Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Adaptive radiation: Harvard Bookstore ... upcoming WUaS Bookstore / Computer store, 11.5% returns annually initially (before inflation), Stanford Bookstore, Kepler's Bookstore, Online bookstores in all countries official languages with one on-the-ground, Iran WUaS Bookstore on-the-ground, Skillful book buying, location, location, location, links with community, plus changes in its Board (+ in Kepler's history here) ... and new innovations, How to keep the book buying highest quality - in touch with the local on the ground community as well as with AI and machine learning eventually - and in all languages - are interesting questions


Hi S,

Are you on this Harvard Bookstore - http://www.harvard.com -  (https://plus.google.com/109400983546468465187) email list by any chance? I find their newsletter edifying re a great bookstore situated right next to Harvard.

Upcoming WUaS Bookstore / Computer store from here eventually -
http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html ...

Just updating the "WUaS Corporation Business Plan in GDoc" - https://docs.google.com/a/worlduniversityandschool.org/document/d/12GqcLW_PrcCCQpwNKDF8AqNwtWxYMNUG1h-TfnpbPXw/edit?usp=sharing - to include that the WUaS Corp would also like to parallel the long term average of the S&P 500 in perpetuity, in addition to achieving 11.5% returns annually initially (before inflation) and retail bookstores get 40% of the list price in the US, for example, so this should be doable on the bookstores' sides of things.

If WUaS can grow the WUaS Corp well, it will help a lot of people, and with incomes too. But this is a ginormous process with challenges.

Got a Nolo Press Corporation book (for $43!) - which is about $12 more than the digital version (nice to have it in paper for a variety of reasons) for the WUaS Corp Bylaws+ in Menlo Park at the well known Kepler's Bookstore (and I could amazingly check that they had this in stock accurately through their website from Stanford - something I'd like for the WUaS on-the-ground bookstores in multiple languages). ... Many Stanford students have bought books from this occasionally radical bookstore - http://www.keplers.com/history_mission - since 1955. The Stanford bookstore didn't have this book however when I looked, - one reason I headed there yesterday. Skillful book buying, location, location, location, links with community, plus changes in its Board (+ in Kepler's history here) ... and new innovations - not with the paperback revolution as Kepler's did - but with digital books in many languages might open possibilities into the future. Taking the Stanford bookstore and independent Kepler's (which has had its ups and downs) into consideration re planning an actual bookstore in each country - perhaps near its greatest university !!! - How to keep the book buying highest quality - in touch with the local on the ground community as well as with AI and machine learning eventually - and in all languages - are interesting questions.

How would setting up a single on-the-ground bookstore in Iran work in consultation with my Persian friend, Scheherzade, who's getting her Berkeley PhD, as one other language example - to complement the WUaS Corp's planned online bookstore in Persian?

You might enjoy this tour of Buckingham Palace in Virtual Reality, something I've posted to a number of Twitter profiles:

Not yet a real virtual @HarbinBook Springs for soaking & STEM research, Tour Buckingham Palace in Virtual Reality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gen0NgJjry4 and https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/886303031301558272 ...

... and could lead to new forms of publishing and "media items" for sale re -  https://twitter.com/WUaSPress/status/886987140747247618 .

Saw an old white VW bug driving on Hwy 580 yesterday, with large black fenders, and a very interestingly shaped roof rack, and some peace signs on it - a work of art too - but a cop car emerged behind it, and seemed to be just kind of checking out this curiosity :) It had a lot of creative hippy character, and seemed to be attracting unwelcome attention too.


Just found this ...



Hi S,

Whatcha workin' on? And thanks for your email. Just filed the next step in the WUaS Corporation process on Tuesday July 18.

It may be that the WUaS bookstore/computer store + will best emerge out of Google software in all languages.

How about a coffee in early August when I return from Massachusetts? Are you still often at Stanford on T Th and Su?

Happy trAvels this summer!


Books are the flourishing nourishment of an academic's life.

And books are also a kind of "trip," a virtual reality non-parallel ...


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