Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Lassen Peak: Norwegian Anthropology Professor friend visiting Berkeley, The story of Ishi and that the founder of Harbin Hot Springs since 1972 is named Ish or Ishvara (a minor divinity meaning Divine Commander in the Hindu pantheon - which I understand in a hippy sense) may be something I build on over time concerning the Ishi story and my Harbin project, The film "Ishi: The Last Yahi" (1992) - http://www.snagfilms.com/films/title/ishi_the_last_yahi (which I was able to view in the Chrome Browser), I could find 3 out of 4 of these films about Ishi online, To Native_Americans wiki subject at WUaS or to the not-yet-made "Yana language" wiki school at WUaS ... TSWG and Derung language WUaS, Many jobs for graduate students in all 7,097 languages, Translations of "Naked Harbin Ethnography" title into other languages

Hi M,

My Norwegian friends (Stein and M, where he's a professor of Anthropology at Arctic University of Norway in Tromso and studies the Saami in the far north) and his son K, M&S's first and new granddaughter, S, and her mother M, are coming over tomorrow on Easter (happy Easter!) which is great, but I'll clean my house-let in Canyon today, a little earlier than anticipated.

I met M & K, S, and M & Stein yesterday at a small "Berkeley Smoke" dive for ribs in Berkeley yesterday, after heading to Stein and M's place (for the year), where the woman's husband who ran "Berkeley Smoke" had made a key film about Ishi, of Yahi people/Yana language of California - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishi - who was an Indian, whom Berkeley Anthropologist Professors T. T. Waterman and Alfred Kroeber (the UC building is named after him) and Dr. Saxton Pope found emaciated in northern California around 1900, and the last of his people, and brought back to the SF Bay Area to live, and Kroeber learned a lot from Ishi.

The story of Ishi and that the founder since 1972 of Harbin Hot Springs is named Ish or Ishvara (a minor divinity meaning Divine Commander in the Hindu pantheon - which I understand in a hippy sense) may be something I build on over time, in sharing about my Harbin project, because the story of Ishi has captured many people's imaginations in northern California and around the world. The story of Ishi, for example, was written by Theodora Kroeber, Alfred Kroeber's wife, and their daughter is Ursula K. Le Guin who wrote "The Wizard of Earth Sea" trilogy as well as "Always Coming Home," a book I write about in "Naked Harbin Ethnography: " :).


Hi Stein, 

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow here in Canyon around 3 or 4.

From our "Berkeley Smoke" encounter with history (ethnographic:), I'm trying to reconstruct the names and relationships of the Kroebers who all connected with 35 years difference in age - for a little Berkeley anthropological genealogy. Alfred married Phoebe Hearst and when Pheobe died, he married Theodora Kroeber, 35 years younger than he. They had 3 kids (including Ursula K. Le Guin) I think, and Theodora wrote "Ishi in Two Worlds" (http://www.ucpress.edu/book.php?isbn=9780520271470) while married to Kroeber I think too. Then when Alfred died, Theodora married John Quinn (?), 35 years younger than she, and then after Theodora died John Quinn couldn't marry a man 35 years younger than he, so he adopted him, whose name I don't remember. Is this what you recall the woman at "Berkeley Smoke" who was married to the "Ishi" filmmaker say? 

What was the name of the filmmaker and the Ishi film, as well, if you recall? Is this it - "Ishi: The Last Yahi" (1992) - http://www.snagfilms.com/films/title/ishi_the_last_yahi (which I was able to view in the Chrome Browser) - and he - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jed_Riffe

Great to learn of Michael Harner and shamanism as well. I'd like to learn more about (Saami) shamanism from you, as well. 

