Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Sea: On the road to Cuttyhunk Island, Massachusetts from the SF Bay Area, Liking however the vision of revolutionary Boston in 1700s and in the 1960s and 70s which I just re-glimpsed passing thtough the town where I was born ...


Hi M,

Hi from Rockbridge BART a little longer than 2 hours before departure time in SF.

Wanting curiously to give my Harbin book (http://bit.ly/HarbinBook) to Piney's House - whatever this means - so I'm bringing a copy to this end.

Glad to have filed the CA SI 550 successfully on Tuesday July 18th - it's momentous actually for the WUaS Corporation  .. I've also printed most of the WUaS Corp's paperwork with which to create a paper file.  Hoping Google Sites' will be the platform for the WUaS Corp bookstore and much more re the 10 planned revenue streams in 200 countries' official languages + etc.

Boarding is at 12:20 am ...


Interesting to conceive of books as a kind of traveling .... or even each as a virtual world, a trip ... lots of good posts today in my blog about innovatively creating/crafting a realistic virtual universe - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/07/cave-realistic-virtual-earth-creation.html ...

Have much fruit with me which I may have to take leave of ...

Your writing, or wry-ting (but neither too wry, yet, nor too shrill), son,



Hi M,

Yoga room at the airport is closed after 1130. But it's a good Taoist time to travel ... kind of the opposite to busy times ... like water flowing between banks ...  will get to bed early on Cuttyhunk today, since it's just past midnight ... and sleep soon a bit on the plane ...

Plane should board soon, and my big bag of fruit is in my knapsack ... so I'm provisioned for tomorrow ...

What a mass mover of people thru the air is the air system :0

Human primates flying in metal crafts .. routinely ... who'd have thought? .


Hi from the once upon a time Quaker city on the other side of your state ... :) (Philadelphia)


In the town where I was born,
Or where you birthed me,
it's a Pretty day here ...
And I'm heading on bus
to the water taxi on Boston Bay,
Trying to add notes in the MuseScore computer program on smartphone
And liking the landscape I know a bit
Lots of people travelling
Could stop at a museum here,
But may check out the whaling museum and historic district in New Bedford instead


Got off the bus at the water taxi stop,

And there was a bayberry bush, like on Cuttyhunk, with berries on it, and I picked a waxy leaf to catch its familiar scent

Onto the the water taxi to cross Boston Bay, the 3 other passengers were from other countries, one from Finland, the friendly (in a Boston way) captain was wearing a blue top and khaki pants ... familiar clothing in this part of the world, which I continued to see on my journey on and off the water, all of 15 minutes, to south station for the next bus to New Bedford.

On the water, the first beautiful old ship I saw was gaff-rigged in the distance (photo), with the backdrop of modern Boston.

More beautiful old ships I saw on the way to the south station water taxi stop, where the Boston Tea Party occurred.

And there were the two Tea Party ship replicas (photo) where this revolution catalyzed ...

... no tea in the water today, but man tourists, practicing a cheer of the time I think :) is there a Khan Academy smart history video of this history? There are some other Sal Khan resources about this online, but here are some videos - http://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/american-revolution-history/videos/the-sons-of-liberty-and-the-boston-tea-party ...

Decided to go into the Bostom Tea Party museum store (an old pattern for me) ... merchandusing the revolution ! 

And got a tri-corner hat, brown, faux leather (I'm a vegetarian too), made in China, for the revolution or retro-lution on Cuttyhunk ... hat's got character. Revolutionary spirit is still in the air ... history too ... all developing over time.

Key technologies of the revolution - printing press (an infomation technology to be sure) and horse with Paul Revere on it ... took photos of these store statues high up and interestingly emblematic.

Walked into South Station and wondered how hippy filled it probably once was - another American revolution when I was a kid and living in Boston, but very young!  (... but while searches on the web for hippies in Boston's South Station were unsuccessful but, besides the anti-war march at MIT {below} which I posted in this blog recently (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/07/cave-realistic-virtual-earth-creation.html), I did find two YouTube videos on Harvard Square in the 1960s ... 

