Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Pinnacles National Park: Connecting with Quaker friends/Friends from Pendle Hill (Philadelphia area) and re Friendly-informed World University and School


Hi Susan, 

Very nice to hear from you as well! Greetings to innovative Jim especially - and great and amazing for 92! So glad you are both living very full lives. Are you in the Eugene area? (I assume so since you mention Beth - greetings to Beth!). Your painting and Tai Chi explorations sound greatly connecting and wonderful as well. Living in Oregon west of the Cascades and in the Eugene area especially sound especially salutary.

(I've unsubscribed you from World University and School's monthly business meeting email list per your request - info@worlduniversityandschool.org - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2016/12/northern-cardinal-wuas-december-10-2016.html & https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2016/12/minutes-for-wuas-december-10-2016.html).

I'm developing Friendly-informed World University and School, which is planning major Universities in all countries' main languages, accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC, as well as wiki schools in all 7,097 living languages, for open teaching and learning. CC WUaS will move to Wikidata, CC Wikipedia's database for its 358 languages, developing with AI, machine learning and machine translation soon-ish. On the wiki side, anyone can teach or create a new wiki subject page, or code creatively in other ways. On the online free CC degree side (Bachelor, Ph.D., law, M.D. as well as I.B. high school - again planned for all ~200 countries' main language), WUaS would like to begin with hiring graduate student instructors (which also works for accreditation - re "sections") from greatest universities to teach in group video conferencing to MIT and Yale faculty in video, for interactivity, and to keep teachers central as WUaS grows. WUaS would like to become a major employer in all 8k languages. 

I've just published my first book (an actual / virtual ethnography) ~ 

Naked Harbin Ethnography:
Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality & Virtual Harbin
by Scott MacLeod
Foreword by Nelson H.H. Graburn
UC Berkeley Professor Emeritus of Sociocultural Anthropology
Academic Press at World University and School
~ and it's about 350 pages long on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper, with about 180 photos. It's in a new Academic Press at WUaS, which also seeks to be in all 7K + languages (partly to create language markets to regenerate smallest languages). 

And I'm music-making playing Scottish Small Pipes (having moved on from the Great Highland Bagpipe after about 40 years - but playing with the same fingering), as well as a little keyboard - mostly bass lines - and much for Scottish Country Dancing, and quite enjoyably so. 

For Friendly-informed World University, I hold what I call a WUaS hive meeting spaces twice weekly at the SF Quaker Meeting / American Friends' Service Committee in downtown SF - open times for networking and connecting. I'm a member at SF Friends' Meeting, but go to meeting more these days in Western Friend magazine's online Quaker Meeting than on the ground there or to other Meetings in College Park Quarterly Meeting. 

I've been making it up to Reed College Reunions in recent years somewhat regularly - heard Gary Snyder in 2011, Jim's former colleague at UC Davis - give a keynote at Reed for its 100th anniversary celebration. I'm an appreciator of Gary Snyder's poetry ... (have been writing poetry of my own as well - and much vis-a-vis Harbin Hot Springs' field work in recent years - which you'll find here ... https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/poetry - and these may become my next book). So it would be great to see you ... next June 2017 perhaps ?

Still would like to begin a family and have 2-3 children, but haven't yet found a great partner, wife-to-be or mom-to-be ... and am remaining open to this. 

So nice to hear from you and thanks for your email. Please give my best and warm greetings to your amazing husband Jim! Since we knew each other in the late-1980s at Pendle Hill together is indeed a long friendship.

Warm regards,



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