Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Tilia: German capital votes to divest from fossil fuels for the climate, Brexit - A de facto European "dictatorship" is falling with this British vote?, Bitcoin and Wikidata / Wikimedia/Wikipedia/Wikidata and BitCoin and Blockchain beginnings ... possible implications for the above rumblings in Europe/Britain?, Thanks @Vanguard_Group >previous Tweet To http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Europe & http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Economics & http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nation_States … Each a WUaS University in its Language

Previous: Tierboskat: Eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology and training for this?, {Why? Because these are some of the best brain ~ body mind chemistries in life}, How? What could school and university systems do to facilitate this? Specific Musical Scores? Sports? ... seems kind of counter-intuitive to loving bliss just emerging naturally out of a (good) parents-child pair bond in the context of evolutionary biology, and then in the context of caring and being cared for, {or in Taoist (non-action or way of nature) ways}, Guidelines for Practicing Loving Bliss vis a vis a Musical Instrument letter, Eudaimonia letter, Loving Bliss (eliciting this neurophysiology) at WUaS, Grateful Dead, Raga - your favorite music ... as one avenue for your experimentation, Loving bliss "musical scores", Training for loving bliss eliciting, like training at preparatory school in sports, as well as in academics ... how to train as a form of learning?, Researching then training for loving bliss eliciting at a Stanford, MIT and Harvard ...the "New Qualities of Loving Bliss Brain Chemistry" course, updated regularly, and wiki-updated often ...


Interesting take on Brexit - awesome ... A de facto European "dictatorship" is falling with this British vote? ... is this the dictatorship of a money-centric EU (and re Yonatan Zunger's post below) ... and re identity questions in an information technology world ...

https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/746426005867233280 ...









European SUPERSTATE to be unveiled: EU nations 'to be morphed into one' post-Brexit


