cms #RealisticVirtualEarth~



Sundar Pichai celebrates 15 years of Google Maps with a 'Burrito Map'

Read more at:


* *

What is best English newspaper in India? Why? https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-best-English-newspaper-in-India-Why Thos. Jefferson: “Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter” Times of India, Hindu



*  *  *

The Green Party of the US (GPUS) - promotes green politics, specifically environmentalism; nonviolence; social justice; participatory, grassroots democracy; gender equality; LGBT rights; anti-war and anti-racism
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Party_of_the_United_States… ~ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Peace_and_Social_Justice_Studies … (@WorldUnivAndSch)


Scottish Greens are committed to forming a sustainable society and are guided by four interconnected principles: 1) Ecology, 2) Equality, 3) Radical democracy, 4) Peace and nonviolence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_Green_Party ~https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Peace_and_Social_Justice_Studies ~https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Ahimsa_-_Nonviolence_-_Pacifism_-_To_avoid_harming (@WorldUnivAndSch)


Naturalist Mark W. Moffett investigates insects—and now, evolving human societies - and is a friend of Peter Norvig, as mentioned in the above video ~ https://youtu.be/y0c1yrPDLN8 ~

“Doctor Bugs”

Naturalist Mark W. Moffett investigates insects—and now, evolving human societies.


Of Ants And Humans: Some Principles Of Social Organization

Mark Moffett’s The Human Swarm: : How Our Societies Arise, Thrive, and Fall (Basic Books 2019) is nothing less than a comprehensive review and synthesis of the academic literature on social life in humans and a wide variety of animals, including, among many others, ants, whales, jays, wolves, and chimpanzees  



* * *

Searched on / Blogged about 'world famous hippy leaders Peter Norvig Gary Snyder now' Richie Havens, Joan Baez, Janis Joplin, Grateful Dead, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Santana, The Who, Jefferson Airplane, & Jimi Hendrix https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/rano-kau-volcano-why-biofabrication-is.html ~




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