Very nice to meet K, S and M yesterday - and at "Berkeley Smoke." :)

Cheers, Scott


Ishi apparently wasn't the last Yahi, according to new evidence from UC Berkeley research archaeologist


Films about Ishi: 


I could find 3 out of 4 of these films about Ishi online - 

Ishi, the Last of His Tribe- Part 1 of 9 (1978)

"Ishi: The Last Yahi" (1992)

The Last of His Tribe - 1992 ( movie )

In Search of History: Ishi, the Last of His Kind (1998)

To Native_Americans wiki subject at WUaS - 

Native_American_Languages  wiki subject at WUaS

or to the not-yet-made "Yana language" wiki school at WUaS ... 


Hi Stéphane, Nelson, Li Fei and friends, 

Thanks for a fascinating Tourism Studies Working Group talk on "THE AMBIVALENCE OF HERITAGE: Objectification, Commodification, and Loss of Cultural Resources (Yunnan, China)" yesterday at Berkeley - http://www.tourismstudies.org/news_archive/Gros2016.htm - Stéphane. 

Do you think we might begin a kind of Derung language World University and School out of such TSWG and your research? And have you, Stéphane (or Li Fei or Jie even, for example) ever edited a Derung Wikipedia page in the following various languages, and which Wikipedia pages are a model, with database, for World University and School schools - 

It's in these language-centric universities and schools that World University and School plans to create many jobs for graduate students in all 7,097 languages, whereby these graduate students will also likely becomes heads of and faculty at these universities and schools with time. Minority languages in China will be important World University and Schools ... Great talk Stéphane! 

Concerning my previous email to all of us (per Peg's talk) and in talking with Li Fei yesterday at the TSWG talk, I'm also curious about best translations for the title of my Harbin book "Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality & Virtual Harbin" -http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html - for which Nelson is writing the Foreword, I'm so glad to say ... I've posted some translations into a variety of our languages below. What do you think? 

How would you improve upon these translations of this title (from Google Translate): 

Li Fei and Jie in Mandarin (is the problematic " Xūnǐ " used here?)?

Ants in Italian? 
Nudo Harbin Etnografia:
Hippies, piscine calde, Controcultura, Abbigliamento-Opzionalità & virtuale Harbin

Stein and Lina in Norwegian? 
Naked Harbin Ethnography:
Hippies, varme bassenger, Counter, Klær-valgfrihet og virtuelle Harbin

Dorota in Polish? 
Naga Harbin Etnografia:
Hipisi, ciepły Baseny kontrkultury Odzież-opcjonalności i wirtualne Harbin

Stéphane and Marc in French? 
Nue Harbin Ethnographie:
Hippies, piscines chaudes, Counterculture, Vêtements-Optionalité & Harbin virtuel

Koh in Japanese ? 

Anja, Christiane and Stephanie in German ? 
Naked Harbin Ethnographie:
Hippies, Warme Pools, Gegenkultur , Kleidung-Optionalität & Virtuelle Harbin

Karen in Danish?
Naked Harbin Etnografi:
Hippies, Varm Pools, modkultur, Tøj-Valgfrihed & virtuelle Harbin

Swetha and Anu in Hindi? 
नग्न हार्बिन नृवंशविज्ञान:
हिप्पी, गर्म ताल, प्रतिकूल, वस्त्र-optionality और आभासी हार्बिन

Amanda and Janet in Spanish? 
Desnudo Harbin Etnografía:
Hippies, piscinas de agua caliente, Contracultura, Ropa-Opcionalidad y Harbin virtual

Marko in Finnish? 
Naked Harbin Ethnography:
Hipit, Lämmin altaat, vastakulttuurin, Vaatteet-Valinnaisuus & Virtual Harbin

Is counterculture especially translated well in your languages - given my "Naked Harbin Ethnography" books' anthropological focus and Harbin's proximity to UC Berkeley? 
Inspiring talk, Stéphane - thank you!

Best regards, 


Many of the following have been speakers at TSWG ...

Nelson, how would you translate "Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality & Virtual Harbin" into Inuktitut?

I have yet to inquire with the following about Google Translate's translation of this

Axel in Scots Gaelic ?

Shahrzad in Persian / Farsi? 

Amir and Rema - in Arabic? 

Julian in Romanian?




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