Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Chemehuevi Mountains: Stanford Law Codex, Brief overview of WUaS, with some legal and financial aspects


Hi Stanford Law Codex friends,

Very nice to meet you, J, online here. (Do you know Reed College Dance Professor C.M., J? C and I were housemates for about 2 1/2 years in the early 1980s, and I see her nearly every year that I return for Reunions). Thanks too for your informative, engaging email and talk, Benjamin. Stanford, in some ways, is a significant model for World University and School. Re your Yale Ecology Ph.D., J, here's the beginning "Ecology" wiki subject at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Ecology - which will develop as CC WUaS moves into a new Wiki emerging from CC Wikidata/Wikibase (which is CC Wikipedia's 4 year old database written for Wikipedia's ~358 languages). Students will be able to take the CC MIT OCW courses for credit here, for example, interactively (viz. Reed's Conference Method - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Conference_Method_of_Teaching_and_Learning) with graduate student instructors (which is an accreditation strategy) in group video conferences, "teaching" to MIT (and CC Yale OYC) faculty. I'm including S.S. in this email too, since we have discussed some of this previously re WUaS giving a Stanford Law CodeX presentation - https://law.stanford.edu/codex-the-stanford-center-for-legal-informatics/

Here's a brief overview of WUaS, with some financial aspects:

World University and School, which is like Wikipedia (in 358 languages) with CC MIT OpenCourseWare (in 7 languages) and CC Yale OYC, hasn't really even developed a financial track record yet - and seeks to create the Stanfords/Harvards of the Internet in all ~200 countries' main and official languages offering online free CC university and high school degrees, as well as online wiki schools in all 7,097 living languages for open teaching and learning. CC WUaS is a startup and seeking to offer Bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees as well as I.B. high school diplomas in all nation states' languages eventually, but first in English (and then Chinese and Spanish). One of WUaS's steps is to get operational funding to move WUaS from our current wiki into CC Wikidata/Wikibase (CC Wikipedia's database developing with AI, machine learning and machine translation in their 280 - 358 languages) and develop a course catalog (around the CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC) and "You at WUaS" for high school applicants and matriculated students. While WUaS is a 501 c 3, WUaS also seeks to fork into a for-profit - re https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2016/01/14-planned-wuas-revenue-streams.html - and WUaS was just vetted in these regards in a 2 terms UC Berkeley Law course. In addition to creating major online CC universities WUaS also seeks to create wiki schools for open teaching and learning (think Wikipedia) in all 7,097 living languages. The ~200 nation states' focus and ~ 7,100 languages focus will inform development of both the non-profit and for-profit sites. On our non-profit CC wing, WUaS seeks donations comparable to the $44,000 per year per student it costs to go to Harvard, MIT or Stanford and from all nation states (relating to GDP?) for matriculated students, who will studying from the comfort of their homes. 

Re B, MIT:

"I have not been engaging MIT formally in the work I've been doing while at Coherent, but maintain some informal relationships with my former MIT colleagues from when I was a professor there, and also with some of their MIT colleagues who joined since I was there, in computer science, Sloan (management school) ..." 

WUaS seeks to accredit on CC MIT OpenCourseWare's ~2300 courses, first in English, probably with WASC senior, which also accredits Stanford. Since MIT OCW and Yale OYC don't have many law or medical courses, WUaS seeks to develop CC OCW for this - and in multiple nation states' languages. Dean Cecilia d'Oliveira this spring asked WUaS to post the following to our main web page - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - and WUaS will communicate further with her re what's allowable with MIT OCW's CC license, especially on our non-profit CC wing (see "14 WUaS planned revenue streams" above): 

(MIT OCW Creative Commons' licensing and endorsement clarifications:
a) MIT is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, World University and School b) MIT does not offer credit to WUaS students, and c) All MIT OpenCourseWare materials are available for free through http://ocw.mit.edu)

And, B, about your law focus:

"... within MIT including Dazza Greenwood who works on legal automation." 

Here, for example, are World University and School's beginning ...

