Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Canna: Well met at Berkeley, India World University and School and the Hindi language WUaS not yet in Hindi, WUaS's mission, WUaS Foundation, Master Plan, Business Plan, IT and Data Plan, and Fundraising wiki pages, How could the internet economy help the developing world, country by country? Check out Castells'"The Network Society: From Knowledge to Policy" (2005) ... To the wiki subjects - "Network Society,""Economics," and "Nation States" - https://plus.google.com/+ScottMacLeodWorldUniversity/posts/hqHNvCxefNL - planned in many languages ...

Next: Lassen Peak: Norwegian Anthropology Professor friend visiting Berkeley, The story of Ishi and that the founder of Harbin Hot Springs since 1972 is named Ish or Ishvara (a minor divinity meaning Divine Commander in the Hindu pantheon - which I understand in a hippy sense) may be something I build on over time concerning the Ishi story and my Harbin project, The film "Ishi: The Last Yahi" (1992) - http://www.snagfilms.com/films/title/ishi_the_last_yahi (which I was able to view in the Chrome Browser), I could find 3 out of 4 of these films about Ishi online, To Native_Americans wiki subject at WUaS or to the not-yet-made "Yana language" wiki school at WUaS ... TSWG and Derung language WUaS, Many jobs for graduate students in all 7,097 languages, Translations of "Naked Harbin Ethnography" title into other languages

Very nice to meet and talk with you at Cal. 

Here's the India World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/India - and the Hindi language WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Hindi_language - not yet in Hindi. 

Please let me know what questions you may have. 

Let's stay in touch. 

Best regards,

Hi Anu, 

Sounds good, and nice to get your email. 

Among other things, let's explore developing CC India World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/India - in the Hindi language WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Hindi_language - with CC MIT OCW centric university degrees (although WUaS is moving soon to this WUaS MediaWiki wiki - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/WUaS_En_Wiki ) together? 

These blog entries in this label include some loose perspectives on India much re WUaS - 

Open WUaS monthly business meeting meets on the 2nd Saturdays of the month at 9 am PT (for an hour only) electronically - if you'd like to participate (conducted loosely in the manner of Friends/Quakers).

Friendly cheers,  Scott

Hi Anu, 

WUaS's mission ... 

World University and School's mission is free education, courses, and degrees in all known languages. World University and School (http://worlduniversityandschool.org - like Wikipedia with best CC OpenCourseWare) seeks also to facilitate all levels of teaching and learning through open, editable wikis. WUaS plans to accredit at the university and high school levels to offer online degrees and diplomas in all countries' main languages. WUaS’s wiki will involve open and editable teaching and learning but also non-editable courses prepared under a Creative Commons’ license. WUaS will facilitate the use of free CC courses as credits toward degrees. Due to the rapid spread of broadband worldwide, WUaS plans to make this accessible to underserved parts of the world and to poor people everywhere. WUaS will explore the possibility of using universal translators to extend the project automatically to any language with time.

new developments emerge from ... fit with the current processes - communication - 

What is WUaS?
like Wikipedia in 300 languages with best STEM Creative Commons' OpenCourseWare (accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages)

improve website - to focus it ...

but for online free degrees, first for undergraduates.

To onboard people, WUaS plans to simplify, and focus the web site on one main thing on the web site - to onboard 2000 students. WUaS would like to get 200,000 applicants for free best STEM CC OCW degrees, first in English

Why 2000 students? Because WUaS seeks to collaborate with governments in all 204 countries for costs, and to think about this extremely strategically. WUaS is seeking to build a solid operation and strategic approach.

Namaste, Scott

Hi Anu, 

Very nice to talk just now, and thank you for calling and for your good ideas, Anu!

Perhaps WUaS will become the Stanford of the Internet in April and can hire you to find highest achieving and smart students in India (many of whom speak English) to apply this autumn as if applying to MIT or Stanford. And perhaps WUaS can develop communications for this including the web site. 

For your information, I post many ideas about WUaS here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/global%20university . 

Please let me know how your job search and related endeavors go and looking forward to talking toward the end of April! Very nice to talk with you. 


How could the internet economy help the developing world, country by country? Check out Castells'"The Network Society: From Knowledge to Policy" (2005) ... 
http://www.umass.edu/digitalcenter/research/pdfs/JF_NetworkSociety.pdf ... To the wiki subjects - "Network Society," http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Network_Society "Economics" http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Economics and "Nation States" http://worlduniversityandschool.org/WUaS_En_Wiki/index.php?title=Nation_States ... planned in many languages ...  



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