Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Victoria amazonica: !) Thanks for your contributions on a fascinating "Peace with Justice or Peace Versus Justice in Colombia: The Role of Amnesty in Colombian Peace Negotiations" panel yesterday, May 17, 2016, at Stanford Law, 2) Thanks for a fascinating Constitutional Law and Big Data talk yesterday

Previous: Egret: "The Anthropology of Virtual Reality: Building a Field Site for Ethno-Wiki-Virtual-World-Graphy" (and possibly as touristic destinations in Google Cardboard headset for example) ... in both Chinese and English?, In planning for teaching my course entitled - "The Anthropology of Harbin Hot Springs ...," I'd like to develop a variant of this course entitled - "The Anthropology of Field Sites and Virtual Reality: Making your own virtual STEM field site" where students would build with the following information technologies - 1) Create a subject you'd like to teach or facilitate, 2) Add a photo or video to Google Street View, 3) Develop a blog and write a paragraph daily about your discoveries, 4) Develop a beginning web site in html for your research and add your wiki subject page to this, 5) Install Open Sim (and merge this with Street View) 6) Create your own field site (e.g. virtual Harbin, a village in India, an research station in Antartica for modeling ice shelf melting 200 meters below, 5 decades of excavating Troy with video from each decade), 7) Create your avatar researcher in Google Street View / OpenSim, 8) Build something with Scratch Programming Language in Street View / OpenSim / SL with your avatar, 9) Meet with friends on your field site to grow community, 10) Develop your own ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy practices with the above, 11) a machine learning ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy project, 12) a machine ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy translation, 13-15) In the remaining weeks, write a 20 page academic paper (with a thesis) to be published in an academic journal in your discipline, for example at WUaS ... Postill's "Summary of Boellstorff (2008), Coming of Age in Second Life"

Dear Doug, José Miguel, and Jim, 

Thanks for your contributions on a fascinating "Peace with Justice or Peace Versus Justice in Colombia: The Role of Amnesty in Colombian Peace Negotiations" panel today at Stanford Law - http://events.stanford.edu/events/607/60701/.

Here's the Human Rights' wiki subject page at CC World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Human_Rights - with a few CC MIT OCW courses but not yet any CC Yale OYC courses, to give you an idea of how WUaS works on its wiki (like Wikipedia) side. Potentially anyone can start a wiki subject at WUaS (e..g academic or creative) in any of 8K languages, add CC MIT OCW courses if they exist or teach to their web camera about some thing they love, for example, or creatively in other ways. 

On WUaS's accrediting free CC degree side, only CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC courses would be for credit. WUaS is seeking our first high schools students to apply this autumn 2016 and matriculate online as undergraduates in 2017. Please invite 17 year olds whom you know to apply - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/.

For your information, here too are the beginning Law Schools at World University and School (planned in main languages in them, and in all 204+ countries - per the 2008 Olympics): 
And lastly, while the Colombia World University and School isn't yet begun, WUaS is planning the beginning of a major online Colombian university online, in Spanish, and offering free CC online BA/BS, Ph.D., Law, M.D. degrees as well as I.B. high school diplomas, like this Mexico World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Mexico - with its MIT OCW in Spanish - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/spanish/ - and also as wiki. 

I hope WUaS, which seeks to become the online Harvard of the Internet (in all countries' languages), will help contribute further to the unfolding peace process in Colombia, both in the society as a whole as well as legally through the WUaS law faculty we hire, first perhaps as graduate students at Stanford, Harvard and Yale, for example. How can we all help to give flourishing form to Colombia World University and School?

Thank you again. 

Sincerely, Scott

Dear Sharad and Michael, 

Thanks for a fascinating Constitutional Law and Big Data talk yesterday, Sharad and Michael - https://law.stanford.edu/event/law-order-algorithms-criminal-justice-age-big-data/

I was impressed with the level of engagement and questions and your responses, Sharad, but found it fascinating that there seemed to be no questions asking about implications of big data for Constitutional Law. 

Here's a recent blog post of mine re World University and School's plans for online law schools that are CC MIT OpenCourseWare-centric (currently in 7 languages) and planned in all countries' main languages - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2016/05/victoria-amazonica-thanks-for-your.html (and relating to another Stanford Law talk yesterday too) - as a way of saying thank you further.  

Thank you, Sharad and Michael. 


Hi Scott — Glad you enjoyed the talk, and thanks for the link to your blog post!

All the best,

Sharad Goel



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