Law Schools at WUaS (planned in main languages in them):

(Stanford already has a number of related countries' legal projects, and WUaS would love to "house" them under one roof, e.g. https://cgc.law.stanford.edu/. And the edX-HarvardX-JuryX course I just finished taking, taught by Harvard Law School Emeritus Professor Charlie Nesson could possibly even bring juries in MIT UnHangouts to countries like Afghanistan and Jamaica, for example, and to all countries' which might like to explore this type of legal justice process). 

And see, for example, here in the World University Law School -  http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Law_School - the "Select Links" to wiki pages / subjects part way down, including CC Law, Copyright, Patenting, IP, Maritime Law and much more. WUaS is planning to create these wiki subject pages in all countries' main languages (and anyone can create a related wiki subject page in a something they are interested in), and connect them with law schools in each of their "Nation States" - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nation_States - each of which will become a major online university offering CC Bachelor, Ph.D., law, M.D., as well as I.B. high school diplomas (accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC), and as "Harvards of the Internet." WUaS is Creative Commons' licensed on our non-profit side, and very CC MIT OCW-centric & CC Yale OYC-centric.

And as an example of another country's WUaS, here is India World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/India - not yet in Hindi or any of the other 21 official languages there (before World University moves to a new wiki emerging from Wikidata, which is Wikipedia's 4 year old database with its 358 languages, and developing with AI, machine learning and machine translation).  

World University and School's faculty - beginning with graduate student instructors in all countries' main languages - will teach developing law for their countries with regards to the information technology age, and in accrediting law schools. 

WUaS law schools are am organizing principle or information technology plan, first in English and then into many languages, with many implications, including for legally coding bitcoin and the blockchain in all nation states' legal systems. And Coherent and ERGO could inform their development in significant ways with AI especially. 

You write, Benjamin:

"At Coherent our marketing approach is to work largely with and through partners, to help develop solutions for specific application domains/tasks.  We also collaborate with academic and other research organizations on research and education about the new kind of AI that Coherent provides, in order to spread awareness and evangelize it to help build the market for it."

WUaS seeks to build markets on both our non-profit and for-profit sides, first in all ~200 nation states'/countries' main languages, and through building, too, matriculated student bodies for A) (in a sense) free CC MIT/Yale OCW degrees, and B) on the wiki side learners/teachers in all 8K languages' (entries in Glottolog). WUaS also seeks to become a major employer in all languages, with major online universities in ~200 countries. WUaS is seeking to develop in Wikidata with AI in part. Their new interim director is Abraham Taherivand. 

You write, B:

"Coherent has done a case study in science on using Ergo for education, including higher education and continuing education:  by providing automation of personalized tutoring that is explanation-centric; that's part of a concept we call Digital Socrates.  
There's some info on the Coherent website (http://coherentknowledge.com) about that.  If you'd like to learn even more, please ask my colleague Janine Bloomfield, cc'd, and she can send you more info on that." 

While WUaS is seeking a CTO with deep knowledge of AI, machine learning (and eventually machine translation) to help us develop in Wikidata in English first. We'll explore AI around CC MIT OCW in 7 languages, which license allows "sharing" and "adaptation" non-commercially; WUaS will do this also in group video conferencing (partly for language translation) to begin. WUaS seeks to keep teachers/faculty/professors central to our unfolding universities developing in collaboration with A.I. Since WUaS has Google Education, some of our AI development will be from within Google with TensorFlow possibly as well. 

In terms of possible collaboration, you write, B:

- Roland, Michael Genesereth, and I have been fitfully exploring how potentially to collaborate.  
- Overall, it would be cool to expose people in their legal education to what AI and legal automation can/will do, perhaps World University and School can help with that.  

While this is a brief introduction to aspects of WUaS, with some focus on WUaS's law schools (and wiki subject-centricity), it would be great to communicate further about all of this in many ways in terms of developments with Coherent and ERGO especially. How to develop WUaS's wiki schools generatively re WUaS law schools and AI raises a fascinating set of questions - and especially multi-lingually eventually. It would be really great to explore further collaboration with you Roland and Michael Genesereth. 

Roland and S, would it be possible to explore scheduling a Stanford Law Codex talk about WUaS and information technologies, for example, as we talked about, to further focus some of these questions?  

Thank you, again, B, and very nice to further communicate with you here, and re your great CodeX presentation at Stanford Law. Looking forward to exploring further possible ways of partnering or collaborating. 

Best regards, Scott



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