Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Tierboskat: Eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology and training for this?, {Why? Because these are some of the best brain ~ body mind chemistries in life}, How? What could school and university systems do to facilitate this? Specific Musical Scores? Sports? ... seems kind of counter-intuitive to loving bliss just emerging naturally out of a (good) parents-child pair bond in the context of evolutionary biology, and then in the context of caring and being cared for, {or in Taoist (non-action or way of nature) ways}, Guidelines for Practicing Loving Bliss vis a vis a Musical Instrument letter, Eudaimonia letter, Loving Bliss (eliciting this neurophysiology) at WUaS, Grateful Dead, Raga - your favorite music ... as one avenue for your experimentation, Loving bliss "musical scores", Training for loving bliss eliciting, like training at preparatory school in sports, as well as in academics ... how to train as a form of learning?, Researching then training for loving bliss eliciting at a Stanford, MIT and Harvard ...the "New Qualities of Loving Bliss Brain Chemistry" course, updated regularly, and wiki-updated often ...


Eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology and training for this?, {Why? Because these are some of the best brain ~ body mind chemistries in life} How? What could school and university systems do to facilitate this, Specific Musical Scores? Sports? ... seems kind of counter-intuitive to loving bliss just emerging naturally in the parents-child pair bond, and then in the context of caring and being cared for, in Taoist (non-action or way of nature) ways

Guidelines for Practicing Loving Bliss vis a vis a Musical Instrument

Eudaimonia (personal flourishing) is 'Flow' and Bliss

Loving Bliss (eliciting this neurophysiology) at WUaS

Grateful Dead, Raga - your favorite music ... as one avenue for your experimentation

existing "real life" examples, historically, devotional practices in India, Sufi dancing in the Middle East and beyond

Loving bliss "musical scores"

Training for  loving bliss eliciting, like training at preparatory school in sports, as well as in academics ... how to train as a form of learning?

Researching then training for loving bliss eliciting at a Stanford, MIT and Harvard ...the "New Qualities of Loving Bliss Brain Chemistry" course, updated regularly, and wiki-updated often ...

what's the science of this brain chemistry?

Can we begin to replicate this brain chemistry modeling, in our own brains, and learn from it ...

Music students in conservatory settings are always learning and performing,

smiles on people's faces as one measurement

Focusing the science to offer ways for us to access our own on-off switches for this 8 hours per day of the next 50 years ... developing economic systems that would allow the freedom and goals for this (in ethical ways - socially conscious investing)

Trying MDMA as biological reference experience, and spending decades in brain science learning how this works, and how to model, then how to access it naturally ...


How to create the ways for us all to experiment generating this and learn from each other? ... e.g. in a virtual Harbin, a virtual Sufi gathering, a virtual Raga or Kirtan musical happening ...


Writings, Art and Research

Guidelines for practicing loving bliss vis-à-vis practicing a musical instrument 

Articulating 12 Guidelines for Practicing a Musical Instrument (by Marsalis and Ma) with developing how to practice loving bliss
Here are some practices to elicit loving bliss with which I'm beginning to articulate these 12 'how-to' guidelines below:). And here are what I think is love in some of its best senses. In the following ideas and explorations of how we might 'practice' loving bliss, as we would practice a musical instrument, I assume our bodyminds are like musical instruments. {Feel free to print, below, and add to this}. As I'm presently thinking about this, I'd love your thoughts about this ~ scott@scottmacleod.com.

