Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Orange-winged amazon: MIT Technology Review 50 Smartest Companies 2016 based on business model with companies with Voice technologies topping the list, and with Amazon as No.1, https://www.technologyreview.com/lists/companies/2016/, In addition, if I'm able to get a MIT Media Lab junior faculty position, networking/collaborating with MIT itself for developing our academic and academic commercial sides of our business plan (as well as collaborating with Wikidata), may help to make WUaS a very smart company, per this MIT article too


MIT Technology Review

"50 Smartest Companies 2016"

MIT Technology Review 50 Smartest Companies 2016 based on business model


Interesting to see that many of the companies that top this list have successful beginning Voice AI technologies, and with Amazon as No.1.

While it seems that CC Wikidata in 358 languages, in which CC WUaS plans to develop, isn't planning to develop voice AI technologies at this stage (see Markus's recent email here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2016/06/greater-roadrunner-how-would-i-add-data.html), they may be interested in brain wave headsets (per this same email).

And in terms of smart companies, if WUaS is able to develop in Wikidata in all 358 languages and build to all 7,943 languages (in Glottolog), with emergent improving machine translation information technologies, WUaS's business plan - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2016/01/14-planned-wuas-revenue-streams.html - may reach enormous numbers of language markets, especially concerning our planned bookstore/computer store in ALL languages. I think the above business plan is very smart, but WUaS needs help executing on it. And WUaS would love to hire graduate students at greatest universities (MIT, Stanford, HYP, Oxbridge etc) that are learning how to become faculty members to teach at World University and School's online accrediting universities - and in all countries' main and official languages.

In addition, if I'm able to get a MIT Media Lab junior faculty position, networking/collaborating with MIT itself for developing our academic and academic commercial sides of our business plan (as well as collaborating with Wikidata) - and hiring such graduate students in many languages - may help to make WUaS a very smart company, per this MIT article too.




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