Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Embryonic plant: SEED of A REALISTIC VIRTUAL EARTH at subatomic levels: Vid>3DApp + AI, Vid>3DApp + AI = Create a video-to-3D-virtual-earth application/program for live interactivity with avatar bots and for STEM science and then extend this with artificial intelligence, both STEM and human-wise ... "The Many Worlds of the Quantum Multiverse | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios", Louis Malle's two India films ('60s), Getting into Full Lotus Yoga pose


Thanks @_eon_ Hoping this show https://twitter.com/_eon_/status/890290240459616261… will become the SEED of A REALISTIC VIRTUAL EARTH at subatomic levels: Vid>3DApp + AI

Vid>3DApp + AI = Create a video-to-3D-virtual-earth application/program for live interactivity with avatar bots and for STEM science (including "parsing" the physics herein) and then extend this with artificial intelligence (conceptually like Google TensorFlow containing GoogleStreetview with TIME SLIDER and G-Maps and G-Earth with every documentary and science film every made in it as 3D virtual world), both STEM and human-wise ... 

The Many Worlds of the Quantum Multiverse | Space Time | PBS Digital Studio... https://youtu.be/dzKWfw68M5U via @YouTube sailing on alchemy w/fern:)

Matt O'Dowd ...

The Many Worlds of the Quantum Multiverse | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios


Hi Scott, 

Thought of you this morning as I popped back & forth between hot mineral bathtub and cold mountain stream at Stewart Hot Springs outside Weed. Stopover on our way north for a couple of weeks. 

Did we talk about Louis Malle's Phantom India? I'm gathering we did... Just send a google camera-bicycle back to 1968...

Sent from one-finger-typing land...


Hi Donald,

MMmmm .. how hot was the hot mineral bath (hope it wasn't so hot that you had to pop out quickly!:) ... sounds wonderful, and reminds me how many other hot springs there are around here (besides Harbin). I stopped at Stewart Hot Springs a few years ago on the way to Oregon (Reed or my aunt and uncle's) ... and found it beautiful ... you inspire me for another trip. (Weeks in the Seattle area also sound great!)

I don't recall that we talked about Louis Malle's "Phantom India," but we may well have. I'll give it a watch, with ethnographic focus, having watched so far 10 minutes of its 7 parts, and found it a bit like being in India with a really interesting and smart French film-making voice-over (and somewhat ethnographic already).

Friendly-Quaker virtual bicycle riding as conscientious objection-conscious witness against global warming / climate change in a GoogleLand realistic virtual earth that became actually successful at reversing the devastating effects/losses of global warming climate change would be interesting ... either in Google Streetview with time slider in 1968, or soon ... by 2020! ( 350.org? )

Here's the seed for the coding of the SUBATOMIC level of a realistic virtual earth / Harbin and re - https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/895117173047279616 (this video is kind of a trip) ... {WHERE WUAS SEEKS TO CREATE A REALISTIC VIRTUAL EARTH at the CELLULAR AND ATOMIC AND STREETVIEW LEVELS+ ... like Google Streetview/Maps/Earth with time slider}.

Yoga teacher Kino MacGregor's teaching of Lotus pose right about this - https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/895121972299837442 - is too Scottish straightforward yoga teaching (almost piping-teaching style!) to my taste, even though she's quite an American Yogini woman here (am an appreciator of A&V's yoga, being a bit hippy-minded myself:).

Have a great trip!

Thanks for your email and greetings from AFSC - SF Quaker Meeting ... (greetings too to your folks).


je wanna see Louis Malle's two India films ('60s) ...

phantom india // episode 1 // the impossible camera

Louis Malle Calcutta 1969 Part I

They were his favorites I read in Wikipedia ~ India is fascinatingly great .... !

World University has a new robust WIKI - wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org - and after about 10 years and also accessible from - worlduniversityandschool.org - too ... where we can all teach and learn and make art and create ... :)

https://youtu.be/BdVHk5C0L8U Kino MacGregor on getting into Full Lotus Yoga pose ~ Appreciating Angela & Victor's & Dona Holleman's approaches too




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