The November Actions: Defiance at MIT, 1969

Harvard Square in the 1960s

Harvard Square in the 1960s (II)

... cool and revolutionary ... walked through to the bus area for the Dattco bus to New Bedford, and saw on my smart phone that South Station is in Chinatown ... what an old city and I appreciate the kind of friendliness in the air here. :)

Water taxi can be more interesting than the Boston underground transit ...:)


Hi M,

Pulled into New Bedford ... enjoyed the beautiful brick buildings of the woolen mills, the whales' mural ... now in the olde towne ...

Just visited the Seamen's Bethel here which Melville wrote about - it was a church for whalemen in the 1800s+, with a home next door, in what was once a city of Quaker ship owners in part. Long overnight trip but nice to be coming home to Cuttyhunk soon ... will be there in about 4 hours ... (Liking however the vision of revolutionary Boston in 1700s and in the 1960s and 70s which I just re-glimpsed passing thtough the town where I was born and which I'll blog about! How was your week? How are you?

Heading for groceries soon.



Hi M,

Just sent this to E, which you might enjoy:

Good morning, E, from Cuttyhunk!

How are you? How is your weekend? I hope you're doing well.

Nice to be on Cuttyhunk island ... travels getting here through Boston etc were enjoyable. So nice to see old friends in New Bedford and on the ferry across. I talked with an old friend who was very much a hippy working on the Cuttyhunk windmill in the 1970s, and who has in recent years become a Unitarian Universalist minister (at First UU Church of Boston). I'm hoping to blog about this a bit today ... Cuttyhunk informs my idea of community ~ and communitas ! ~ from the '70s forward, and may have shaped my interests in seeking community at Reed College (a big interest of mine) and beyond. There's a lot of caring in the widespread net of Cuttyhunk friends here.

I brought my Harbin book to Cuttyhunk as a kind of gift to my family's house ... not sure why or what this means, but I did ... :)

Fond regards,


Continuing from yesterday:

The Seamen's Bethel and the Mariner's Home just opened in June ... beautifully restored ... would like to see such (historical renovations) done remarkably in an interactive digital mask along the lines of Khan Academy smart history but different since INTERACTIVE and done excellently with access to the "juicy" histories too ... "travel" back to 1859 and interact with people avatars bots emerging
from pictures, Think Plimoth Plantation - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plimoth_Plantation - in Salem and the actors for the year 1624 in the English Village section of the museum. Have you (and P ever visited Plimoth? - I think you'd enjoy it!).

The house is beautiful. Have been sweeping up the bedroom first, and some sort of burrowing insect has created many wood shavings on the floor and in the window track from above the front window in the bedroom.

Need to get vinegar, coffee, butter, dental tape, Q-tips and possibly compost bucket bags?

Thinking possibly that a new less soft mattress in the main bedroom could be good ...

Thinking too that a second of sheets for each bed could also be good - flannel in the master bedroom.

And thinking too that a hand vacuum could be useful (I'm a fan of these, but don't know how they overwinter) ...

Have been mulling over a subscription to Consumer Reports on paper, but now on Cuttyhunk, see how useful the digital version would be out here too.

Anything I can inform you about re a Cuttyhunk list for when you come up, M?

Heading to the Cuttyhunk Fishing Club for a cup of coffee ... perhaps the Historical Society later :) Yacht Club party is today too at the A's ...

Nice to talk yesterday!


Hi M,

Thanks so much for your email and welcome to Cuttyhunk. It's graying over presently, which is cooling Cuttyhunk down, after a warm morning earlier - kind of welcome weather.


Re posture, good luck with your car's headrest. I continue to do a bit of daily yoga postures (for years now) ... sitting first thing in the morning in meditation in half lotus (on both sides) then bending forward from the hips (lots of good inner releasing biology flows through my body with this) in the pose called yoga mudrasana ... could conceivably explore a few further postures in the morning with a yoga friend in the future ...

Nice to see and talk with C.F. in New Bedford and on the ferry, as well as with UU minister T.H. and his wife A.

Love, Scott

PS I found the Swingline stapler in the sun room, found a ruler in the desk, and pulled out the staples to measure them - 1/2 inch from teeth to teeth. Hope this helps. Fog horn just sounded.



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