Angela Merkel surprised by massive protest march against TTIP in Berlin






Britain Votes to Leave the European Union







[14:04] <jzerebecki> a retrospective on a grave security bug
[14:04] <robla> gwicke felt like the first couple of steps of this RFC are really clear, but believes subsequent steps deserve more discussion (gwicke, please correct me if I have that right)
[14:05] robla looks at jzerebecki's link
[14:05] <jzerebecki> "The issue went undetected during pre-merge review. To avoid situations like this in the future, we are concentrating on development of more comprehensive automated testing. Our verification tests now perform a series of additional security checks,"
[14:05] == mhurd has changed nick to mhurd_afk
[14:05] <jzerebecki> " We have also taken the opportunity to introduce stronger image validation during the system image build process, automatically flagging packages with reported security issues. We will also ensure that security-related changes are accompanied by appropriate tests."
[14:06] <gwicke> the first steps of the CSP RFC are low consequence preparations / information gathering, which I think are pretty uncontroversial
[14:06] <robla> jzerebecki: oops, I only just figured out you were talking about postmortems.  Excellent, thank you!  :-)  I thought you were talking about the CSP one, and I suspect gwicke is commenting on that.
[14:07] <jzerebecki> ah yes that CSP seems like a worthwhile thing on first look is pretty uncontroversial
[14:07] <TimStarling> where should the reports go?
[14:07] robla gets his 6-digit numbers confused
[14:07] == parent5446 [parent5446@mediawiki/parent5446] has joined #wikimedia-office
[14:07] <bawolff> TimStarling: The CSP violation reports?
[14:08] == Guest28362 [~Dstrine@tan2.corp.wikimedia.org] has joined #wikimedia-office
[14:08] <TimStarling> sorry, I am one RFC behind, the retrospective reports for security incidents
[14:08] <robla> TimStarling: I'm not sure.  I could be convinced of either wikitech.wikimedia.org or mediawiki.org
[14:08] <bd808> TimStarling: I think that's a good question. I'm a bit concerned that the current logging pipeline may melt with them being processed by an action api endpoint.
[14:08] bd808 is on the wrng topic
[14:08] <TimStarling> yeah, I'm sure it was a good comment for any RFC
[14:08] robla fails at chairing
[14:09] <robla#topic T123753
[14:09] == wm-labs-meetbot` changed the topic of #wikimedia-office to: T123753 (Meeting topic: ArchCom Security RFC meeting https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/E198)
[14:09] <stashbot> T123753: Establish retrospective reports for #security and #performance incidents - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T123753
[14:09] <brion> :)
[14:09] <bawolff> I actually have a response to that question, but I'll wait until we get to that rfc
[14:09] <robla> (we'll spend no more than 10-15 minutes on this one, and then move to the CSP one)
[14:09] <brion> ok do we need things like: where do the reports go ;), how long before they get made, etc
[14:10] <robla#action robla propose a location for where reports go
[14:10] <Platonides> I think wikitech
[14:10] <brion> and if a report falls behind, do we need a fallback path?
[14:10] <Platonides> some would be suited for mediawiki too, but others will be wmf-specific
[14:10] <brion> eg who gets poked until it gets done ;)
[14:10] <brion> or who does the poking, alternately
[14:11] <jzerebecki> I think the most controversial thing on security incidents or even incidents reports in general is how to ensure that the actionables are done, as in being funded.
[14:11] <robla> brion: I think it's sort of a percentage score thing.  Some reports may never get done, and that's ok
[14:11] <bawolff> What sort of actionables do you have in mind?
[14:11] <brion> jzerebecki: ah for 'next steps to prevent this crap from getting worse' vs just 'and here's what we did to fix it so far'?
[14:12] <jzerebecki> brion: yes
[14:12] <bawolff> There's a big difference between - introduce automated testing for this type of security issue, vs fix the XSS in particular
[14:12] <bawolff> *this particular xss
[14:12] <bawolff> or whatever the issue is
[14:12] <robla> I think postmortems are still useful even if we don't have anyone slavishly enforcing "strict adherance" to the process
[14:13] <gwicke> the thing I keep wondering about when I look at this RFC is how security and performance post-mortems should differ from regular outage / incident post-mortems
[14:13] <robla> gwicke: they should probably be more same than different
[14:13] <Scott_WUaS> (@jzerebecki and security-oriented Wikidatans - what planning is occurring in terms of MIT-informed bitcoin and blockchain and in all countries' main and official languages - and re code security ... as well as, to re-construe the word "security" a kind of financial security for WMF and Wikdiata, for example?)
[14:14] <bawolff> what?
[14:14] <gwicke> robla: would it make sense to rephrase it as a refinement on post-mortem policies in general?
[14:14] <jzerebecki> bawolff: robla i agree that postmortems are useful anyway
[14:14] <gwicke> what works well / what doesn't, proposed changes etc
[14:14] <robla> I think we've really handled as much of this topic as we should.  Let's take further discussion back to Phab on T123753, and discuss CSP
[14:14] <stashbot> T123753: Establish retrospective reports for #security and #performance incidents - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T123753
[14:15] robla goes to find the CSP task num
[14:15] <robla> T135963
[14:15] <stashbot> T135963: Add support for Content-Security-Policy (CSP) headers in MediaWiki - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T135963
[14:15] <robla#topic T135963
[14:15] <Scott_WUaS> (@bawolff - Is there any planning with the WMF Foundation for possible engagement with MIT's Bitcoin and Blockchain - and re security?)
[14:15] == wm-labs-meetbot` changed the topic of #wikimedia-office to: T135963 (Meeting topic: ArchCom Security RFC meeting https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/E198)
[14:15] <stashbot> T135963: Add support for Content-Security-Policy (CSP) headers in MediaWiki - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T135963
[14:15] == tarrow [uid11206@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wuiqgqkgbvqtzfui] has joined #wikimedia-office
[14:15] <robla> Scott_WUaS: probably not a great topic for this meeting
[14:15] <SMalyshev> re CSP, is this supposed to be configured somehow in wiki settings?
[14:16] <Scott_WUaS> (@robla - thanks)

[14:59] == wm-labs-meetbot` changed the topic of #wikimedia-office to: Wikimedia meeting channel | Please note: Channel is logged and publicly posted (DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTE) | Logs: http://bots.wmflabs.org/~wm-bot/logs/%23wikimedia-office/
[14:59] <wm-labs-meetbot`> Meeting ended Wed Jun  1 21:59:50 2016 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)



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