~ Keep the vision of making {loving bliss} 'music' in mind
~ Make eliciting loving bliss, as practice, enjoyable (e.g. omega-3 fatty acids, 1000 mg flax seed oil with food, 3 times per day, plus a multivitamin, may be helpful biologically)

1 Seek out private instruction. 
> ... for modeling and teaching qualities of loving bliss
> With whom?
> Might interactive media via the internet help give shape to this, without private instruction?
2 Write out a schedule, a plan with goals. (Choose pieces you enjoy playing – S.M.).
Yo-yo Ma says, never make a sound without hearing it first; hear it in your mind.
> Are there 'loving bliss' musical pieces?
> What are the skills of loving bliss?
> Develop techniques of loving bliss, such as 'tuning' {e.g. via the relaxation response},  expressiveness/
performativity, breathing, relaxing, eliciting, remembering
> Questions vis-a-vis 'flow: the psychology of optimal experience' - choose learning situations for this
> Reading and engaging 'loving bliss in its best senses'

3 Set goals to chart development. 
> These qualities of brain neurophysiology, then those qualities of brain neurophysiology?
> Engage a teacher for this goal charting
> Use a technology (what machines exist now that measure, or provide biofeedback about, loving bliss?)
> Use language, as a kind of technology
> Use your own inner sense of loving bliss 'response,' and then build on this
> Synthesize arts like Watsu {water shiatsu} with loving bliss, to develop ways to chart development

4 Concentrate when you practice.
Yo-yo says join feelings into your music when you feel bad, to integrate your feelings with your mind and body.
> Use feelings to integrate you as a musical instrument when you feel bad, then ~>
> Relax into the relaxation response
> Elicit the 'bubbling up' biology (bodymind releasing and welcoming) of loving bliss neurophysiology
> While listening to music
> While dancing
> While exploring positive emotions
> While eliciting loving bliss with a friend 

5 Relax and practice slowly.
> Relaxation response, breathing, eliciting, 'practices to elicit loving bliss,' with your bodymind releasing
> Find pools of warm water (like at Harbin Hot Springs, or your bathtub) in which to practice eliciting loving bliss, with ease and focus
> Find a friend to do this with

6 Practice hard parts longer.
> Go into, or release richly into, loving bliss?
> For transcendent & heightened experiences of loving bliss, focus on these often, and with depth
7 Practice expressively.
Be serious – invest yourself expressively.
> Let go into loving bliss fulsomely, imaginatively, exploratorily, performatively
> Bring emotion and 'verve' to this practice
> Engage music (especially favorite - for me the Grateful Dead, Raga and Mozart all take me there) as reference experiences

8 Don’t be too hard on yourself.
Learn from your mistakes.
> Focus, after not concentrating, - and care for yourself, while generating loving bliss

9 Don’t show off.
> A kind of Taoist approach {mask the brightness - (Feng and English 1975: #56)}?
> Don't put your loving bliss on display
> And also let your loving bliss shine out, especially when regenerative, and with friends who are also exploring this

10 Think for yourself.
Don’t become a robot, but don’t dismiss what you’re taught.
> Innovate vis-à-vis eliciting loving bliss
> Learn loving bliss techniques, as if learning Watsu (water shiatsu}, and with focus 

> Don't repeat loving bliss 'techniques' by rote (e.g. by listening to Mozart's "Magic Flute" or dancing to elicit loving bliss ~> cultivate loving bliss with relaxed intention)
> I think all of the above have quite explicit biochemical, neurophysiological correlates, that, when known, we might begin to orchestrate profoundly, - keep thinking

11 Be optimistic.
Nothing sounds worse than pessimism coming through a horn.
> Cultivate optimism with loving bliss - it might be difficult not to

12 Look for connections. (Make the social aspect of practicing regenerative - S.M.) 
Music washes away the dust of everyday life from your feet.
> Orient your mind to connecting with
  • your own neurophysiology of loving bliss
  • to other people~friends who are exploring this
  • to innovating vis-à-vis generating loving bliss
> Explore doing this in multiple networks in your life (including playing musical instruments together:)
> Let's create a remarkable & profound language and socioculture for this

Warm regards,

 Wiki for sharing ideas about eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology (at World University and School): http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Loving_Bliss_(eliciting_this_neurophysiology)

Copyright Scott MacLeod's Arts 1998 

Loving Bliss Letters
Loving Bliss and Practices to Elicit This
Eudaimonia is Flow and Bliss
Guidelines for Practicing Loving Bliss vis-à-vis Practicing a Musical Instrument



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